Yesterday, I took my membership card and hit up Sally Beauty Supply because I was running low on my favourite nail-polish remover.
Since I have to make a trek to get to a Sally Beauty Supply store, the occasional time when I go, I make sure to look at everything in all the aisles.
As usual, I walked out not only with what I had original made the special trip for, but also with a handful of other goodies!
Normally I don’t have much luck in finding gems on the nail-polish clearance rack, but this time, I feel like I struck gold unexpectedly!
Come check out my amazing finds in this Sally Beauty Supply Haul!
Here are the 8 polishes that jumped into my Sally Beauty Supply cart. I wasn’t even planning on buying any lacquers, but somehow they lured me in.
Left-Right: Nina Ultra Pro Pearly Brights, Nina Ultra Pro Purple Xing, Orly R.I.P., China Glaze Ruby Pumps, Orly Right Amount of Evil, Orly Monster Mash & 2 bottles of Color Club Snow-Flakes.
I only have 2 Nina Ultra Pros, and they’re in the old, cylindrical bottles. I probably wouldn’t have paid much attention to the Nina rack if I didn’t see the sale sign that said you could get 2 for $8 CAD.
Purple Xing was a quick pick. The holographic glitter and beautiful purple looked fun.
(Ever since 2008, I’ve wanted China Glaze Grape Crush, which is a purple polish with lots of glitter. I’ve only found it once on eBay a long time ago, but the seller wouldn’t ship to Canada. Bummer! Even though Purple Xing isn’t a dupe, it has a similar personality, and I hope to squash the lemming.)
My second pick took longer. It seemed like I had a lot of the colours, but from different brands. So, I ended up choosing Pearly Brights. It looked like a neon with some shimmer in the store. (The majority of the neon polishes in my collection are cremes.)
Click here to see my Nina Ultra Pro Pearly Brights Swatches & Review!

Nina Ultra Pro Purple Xing
As I was wandering around the store, I found my way to the clearance rack. Normally I don’t find anything good because other shoppers are faster than me.
But, this time, my eyes bulged out when I saw these 3 Orly lacquers! They’re from Hallowe’en! (Hallowe’en is my favourite holiday!)
Although my eye immediately went right to the green (of course!), it was the orange-and-black one that made my pulse race. It looks perfect for Hallowe’en, although I plan to wear this even when it’s not October. I really don’t care if I wear it out of season because it’s gorgeous!
My philosophy is that you shouldn’t limit what you can and can’t wear just based on the season. I like to go by my mood – it’s more fun that way. Plus nail-polish rules were meant to be broken.
The clearance price for these said $5.99 CAD on the label, but when I took them to the cashier, she informed me that they were having a promotion on them. So…I got them for $2.99 CAD each! (That’s the lowest price I’ve ever paid for Orly!) SCORE! *Happy Dance*

Left-Right: Orly Right Amount of Evil, Orly R.I.P. & Orly Monster Mash
I don’t have many orange polishes in my collection, let alone an orange polish with hexagonal glitter, bar glitter, smaller glitter, and an orange-tinted base!

Orly Right Amount of Evil

Orly R.I.P.

