Giveaway: Win a Set of 8 Nubar Nail Polishes!

Nubar Giveaway SwatchAndLearn NailPolishCanadaUpdate: Kelley replied to my e-mail on June 9th. The giveaway is officially closed. Thanks to everyone for participating!

Edit: The winner of my Nubar giveaway is…….KELLEY! Congratulations! πŸ˜€ Please check your e-mail and reply within 48 hours to claim your prize! (I e-mailed you on June 7th at 9 pm Eastern.)


It has been a little while since my last giveaway, and I wanted to do something special for you because your support and encouragement means the world to me.

If you’ve been following Swatch And Learn for months, you’ll know that I’ve had great experiences working with NailPolishCanada in the past. So, naturally, I decided to reach out to them and see if we could team up again for an upcoming giveaway.

They were extremely generous! Take a deep breath! Get ready to scream at the top of your lungs!

NailPolishCanada offered an entire set of nail polishes for one lucky winner! *SCREAMS* πŸ˜‰ And it gets cooler. They allowed me to choose from an awesome list of polish sets. I decided to give away a Nubar 8-piece set because I know how tricky Nubar is to get hold of. Plus they’re a brand that I absolutely adore!

And to put the icing on the cake, I asked NailPolishCanada if the winner could choose exactly which Nubar set they’d receive – YES! πŸ™‚

Please carefully read the rest of this post for the important details on how to enter!

When: Now until June 6 at 11:59 pm (Eastern)

Who Can Enter: Canadian & U.S. residents

How to Enter: Leave a comment telling me about anything! (e.g. What’s on your nails now, the last movie you watched, the last book you read, a joke, the song you’ve been blasting, etc.)


You can choose one set of your choice:

Nubar Jelly Beans Collection

Nubar Giveaway NailPolishCanada SwatchAndLearn Jelly Beans Collection

Nubar Jelly Beans Collection

Nubar Sparkles Collection

Nubar Sparkle Collection SwatchAndLearn Giveaway NailPolishCanada

Nubar Sparkle Collection

Nubar Fortress Collection

Nubar Fortress Collection Giveaway Swatch And Learn NailPolishCanada

Nubar Fortress Collection

Nubar Pastel Fever Collection

Nubar Pastel Fever Collection Giveaway Swatch And Learn NailPolishCanada

Nubar Pastel Fever Collection


  • One entry per person (regardless if you comment more than once)
  • I’ll select the winner using & the winner will have 48 hours to reply to my e-mail to claim the prize. (Failure to do so will force me to choose another winner.) I’ll e-mail the winner on June 7. After I receive your reply with your name and address, I’ll forward that to NailPolishCanada so they can send you the nail polishes.
  • Please add to your Safe List in your e-mail inbox so that my message doesn’t wind up in your junk folder by accident.

Please Support Swatch And Learn:

Feel free to tell all your friends about this giveaway so that more people have a chance to win this amazing prize!

Good luck, everyone! πŸ™‚


424 thoughts on “Giveaway: Win a Set of 8 Nubar Nail Polishes!

  1. Heather

    Awesome giveaway! Nice that the winner gets to choose the set.

    I just did my nails in Milani Deep Thoughts. One coater if you’re careful! It’s such a lovely superdark purple, and the name is almost the same as my computer (DeepThought, after the computer from the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy). =)

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Heather!

      Congratulations on being the very first person to enter this contest. You were really fast on the draw! πŸ™‚

      Speaking of purples that are one-coaters, I have a post scheduled for tomorrow on one. πŸ˜‰

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lola AM!

      Oh…I’m so far behind on reading The Hunger Games trilogy! I loved the first book and finished it right before the movie came out. Then I started Catching Fire, but things got really busy so fast, and I don’t have as much time to read it. Only got a few chapters into it, but it’s good so far!

  2. Robbie Mac

    Hey Hey! Would love to win one of these. Getting pedi done this weekend. Think I will rock the OPI Lincoln Park After Dark Again. Last movie I saw…..boring Battleship! Hated it. Maybe because I am retired Navy and seen all the wrong in the movie. Song I just got done blasting JayZ Kanye West N***a’s In Paris. Because Rondo was Ballin tonight.
    Much Love Mary!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Robbie Mac!

      Haha, yeah, that must’ve annoyed you being able to see all the inaccuracies in the film!

      Lots of love right back at ya!

  3. Rachel D

    Hey Mary, what a great giveaway! I just painted my nails Lo by Zoya and I did sparkle tips, I’m pretty pleased with the outcome! Have a great day!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Rachel D!

