Swatch And Learn’s 6-Year Blogiversary Giveaway

Swatch And Learn 6-Year Blogiversary Giveaway

My blogging journey started in 2010, and back then, I never knew how long this adventure would last or how much I would learn over the years.

It has been filled with many exciting milestones, and I’ve gotten to know wonderful readers who never fail to inspire and amuse me.

Together, we have grown, and it has been a labour of love sharing one of my passions with you and contributing to the beauty community in a small, but meaningful way.

Whether you are a new reader or one who has been by my side since the beginning, I want to thank you for your support. It means a lot to me! 🙂

I am very fortunate to have such smart, caring, and positive readers from all over the world. (It’s incredible how the love of polish and beauty products can unite an entire community! Let’s continue to spread our positive energy.)

As a small token of my appreciation and to celebrate, I’m having a 6-Year Blogiversary Giveaway that’s open worldwide. (Since my readers span the globe, I wanted to include everyone.)

Enter the giveaway by August 5!

Earlier, you voted in my poll for which nail-polish collections you wanted as a prize. The Zoya Seashells Collection and the Zoya Sunsets Collection received the most votes.

Taking that into consideration, I rounded up three prizes:

First Prize: Zoya Seashells Collection

One lucky winner will get all six full-size nail polishes in the Zoya Seashells Collection! (This prize is generously provided by Nail Polish Canada.)

Edit: Congratulations, Jenness! You are the first prize winner!

Second Prize: Zoya Seashells Fun Size Sampler & Zoya Sunsets Fun Size Sampler

One lucky winner will get these two sets that contain four mini nail polishes in each set. (This prize is generously provided by Zoya.)

Edit: Congratulations, Allison! You are the second prize winner!

Third Prize: Zoya Seashells Quad Gift Set & Zoya Sunsets Quad Gift Set

One lucky winner will get these two sets that contain three mini nail polishes and a lipstick in each set. (This prize is generously provided by Zoya.)

Edit: Congratulations, Anouk! You are the third prize winner!

A huge thank you to Nail Polish Canada and Zoya for providing the prizes and also for their continual support. These are two companies that I love and highly recommend!

To see swatches of all the nail polishes and lipsticks and/or to get further information on the collection, see the links later in this post that will take you to my reviews.

See the rest of this post for the full details on how to enter my giveaway!

Good luck!

Edit (July 26, 2016): I’ve been going through the comments that you’ve left me on this post, and it makes my eyes water. My readers are amazing! Thank you so much for all of your kind words. You brighten up my day and remind me how fortunate I am to have supportive and positive readers!

Edit (August 7, 2016): Congratulations to the three winners, Jenness, Allison, and Anouk! Please check your e-mail soon to claim your prizes. Thanks to everyone for participating in this giveaway! Stay tuned because there’s always something new and fun on the blog.

Swatch And Learn’s 6-Year Blogiversary Giveaway

Giveaway Details

Starts: Now

Ends: Friday August 5, 2016 at 11:59 pm EDT

Who Can Enter: Everyone! (Yes, this is open worldwide.)

  • 1st Prize: Zoya Seashells Collection (6 full-size bottles)
  • 2nd Prize: Zoya Seashells Fun Size Sampler & Zoya Sunsets Fun Size Sampler (These contain 4 mini nail polishes in each set.)
  • 3rd Prize: Zoya Seashells Quad Gift Set & Zoya Sunsets Quad Gift Set (These contain 3 mini nail polishes and a lipstick in each set.)

You Must Do BOTH Things Below to Enter My Giveaway:

  • Fill out the below Rafflecopter form. (If you can’t see the form, click on the link “a Rafflecopter giveaway”)
  • Leave a comment on this blog post telling me why you visit

a Rafflecopter giveaway

For more information on the Zoya Seashells and Sunsets Collections, check out this post.

Click here to see Zoya Candy and Zoya Mellie lipstick swatches.

Click on the image to see my post with swatches of the Zoya Seashells Collection!

Zoya Seashells Collection Swatches

Click on the image below to see my post with swatches of the Zoya Sunsets Collection!

Zoya Sunsets Collection Swatches

How to Get Extra Entries Daily

You can earn extra entries by completing the other options listed in the Rafflecopter form. (There are options that allow you to gain a new entry daily!)

Selecting, Announcing & Contacting the Winner:

Sometime on Saturday August 6 or Sunday August 7, I’ll notify the winners (chosen randomly by Rafflecopter) via e-mail. I’ll also announce it on this blog post and in the sidebar of my blog before I e-mail the winners. The winners will have 48 hours to reply to my e-mail to claim the prize. Failure to do so will force me to randomly draw a new winner.