Orly Monster Mash
Next up is the opalescent flakie, Color Club Snow-Flakes. In the bottle, it looks like a dupe for the original Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure, which I already have. I’ll have to try it out to be certain. But, you can never have too many flakies, so I picked up a bottle.
On the clearance price tag, it said $1.99 CAD, but when I went to the magical cashier (hehe!), she told me that there was a discount on it. It was only $0.99 CAD!
It was at that point when I told her I wanted to grab another bottle! So, yes, I got TWO flakies for just under $2! (I may give the second to my friend who has never tried any flakies before. It’ll blow her mind!)
While the cashier was ringing up my items, I saw a bowl with cute China Glaze mini nail polishes in the colour, Ruby Pumps.
I already have a full-size bottle of Ruby Pumps, but I decided to pick up this mini bottle because it’s so adorable and collectible. (I didn’t have any China Glaze minis before this!)
On Instagram, I posted a photo yesterday showing it beside a penny to give you an idea of just how tiny it is.
Below, I’ve paired it with a full-size China Glaze polish, Party Hearty, to give you another idea of just how teeeeny tiny the bottle is.
This mini bottle was $1.69 CAD.
While I was there, I picked up 2 bags of my favourite cotton balls to use for polish removal – Face Secrets Professional Triple Size Cotton Balls (500 balls in the large pack).
I bought 2 bags so that I wouldn’t have to go back for a long time. (I feel silly whenever I buy these huge bags because they’re almost as big as pillows.) These should last me for a year.
I got them for $8.79 CAD each.
Finally, here’s what I originally went to Sally Beauty Supply for: the Beauty Secrets Acetone Nail Polish Remover!
This is my favourite remover, and I even did an in-depth review on it before.
If you’ve only ever used drugstore polish removers, you must try this! It gets lacquer off fast and easily. And I like how it’s not 100% pure acetone, so it’s not as harsh, yet it has enough acetone that it does the job well.
This is the second-largest size. The next level up is a gallon! Haha, and I’m not quite that much of a nailphile to buy that!
This 946 mL bottle ran me $7.59 CAD. It should last me for 5 or 6 months. (I don’t actually swatch polishes. I wear my manicures and just take photos of them while I’m wearing them. So, if you’re a blogger who swatches, and therefore will burn through remover way faster than me, you may consider being crazy and buying the gallon.
And there you have it! My small but mighty haul!
After being so successful with my clearance finds this time, I’m very tempted to regularly check that rack. Hmm…that could be dangerous for my wallet!
What was the most recent nail polish you bought? Do you have good luck finding amazing polishes on clearance at Sally Beauty Supply? What’s your favourite nail-polish remover?
Edit: It’s pretty awesome that Sally Beauty Supply checked out this post and cared enough to reach out to me.
like both china glaze
Hey Icequeen81!
And they’re both holiday polishes!
My aunt boght me the China Glaze Ruby Pumps mini too ! Such a cute bottle isn’t it ! The cotton wool bags doesn’t look that big, but I prefer to buy in bulk sometimes, you get more bang for your buck
LOVE the Orly’s you got ! Super gorgeous !
Lynette recently posted: China Glaze : Ahoy !
Hey Lynette!
Haha, well, I think the 500-cotton-ball bag is huge! Before I started buying those, I used to just get the cheap, small bag of 100 from drugstores. But I like the ones from Sally’s because each ball is big and seems to remove polish better. I don’t even have to use as many cotton balls like I did before.
As for the Orlys, it was incredible! It’s not the easiest for me to get hold of Orly polishes, and to get those interesting ones dirt cheap was pretty amazing. I was at the right place at the right time.
I love flakies! I have this color club one too
Hey Nikole!
Do you have a favourite layering combination for the flakie? I really like putting it over dark hues so the flakies POP!
Wow that’s some great stuff! The last nail polish I bought was a Layla hologram on clearance, and I fell in love. I bought the 16oz polish, but poured it into the 8 oz bottle so it was easier to work with. I am so glad you did a post on that remover, I will never be able to go back, it’s so awesome. I never see that good of clearance polishes in Sallys, but sometimes I’ll pick up one or two. I love orange and glitter, and I really want that polish now! Maybe I’ll find it on clearance somewhere!
Brianna recently posted: Red and White Polka Dot Mani
Hey Brianna!
Layla polishes are really gorgeous. I don’t own a single bottle, but I’ve seen photos all over many blogs, and I drool like a dog with steaks dangling above its head!
Glad you’re also really digging the polish remover. I don’t know anyone who dislikes it, so it really is a winner…and with a great price like that, you can’t go wrong!
Hope you’re able to find the orange glitter polish! There was only one at the store I went to, so people must be snatching it up fast!
Oh what a great haul, lots of goodies!