      Sounds very pretty. πŸ™‚ I have yet to rock sparkly tips – it’s great especially to extend the life of an existing manicure.

  4. Kelsey Allan

    really awesome giveaway! I just painted my nails Action from the Essie Summer collection. I was weary about it at first but I really do like this orange polish.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Kelsey Allan!

      Glad you like it! πŸ™‚ I’m just so thankful that NailPolishCanada agreed to team up with me for this. I’m sure that the winner will be so thrilled!

  5. Angie

    Awesome giveaway! I wouldn’t know which set to pick!

    Yesterday I received 3 colors from OPI’s Amazing Spider-Man Collection. I did my left hand in Just Spotted the Lizard which is beyond amazing! My left hand is My Boyfriend Scales Walls with Shatter the Scales on top. It was my first time using shatter polish so it didn’t come out perfect, but next time!

    And since I’m a book blogger I’ll tell you my most recent read: I’m currently reading Shaman, Healer, Heretic by M. Terry Green. πŸ™‚

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Angie!

      Hehe, well if you win, you’ll be forced to pick a set! Oh, decisions, decisions, decisions. Life is very hard, isn’t it? πŸ˜‰ Heheheheh! I love ‘difficulties’ like this.

      OPI Just Spotted the Lizard is amazing! πŸ™‚ I would’ve bought it if I didn’t already have Chanel Peridot (and even a back-up of it). I don’t know many people who haven’t fallen in love/lust with it. What a winner!

  6. Mandy B

    Ho-lee cow! Nubar! My nails are sadly nekkid right now (unless beet juice stains count, which I hope they don’t), and the song I’m stuck on is Chris Isaak’s “Round ‘N Round”, ’cause it’s just that good πŸ™‚

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Mandy B!

      Haha, beet juice stains! I remember wearing a purple Milani polish that stained my nails like that badly.

  7. Katie

    I’ve just started using scotch tape to make little stripey designs on my nails, and I actually like the results! It’s an easy, nearly goof-proof way to do nail art for someone like me. πŸ™‚
    Thanks so much for the giveaway!

    P.S. the song I cannot get out of my head these days is “call me maybe” by Carly Rae Jepson! Definitely an “earworm”!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Katie!

      It’s cool that you’ve found a solution that works for you. πŸ™‚ And the possibilities with tape designs are endless! You’ll come up with so many creative ideas, I’m sure.

      I’ve actually never heard that song. I’ll need to look it up. I’m all for catching earworms! πŸ˜‰

  8. Alison

    Wow! What an awesome giveaway! I just found your blog pretty recently, and I really appreciate your thorough reviews and the high quality of your pictures. Keep up the great work!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Alison!

      Welcome to Swatch And Learn! πŸ™‚ Make yourself comfy! Hope that you’ll stop by again soon and indulge me with another lovely comment!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Cara!

      It’s cool that you even knew a shop that carried Nubar. Here in Canada, I’ve only seen it sporadically at Winners stores. But they never had the latest collections. And most times, they didn’t have even more than one of the same colour – just maybe a handful of colours in total.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Victoria Purington!

      Well, we’ll have to see how it all plays out, won’t we? πŸ˜‰ Best of luck in the draw! Who knows? It could be your lucky day.

  9. Nicole McMerrick

    Right now I have the yellow loreal polish called Tweet Me and I’m using it as a base for some nail art like yours that I saw on Beautylish. πŸ™‚ Yellow and black is striking and not just for bumble bees anymore! πŸ˜‰
    Nicole McMerrick recently posted: My Love of Badger Balm

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Nicole McMerrick!

      Hehehe, that’s a cute name for a yellow polish. Quite clever!

      Thanks for checking me out on Beautylish. πŸ™‚

  10. Jennifer Harris

    I’m wearing animalistic from the OPI Muppets collection. I love your blog! I find it both helpful and hilarious! You have a great sense of humor!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jennifer Harris!

      I’m glad that you enjoy my sense of humour. πŸ˜‰ Not everyone gets it, but I can’t help putting the ole funny bone to work because it makes me happy!

  11. Brandi

    I’m wearing no polish at all, just some strengthener: two of my nails broke. Boo. D:

    My favourite of the above sets is Fortress; but all of them are exceptional.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Brandi!

      Hope those two nails grow out quickly!

      Which strengthener do you use? I’ve never tried any, and I’m curious.

  12. Amanda

    I’m wearing Order of the Garter by a England πŸ™‚

    And I’m currently waiting to get my cope of Game of Thrones back from a friend to start a re-read of the series!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Amanda!

