OPI Can’t Find My Czechbook is the beautiful, clean blue nail polish from the Euro Centrale Collection coming out in February 2013.
Have you ever lost your wallet or had it stolen?
When I was around 9 or 10, I lost my wallet in the mall. (My parents thought somebody stole it, but I remember insisting that it had fallen out of my pocket even though I didn’t actually know which story was true. I just didn’t want to believe that someone would steal from a kid. Even as a child, I had my head in the clouds…)
It was such a bummer because it had $50 in it, which was a combined holiday and birthday gift from my grandparents. It was also the most they had ever given me, plus it was in a wallet I loved way more than the cash itself.
Yes, I cried like a baby. Having $50 was like winning the lottery, especially for a kid who never got weekly allowance from her parents!
(Doing household chores was expected without getting any reward in return. And, this is a great life lesson because we shouldn’t always be motivated to do something good based on a reward. Let’s just do good because it IS good!)
OPI Can’t Find My Czechbook Pictures

Natural Light


Natural Light

OPI Can’t Find My Czechbook Swatches
All swatches have:
- CND Stickey Anchoring Base Coat
- 2 coats of OPI Can’t Find My Czechbook
- Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat
Natural Light Photos
Flash Photos
√ Aqua
Key Notes
- Name: OPI Can’t Find My Czechbook
- Press Release: Click here to see the OPI Euro Centrale Collection press release
- Colours Available in the Collection: Polka.com, OPI…Eurso Euro, Suzi’s Hungary AGAIN!, You’re Such a BudaPest, Can’t Find My Czechbook, My Paprika is Hotter than Yours!, Hands Off My Kielbasa!, OY-Another Polish Joke!, A Woman’s Prague-ative, Vant to Bite My Neck?, I Saw…U Saw…We Saw…Warsaw & My Vampire is Buff
- Amount: 15 mL (0.5 fl. oz.)
- What I Paid: Nothing! (This was provided by PR.)
- Where to Buy: This will be available at Trade Secrets & select spas & salons on February 6, 2013
OPI Can’t Find My Czechbook Review
Hope that you can overlook my sloppy painting job. (I was really excited to wear this! Haha!) If you can get past that, you’ll notice that this is a fresh aqua that’s pretty versatile. It looks terrific solo, but if you want to do nail art that calls for a sky or a watery scene, this would be perfect.
It has more guts than a pastel blue, but it’s still light and bright enough to stay well away from vampy territory.
Can’t Find My Czechbook has a simple creme finish, which makes this polish classic and easy-to-wear. Also, like any creme, it’s easy to remove. Bonus!
Application & Formula
I was able to control the formula well, since it glided on smoothly. And I only needed 2 coats to achieve full opacity.
Bottle Comparison
Since there are quite a number of blues on the market, I thought I’d do a little comparison with the most popular ones I thought you’d be most curious about.
OPI Can’t Find My Czechbook is a darker blue than OPI What’s with the Cattitude?, and significantly bluer than China Glaze Aquadelic and For Audrey. These are all some of my favourites to wear!
However, if you’re not a crazy nail nut like me, you may be laughing now because to the ‘normal’ consumer, these are all very similar. 😉 Does this make me a nail snob after all? *Sticks up nose in the air*

Left-Right: OPI What’s with the Cattitude?, OPI Can’t Find My Czechbook, China Glaze Aquadelic & China Glaze For Audrey
In case you’re interested, I’ve previously reviewed these polishes if you’d like to see more photos:
- OPI What’s with the Cattitude?
- China Glaze Aquadelic (This was provided by PR.)
- China Glaze For Audrey
Final Verdict: 8/10
Despite it not being as unique as OPI Get Your Number, I still really enjoyed wearing Can’t Find My Czechbook. It is clean, adds a punch of colour to your tips, and gives you a fresh-looking manicure.
If you don’t already have an aqua in your collection, try this! But, if you already have a huge assortment in your stash, you may want to save your money.
Are you excited about Can’t Find My Czechbook, or have you been burned out on aquas? Have you ever lost your wallet? Did your parents give a weekly allowance when you were a kid?
thats a daring blue
Hey Icequeen81!
Reminds me of the summer. These type of blues make me feel happy!
In the comparison china glazes seemed more..greenish in my eyes, but maybe thats my computer screen? However I really like the blue color of all of them..wouldn’t mind all four of the ones you showed. 😀
My “wallet” or metal box-wallet (is it called card holder?!) containing my mastercard/ ID card actually got stolen for some weeks ago. First I just thought I’d left it at home but then I realized that I must have forgotten it when buying candy and the person after me must have taken it. Sad thing, it’s the first thing that’s been stolen from me and I’m 24!
