OPI Scores a Goal! Swatches & Review

OPI Scores a Goal Swatches & ReviewOPI Scores a Goal! may look like it’s from an autumn collection, but it’s actually from the OPI Brazil Collection for Spring/Summer 2014 that’s set to officially hit stores tomorrow. Are you excited?

Since PR was generous to provide me with the entire collection, stay tuned as I continue to review each one in-depth. (Or, if you just want a peek at all the colours, check out my Quick Look post on the OPI Brazil Collection!)

OPI Scores a Goal! is a shade that I didn’t think I would love as much as I do when I just saw the bottle.

On the nails, this murky mauve with a hint of purple looks very chic, and the creme finish is really shiny! In certain lighting, it can appear brown.

P.S. My cuticles are stained a little from a polish I had removed prior to wear this polish. It didn’t bother me since in person (i.e. not blown up like on the blog), I couldn’t really notice it. Plus having absolutely perfect nails is never one of my goals. Happiness is! 🙂

OPI Scores a Goal! Pictures

OPI Scores a Goal OPI Brazil Collection

Natural Light

OPI Scores a Goal OPI Brazil Collection


OPI Scores a Goal OPI Brazil

Natural Light

OPI Scores a Goal Brazil Collection


OPI Scores a Goal Brazil Collection


OPI Scores a Goal! Swatches

All swatches have:

Natural Light Photos

OPI Scores a Goal Swatches & Review

OPI Scores a Goal Swatch

OPI Scores a Goal REview & Swatch

OPI Scores a Goal Swatch & Review

OPI Scores a Goal Swatches

Flash Photos

OPI Scores a Goal Swatch & Pictures

OPI Scores a Goal Swatch & Photos

OPI Scores a Goal Swatch Review

OPI Scores a Goal Swatches & Pictures


  • Rich chocolate (Yes, it can look brown in some lighting, but most times, it looks like a murky mauve to me.)

Key Notes

OPI Scores a Goal! Review


The interesting thing is that OPI describes this shade as a rich chocolate. In artificial lighting that has a yellowing hue, yes, this polish can definitely appear brown.

However, in most lighting conditions (e.g. natural light, sunlight), this looked to me more like it had a mauve personality, in the bottle and on my nails.

While I’m not against OPI Scores a Goal! looking brown at times, I definitely like the mauve much more! It’s elegant and subdued, which is a nice change for me because normally I go for bolder shades.

Hmm, I’ll describe this shade now as raspberry chocolate. (Oh no, now I’m starting to get hungry!) 😉


As you would expect, OPI Scores a Goal! has a flawless, creme finish that goes on like a nailphile’s dream! I love it so much when OPI puts out cremes like this because it’s so easy to paint with. You can finish your manicure way faster than usual, and the result is shiny and smooth!

Application & Formula

OPI Scores a Goal! has a perfect formula, and it’s not just easy to apply, but it’s also a cinch to remove. There’s no staining, and I was able to get off all the polish from both hands with just 2 cotton pads soaked with remover. (You might even be able to get rid of everything with one cotton ball, but I like to use one cotton ball for each hand.)

I only needed to use 2 coats to get complete coverage, but with one coat, I could already tell it would have great coverage. The formula is nicely pigmented.


  • Murky mauve that can look like a chocolate brown in certain lighting
  • Smooth formula
  • Excellent pigmentation
  • Very creamy & easy to apply


  • Hmm, it’s hard to knock a creme that applies this well. But maybe the shade isn’t very spring/summer-like? (Nit-picking)

Final Verdict: 8/10

With such a wonderful formula and an interesting colour that can look mauve or brown, I think this is a nice nail polish to add to your collection if you need a refreshing change from the usual bright shades. This will also be great for the fall, but you can wear any colour your heart desires whenever you want! 🙂

Does this shade look more mauve or brown to you? Were you surprised to see this colour in a spring/summer collection? What colours will you be purchasing from the OPI Brazil Collection?


8 thoughts on “OPI Scores a Goal! Swatches & Review

  1. Lorraine

    wow! the swatches of this one and Amazon are just killing me! I need those 2. thanks for the shade description. can’t wait to see IRL

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Lorraine!

      I hope you love the shades in person as much as you do on the blog! 🙂 I really am impressed with the entire OPI Brazil Collection. It’s my favourite in a long time!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Melissa!

      It’s not a typical shade that I’d gravitate toward, but the formula and finish are really amazing. I can’t help but fall for it. It ‘scored’! Haha!

  2. Shar

    I saw this colour at a beauty supply store – in person, it is so unusual and rich looking in the bottle that I ended up having to buy it! I had a 30% off coupon, so I wasn’t too worried. I ended up buying 4 of the Brazil colours, and had already bought 4 from NPC, so now – voila 8! LOL

    Anyhow, I wore OPI Scores a Goal for about 3 days and I adore it. It actually looks like chocolate mixed with cherries to me. It has an amazing formula, applies easily in 2 coats, stays on!!! and comes off easily without staining. The other colour from my 8 that I tried so far is I Sao Paulo Over There. It is just as creamy and perfect as this one. I figure I will get as much wear out of the more wintery/fall ones as I can before Spring is here! Then out with the yellows, pinks, corals, greens!

    But one more thing to note about Scores a Goal – I think it is a gorgeous nude for summer/spring for someone with a dark brown complexion. It would really pop with its cherry/mauve undertone. It looks like beautiful, dark brown, sun kissed skin, IMO.

    Love your blog. I have visited quite a few times, but this is my first time commenting.
    Have a great day.

    Fellow Canadian, Shar in Vancouver

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Shar!

      I’m so happy to hear that you’ve also been loving the OPI Brazil Collection. It’s definitely one of my favourite OPI collections in a long time because there are so many winning colours!

      Thanks for visiting my blog. It’s very rewarding as a blogger to read comments like yours. Please feel free to stop by again and leave a comment. I try to reply to all comments as soon as possible because what readers think is important to me!

      Hope you’re having a great weekend!


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