What Happens Next?

Each winner will send me their mailing address.

For the First Prize, if the winner is Canadian, Nail Polish Canada will send the prize. If the winner is not Canadian, I will send the prize.

For the Second Prize and Third Prize, I will send them, regardless if the winner is Canadian or not.

Find Me on Social Media

Reminder for You to Protect Yourself from Scammers

Please be careful and avoid scammers who try to prey upon people during giveaways. Remember, I will never ask you to pay money for the prize. It’s 100% free. I also won’t ask you for confidential information. (I will only require the winner’s name and mailing address.) I also won’t end my giveaway earlier.

If anyone sketchy tries to contact you saying you’re a winner and you’re unsure, the safest thing to do is to check this blog post because I will publicly announce the winner before contacting you to say that you’ve won.

Important Note:

Please add swatchandlearn (at) gmail (dot) com to your safe list so my e-mail doesn’t accidentally go to the Junk folder.


Thanks for being an awesome reader!


155 thoughts on “Swatch And Learn’s 6-Year Blogiversary Giveaway

  1. multileggedcreature

    You’re one of the first blogs I’ve followed on my feedly – the pictures are gorgeous and give a good idea of what the polishes actually look like, the descriptions of colour, formula etc are really helpful to help make an informed choice, and your warm and engaging writing style top it off 😀
    I like the occasional not nail polish related post too, whether it’s make-up or something more personal – it makes you more real and human from behind my screen <3
    thank you for your blog!

  2. Lulu

    I visit you for nail polishes swatches, of course) So many little bottles were bought after seeing your posts) But I do like beauty products reviews too and eye looks too…

  3. Seanagh Palmer

    I visit swatch and learn mainly for your beautiful swatches! I also visit to look at older collections in case I come across an older colour and I want to see if it’s worth buying. Thanks for making this blog, and congrats on the 6 year anniversary!

  4. Stella @ Stellicious Life

    Wow, 6 year blogiversary, that is big! Especially in the blogosphere!! I still remember your 3rd blogiversary, seems I’ve been a reader of yours since then 🙂

    I like visiting your blog due to your fun and personal voice, the nail art tutorials and creative posts mostly 🙂

    Happy Blogiversary and thanks so much for making this open worldwide!!
    Stella @ Stellicious Life recently posted: Blueberry Cheesecake (Gluten and Refined Sugar-free)

  5. Addison

    Happy 6th! And many more to come I hope. I love reading your blog because it’s a chance to learn about new polishes I might not have heard about elsewhere (like my love for Pretty Serious, I wouldn’t have found them without you!) or just to see the great swatches you do so I can get an idea if a polish is ‘for me’ or not. I think I say this every year but I so appreciate all the hard work and time you put into your blog so that all us readers can enjoy it. You’re the best!

  6. Valentina

    Hello! I like your blog, your swatches are perfect, I love your photos and what kinds of brands you swatch. And of course, I love-love-love Zoya! It’s the first nail polish I fell in love with, and since then I’m addicted 🙂

  7. Tracey O'Dowd

    I’ve been into nails since January 2012. When I was bopping around the net trying to find info about brands and collections and of course, swatches, your blog was one of the first that I stumbled upon. I love your honesty and your kind spirit. I remember fan-girling when you started to follow me on Instagram You always have kind and encouraging comments and I always appreciate that. Congrats on your 6th bloggaversary. May you have many more to come.

  8. Lily

    Happy blog-anniversary! I read your blog through bloglovin so I don’t miss a post. And I like your blog because of your spontaneity and also the level of detail of the photos in your reviews.

  9. Anc

    Congrats on 6 years!!!
    I really enjoy your blog, your swatches are always so nice and I love the fact that you make an effort to react to people, here and on instagram 🙂

  10. Melissa

    Happy 6th Blogiversary! I hope we get to visit S & L for many, many more years. Everyday before I go to work, I pop in to check on the latest posts. I love your reviews and swatch photos. Your blog is my favorite and I look forward to seeing what the future holds for S & L. Best of Luck to all your readers!

  11. Debi Vaught-Thelin

    So excited for you to have SIX YEARS! of blogging. That’s fantastic.

    I come here to live vicariously through you – at trade events and for finding my next polish. You do all the hard work, making it easy for me to just sit back and make my choices quietly.