Gelic’ nail art recently posted: China Glaze Whirled away swatch
Hey Gelic’ nail art!
Nope, it’s not just your computer screen! The China Glaze polishes definitely have a hint of green compared to the OPIs, which are bluer.
You’re really lucky that it’s the first thing stolen from you! Sadly, I’ve had many things stolen from me…and it’s not because I was gullible or foolish. I grew up in a city that wasn’t so great. The police seemed to be at my high school at least once a week! (Not a sign of a good neighbourhood.)
I’ve had small things like pens stolen from me (which didn’t bother me). But I remember the time someone broke into my locker and stole my winter jacket and favourite gloves. That really sucked because it was in the dead of winter with a blizzard. I had to borrow a jacket from the school’s lost and found box to go home. And I felt bad telling my parents that because money was extremely tight. Having to buy a new winter jacket was a huge extra and unexpected expense. Never found out who stole it.
I was just going to mention that it looks a lot like ChG For Audrey!! but it’s weird that they don’t look the same next to each other, i’m wearing ChG For Audrey on my toes and I can’t see the difference between your swatches and my toes!!
also it looks like Essie Where’s my chauffeur!!
maria emma recently posted: De mi favorito a lo más odiado
Hey maria emma!
When I first received it, I thought that it would be a dupe of at least one of the bottles I compared it to. Interesting how a slight nuance can make such a big difference. (Hehe, well, a ‘big’ difference to a nail nut!) 😉
There are so many factors, though. Maybe your pedicure looks like my swatches because of the lighting. That’s why I did the bottle shot – so all of them would be exposed to pretty much the same lighting conditions. Even my own swatches of the same polish taken on different days in the same room can look different. And even if my nails are positioned at a slightly different angle, they can look pretty different.
Ooohh, I don’t have that Essie polish! But, hehe, people who really love this colour family will be so happy. There are LOTS of great options out there by all the major brands. 😀
I think I can leave this one on the shelf. I tend to get really red hands when I keep trying these blues. I have Cat -I Tude, Aquadelic and a # of Essies that I keep trying in this shade range and never found one that I can pull off well. I need more green or teal to make them look right on me – or maybe it’s still one shade I just have not fully embraced? Love it on others. When I get it on me, I am always major critical and reaching for something to put over the top to tone down the lobster hands/feet look it give me!
Hey beachgal!
I have the same issue, but with most mint greens. If they don’t have enough colour saturation, it’s harder for me to pull off, and the redness comes out like crazy!
I have had lemmings for the whole Shrek collection (apart from the greens) but I think a few from this collection will kill them, as soon as I saw this I thought about What’s with the Cattitude, and from the side by side bottle shots I prefer this. I think some of the others are similar to Funkey Dunkey and Ogre the top Blue from what I’ve seen swatched so far.
Emma recently posted: How to improve an already awesome glitter?
Hey Emma!
Are you a fan of the Shrek movies? I’m curious!
I haven’t seen any of them completely. But I’m a fan of the nail-polish collection!
I am a fan of the Shrek movies, but no so much as I was the polish collection. I finally have WWTC and CFMC to compare now – love them both 🙂
Emma B recently posted: Pink Watermarble (messsssssy pics!)
Cool – I’d be interested to see your comparison if you choose to blog about it!
I really love this color! I’m happy to see the side by side bottle comparisons because I was worried about this being too similar to For Audrey…which of course now means I’ll have to get this one! Of course, I’m sure my husband wishes the two were closer in color…ha!
Hey Camille!
Hahaha, for a lot of men, I think they might just want there to be ONE nail polish to rule all nail polishes and let that be that! 😛 (Wow, it’s the first time I think I’ve made a Lord of the Rings reference on here…unless I mentioned Hobbits before.)
Aw. 🙁 I’d like to believe it just fell out of your pocket, too. I would get an allowance, but I’d usually use it to get nice things for my parents and sisters. (such a sucker lol) Anyway, this is such a pretty blue, and I just love this name.
Lizzy recently posted: China Glaze: Recycle +"Leopard" Print
Hey Lizzy!
It creeps me out if I think about a stranger preying upon someone and reaching into their pockets or purses. If someone has that skill, they should put it to more creative uses – like become a magician! Hmm…I wonder if they’ve done any studies about the correlation between magicians and thieves…(I’m not trying to make a blanket generalization, but I’m genuinely interested to know if there’s a significant correlation between the two variables.)