I bought two sally hansen and a calvin klein polish recently.
My remover is 100% acetone, it works the best and my hands and nails doesn’t seem to mind it that much so I stick to it.
Gelic’ nail art recently posted: Blue Monday with accent nail art
Hey Gelic’ Nail Art!
How is the Calvin Klein polish? I haven’t tried any of them. Is the formula smooth and long-lasting? Also, how is the brush?
You know what? I’m too chicken to try 100% acetone. I know that it’s supposed to be wonderful especially for tough glitter polishes, but I’m just scared that it’s really strong. I haven’t had any problems with this one that’s acetone-based, so I don’t think I’ll step up the ladder to a stronger remover.
I am always so surprised when bloggers show what they got on the great close out sales Sally’s has…the couple of Sally’s I can get to without driving 200 miles never have anything much left to put on the sale when it starts let alone going this late after the start of the sale. Mine seem to sell out of pretty much everything so next to nothing is ever there even if I get there when they open on the first day of any close out…all the Halloween stuff was goners before Halloween even. I have a few Nina Ulta Pros – old and new bottles – some are OK – some are really watery formulas.
Hey Beachgal!
I know what you mean! I’ve seen some impressive finds from other bloggers, but I never found anything really cool until now! It’s probably because people who shop there more regularly snatched up all the goodies. Then I saunter in and get the remains. Hehe, I was like the polish runt of the litter! But I finally got to enjoy the ‘Squee’ness of finding treasure on clearance!
Sally’s is also out of my way. The closest ones to me take a long time to get to, so that’s another reason why I don’t stalk the stores regularly. Hehe, if there was one really close to my home, I think my wallet would be concerned about its weight.
Awesome haul! I love Purple Xing. I love wearing it on my toes when it’s sunny out. Also, the Beauty Secrets acetone is the BEST! Cheap and super effective!
Erin M. recently posted: Zoya Monica and Daul
Hey Erin M.!
It’s amazing when something so inexpensive also works the best! Gotta love products like that!
Great haul!!!
I’m so jealous. I rarely find anything good at Sally’s. Is yours kinda tiny and cramped? Both of the ones near me are SO small!! Awful. I’d rather make the trek to Ulta where I always find something good on sale.
Lizzy recently posted: #PureIceMyCity Entry
Hey Lizzy!
Aww…don’t be jealous! Maybe the Sally’s near you will have even better finds!
The Sally Beauty Supply stores I’ve been to have all been small and cramped. Do large ones exist? Haha, I just thought all of them were tiny.
Man, I wish Canada had an ULTA…It sounds pretty cool. Is it much larger than Sally’s? (The next time I’m in the States, I have to check it out. Even if I don’t buy anything, I think the experience alone will be worth it! Haha!)
I went to Sally’s on Saturday and picked up the Color Club Snow-Flakes that were on clearance! They were also having the Buy 1 get 1 free on all Orly products and buy a Seche Vite topcoat and get a free China Glaze. So… I had fun!
Hey Karrie!
Yeah, I also saw the Seche Vite deal, but I didn’t get any. Hahahaha, I actually have the large kit of it, so I have enough Seche Vite to last me for at least a year and a half!
Which Orlys did you get?
Lollipop and Snowcone. I now have 3 bottles of Seche, haha.
It’s an amazing fast-drying top coat, so I can understand why you have multiple bottles of it.
This is such a great haul! I wish we had your drugstore chains and the variety of brands they cater *_* also, daamn, the nail polish remover is so cheap in Canada (and in the US, i assume)! I pay roughly the same sum of money you paid for almost a litre of remover for ~300ml of it (i buy Sally Hansen as it’s the cheapest of those I know won’t make my nails fall off my fingers :DD). i would definitely buy the gallon, because I’m always so lazy to go and stock up on remover and such (i’m still too little nail blogger to be receiving full polish collections to review. Actually, I’ve only just received my very first package of nail polish to review (3 bottles)) xD
Yulia Vicerimus recently posted: Polish Days: Something new. Saran wrap mani (fail?)
Hey Yulia Vicerimus!
Actually, a lot of drugstore polishes are expensive considering the amount you get. It’s only this specific brand of remover at Sally’s that’s inexpensive for such a large bottle.
That’s why I love it – effective and inexpensive!
Hehe, I’m picturing someone buying a gallon. That is the mark of a TRUE nailphile!
Congratulations on getting some polishes to review – that’s awesome!
Keep blogging and keep reaching out to PR and companies. It’ll happen when you invest the time, effort, and passion. All the best!
I really, really like the christmassy one! I think I saw it when I was in Sally’s Beauty Supply but I controlled my shopping craze. Just a little bit :p
Ps. Back from vacay!
Charlotte recently posted: Haul of Shame – US of A Style
Hey Charlotte!
Welcome back from your vacation! Hope you had a WONDERFUL time!
Hehe, I see that you also post using “Haul of Shame”.
Hey Mary!
Thank you so much. And I had an amazing vacation. The only bad part of that, is that I’m a little depressed to be home. It’s so cold and dark here!!!
I do
I think it’s the only proper way to describe the amount of polish I got… Woopsies. 
Charlotte recently posted: Haul of Shame – US of A Style
Yeah, I understand how you feel. It’s a bit like when a major event you were looking forward to has ended. You were so happy during the vacation and now it’s back to reality. *Sigh* But…on the positive side, at least you got to enjoy a great vacation! I’m still saving up – I hardly travel because I can’t really afford to go anywhere exotic.
Exactly. It feels so sad and depressing. And now the weather’s even better in California!
I’ve been lucky, and I haven’t had to pay for hotel on my vacations. That shaves quite a bit off the price
Charlotte recently posted: ORLY – Meet Me Under The Mistletoe
VERY NICE! Not having to pay for hotel accommodations sounds amazing!
It’s so great. Loving it
Back to my studies now, though…
Charlotte recently posted: China Glaze Lubu Heels
You sound like a very studious student!
Keep up the good work! It pays off!
Sally’s is doing great with holiday clearance! I just went in today and they had the Color Club mini 4 set for 5.99 and the 2 size full sized set for 3.99! Great deals! Also, I’ve been seeing a bunch of China Glaze Magnetix 2, FingerPaints and Orly nail polishes. The last polish I bought was China Glaze It’s a Trapeze and some bottles of Orly bonder. You got some great polishes!
Hey Maddy!
How awesome! The one I went to didn’t have any sets on clearance. WOW – those are fantastic prices you mentioned! I hope you picked up something. With those prices, I’ll bet it was very tempting!
Great Haul!
But I do do a lot of nail polish hunting at Winners. I have been soo good recently- not many polish purchases… I’m working through my untrieds for now 
I don’t have a Sally Beauty anywhere near me
Marta recently posted: OPI Disney’s OZ -Soft Shade Swatches
Hey Marta!
Same – the nearest Sally Beauty is still far away. Sometimes I think it’s a good thing. If I had a Sally’s right next door, I’d be there all the time…and my wallet would have to pull me aside.
I just got the Nina Ultra Pro Pearly Brights yesturday and I absolutely LOVE the color. It is so bright and great for summer. I can’t believe I’ve never noticed it before! Btw great haul!
Hey Aisha!
Awesome that you love it!
I haven’t worn my yet, but I will have to do so soon because it’s definitely the perfect colour for a quick pick-me-up!
I am so jealous! I never see Color Club at MY Sally’s!!!!
Hey Leslie!
Aww, maybe they’ll carry them soon! Sometime I see Color Clubs on the clearance shelf at mine.