Nail Art Tutorial: Chicken Drumstick Nails

Sunlight Chicken Drumstick Nails Nail Art Tutorial & PicturesYesterday I shared my thoughts on Milani One Coat Glitter Gold Glitz with you. I was really impressed that it actually was dense and indeed covered my nail with just one coat.

The only thing was I felt like I couldn’t properly rock that shade of gold and orange glitter, so I did silly nail art on top of it.

Here are the Chicken Drumstick Nails I ended up doing. πŸ™‚ With poultry on my nails, I was way more comfortable sporting this manicure. It reminds me a little of shake ‘n’ bake chicken.

For the bone, I used an L.A. Colors white striper, and for the meat, I used OPI Espresso Your Style!, which is a pretty shimmery brown.

Hehe, I don’t know how many of you will actually want to recreate this look. I still took step-by-step photos of it as I was painting so that I could include a little nail-art tutorial for you. Maybe you’ll want to modify these and turn them into turkey drumsticks for your American Thanksgiving. πŸ˜›

Side note: I was a vegetarian for 4+ years partially as a personal challenge and partially because I saw an alarming documentary, Earthlings. I couldn’t watch it all because it was so disturbing. (If you click on the link, you’ll be taken to the free online video of it. Warning: It’s very depressing and graphic.)

These days, I do eat meat, but only 1-2 times per week. (I’ve always loved the way meat tastes, but I got really used to cooking vegetarian dishes over the years, so it’s really only when I eat out that I tend to eat meat. And after being a vegetarian for a few years, I learned that there are tons of delicious meatless dishes. Some of them, like the vegetarian lasagna I make, still tastes way better to me than any I’ve tried with meat! That really surprised me. Sometimes we just have to give new things a chance.)

Chicken Drumstick Nails Swatches

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*~* Chicken Drumstick Nail Art Tutorial *~*

Chicken Drumstick Nail Art Tutorial Supplies

What I Used:

  1. Nubar Foundation Base Coat
  2. Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat
  3. Milani Top Coat
  4. Milani One Coat Glitter Gold Glitz
  5. OPI Espresso Your Style!
  6. L.A. Colors Art Deco Nail Art Lacquer (white)

Step 1: Apply Your Base Coat

Step 2: Paint Your Background Colour

If you’re going to use a shimmery brown polish for the chicken meat, I suggest using a creme polish for the background colour instead.

Wait 10-15 minutes to allow this to dry a little before proceeding to the next step. (But if you’re like me and you’re sprucing up an old manicure, you can move straight to Step 3.)

Sunlight Milani Gold Glitz One Coat Glitter Review & Swatch

1 coat of Milani One Coat Glitter Gold Glitz

Step 3: Create the Bones

Using your white nail striper polish, create “Y”s on each nail at a random slant. Alternatively, you could use a dotting tool to create the top of the “Y” and then a brush to make the ‘tail’. I chose to use a nail striper polish because I felt like this was the fastest method. (Also, I was testing out the L.A. Colors striper for the first time and wanted to see how it worked.)

Chicken Drumstick Nail Art Tutorial Step 3

Step 4: Paint Some Meat on Those Bones

If you have a sparkly background like I do, I recommend using a creme brown for the meat. I don’t think I have one, so that’s why I reached for OPI Espresso Your Style!, the shimmery brown.

Use the nail-polish brush directly from the bottle and use a dabbing motion to add blobs. Don’t try to make them all even – it looks cooler if they’re all different. Also, you may consider bringing the brown part higher up on the bone than I did.

Wait a good 20 minutes or so to let all of this dry. You may want to wait even longer if your polish blobs are thicker. If you rush to the next step, you risk smearing your hard work.

Chicken Drumstick Nail Art Tutorial Step 4

Step 5: Add a Top Coat

Hope you had fun seeing how I made these ridiculous nails! I had this idea in my mind for the longest time, so I’m glad that I finally was able to try it.

Would you rock silly nail art like this? Do you love eating wings as much as I do, or do you prefer drumsticks? Are you a vegetarian, or have you tried reducing your consumption of meat?


28 thoughts on “Nail Art Tutorial: Chicken Drumstick Nails

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Carolina!

      Thank you! πŸ˜€ Hehe, I was going to try painting on chicken wings, but thought they might end up looking like poop. πŸ˜›

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Brittany!

      YES…forever and ever! πŸ˜€

      Oh WOW – vegan? All the years that I was a vegetarian, I only tried going vegan once because my boyfriend and I had to make a vegan dish for a dinner party where everyone else were vegans. I found it realllllly difficult not to add any cheese or eggs into anything. That was the day I realized all my favourite dishes are not vegan-friendly.

      I have a lot of respect for people like you who actually were able to go vegan for any amount of time. It’s very challenging!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Amy!

      I’m flattered and so ecstatic that you’re actually going to recreate my design! YAY! I was hoping someone would because I think more people need to sport silly manicures! πŸ˜€

      If you take photos, please share them with me so I can see.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey PinkGlitter!

      The good thing about this design is that the largest part consists of blobs. πŸ˜€ Anyone can paint them. As for the “Y” bones, a nail-art striper really makes the biggest difference. I found that when I tried using just a nail-art brush dipped in polish, I couldn’t get any lines to look okay. The striper somehow makes lines smoother.

      I’ve never tried any nail-art pens, but I always hear about people talking about the ones from Migi. One day I want to try those because I do think they’d offer much more control, although I’m bad writing with my left hand.

  1. Carmela

    Silly but fun! I love this, Mary! I can totally see why you keep laughing when you see your nails. πŸ™‚ Might be timely for those celebrating Thanksgiving this weekend and calling it turkey drumsticks instead of chicken. πŸ˜€

    Your food nail art has me inspired. I might want to try a bacon and eggs one just because who can resist bacon? lol!
    Carmela recently posted: Nail Art Wednesday: Calgary Flames Nails

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Candy!

      Awww…thanks! πŸ˜€ And I’m so happy that you’re going to do this design this weekend! If you take photos, please show me. πŸ˜€

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Valerie!

      Haha, thank you for saying that, but honestly, this design was really simple! πŸ™‚ Just blobs and some lines – presto! Done! I like fast nail art like this.

  2. Nicole

    Oh my gosh! Those are hilarious! I was kinda MIA over T-Giving and Black Friday but I have to say those are my fav Thanksgiving nails. I like that you don’t take yourself too seriously, even though you definitely have the skills and following to do so! πŸ™‚

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Nicole!

      Thank you for saying that! *Puffs out chest* πŸ˜€ Your comment made my day.

      I tend to see the humour in everything because the times when I don’t, well, I go crazy! Haha πŸ˜›

  3. Marta

    I tweeted these out but didn’t leave a comment… is that breaking a blogging etiquette ? πŸ˜‰
    Only you, my BRILLIANT MARY (I used the possessive term in a non-creepy but intentional way) would think to put drumsticks on your nails and still make them glittery and sexey!
    HOW FUN!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Marta!

      Hehehe, the blogging Ann Landers has the day off. I won’t tell her if you won’t. πŸ˜‰

      And thank you again for tweeting about this manicure. I was so excited when I saw it! πŸ˜€


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