Nicole by OPI A-Nise Treat Swatches & Review

Nicole by OPI A-Nise Treat Swatches & ReviewIf you’ve been following me on Twitter or Facebook, you may have read my brief messages about how my grandfather passed away a couple of days before Father’s Day this year.

Although I wasn’t close to him, I still felt the loss. Plus, in general, Father’s Day is always hard for me because my dad passed away a few years ago, just days after I turned 28.

I was really worried for my mother because now Father’s Day would remind her not only of her husband who passed away, but now also her dad.

Thankfully, my mom is a tough cookie. In fact, she could break a tooth if you tried to sink one in! 😉 Haha! Seriously, though, she is such a strong person, and she inspires me to handle hardship with grace and perseverance.

Nicole by OPI A-Nise Treat is the nail polish I wore to my grandfather’s visitation and the funeral service. (It’s from the Gumdrops Collection.)

I felt like it was appropriate because it has a very sombre personality, but the silver specks symbolized how even in the darkness, there’s always light if we look for it. Maybe I’m philosophizing nail polish too much, but I felt this connection when I wore it.

But I won’t go so far as to peg it as a ‘funeral polish’. It’s truly gorgeous and edgy. Even when I’m in a happy mood, I will enjoy this manicure.

P.S. Remember, you can still vote for my snake nail-art design in the Nicole by OPI Blogger Challenge! Click here to vote by July 19, 2013!

Nicole by OPI A-Nise Treat Pictures

Nicole by OPI A-Nise Treat Pictures

Natural Light

NOPI A-Nise Treat Nicole by OPI Gumdrops


Nicole by OPI A-Nise Treat Swatch, Pictures & Review

Natural Light

A-Nise Treat Nicole by OPI Gumdrops


Nicole by OPI A-Nise Treat

Nicole by OPI A-Nise Treat Swatches

All swatches have:

    • OPI Nail Envy Nail Strengthener (Used as a base coat)
    • 2 coats of Nicole by OPI A-Nise Treat
    • No top coat!

Natural Light Photos

Nicole by OPI A-Nise Treat Swatches & Review

Nicole by OPI A-Nise Treat Review & Swatch

Nicole by OPI A-Nise Treat Review & Swatches

Nicole by OPI A-Nise Treat Swatch

Nicole by OPI A-Nise Treat Swatch & Review

Nicole by OPI A-Nise Treat Swatches

Nicole by OPI A-Nise Treat Photos

Flash Photos

Nicole by OPI A-Nise Treat

A-Nise Treat Nicole by OPI  Swatches

Nicole by OPI A-Nise Treat Swatch

Nicole by OPI A-Nise Treat Swatches

Nicole by OPI Anise Treat Swatch


  • Shimmery licorice (Yes)

Key Notes

Nicole by OPI A-Nise Treat Review


Nicole by OPI A-Nise Treat is a sombre dark grey that has a dusty quality. Since it’s not that stark, it allows the silver sparkles to blend in well and punctuate the polish with added dimension.

What I really enjoyed was that it was deep and brooding, but not gloomy. The silver sparkles are fine, but plentiful. They add that ‘light’ – that ‘life’, which takes this polish away from bland territory.

I thought this was appropriate to wear to my grandfather’s funeral because it wasn’t flashy and it was dark, so it wasn’t disrespectful. But the subtle silver glitter served as a reminder that there’s hope.


Nicole by OPI A-Nise Treat has that awesome textured finish that I’m digging with a shovel! 😉 It’s matte, but not flat. And the grittiness isn’t sharp.

I enjoy wearing this finish so much that when I put on a ‘regular’ nail polish that’s smooth, I really miss the cool texture.

The great thing about this finish is that it dries quickly. While it’s supposed to be worn without a top coat, you can wear one to transform the look and to bring out the sparkle. But, I like to wear it as-is, so I didn’t put a top coat over it.

Application & Formula

This polish applied so easily, and it was wonderfully pigmented. I had no issues at all with it, and I easily got full coverage with just 2 medium coats.


  • Sombre grey with silver sparkles
  • Dries quickly
  • Pigmented

  • Sombre (Some people may not like it because it’s not bright. But, I feel that there’s always a time & a place for a polish like this.)

Final Verdict: 9/10

Nicole by OPI A-Nise Treat is an amazing nail polish that I will get plenty of use out of – not just for funerals!

It’s an edgy, dark shade that isn’t flat or boring. It has life, in the form of silver sparkles.

I can picture people really loving this a lot more around Hallowe’en! Seems like it’d work well with lots of nail art during that season.

Do you see this as a ‘funeral polish’? Are greys in your regular lacquer rotation? What’s the most recent grey you wore?


13 thoughts on “Nicole by OPI A-Nise Treat Swatches & Review

  1. Lisa Mueller (@nailcareASKlisa)

    I really enjoy the photos you take and show of your swatches. And I agree that this one has a time and a place. Just one question: how easy was it to remove this polish? Sorry if I over-read this part of your blog post, but I was just wondering. Thanks, Lisa

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Lisa Mueller!

      Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know how much you enjoy Swatch And Learn! 🙂

      As with all textured polishes that I’ve tried (OPI, Nicole by OPI, and Zoya), they’re all easier to remove than you’d think. They’re easier to remove than glitters.

  2. Charlotte (Pocket Money Polishes)

    Thoughts with you and your family. This polish is stunning though lovely and would be great for a glamourous night out, a rock concert or a more formal occasion. I love greys and blacks – especially in contrast to brights or when the weather starts to chill off – think cold clear winter nights with stars in the sky. Stunning – now I am torn between this and Alcatraz as my next textured polish buy >.< Look what you did!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Charlotte!

      Thank you very much! It sure isn’t easy, but life hands people different cards. It’s what we do with the cards that counts.

      I like that visual – cold, clear winter night with a starry sky. 🙂

      Haha, sorry that you’re now torn between two. If I really had to recommend one over the other (it’s tough), I would say go for OPI Alcatraz…Rocks, even though A-Nise Treat is really edgy

  3. Tanya

    Sorry to hear about your grandpa. Last year my grandpa and my best friend passed away 2 days apart. That was pretty rough for me, but I am so thankful for all the time I did get to spend with them when I could. I like your description of this nail polish, it’s aslo how I think of it. I was wondering how similar is this to Zoya Dahlia? Thanks.

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Tanya!

      I’m sorry about that tragedy. You must be a very strong individual as a result. I can’t even imagine how harsh that must’ve been! *Hugs*

      Hmm, I don’t think I own Zoya Dahlia. When I saw pictures of it online, it does look very similar to A-Nise Treat.

  4. Icequeen81

    Sorry for your lost and that it still reminds your dad, all the strength

    I love the shade but Im so used to a smooth finish that is hard to say is cool or not but this one it has just that dark side hehehe

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Icequeen81!

      You can slick a top coat over it. You’ll need 2 or more coats, though, in order to get a completely smooth finish. In adding the top coat, you’ll also bring out the glitter more.

      1. Icequeen81

        The only risk is that u can make it look thick if you apply too much coats , it also depend of the topcoat I think, mines are horrible, they discolor the polish make them look withe, and they don’t look smooth

    2. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Icequeen81!

      I agree – through life’s hardships, we learn to rise above.

      Hahaha, you and your dark-side loving ways! 😉


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