OPI Damone Roberts 1968 Swatches & Review

OPI Damone Roberts 1968 Swatches & ReviewOPI Damone Roberts 1968Β is a soft green that is darker and more saturated than OPI That’s Hula-rious!, which is from the Hawaii Collection. (It’s also more pigmented and not streaky like the latter.)

The polish is officially available on the Damone Roberts website. (You can’t buy it from Trade Secrets or Nail Polish Canada, the two major sources for OPI nail polishes.)

Although the Damone Roberts website ships some things to Canada, OPI Damone Roberts 1968 sadly isn’t one of them. (My heart sank when I put it into cart and then tried to complete the checkout.)

If not for my friend, Rob aka Nail Polish Dude, I would’ve had a very difficult time jumping through many hoops of fire to get my hands on this baby! When he found out about my disappointment that they don’t ship this polish to Canada, he came to the rescue like a lacquered cape crusader!

A HUGE thank you goes out to him for making this green fiend’s dream come true! (Follow Rob on Twitter, Instagram, and Google+!)

In 2009, OPI Damone Roberts 1968 first hit the market as a limited-edition shade. (That was about a year after I got into collecting nail polish more seriously.) Then, in 2014, they brought it back, but it’s for a limited time, so don’t hesitate to scoop it up, if you can!

The shade of green matches the walls in Damone Roberts’ Beverly Hills salon. Green walls? Hehe, that totally sounds like my kind of salon! πŸ™‚ (I rolled up my sleeves and painted an accent wall in the living room green in September last year, remember? It was Behr Premium Plus Ultra in Lima Green PPU10-7. It looks way better in person than even the official digital colour representations I’ve seen.)

Damone Roberts is known as the “Eyebrow King”, according to what I’ve read generally on the internet and in this article on The Daily Beast. He’s worked on many A-list celebrities in Hollywood.)

In this post, see why it certainly lives up to the hype!

OPI Damone Roberts 1968 Pictures

OPI Damone Roberts 1968 Swatch, Review & Pictures

Natural Light

OPI Damone Roberts 1968


OPI Damone Roberts 1968 Photos & Review

Natural Light

Damone Roberts 1968 by OPI


OPI Damone Roberts 1968 Review & Swatches

OPI Damone Roberts 1968 Swatches

All swatches have:

Natural Light Photos

OPI Damone Roberts 1968 Swatches & Review

OPI Damone Roberts 1968 Swatch & Review

OPI Damone Roberts 1968 Swatch

OPI Damone Roberts 1968 Swatches

OPI Damone Roberts 1968 Review & Swatch

Flash Photos

OPI Damone Roberts 1968 Review, Swatches & Photos

Damone Roberts 1968 OPI Swatch

Damone Roberts 1968 OPI Swatches

OPI Damone Roberts 1968 Review, Photos & Swatches


  • Green (Yes)

Key Notes

  • Name:Β OPI Damone Roberts 1968
  • Collection:Β It is a stand-alone colour, which isn’t part of any collection.
  • Amount:Β 15 mL (0.5 fl. oz.)
  • Retail Price:Β $20 USD (I paid nothing, as this was a generous Christmas gift from Rob aka Nail Polish Dude.)
  • Where to Buy:Β Damone Roberts website

OPI Damone Roberts 1968 Review


This green is more saturated, so I don’t consider it to be a pale or minty, but it does have a soft look to it.

I can’t think of any dupe for this colour off the top of my head, but I plan to do a comparison post with swatches soon, so you can see how different it is from other greens out there.

Although green nail polish isn’t usually considered elegant, when I wore this, it certainly had that feel because it’s not loud or too bold. The softer appearance is graceful like a ballerina.

You may remember me being so ecstatic about it that I posted two photos of it on Instagram here and here.


Damone Roberts 1968 by OPI has a creme finish, but it doesn’t look flat on the nail at all. It’s prettier when you wear it than even when you admire it in the bottle.

Application & Formula

The formula is so smooth, and you can easily control the application with the brush.

With one coat, there is a bit of streakiness, but I was never planning to just wear one coat. I applied a second coat, and I achieved full opacity. (Since I tend to use medium coats, if you use thin coats, you may need to use three.)


