Zoya Nail Polish Exchange 2014

Zoya Nail Polish Exchange 2014Earth Day is coming up next week, and while you may be doing lots of environmentally friendly things all year long, you might want to participate in the Zoya Nail Polish Exchange, which starts April 21st and ends April 28 at 11:59 EDT.

I’m posting this a bit earlier, so that over the weekend, you can put together your nail-polish list! 😉

This special promotion is available for residents of the United States only. Although I’m Canadian, I still wanted to share this with my American readers because it’s a pretty cool offer.

Check out the rest of this post to find out how you can get 50% off Zoya nail polishes, while getting rid of your old, unwanted, non-Zoya nail polishes!

Zoya Nail Polish Exchange 2014

The Zoya Nail Polish Exchange is good for the environment and your wallet!

The Zoya Nail Polish Exchange lets you exchange your old nail polishes for Zoya nail polishes, which are Big-5-Free.  Zoya will properly dispose of your unwanted nail polishes, and you’ll get a 50% discount at checkout on the purchase of your new nail polishes! 

How it works:

  1. Visit www.zoya.com and add at least 6 bottles and no more than 24 bottles of polish to your cart (salon accounts minimum 12 maximum 48 bottles). Excludes ALL Summer 2014 Collection shades (Tickled, Bubbly & Summer Magical PixieDust).
  2. Apply the code: ZDAY2014
  3. Your order value will be adjusted to reflect a 50% discount (Zoya will use these funds to properly dispose of the old nail polish).
  4. Complete checkout, review and submit order.
  5. Zoya will ship out your new polishes right away. The exchange runs on the honour system, which means the offer is not contingent on the customer returning polish.

The Exchange

  1. Once you get your order – ship back the equivalent number of bottles you received to the return address below (ie. If you ordered 6 bottles of Zoya – you would send 6 NON-ZOYA polishes). Please check with your carrier on the proper way to ship nail polish.

Ship Your Old Nail Polish To:
Art of Beauty, Inc.
c/o Polish Exchange
5060 Taylor Rd, Unit D
Cleveland, Ohio, 44128, USA

  1. Include a copy of your invoice/order.
  2. Once Zoya receives your polish, they’ll do the rest! It’s that simple!

You do not have to send Zoya the exact amount of bottles that you are ordering. You can send any quantity up to that amount. The bottles you send in should be from any other brand – they cannot be Zoya, Qtica or Nocti polishes. Zoya is using the honour code to make sure you get your Zoya Nail Polish as quickly as possible!

First, Zoya sends out your new polishes – Then, you send your old polish back to Zoya when it’s convenient for you OR you may donate the polish to a local cause. The offer is not contingent on the customer returning polish. If you do choose to send Zoya your old polish, they will properly dispose of it according to EPA guidelines.

Will you be participating in the Zoya Nail Polish Exchange? What are some things that you do for Earth Day? What are some of your environmentally-friendly tips?


6 thoughts on “Zoya Nail Polish Exchange 2014

  1. Lizzy

    I’m definitely going to try and participate this year, since I have a nice heads-up. Thanks! ^_^ Get rid of some of these too-sheer reds I’m never going to wear. OMG My biggest tips are pretty much common sense, but still important IMO: 1- turn lights off when you leave a room and 2- turn the water off when you’re brushing your teeth. Also saves money. ^_^ OH! And don’t litter. lol
    Lizzy recently posted: Essence: Steel-ing The Scene (Polish)

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Lizzy!

      You’re very welcome! Yeah, I thought it was better to give an early notice because, let’s face it – Zoya has SOOOOO many awesome shades. It takes a while to whittle down the favourites! 😉

      Great tips, and they’re environmentally friendly ones that I follow on a daily basis. My parents taught me all of those, and they stuck! Actually, whenever I see people NOT following those tips, I cringe inside.

      (I used to live with my then-boyfriend who liked to turn all the lights on all the time, whether he was in the room or not! He also left the tap running while brushing his teeth! Haha, that’s not why we split, but I remember back then telling him to try and not be as wasteful. It wasn’t even about the money for me. It was just about not wasting resources unnecessarily. I mean, in other parts of the world, they’re not so fortunate to have these luxuries, so why should we abuse it just because we have electricity and running water? Haha, thankfully he never littered. That’s one thing that ticks me off. There are sooo many public trash cans available. If you just walk and wait a few minutes, you’ll find one. I don’t understand why people just throw garbage on the ground outside instead of putting it in its place.)

  2. karen

    Woot! Time to get rid of those shatters and such that I never use. Unfortunately, this has led to a complete spring cleaning of my entire bedroom that plumb wore out my current mani and now the fingers need some tlc 😛

    Ever look at some of your polishes and (while you’d never say it out loud because it might hurt their feelings) wonder ‘What on earth was I thinking?’ :s

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Karen!

      Oh my gosh! I remember when the crackle polishes were all the rage. I went crazy and started collecting as many different colours as I could! Haha, and then I got ‘crackled’ out! So, yes, this is a GREAT time to purge your stash of things you don’t wear.

      Hope you give your nails some pampering, especially after all that spring cleaning you did to your room!

      Haha, and YES, I’ve totally had that thought about nail polishes. But you’re right – I only say it in my head! 😉


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