      Ahhhhh…I’ve been wanting to try A England polishes after hearing so many wonderful things about them. Maybe one day!

  13. Chrystal S

    Hey! What an awesome giveaway! I love Nubar polishes, the bottle shape, the brush, etc, but the only place I can get them is online! I only have two nubar and I hope I can get more! Right now, I am wearing Electrify by China Glaze, glittery awesomeness πŸ™‚

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Chrystal S!

      If Nubar polishes were more accessible, I think that they’d make a sales killing! It’s really hard to find a brand that puts out so many duochromes, it seems.

  14. Kelly Valentine

    I have never been able to get my hands on any Nubar polishes but I have always wanted to try them! This is such a great and generous giveaway prize! As someone new to nail care and also a new blogger, I can say without a doubt your blog has definitely helped me learn so many things. Thank you so much for all your time and effort just to share with us all.

    Right now my nails are a marble of tan/teal/gold and I am loving how much it looks like a piece of jasper stone!
    Kelly Valentine recently posted: Saran Wrap Marble

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Kelly Valentine!

      This would be a great opportunity to try them if you win! πŸ™‚ Best of luck in the draw!

      Thank you for the kind words – it really makes my day when people find my blog helpful and let me know. I appreciate readers like you who take the time to visit. A blog is really nothing without an amazing readership.

  15. Ashley

    I am wearing OPI’s It’s Totally Fort Worth It, with China Glaze Ahoy! accent on my ring fingers.

    I’ve never had a chance to try Nubar and have always really wanted to. FINGERS CROSSED.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Ashley!

      Ahoy! is amazing, isn’t it? I remember seeing it in the bottle and thinking it was just okay. Then I painted my nails with it and actually fell in love with it. (Love for pink polish from me is rare…haha!)

  16. JoΓ«lle

    I love Nubar! But oh so hard to get my hands on any!
    Right now I have China Glaze Fastrack on.
    Thank you for another great giveaway πŸ™‚

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Joelle!

      No problem – I’m always looking to share opportunities like this with my readers. It’s so much fun to organize, but even better when I get to announce a winner!

  17. Olivia Frescura

    Right now I’m using 2 colors- Color Club Koo Koo Ka Choo (neon orange) and Barry M Turquoise for a saran wrap manicure (so cool!)

    The pastel ones look right up my alley! I’ve had Nubar 2010 for a while and I love it but I haven’t had the chance to try any others!

  18. Jeanine

    Thanks for the giveaway! I’m wearing a nude Julep polish with some bright orange funky french tips. Gotta rock the nude and neon!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Esmeralda!

      Yes, I saw the trailer. I’ll probably end up seeing it. It looks like it could be the type of film to move you so much that you get goosebumps. We’ll see!

  19. Brody

    What do you call a nosy pepper? Jalapeno business! There’s my joke, haha

    The Sparkles collection is so amazing!

  20. Jacqueline C

    Currently wearing two coats of OPI Ink with one coat of Nubar Brilliant on my fingers, and OPI Elephantastic Pink on my toes. Wish it was sunnier where I am so the holo would show up πŸ™ Thinking of a few options for my birthday dinner. ChG Ruby Slippers, Milani Gold Glitz, or black cream with Ruby Slippers or Gold Glitz accent nail!

  21. Nicole

    Right now I have on 2 coats of NYC In a New York Minute in Lavender Cupcake underneath 2 coats of OPI Significant Other Color. It’s shiny and iridescent and beautiful. It’s starting to look worn, so I’ll be changing it today. I’m thinking I”ll use Sinful Color Cinderella and Zoya Dea in some combination.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Nicole!

      Significant Other Color is so cool when used for layering. Thanks for reminding me – I need to bust my bottle out again.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Carolina!

      Yes, NailPolishCanada is awesome – they were soooo generous! πŸ™‚ I’m very grateful to be able to give my readers this opportunity. πŸ™‚

      Thanks for following me everywhere…haha, but please don’t follow me into the little girls’ room. Hahaha! πŸ˜› I had to make that joke.

  22. Kim L

    I have on Catherine Arley 805 with darling diva Polish ringer on top. I have stalked my last Indie. I want sand art!!!!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Kim L!

      You know, those are two brands I’ve never tried. And I am lemming indie polishes like crazy, but…I’m refraining from making any big purchases for a while until I wear more of the polishes I already have. πŸ™‚

  23. Jess

    What an amazing giveaway!
    I am currently wearing OPI Come to Poppy from Nice Stems with one coat with I Lily Love You on top.
    And I must be the last person on earth but am super obsessed with “Call Me Maybe” and keep playing it to my husband’s chagrin.