  • Soft & pretty green
  • Special limited-edition shade (Can be a Con for some)
  • Smooth formula
  • Needs only 2 medium coats to achieve full opacity


  • Special limited-edition shade (Can be a Pro for some)
  • Officially website doesn’t ship this to Canada

Final Verdict: 9.5/10

As a green fiend and nail-polish collector, I’m so excited to finally have the coveted Damone Roberts 1968!

If you are able to get it, don’t hesitate. It’s limited-edition, and they may not resurrect it another time. Once it’s laid to rest, that’s it!

What’s your favourite green lacquer? Have you ever jumped through many hoops to getΒ hold of a nail polish? (If so, which one was it?) Is there a specific limited-edition or rare nail polish that you’d like me to show on the blog?


28 thoughts on “OPI Damone Roberts 1968 Swatches & Review

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Joyce!

      It’s quite the dilemma for a nailphile. I hope that it ends up in your collection one day! It’s so pretty and worth owning.

  1. Akima

    I’d also love to have it, but it is just too expensive to ship it to Europe. At least for me at the moment.
    I’ll have to live with it.

    Have a nice day

  2. Julie Steinhaus

    I have this, and it really is all you say it is. I bought it when it went on sale on Amazon for one day a few weeks ago, and I was prescient enough to buy two bottles. I wish I had bought four! It really is elegant and serene, perfectly fine for the office, and not minty at all; I think it would work with any skintone. I have lots of green polishes also, and I don’t have anything like it.

  3. Melissa

    This one is screaming at me “Buy Me! Buy Me!”. I think I might have to listen and buy it. LOL Thanks as always for sharing with us!

  4. Cithrels

    Hi, would you please make the comparaison with mermaids tears its seems similar to me? I love your blog and your articles ! Kisses from France!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Cithrels!

      If I can find my bottle of that in my stash, I’ll include it in the comparison for you. πŸ™‚

      Thanks for visiting my blog!

  5. Maureen

    I am glad that you love this shade since it was so hard to get! I bought it this time from the Damone Roberts website (I live in Pasadena, CA). I was on the fence because of the high price, but I got swept up in the LIMITED EDITION. Like you, I am a big OPI fan. I can honestly say I’m kind of disappointed in the shade. It wasn’t really as exciting as I thought and it didn’t look very flattering on me (not that that always stops me with nail polish, LOL). I have Mermaid’s Tears, which I find to be similar although not a dupe. I kind of wish I hadn’t bought it. It does look lovely on you though and I’m glad you love it. πŸ™‚

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Maureen!

      Oh no! I’m sorry that you were let down by this green. I’m surprised, actually! But it reminds me that not every nailphile will be thrilled with the same colours that I enjoy. Thank goodness for diversity, right? πŸ™‚

      Mermaids Tears is gorgeous, too – more of a turquoise because of the blue nuances, but still very pretty! I love that one!

  6. Susana

    I’m not a huge fan of green, but this shade looked so pretty that I had to get it, and it didn’t disappoint at all. PSA for non-US people: the Damone Roberts Amazon store ships internationally; I live in Spain and had no problems getting mine.
    (not affiliated, of course)

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Susana!

      Oh geez! I had no idea that there was even a Damone Roberts Amazon store! *Smacks head* Thanks for letting me and my readers know. I’m sure that you’ve helped so many nailphiles get hold of this awesome shade!

  7. Norma Johnson MacGregor

    I bought this one in the summer. I’m Canadian and had no issues getting it. I just went to Amazon.com and ordered it from there.

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Norma!

      It’s great to know that the Amazon store sells it! I had no idea that they shipped it from there to Canada! Thanks for opening up my eyes and for letting my readers know! πŸ™‚

  8. LaurieB

    I asked my husband to get this polish for my birthday last year. I told him it not only had the year of my birthday on it, but it also was my favorite color and it matched the color of our bedroom walls. He got me two bottles from the Damone Roberts Salon website. They shipped them for free. I love the color and did not want to pay 80.00 USD on eBay.

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Laurie!

      Wow, it sounds like this nail polish was made for you! That is so cool how everything aligned – like a personalized polish! And what a thoughtful husband you have for giving you such a wonderful birthday present!


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