    Wheeeee! Happy Blogiversary!


    I visit your blog because I love how in depth your reviews are and how you show the polish in different lighting, which can really make a difference to me when I purchase. My hands don’t life in a lightbox and if I don’t like the way the polish looks in natural light I usually don’t get it. Thank you for your hard work!

  13. Cheryl Frappier

    Happy blogiversary! I love going to your blog because you always seems to post the collections first and the swatches are perfect! Xoxo



    I have been visiting for years, I remember my first comment was about the Mad cat of Alice in wonderland
    I visit cause I like the swatches and you always answer back. You remember your followers and their nail polish preferences

  15. Melissa

    I visit your blog to check out your swatches. I like reading your opinion about them prior to buying. I figure you save me from buying dupes or polishes with less than desirable formulas.

  16. Suzanne G

    I visit to see all the newest polishes that are out. I love your swatches and how you let us know how many coats etc the swatches take.
    Happy 6 year blogiversary!

  17. Lisa Foster

    I read Swatch & Learn because I’m a nail polish fanatic, and I love reading your in depth reviews of nail polish, and looking at your swatch photos. Congrats on 6 years!

  18. Stephanie Astorino

    Love to see what’s new and cool in nail polish. Love to check out new colors and read your reviews

  19. Lynn Corum

    I visit SwatchAndLearn because your content is always consistent and your reviews and photos always give me the true feeling of the nail polishes. You always have a wide range of mainstream polishes that I would normally overlook but you shine a new, fresh light on them! Congratulations on 6 years!!! Thats forever in the blogging world! 😉

  20. Jill D.

    I’ve been a long time fan. I love your blog because it has a fun layout, the picture quality is superb, the reviews are in-depth and informative and you are a great writer!

  21. Sofie

    Happy anniversary, first and foremostly! ^.^
    I visit your blog regularly as I really like your pictures, your thorough descriptions of every polish you review and your sense of humour and unique personality. 🙂

  22. Leanie Foot

    Every time when i’m on Facebook i’m in awe, since your swatches are so stunning – love your nail shape, i have to give mine some TLC at the moment! I hardly can take my eyes away from the screen, since the photos are so good and your reviews are spot on! I just wish that some of those polishes are available here where i live!

    You are my inspiration for having the perfect manicure! Congradulations on your blogivarsary!

  23. Tra Dao

    I visit your blog because I love your swatches and your review details are very helpful. Congratulations on 6 years, it is quite an impressive achievement!

  24. Erika Letson

    I visit to look at your swatches with my teen daughter. We love seeing how colours actually look when they are being worn (without having to purchase them first)! Thank you for the giveaway and Happy Blogiversary!

  25. Anouk

    Happy 6th! I stumbled upon your blog a few years ago when i was looking for some swatches of Zoya. Your swatches are realistic (no photoshop) and the collors are accurate. So i’m still hanging aroud 🙂

  26. Jennifer

    Congrats! I’ve been an email subscriber for several years. I love seeing your polish swatches and always enjoy reading about your meetings with Suzi.

  27. KarenH

    I love your blog! I especially like your swatches. They are always perfect! They are also responsible for the purchase of a lot of polishes (especially indies that I would not have seen otherwise!)

    Congratulations and thanks for the chance to win some great polishes.

  28. Jessica S

    Hi Mary! I’m so happy for you and your acheivements. I visit your blog not just for swatches and reviews, not just to find out all the newest and hottest items, but to have a little piece of you to brighten up my day. Your blog is sunshine and smiles. Your words make me laugh and can take the edge off of a dreadful day. Your thoughts and the way you express yourself are really enjoyable. I find myself nodding and agreeing or being intrigued and wanting to see/know more. I hope you continue sharing your thoughts with us for a long time. You truly light up my life and have a special place in the beauty community.

  29. Glogirl

    I visit your website because of all the great reviews and swatches. I love seeing swatches as it really helps me decide whether or not to purchase a product. I also visit for the giveaways 🙂

  30. Myrna

    I’m a pretty new reader – about two months ago I saw your excellent swatches featured on Nail Polish Canada and decided to check out your blog. I was pretty excited that you’re also a Torontonian, since one of my frustrations with a lot of the other nail polish blogs I follow is that they featured indie brands that I can’t import here (at least not without going broke). Happy 6th blogiversary!

  31. Jen Heller

    I love reading your reviews before I add more colors to my over 300 bottle nail polish collection! You have saved me from many dupes and frustrating manicures. THANK YOU!!

