Essie Vibrant Vibes Swatches & Review

Essie Vibrant Vibes Swatches & ReviewGreen nail polish? You don’t even have to ask. Yes, please! 

Hubba, hubba, Essie Vibrant Vibes! (This nailphile is drooling over the lime green from the Essie Neon 2015 Collection that comes out later in May.)

I gave a sneak peek on social media yesterday of my manicure, but today’s post includes an in-depth review with tons of swatches in various lighting conditions.

Compared to just a single photo, here you’ll be able to get a better idea of its personality because different lighting combined with different angles can show you a polish in a new way.

In all lighting conditions, Essie Vibrant Vibes is a winner for me. And if you also have a soft spot for greens, you should check this one out!

Essie Vibrant Vibes Pictures

Essie Vibrant Vibes

Natural Light

Vibrant Vibes Essie Neon 2015 Collection


Essie Vibrant Vibes Review, Swatches & Pictures

Artificial Light

Essie Vibrant Vibes Neon 2015 Collection

Natural Light

Vibrant Vibes Essie Neon 2015


Essie Neon 2015 Swatch Vibran Vibes

Artificial Light

Vibrant Vibes by Essie Nail Polish


Essie Vibrant Vibes Swatches

All swatches have:

Natural Light Photos

Essie Vibrant Vibes Swatches & Review

Essie Vibrant Vibes Swatch

Essie Vibrant Vibes Review & Swatch

Essie Vibrant Vibes Neon 2015 Collection Swatches

Sunlight Photos

Vibrant Vibes Essie Swatch

Essie Vibrant Vibes Swatches & Pictures Vibrant Vibes by Essie Swatch

Artificial Light Photos

Essie Vibrant Vibes Swatches Neon 2015 Swatch

Essie Vibrant Vibes Swatch Neon 2015 Swatches

Essie Vibrant Vibes Review


  • Vivid lime (Yes)

Key Notes

  • Name: Essie Vibrant Vibes
  • Collection: Essie Neon 2015 Collection
  • Press Release: Click here to see the official Essie Neon 2015 Collection press release
  • Quick Look: Click here to see my Essie Neon 2015 Collection Quick Look post
  • Colours Available in the Collection: Make Some NoiseGroove is in the Heart, Coacha-bella, All Access Pass, Melody Maker & Vibrant Vibes
  • Amount: 13.5 mL (0.5 oz)
  • Retail Price: $9.95 CAD (This nail polish was provided by PR.)
  • Where to Buy: At the end of May, it should be available at places like Trade Secrets, select spas, salons & beauty supply stores. (It may also be available at NailPolishCanada at that time.)

Essie Vibrant Vibes Review


Vibrant Vibes by Essie is definitely vivid, but it’s not the most shockingly bright neon green that I’ve ever seen. While it doesn’t make me squint from a retina-burning quality, it’s still eye-catching, and it completely falls in my Comfort Zone.

It’s what I would call an Entry Neon because it has more oomph than a regular green, but it’s not fluorescent. If you’re not used to wearing loud shades, this one hits middle ground, and it’ll prepare you for brighter shades.


Drying down to a satin finish, Vibrant Vibes by Essie looks great as-is, but I highly recommend that you use a shiny top coat because it improves the colour and helps to create a smoother appearance.

Application & Formula

With the first generous coat, there was streaking, but a second coat evened it out. If you’re using thin coats, it’s possible that you may require two to three coats to reach full opacity.

I suggest waiting several minutes in between coats to help you get even coverage. If you are in a hurry and apply another coat on top, this polish has the habit of dragging and creating bald spots.


  • Bright lime green
  • Reaches full opacity with 2 coats
  • Not a retina-burning neon (This could be a Con for some who prefer a Go-Big-Or-Go-Home manicure!))


  • Not a retina-burning neon (But that could be a Pro for those who aren’t ready to spot a loud neon.)
  • Formula can be streaky (You should wait a few minutes in between coats to help achieve full opacity.)

Final Verdict: 9/10

Fellow green fiends will enjoy this because it totally has a summery vibe, and it reminds me of a mojito. (Hehe, then again, yesterday I reviewed The Body Shop Virgin Mojito Body Butter, so mojitos are on my mind!) 😉

What neon nail polish are you reaching for the most these days? Do you remember the first neon lacquer you tried? Do you prefer blindingly bright neons or just really bright shades?


10 thoughts on “Essie Vibrant Vibes Swatches & Review

  1. Melissa

    I’m in love! I’m getting this color as soon as I see it in stores. This is a gorgeous green and perfect for manis and pedis. Thanks for sharing this great green with us!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Melissa!

      Highly recommend this colour, and I know you’ll have fun wearing it! Plus I want to try it stamped over. It’s a bright base that would make any design really pop!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Sasha!

      It’s my pleasure! Thanks for checking out my post – it means a lot to me!

      Hope you enjoy the nail polish when you get it. This is a super fun one to wear!

  2. Cindi

    This is even pretttier than OPI’s That’s Hula-rious. It looks more neon and a little brighter and more vivid. Could you do a comparison post of the two? I’m wondering how far different they are.

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Cindi!

      The formula of Essie Vibrant Vibes is much better than OPI That’s Hula-rious as well. I remember That’s Hula-rious being really streaky.

      Sure, I just wrote down in my agenda to do a comparison of the two. Not sure yet if I’ll do a full-on post, but maybe I’ll put it on Instagram and social media. Thanks for the suggestion!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Lizzy!

      I have worn a few from the collection (not all), but so far, Vibrant Vibes is my top pick. It’s so lively, and if you’re looking for summer nails, this will fill that craving! 🙂 Enjoy yours when you pick it up!

  3. Mary N

    That is such a pretty shade! It reminds me of a green after-dinner mint, like a green sister to the more blue-toned Candy Apple shade Essie put out a few years ago (some saw it as green, but I still see that shade as blue). Anyway, I’m tempted to get this one, yet I’m still a little miffed at how poorly the last Essie I purchased performed (from their cashmere matte collection) that I don’t know if I want to fork over $9 for this one.

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Mary!

      That’s a great way to describe it. I can totally see it being an after-dinner mint green. 🙂

      Vibrant Vibes applies way better than the nail polishes in the Cashmere Matte Collection. This one’s worth the money!


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