Quick Look: Zoya Awaken Collection

Zoya Awaken Collection 2014The Zoya Awaken Collection for Spring 2014 is full of cute colours that are definitely very appropriate for the warmer weather that’s hopefully coming soon! (I’m so over you, Winter!)

There are 6 gorgeous shades, and I think it should be obvious that my favourites are the green, blue, and purple. However, I’m also really digging that pale cantaloupe!

Check out my quick swatches of the Zoya Awaken Collection, and then come back later when I review them in-depth after I’ve worn them as full manicures.

There are 6 shades in the Zoya Awaken Collection:

Zoya Awaken Collection Pictures

Zoya Awaken Collection 2014

Awaken Zoya

Zoya Awaken Collection

Zoya Awaken Collection Swatches

All swatches have:

    • 2 coats of each nail polish
    • No top coat

Note: The Zoya Awaken Collection was provided by Zoya.

Natural Light Photos

Zoya Awaken Collection Swatches Natural

Left-Right: Hudson, Rebel, Dillon, Brooklyn, Cole & Dot

Click here to see my Zoya Hudson Swatches & Review!

Click here to see my Zoya Rebel Swatches & Review!

Click here to see my Zoya Dillon Swatches & Review!

Click here to see my Zoya Brooklyn Swatches & Review!

Click here to see my Zoya Cole Swatches & Review!

Flash Photos 

Zoya Awaken Collection Swatches Flash

Which ones grab your attention first? Are you also looking forward to the spring? What combinations would you create using the colours from the Zoya Awaken Collection?


13 thoughts on “Quick Look: Zoya Awaken Collection

  1. Leigh

    I MUST have Dillon! That’s my sons name-even spelled the same! I’m not even a huge green fan but who knows, maybe it’ll convert me:)

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Broush61!

      Zoya has a way of always bringing lots of interesting colours to the market that appeal to a wide range of people. Gotta love them for that!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Lizzy!

      I can’t wait to wear those. I’ve been busy with my mom, but once things settle down, I’ll surely be busting out these shades and taking them out for a spin on the town!

  2. MadelCarmen

    it seems that Zoya Dot and Opi I love applause are very similar! Are they? ! Could you compare them?

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey MadelCarmen!

      They’re both sweet pinks. I’ll need to see them side-by-side. That may not be for a little while, as I’m currently in the processing of moving. Lots of my stuff isn’t organized yet, and I’m living in the ‘land of cardboard boxes’.

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Squeaky Q!

      It’s just what the nail-polish doctor ordered – fun and happy spring shades! Glad you like the way they look, too!

  3. Sarah

    Dying to pick up Dillon. I don’t have anywhere to get it locally, and it’s crazy expensive on Amazon at the moment. I’ll be heading out to Ulta soon, and it is coming home with me. Along with OPIs glitter off base coat! And possibly Zoya Monet…

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Sarah!

      Yes, you need to make sure it has some friendly company when you bring it home…y’know, so it’s not lonely. 😉


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