  32. Guppy

    I visit your blog because I love that large, clear photos you post. I can really see the detail of the polishes – they all look so good!

  33. Jenny S

    This is one of the best nailblogs that I have come across. You have such in depth reviews and the pictures are so great. You also give such honest reviews and that’s something that I value. I lost the link to this blog in the past and I spent so much time finding my way back, because the info you give is simply the best.

  34. Beth C

    I have been following for 4 or 5 years i think! This is one of my favorite blogs!!!

  35. Laura Bryant

    I love your witty writing style! You are always so upbeat and positive in any writing you do.Your reviews are very informative. I really like how you show polishes in different lighting. Congratulations on six years! Keep up the greatness!!

  36. Shawna B

    Your swatch pics are stunning and you always seem to have pics of my favorite brands before other bloggers!

  37. Linda Conley

    I visit to see your awesome nail art and new polish seatches. Thanks for a chance to win, you are the best!

  38. Natasha

    Congrats on 6 years!
    I visit because I love to see all the swatches of new polishes that will be coming out soon and they help me decide which ones I want to buy for myself.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  39. Jessica

    I read Swatch and Learn because it is my favorite polish blog. Full stop. Not only are your nails lovely, but you take such care to show photos in multiple types of lighting, to get an accurate idea of what a polish really looks like. And I’m guaranteed to leave with a smile alongside the swatches.

  40. cookie3

    Happy blogiversary. 6 amazing years, wow!! I visit because you have awesome nail polish swatches and your reviews of the polishes are extremely thorough & I believe I can trust them. Thanks for the opportunity to win a polish prize.

  41. Jeannie

    Big congrats! I visit the blog simply because of your awesome pictures of nail polish. I have such a huge addiction to nail lacquers that I can’t stop buying them after seeing how they look on your nails!

  42. Desiree

    I visit Swatch and Learn because I like to see things that are available to me. I admit that I follow other nail bloggers but with you, I always know that I can actually get whatever it is you are swatching here in Canada! I appreciate that you seem to do some neat indie brands that I might have otherwise not purchased and I, of course, love that I am supporting a fellow Canuck! 🙂

  43. Sarah

    I found Swatch and Learn when searching for Essie swatches one time. I ended up spending the next couple days browsing the archives. Now I come back regularly because of the high quality swatches and all the posts about fun new colors. Congrats on 6 years!

  44. Raluca Denise

    I really like reading your blog because it is one of the best when it comes to swatching nail polish collections. Your pictures look amazing and can really captivate the true beauty of the polishes. Congrats on your 6-year anniversary and I hope there will be much more to come!

  45. Idaira

    I love it thank you!!! Well I was searching for swatches when I found your site and I loved the idea of whatch swatches before buying 🙂

  46. Shilpa Shetty

    I love visiting swatchandlearn for many different kinds of posts on nail polishes,.. I love nail polishes…

  47. Linda Frances

    One day I was looking for information on a certain polish (can’t remember which one) and Google brought me to your site. I just loved the way you shape your nails, and your polish application is impeccable. Your post on the newest Misa polishes was so full of information that not only did I immediately order a pile of those polishes, I went back and read every single blog post you have ever made. There is no other nail polish blog as good as yours.

  48. Kristin Herbeck

    My guilty little secret, the posts I most enjoy are the ones where you describe your experiences attending various nail exhibits/conferences, etc. and your stories about meeting the various makers and manufactures. I really love your swatches and reviews but the conference posts make it feel as though I am attending them with you. I’ll take a glass of white wine too! Lol

  49. Beth

    I visit to see your swatches and very detailed reviews. Also I have to admit you’ve been responsible for a few unplanned purchases I’ve made as a result of seeing your reviews. 😉

  50. Renée

    I visit your blog because you always provide honest reviews with tons of pictures 😀 I also really like the non polish related posts 🙂

  51. Victoria G

    I really enjoy receiving the regular updates to my email! It helps me keep track of the new collections launched. I especially like to see the indie brand swatches so that is what keeps me coming back. Your writing style is also very good!

  52. Ellie

    I first found this blog through your collab with Pretty Serious Cosmetics, one of my favorite indie brands. I stayed for the swatches, which are flawless, and the wonderfully detailed commentary.

  53. Stella

    A huge thank you for running this blog, I really love reading about all the new polishes you are trying and seeing the swatches. You are a big help when I am trying to pick out a new colour!

  54. Alaine

    I so appreciate the fact that you make your swatches look amazing but also share honest opinions. So helpful!!

