NYX Eyeshadow Trio Sweet Lagoon, Aqua & Ocean Swatches & Review

NYX Eyeshadow Trio Sweet Lagoon, Aqua & OceanWhen worn correctly, blue eye shadow doesn’t have to look tacky. It’s a terrific hue that accentuates many eye colors wonderfully. The trick is to not use just one shade – remember, it’s about creating depth and dimension.

Today I’ll be showing you a bunch of blues. Come see NYX Eyeshadow Trio Sweet Lagoon, Aqua & Ocean swatches as well as read my review of their pigmentation, application, and lasting power.

Are you feeling blue?

NYX Eyeshadow Trio Sweet Lagoon, Aqua & Ocean Pictures

NYX Eye Shadow Trio Sweet Lagoon, Aqua & Ocean Palette

NYX Eyeshadow Trio Sweet Lagoon, Aqua & Ocean

Left-Right: Sweet Lagoon, Aqua & Ocean

NYX Eyeshadow Trios Sweet Lagoon, Aqua & Ocean

NYX Sweet Lagoon Eyeshadow

NYX Aqua Eyeshadow

NYX Ocean Eyeshadow

NYX Eyeshadow Trio Sweet Lagoon, Aqua & Ocean Ingredients

NYX Eyeshadow Trio Sweet Lagoon, Aqua & Ocean Swatches

(All swatches are on NC20 skin & with flash)

NYX Eyeshadow Trio Sweet Lagoon, Aqua & Ocean Swatch

Left-Right: Sweet Lagoon, Aqua & Ocean

NYX Eyeshadow Trio Sweet Lagoon, Aqua & Ocean Swatches


    Provides dramatic color

Key Notes

  • Name: NYX Eyeshadow Trio Sweet Lagoon, Aqua & Ocean
  • Amount: 3 eye shadows x 1.8 grams
  • What I Paid: $5.99 USD (from Cherry Culture)
  • NYX Eyeshadow Trios Available: Perpetual, Copacabana, Olive Grove, Lake Moss, Team Spirit, Ultra Chic, Ceramic, Shangra-La, Dandy, Aquamarine, Anti Diva, Casablanca, Guru, Serangeti, Hippie Chic, White/Grey/Black, Baby Pink/Barely There/Cotton Candy, Nude/Taupe/Dark Brown, Baby Blue/October Sky/Pacific, Baby Pink/Cotton Candy/Spring Flower, Purple/Deep Purple/Prune, Baby Blue/Pacific/Navy, Spring Leaf/Lime Green/Green Tea, Frosted Lilac/Pacific/Kiwi, Tropical/Yellow/Lime Green, Orange/Golden Orange/Peach, Gold/Rust/Walnut Bronze, Cherry/Cool Blue/Hot Pink, Highlight/Brown/Suede, Aloha/Mink Brown/Deep Bronze, Opal/Platinum Silver/Luster, Frosted Flake/Slate/Iced Mocha, Yellow Pearl/Antique Gold/Golden, Barely There/Champagne/Root Beer, White Pearl/Silver/Charcoal, Copper/Rust/Bronze, Sahara/Suede/Chocolate, Sweet Lagoon/Aqua/Ocean, Shimmer/Peach/Copper, Beanie/Red Bronze/Red Bean, Velvet Blue/Ocean Frost/Space, Platinum Pink/Salmon/Jazzy Bronze, Princess Pink/Flamenco/Violet, White/Tropical/Silver, Baby Pink/White Pearl/Baby Blue
  • Where to Buy: Cherry CultureNYX Canada website, NYX US website, Rexall, some Save on Foods & some US drugstores

NYX Eyeshadow Trio Sweet Lagoon, Aqua & Ocean Review

If you’ve read my other review posts here on Swatch And Learn, you’ll know that I’m a fan of NYX Cosmetics. They’re affordable, and they offer a wide variety of colors that you don’t see from many other drugstore brands.

But what annoys me is that the colors you can get in the NYX trio eyeshadow palette may not be the exact same shades that you buy in the NYX single eyeshadow pan (even if they have the same color name)! Please keep this in mind if you go shopping for a color you like from the trio I’ll be talking about.

With every NYX trio eye shadow palette, you get a small rectangular mirror on the inside of the front cover. Inside, you get 3 circular pans filled with pressed eye shadow and a long-handled dual-ended sponge-tip applicator. (I recommend not throwing the applicator away like so many people do – it comes in handy for packing on the color before you blending with your brush.)

If you want to wear all 3 colors in a single look, you could. Traditionally, Sweet Lagoon would go on the inner corners of your eyes to brighten them. Aqua would be placed up to 2/3 of your eyelid. And finally, Ocean would be reserved for the outer corners and your crease.

But you don’t have to follow tradition! Break the rules, and come up with a different look that you love. The wonderful thing about makeup is that you’re free to experiment and play with colors that express who you are!

Here’s my breakdown of the colors in the NYX Eyeshadow Trio palette:

  • Sweet Lagoon – Very light icy snow-queen baby blue (pearl finish)
  • Aqua – Medium gray-toned blue (pearl finish)
  • Ocean – Teal blue (pearl finish)

To get the most of these colors, I suggest wearing them over a good primer. If you don’t, these colors provide a light wash of color, they go on powdery, they fade really fast throughout the day, and the pearl finish isn’t as noticeable. I found that with the Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion in Eden, these colors remained true all day, and you get less fallout during application.


  • Affordable
  • Animal cruelty-free
  • Ocean is a gorgeous shade
  • Great value
  • Hypoallergenic
  • No Bismuth Oxychloride (a known allergen)

  • NYX can be difficult for Canadians to find if there isn’t a Rexall nearby & if you don’t want to shop online

Final Verdict: 7.5/10

I recommend this NYX Eyeshadow Trio palette mainly because of the color, Ocean! It’s gorgeous, and whenever I wear it, I always get compliments – this color really makes hazel/brown eyes pop!

The other 2 lighter shades of blue are okay, but they aren’t the kind of colors that excite me. That being said, they’re not bad colors, just not unique, take-your-breath-away colors. If you have light-blue eyes, that may be different – these colors could really look stunning.

Do you ever wear blue eye shadow? Do you think it’s a dated look that should be considered a modern crime?


2 thoughts on “NYX Eyeshadow Trio Sweet Lagoon, Aqua & Ocean Swatches & Review

  1. Dee

    I have that palette and I never use it, even though I really like the colours. Blues are just such a pain to work with. When I wear them, it’s generally with a neutral colour so it doesn’t look quite so out there. I’ve seen people pull off some amazing all-blue looks, but I am not one of those people!
    Dee recently posted: NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream- Tokyo

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Dee!

      I tend to wear a lot of greens, grays, and blacks on any given day. Those are my “safe colors”, I guess. But I’m trying to branch out of my comfort zone.

      When I don’t feel like wearing an all-blue or super-vibrant look, I’ll just wear one bright color as an accent and then incorporate it into a smokey eye using grays and a bit of black. This helps tone it down so you don’t feel clownish.


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