Nail Art Tutorial: Bloodshot Eye Nails

Bloodshot Eyes Nail ArtI spy with my Hallowe’en bloodshot eyes an easy nail design that you can finish in a jiffy!

This is a nail look that requires only basic colours (white, black, and red) that you already have in your stash. Then, you can choose whichever shade you want for the iris.

The red I used was Hard Candy Remix Red. All the other colours are by Pretty Serious Cosmetics: Presence (white), Absence (black), and Nuke the Fridge (shimmery olive).

Considering what my favourite colour is, it should come as no surprise that I chose green for the irises. 😉

To create the veins, feel free to add ‘branches’ to make them look more believable. I, however, kept it simple with lots of squiggles.

As long as you’re happy wearing the design, that’s what matters. You can create them however you want. There aren’t any hard-or-fast rules. Nail art should be fun and not cause anxiety. Don’t concern yourself with perfection. Nail polish is all about enjoyment! 🙂

Bloodshot Eye Nail Art Swatches

All swatches have:

  • OPI Nail Envy – Maintenance version (Used as a base coat)
  • Hard Candy Remix Red
  • Pretty Serious Nuke the Fridge
  • Pretty Serious Absence
  • Pretty Serious Presence
  • Pretty Serious Aqua Coat Top Coat
  • Daniel Stone Art Tool 4
  • Nail art striping brush

Artificial Light Photos

Bloodshot Eyes Nail Art

Halloween Nail-Art Tutorial Bloodshot Eyes

Halloween Nails Nail Art Tutorial

Halloween Eye Nail Art

Natural Light Photos

Spooky Halloween Nail Art

Spooky Nail Art Halloween Nails

Halloween Nail Art Spooky Eyes Nails

Red Eye Nail Art Halloween

*~* Bloodshot Eye Nail Art Tutorial *~*

Bloodshot Eyes Halloween Nail Art Tutorial

What I Used:

  • OPI Nail Envy – Maintenance version (Used as a base coat)
  • Hard Candy Remix Red
  • Pretty Serious Nuke the Fridge
  • Pretty Serious Absence
  • Pretty Serious Presence
  • Pretty Serious Aqua Coat Top Coat
  • Daniel Stone Art Tool 4
  • Nail art striping brush

Step 1: After painting a base coat, apply the background colour

I chose the opaque white, Pretty Serious Presence. (This is two coats, and it had amazing coverage, especially since most white nail polishes are streaky and require more than two coats.)

Pretty Serious Presence Swatches & Review

Step 2: Use a dotting tool to create the irises

You can make these irises as big or as small as you’d like. I made them on the smaller side because I wanted the bloodshot veins to be more of the focus.

If you don’t have a large dotting tool, feel free to use the back of an old makeup brush.

Here, I used Pretty Serious Nuke the Fridge.

Bloodshot Eyes Nail Art Tutorial Step 2

Step 3: Add the pupils

If you use the same dotting tool and apply lighter pressure, you can create pupils within the iris. Alternatively, you can opt for a smaller dotting tool, if you have one.

Here, I used Pretty Serious Absence, which is a really creamy and opaque black nail polish.

Bloodshot Eyes Nail Art Tutorial Step 3

Step 4: Paint wavy lines to mimic veins

With your striping nail brush dipped in red nail polish (like Hard Candy Red Remix), paint squiggly lines all around the iris to give a bloodshot effect.

If you want to make it look more realistic, you can add extra lines that branch off the main squiggles. (I chose to keep it very basic.)

Bloodshot Eyes Nail Art Tutorial Step 4

Step 5: Seal in the design with a glossy top coat

Be sure to wait several minutes (as long as you can) before applying a top coat. It’s important to be patient at this stage because you don’t want to smear your design prematurely. (To give you an idea, I waited about 20 minutes, especially because the irises and pupils were particularly thick when layered.)

Hope that you enjoyed this super easy Hallowe’en nail design and will try it! 🙂

Disclosure: Hard Candy Red Remix, Pretty Serious Nuke the Fridge, Pretty Serious Absence, Pretty Serious Presence, and Pretty Serious Aqua Coat Top Coat were provided by PR or the company.

Now that Hallowe’en is inching closer, have you decided what you’ll sport on the 31st? What is the funniest/weirdest costume that you’ve ever worn?


6 thoughts on “Nail Art Tutorial: Bloodshot Eye Nails

  1. Melissa

    Too cute! I’ve done this design several times either as a full set of nails or just on 1 nail and the others were a mix of Halloween designs. I love your version. Very cool! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Melissa!

      Thanks for checking it out! 🙂 It was fun to have my nails “look” back at me. A little creepy, but cool as well. 😛

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Sasha!

      Haha, yeah, I’m not sure if I’d want to sport this design outside of the Hallowe’en season. Sure, you could wear whatever you want, but, I’d feel a little silly if it wasn’t October. 😉


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