Slatkin & Co. Salty Caramel Candle Review & Pictures

Slatkin & Co. Salty Caramel CandleSome candles smell good enough to eat! The Slatkin & Co. Salty Caramel Candle definitely falls into that category. It smells exactly like caramel popcorn that you’d get at a carnival.

If you have a sweet tooth and a nose for all things sugary, you’re going to swoon over this scented candle from Bath & Body Works! It’s over-the-top sweet, but it doesn’t give me a headache (surprisingly).

Too bad this blog doesn’t have a scratch-and-sniff feature because this is a candle you have to smell to believe!

Slatkin & Co. Salty Caramel Candle Pictures

Slatkin & Co. Salty Caramel Candle

Bath and Body Works Salty Caramel Candle

Bath & Body Works Salty Caramel Scented Candle

Bath & Body Works Salty Caramel Candle

Slatkin & Co. Salty Caramel Scented Candle


    Highly fragranced candle
    Burns approximately 40-65 hours

Key Notes

  • Name: Slatkin & Co. Salty Caramel Scented Candle
  • Amount: 14.5 oz / 411 g (3-wick)
  • What I Paid: $10 USD (on sale 2 for $20 USD – regular price is $19.50 USD each)
  • Scent Availability: 1-wick candle & 3-wick candle
  • Where to Buy: Bath & Body Works website & Bath & Body Works store

Slatkin & Co. Salty Caramel Candle Review

I guess this is in continuation of my carnival-themed candle reviews since I’m following up the Slatkin & Co. Cotton Candy Candle review with a Slatkin & Co. Salty Caramel Candle review! Although this one gets top marks, and the other one was a total failure.


Mmm! If you invite someone over to your place and light this candle but they don’t see it, they’ll totally think you have caramel popcorn around. It’s a delicious and strong caramel scent that has a hint of salt and a yummy creaminess!

The name “Salty Caramel” sounded nasty to me, but in a way, that’s also what drew me into buying this candle. I had never smelled anything with this description, so I thought, “Why not?” I’m so glad I took a little risk and gave it a shot. But they should’ve totally called it “Caramel Popcorn” instead because this is way more appealing.

Scent Throw

Within just a few minutes of me lighting the Bath & Body Works Salty Caramel Candle, my entire living room was filled with the fragrance. Very fast scent throw! This was definitely a Pro for me, but if you hate the scent or think it’s too strong, you’ll disagree.


I had absolutely no problems with the wicks burning or holding a strong flame. And the wax melted evenly, so I didn’t have to put up with tunneling/canyoning. Perfect formulation!


As with all Slatkin & Co. candles, the Salty Caramel Candle has a simplistic design that’s elegant and easy to tie into any home decor. I’m also a fan of the rubberized lined cover that seals in the fragrance a bit when you’re not using it.


When these babies go on sale (usually 2 for $20 USD), they’re a real steal because you’ll get a lot of burn time for your buck.

Seasonal Availability

I believe the Bath and Body Works Salty Caramel Candle will be around until summer because of the carnival theme. So if this is a scent you’re curious to try or really love, make sure you get your hands on it before you play the violin of regret.


  • Affordable when on sale
  • Delicious caramel-popcorn fragrance
  • Strong & fast scent throw
  • Even burning

  • Limited-time scent

Final Verdict: 9/10

Those who love creamy caramel type of fragrances or really sweet scents will be jumping along with Jack over the candlestick. If a snack could be transformed into a candle, this would be it. This has a yummy, true-to-life caramel-popcorn aroma that’ll make you lick your lips.

Are you a fan of caramel scents, or are they too cloyingly sweet for you? Is there a scent you’d love to see in a candle but can never find? What are your favorite Bath & Body Works candles?


8 thoughts on “Slatkin & Co. Salty Caramel Candle Review & Pictures

  1. Jill

    I just bought this candle tonight along with Frosted Cupcake. I was absolutely unable to resist their scents in the store, and I am happy to read that they will be awesome when I burn them! Thanks!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hi Jill!

      The Salty Caramel candle will make you crave caramel popcorn – it’s a very realistic scent. And Frosted Cupcake is one of my favorite candles from Bath & Body Works – so delicious. Great choices!

  2. kelliegonzo

    i just came from B&BW and bought 3 of the SC candles!! they are hands down the best candle (well, after this orange scented one i saw a few years ago that i didn’t buy and has disappeared that i’ve always regretted) from them i’ve ever smelled! i can’t handle a lot of their scents, or i get sick of them super quick but this one is UNBELIEVABLE!! it’s super yummy and makes me glad it’s summer and that the carnivals are coming to town soon 🙂

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey kelliegonzo!

      Yes, although the name Salty Caramel sounded gross to me, the fragrance is incredible, isn’t it?

      What are some other Slatkin & Co. candles that you enjoy? Some of my other favorites are Leaves and Frosted Cupcake.

  3. Melissa

    I love this scent! My mom bought a miniature version of it and I kept picking it up to smell it. It reminds me of caramel popcorn. It’s a very accurate scent. We only got to burn it about once because after that because the wick got ruined by someone and it wouldn’t burn properly so we had to toss it. I think I’ve smelled Frosted Cupcake at the store before and it was really good too so I might have to pick that one up eventually.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Melissa!

      Glad to hear that you also really love this yummy candle. It’s too bad about the wick problem, though.

      And YES, you really need to try the Frosted Cupcake candle – it smells so realistic. It’ll make you hungry for sure.

  4. Sue Arseneau

    I cannot find the salty caramel scented candle at Bath and Body. Any idea where it can be purchased?

    Thank you.
    Sue Arseneau

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Sue Arseneau!

      Back when I reviewed it, it was easy to find in nearly every Bath & Body Works store. Unfortunately, it was a limited-edition scent, as far as I know. It is, however, possible, that they’ll bring it back closer to the summer, but there are no guarantees.

      For now, if you really want this candle, eBay or something similar may be your only option. :S Sorry about that! Bath & Body Works makes so many awesome scented candles, but then they come and go so quickly!


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