  55. radmila

    im not a regular reader i must say, i but i keep coming to check what’s new or if i want to check a swatch. THanks!

  56. marine

    i’ve been visiting swatch and learn ever since 2011 and i must say that it<
    's the only blog i bothered reading because i felt the content was relevant to me.i love the humor, and off topic posts that keep your blog, well YOURS!!! even if the wave is now much calmer than it used to be, some die hard fiends like me still enjoy some daily swatch and blabber! for all your kindness, humor and positiveness,
    thank you!

  57. Colleen A Steeves Bos

    This is an amazing giveaway. I’ve never been able to try Zoya. They look wonderful and everyone that I’ve seen use them, love them. My fingers and toes are crossed for this win. Congratulations on your six years and for many many more to come.

  58. wcs53

    This is my first ever visit and I see that I have missed so much. I like what I see and I will definitely be back!

  59. DeAnna Keller

    I love your reviews, swatch colors, tutorials and just your personality on the blog! To 6 more years! Congrats~

  60. Cindi

    I like your swatches, your stories, your nails, and your reviews on new collections. Happy 6th Blogiversary Mary!

  61. Lyndsey R.

    I’m actually a newer reader but I love your in depth reviews of swatches! Your beautiful pictures really show off the real colors!

  62. Priscilla S.

    I visit because I never buy nail polish without looking at great swatches first. Love your swatches AND reviews!

  63. Jessica

    I’ve been visiting Swatch and Learn for a few years now–I don’t comment as regularly as I used to, but I still like to read your posts :). I really like your upbeat writing style, and even though you don’t do nail art posts as often now, I’ve enjoyed your silly and creative nail art posts in the past.

  64. JoElla

    I enjoy reading your detailed reviews on products, and seeing swatches. Also, I enjoy it when you tell us about the events you get to attend.

  65. Jana Williams

    Hi I’m Jana & I’m Happy to Be Here On Your Website, I Found Your Site Via the “Beauty Info Zone” Website! First of All I Want to Wish You a Happy 6 Year Blogiversary; Congrats on 6 Years, You Shhould Be Very Proud of Yourself! Having a Successful Blog for 6 Years is No Small Feat, I Always Wished that I Had the Personality & Creativity to Have My Own Blog! I’m a Huge Nail Polish Fanatic; Nail Polish is Tied with a Pretty Eye Shadow Palette as Being My Absolute Favorite Beauty Product! I Think the Reason I Love Eye Shadow & Nail Polish So Much is b/c I Love Creating Fun, New Looks with Different Colors & Finishes! I Have Always Been into Arts of All Sorts but I Also Enjoy Skin Care & Makeup So I Just Combined the Two and I Went to School to Become an Esthetician & Makeup Artist! I Actually Want to Go Back to School to Also Become a Nail Tech b/c I Enjoy Painting My Nails & I See All of These Gorgeous Nail Art Designs & I Want So Badly to Be Able to Create Them Too! Right Now All I Can Do is Just a Basic Mani but I Really Want to Learn So Much! Although Painting Nails & Putting on Eye Shadow are My Favorite Things to Do, I Can Only Do a Few Basic Things & I’m Nowhere Near as Talented as You are but I’m Ready to Learn! Zoya is in My Top 10 Favorite Nail Polish Brands, Which is Saying a Lot Considering Just How Many Different Brands There are Out There; I Would Tell You My Top 10 but I Don’t Want to Ramble Anymore than I Already Have! I Am Really Happy to Be Here, I Just Wish I Would Have Found Your Website a Lot Sooner b/c I Have Missed Out on a Ton of Great Nail Polish Swatches but I Can Always Go Back and Read Your Older Posts! I Really Enjoy Seeing Different Kinds of Nail Art b/c I Like to Save it for My Pinterest Board for Some Inspiration for Later! I Also Love to See Swatches First Before I Purchase Them b/c I Can’t Afford to Spend Money on Something that I End Up Not Liking, Plus I Have Really Fair Skin and Not All Colors Look Great On Me! My Favorite Kinds of Nail Polish are Probably the More Colorful & the More Shimmery or Sparkly Ones… These Kinds of Polish Just Put You in a Good Cheerful Mood, Don’t They? Anyways Sorry for Talking Your ear Off but I Really Do Love Zoya Nail Polish, I Have a Ton of Their Colors on My Pinterest Board! Well Thanks Again for this Awesome Opportunity, Have a Blessed Day Mary! – Jana

  66. George Stamas

    Hi Mary I like Swatch and Learn and visit the site frequently because I like your comments on your web blog about nail polish. As a male nail polish wearer, I find the advice for new colors awesome. I enjoy the feedback and hope to win the seashell collection from Zoya.