Aww…you’re a sweetheart! Most of the kids I knew in elementary school who got allowance just spent it on candy for themselves. Your parents raised you well! *Thumbs up*
This is one of the polishes I was most excited to see from that collection! I was kind of hoping it would be a dupe for What’s With the Cat-ittude, since that one is really hard to find now. As you pointed out, it’s definitely not a dupe, but I may get it anyway because they look similar enough for me :). You must really like What’s With the Cat-ittude–I can see the level going down in the bottle! Haha
Hey Jessica!
Yeah, it’s too bad that What’s with the Cattitude is harder to find now. You’re right – I do tend to use it quite a bit! (I find that it’s a great shade for nail art when you need to paint the sky.)
There’s a story behind that polish. I wanted it for a long time when it was so easy to find everywhere, but I procrastinated. The day I finally decided to buy it, I couldn’t find it in the stores OR even at the usually e-tailers (back when more e-tailers sold OPI online). So I ended up buying this bottle on eBay for a decent price!
I like this a lot. Well, I guess I’m a blue lover, so again no big surprise 😉 I can’t help it, but I’m just so much more happy when you swatch these kinds of colours than pinks, haha.
I do appreciate that you get around all sorts of different colours, though!
Charlotte recently posted: Spicy Parmesan Shrimp With Fresh Pasta (And Scallops)
Hey Charlotte!
Hehe, I understand completely. The way you are with blue, I’m the same way with green. The power of polish compels us! *Nail-Polish Exorcism*
Pshh, those 4 are nothing alike 😉
I want that polish so badly now that I see the actual swatched color 🙂
Shelby recently posted: Revlon Midnight Affair and NYX Turks and Caicos
Hey Shelby!
Hahahaha, congrats – you’ve passed the Nailphile Test! 😉 All those polishes are verrrrry different…hehehhe!
Oh no… I really convinced myself that I didn’t really need the liquid sand polishes and that I could skip the Euro Centrale collection entirely (except maybe Polka-dot Com). I have to say that I’ve added every polish that you reviewed this week to my Need It list!
I check my e-mail each day for your blog post with equal excitement (it’s like Christmas when new pretty polish picture are in my inbox) and dread (my wallet will surely suffer if I keep putting every shade you review on my Must List!). Stop having such great swatches!!
Hey Allison!
Oh no! I’m sorry, but also really flattered at the same time. HAHAHA! Don’t worry – next time I’ll share photos where I’ve painted the polish sloppily all the way up to my wrist. Hahaha!
Thank you soooo much for taking the time to leave a comment and for letting me know that you find these posts useful. Your comment made me smile, and even though, yes, we should do good because it IS good, it’s like icing on the cake when readers communicate their appreciation. It means a lot to me, and it does help strengthen the motivation I have to continue blogging. THANK YOU!
MMMMmmmm…me likey! Me want! Oh, I have to spend my allowance on it? Well … OK. 🙂
I didn’t get an allowance either, and not only did I do chores as a kid (that’s why parents keep them around, right?!), but I had to work in my Dad’s shop (we lived above it) for nuthin’! But, it did teach me good things, as you say, I am very passionate about small independent business owners and picky as to which companies/stores I buy from. I was working the counter & cash register at 8 years old. 🙂
oh, and thank you, for not having overly perfect polished nails – macro close ups can set the bar so high that sometimes I get down about my polishing skills, when IRL they look fine. 🙂
Hey Kim Cecchi!
Hahaha, yeah, and families with many children must be able to tidy up the house in a jiffy! 😉
Wow, that’s very impressive that you were already taking charge of the point-of-sale position at such an early age! Good for you – sounds like you’re very mature and responsible!
I’m glad that you also embrace these type of manicure imperfections. Perfectly polished nails intimidate me, too. I just like to keep it real. Sometimes I’ve posted manicures where the polish bubbled or where there’s tip wear. The love of polish prevails through all imperfections! 🙂
This one is going on my wish list too!!! I just love the blues, and thank you so. Ich for your comparison!!! Now I know I need this :))
Gosia recently posted: Thirsty Thursdays: Mistletoe Kiss cocktail
Hey Gosia!
You’re making your wish list longer and longer! 😉
The pleasure was all mine. I was curious, too, so I had to compare. Whenever I can try to SAVE a nailphile’s money, I try. Haha, sadly, there were no dupes out of these shades.