Smorgasbord Sundays: Finished Knitting a Green Beanie

Finished Knitting a Green HatIs it a flying saucer? Is it a frisbee? Is it an apple pie? No! It’s aΒ Green Beanie I finished knitting!

I did a little bit during each of my commutes to and from work. Knitting really makes the time fly right by. (Plus I have a bad habit of ‘people watching’ on the bus and subway, so by knitting and looking down at my needles, I’m no longer being ‘nosy’…hehe!)

The funny thing? Although this is the third one I’ve made using the same pattern, I think my first attempt (the yellow hat) came out the best! How did that happen? Beginner’s luck?

There are soooooo many mistakes in this green one, even though I tried to be really careful. Being a beginner, I sometimes couldn’t tell when I made a mistake until it was too late to fix it.

Nevertheless, I will still wear and love this green beanie! After all, you know that I’m a greeeen fieeend! πŸ˜‰ And I actually like how no two hats come out exactly the same – one-of-a-kinds are awesome!

What was exciting to find out after I made this was that the yarn sometimes looks green, but in certain lighting, there seems to be some brown showing! When I looked more closely at the yarn, it’s apparently not a straight green. I love nice surprises like this!

In this post, I’ll show you a few progress photos from start to finish, as well as the hat at different angles and in different lighting. You’ll also find links to the free online pattern I used and the two other beanies I knit (yellow and purple).

I urge you all to try your hand at knitting this. Not only is it fun and rewarding, but it’s verrrry challenging for a beginner. So…when you finish it, you’ll be pleased with the outcome, even if you made lots of mistakes like I did! πŸ™‚ The lumpiness of the pattern conceals even major errors!

I get motivated when I see a project from start to finish. In case there are others who are like this, I decided to show some photos of the hat’s progress!

It starts off slow, but once you get more into the pattern, you can really see the hat growing.

Green Hat Knitting

It doesn’t look like much at this point, but keep on truckin’…

Knitting a Green Hat

Finally, we’re getting somewhere!

Knitting Green Beanie

Green Beanie Knitting a Hat

Knitting Love Green Beanie

Here’s the top view!

Finished Green Beanie

Without my camera’s flash and in natural light, I think you can better see the stitch definition and the personality of the hat:

Knitting a Green Beanie

Finished Green Hat Knitting

Finished Knitting a Green Hat

Below are a couple of photos that I took with my iPhone and posted on Instagram. You’ll notice that in artificial light, the brown becomes more evident.

Knitting a Green Hat Completed Project

Knitting a Green Hat Finished Project

Basically, it’s the green version of this one I made before:

Knitting a Beanie Hat Smorgasbord Sundays

Now for the links I promised at the beginning of this post! πŸ™‚

If you decide to knit this hat, please let me know and share photos, if possible! πŸ™‚

What are you currently knitting? If you don’t know how to knit, what’s the first thing you’d like to try making? If you’re an experienced knitter, what’s the most complicated thing you’ve ever made?

Edit:Β Wow! I’m really honoured that Christine (iKNITS) retweeted my tweet about this blog post! πŸ™‚

iKNITS SwatchAndLearn


20 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Sundays: Finished Knitting a Green Beanie

  1. Christina

    I lurk on your blog because I LOVE nail polish…but I’m definitely addicted to knitting too! My auntie taught me when I was six and the rest is history! I’m currently working an an afghan (lots of pieces to be knit together) and a sweater (both are year-long projects…I realize I won’t finish either very soon), and also a sweater for my dog since I’m trying to use up some of my stash πŸ˜›

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Christina!

      Thanks for coming out of your lurkdom! Please come again soon and feel free to leave me a comment. I swear I won’t bite…unless you’re a cookie! πŸ˜‰

      Ever since I first started blogging about my forage into knitting, I was really surprised to learn that many nailphiles are also avid knitters! Very cool – it’s like we tapped into another community and bridged two loves at one go!

      Wow, afghans intimidate me because they always look so challenging! Kudos to you for working on it! Hehehe, and your dog is so lucky to get a handmade sweater!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Precious Pearl!

      Thank you so much! πŸ™‚ The woman who designed the pattern really is quite clever. And I had fun knitting it. It was this pattern that helped me learn new techniques and build up my knitting confidence.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lizzy!

      I totally need to learn how to crochet so that I can make flowers and little octopus or frog toys for my nephew and niece. Everyone tells me how fast crocheting is, but I think it’ll take me some time to get used to using a crochet hook instead of two knitting needles.

  2. Lynette

    I LOVE your knitting posts ! And polish posts too ! I also use to knit, but all your ideas inspired me to give it a go again. Been following the beanies progress on twitter too, and couldn’t wait to see the end results. I started knitting a handbag, (which I finished over the weekend ) and I’m REALLY tempted to try these beanies too. Your such an inspirtation !
    Lynette recently posted: China Glaze : It’s a Trap-Eze

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lynette!

      I’m glad to hear that you’re enjoying my posts about knitting. As I progress, I would like to continue sharing the projects I’m working on and that I’ve completed. It’s encouraging knowing that readers like you enjoy them, too. Hehe, that way it doesn’t seem too much of self-indulgence. πŸ˜‰

      Cool – do you have a photo of the handbag you made? I’d love to see it! Was it hard to do? I would like to knit a bag, too, because I’ve always wanted a green bag (no surprise there!), but the ones I see in stores aren’t the right styles or the right colour. Was the pattern free?

      Thank you for saying that I inspired you! That touches my heart, and I am flattered that you think so highly of me! WOW! My readers constantly inspire me, and I feel very blessed to have such support from incredibly talented people.

  3. Brianna

    Wow! I love it! I want to crochet a hat, but right now I’m just at the level of making bracelets, and I’m trying to make my way up to a scarf. I love the knitting posts, they make me want to keep working and crochet more to get better and make cool things! Awesome hat, I think it’s adorable!
    Brianna recently posted: Red and White Polka Dot Mani

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Brianna!

      Cool – I never even thought to knit bracelets! Do you have a free pattern you can share? I think it’d be fun to crochet bracelets. I have so much yarn I could use…plus scraps that would be perfect for that project.

      Glad you like the hat! It’s safe to say that I’m obsessed with this pattern! I’m going to start another one, but I’m decided on either a dusty rose or a light blue…hmm…

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Marta!

      I’m sure you would be great at it. I saw the work you did on the friendship bracelet you made me. Each stitch looked lovely! πŸ™‚ Plus it’s so much fun to knit something that you can wear as a fashion statement or to be practical and keep yourself warm.

      Think I saw the blue scarf your sister made you – it’s so pretty! Love the yarn she chose for the project!

  4. Amanda Lawson

    Oh man, love it! Even with the mistakes. πŸ˜‰ You can’t even see the mistakes! Then again I’m a non knitter. Love it!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Amanda!

      Haha, thank you! This pattern is great for knitters like me who can’t always ‘fix’ the mistakes. (It actually takes more experience to catch the mistakes early and to know how to correct them.) The mistakes just blend in because the design is lumpy and not uniform. Hehe, so nobody is the wiser! πŸ˜‰


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