  67. Bonny McDevitt

    I love the new ideas this blog gives me and I also lookforward to finding outabout new products and new blogs!

  68. Tina

    Congrats on 6 years! I love seeing your wonderful swatches and reviews, and I also enjoy the way how you write. Keep up the great work!!!

  69. Michaela Kay

    I like coming to your blog to see the new collections that come out. I like seeing the swatches to see how great the polishes look on fingernails. 🙂

  70. Heidi

    Congrats on your 6-Year Blogiversary! I love visiting SwatchAndLearn because you always have such gorgeous swatches & include your own in-depth reviews. It’s apparent that you put a lot of care into the contents of your blog. Thank you so much!!

  71. Cynthia Richardson

    I visit because your reviews are honest and your nails are beautiful and give a great representation of the colors

  72. Maria Valdes

    I love the way you run Swatch and Learn, not only the reviews and the pictures, but I also enjoy the way you interact with us, I like to read what you have to say and now your opinion matters to me when I choose the polishes I buy, it is because I’ve been reading you for a while and when I choose a polish due to your reviews is like I’m considering a good friend’s advice

  73. Emily

    I love visiting Swatch and Learn as a mini vacation from real life , to see your beautiful photos and daydream about possibly purchasing and wearing some of the lovely polishes! Thank you for all you do!

  74. Rachel Beltz

    I love your honesty- humor- personality- and your nails of course! You are entertaining and always keep me coming back for more! Congratulations- here’s to years to come! 🙂

  75. Jasmin H

    Congrats to 6 Years.
    I like your reviews and swatches. Everytime I see something interesting on your Instagram posts I hop on over to the blog 🙂

  76. Marcia Santos

    I love how you your swatches are detailed and you have a lot of pictures in different lights.
    Happy 6th anniversary!

  77. Lisa Marino

    Best polish blog on the Internet. I love your swatches and how well you communicate with your readers.

  78. Petra Sch.

    Happy 6th Blog-Anniversary!
    I love nail polish and so it is absolutely necessary to visit your blog!! 🙂
    greets, Petra Sch.

  79. Christy Peeples DuBois

    I do come to S&L for your great reviews and beautiful swatch photos because I can not tell what a polish will actually look like until I see it on you or me. I also enjoy your writing style/personality a lot and your all your posts, not only polish swatches. And I come to Congratulate you on 6 years of blogging!!!

  80. Kim C.

    Why do I visit Mary at Swatch and Learn…..? Let me count the ways!! 1. She puts smiles in her posts! 2. She makes me smile with her enthusiasm and passion behind her blogging. 3. She’s incredibly thorough and consistent in her reviews. 4. She writes with authority, but not so that she’s talking down to her audience. 5. It’s one of the first blogs I started following back in 2012 (I think it was…). 6. There’s more…but I will save them up for the next 6 more years!! Congrats Mary on this milestone and all of the amazing things you’ve accomplished in the nail polish world!

  81. Irina

    I love your IG account! thanks for a chance to see all gorgeous swatches! and thanks to this giveaway, now i subscribed for your blog too! 😉

  82. PW

    I always read for the Press Releases and the swatches! I love that you have an insider view on the nail polish companies and you share your experiences with us!

  83. Lacqueerisa

    Wowwwww! 6 years! Happy Bloggiversary to you !

    Hehe, quite simple really. Because this blog is yours. And I can always rely on your reviews as you are detailed and thorough about them. Also because you always blog with a sincere heart

    Thank you for this giveaway and the opportunity!

  84. Jessica Jeppson

    I visit swatch and learn because I love your reviews and that you swatch some of my favorite brands!

  85. Sarah

    I love these 2 collections. I really should invest in some Zoya’s both the pixi dusts and one coat cremes sound excellen formulas. Right up my street! Thanks for your amazing swatches, love your site!

  86. Emmely

    Hi, I’m Emmely from Sweden and I’m pretty new to the polish world. But I think your blog is fantastic and the searches are such a good help to find favaroits. I hope you go on for a long time.
    / Emmely

  87. Danielle Poirier

    I follow swatch and learn so I can see all the beautiful nail polish swatches. I like being “in the know” about upcoming polish collections so I can decide how to spend my hard earned dollars!


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