  24. Katt

    On my nails: Essie Pink-A-Boo topped with Finger Paints Twisted. Like pink opals!

    I have three Nubars and love them – Reclaim is one of my favorite polishes of all time. If I could find them locally, I’d probably own a lot more.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Katt!

      Cherish your bottle of Twisted! πŸ™‚ So many people wanted it, but it sold out so quickly.

      I’m with you on Reclaim! It’s magic in a bottle – by far the best green holo I own.

  25. MC

    I am wearing China Glaze for Audrey and used Konad plate M59 to stamp little bows over them… Tiffany nails! πŸ˜€

  26. Savannah

    I am really new to wearing polish and I have never *gasp* heard of Nubar *hangs head in shame* I would love to win as my current collection consists of about 8 polishes. Right now I am wearing a gradient featuring Sinful Colors Pink Neon Fusion, Sally Hansen Lacey Lilac and Sally Hansen Mint Sorbet. I would love to win and broaden my collection.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Savannah!

      Haha, that’s okay. I think a lot of non-nailphiles haven’t heard of Nubar because you don’t usually see them in brick-and-mortar stores. πŸ™‚ But, now that you’re in on it, hehe, have you looked online at all the Nubar polishes?

      Are there any colours that are calling your name?

  27. Heather

    Oh i would love to win this! I have never tried Nubar before! I NEED TO!! Lol! I am getting married in *gasp* 16 days! OMG! πŸ™‚

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Heather!

      Never tried Nubar? *GASP* Hahaha, good luck in this draw!

      And I’d like to wish you an early congratulations! How exciting! πŸ™‚

  28. Kathleen Hendry

    Right now I have a cool design my nail tech put on. Fuscia China Glaze with black flames.

  29. Erica

    Hey Mary,
    I love that you’re having this giveaway πŸ™‚ Everyone loves getting free stuff, and it’s even better when it’s “nail mail” πŸ˜‰
    I don’t have anything on my nails currently, I’m trying to let them “heal” as I put some glue-on acrylics from Wal-Mart (just the temporary 7-day ones) and went to take them off and my poor nails underneath πŸ™ They were in bad shape.
    So I currently have Julep’s Nail Theropy on my nails, trying to put some life back into them πŸ™‚ So far so good, but I’m itching to paint them again πŸ™‚
    Also, just want to say good luck to everyone who has entered in the giveaway!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Erica!

      True dat! πŸ˜‰ Nail mail is the ultimate picker-upper.

      Aww…sorry to hear about how those acrylics hurt your nails. Hope it’s not painful at least!

      Thanks for being such a great sport and wishing everyone else good luck. πŸ™‚

      1. Erica

        Nah, it’s not painful, just that a couple nails had the top layer of nail pull off with the glue even though I did the “put acetone remover on a cotton ball and wrap with tinfoil” trick πŸ™ They are looking better now and I have painted them a couple times in the last week, lol!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Christina D!

      And I’m so glad that you found your way here. πŸ™‚ I’ll have to check out your blog soon.

  30. JanT.

    No nail polish right now but I am going to put on Essie’s Camera some time this week. Last night I watched four of the first season’s episodes of Parks and Recreation on Netflix, hysterical! Why didn’t I know about this sitcom before? I am trying to catch up before the fall season!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey JanT.!

      YES! I LOOOOVE Parks and Recreation – hilarious TV show. I only got into it two seasons ago. Thanks for reminding me – I’ll need to buy the first season and watch it all unfold from the beginning. Maybe has it for a decent price. πŸ™‚ (Going to check now.)

  31. AminaM

    Why IS Nubar so hard to find here, anyways? I’m currently sporting China Glaze C-C-Courage. Today is a very blurple day, since I’m waiting for the kitty to get back from the vet!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey AminaM!

      Haha, Nubar is hard to find everywhere! Such a pity because their polish is top-notch!

      Hope your cat is happy and healthy. πŸ™‚

  32. Christine

    I’ve never tried a Nubar nail polish so I hope I win!
    Right now my nails are bare but I’m going to paint them this morning, probably china glaze shower together.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Christine!

      Best of luck in the draw! πŸ™‚ Nubar is a polish you must try eventually – super formula and outstanding multichromes/duochromes you’ll be hard-pressed to find elsewhere.

  33. Lawren

    Ahhh I’m drooling over the prizes. This is definitely an interesting giveaway.

    I’m currently wearing “You’re A Star” by Sally Hansen Salon Effects, designed by Avril Lavigne lol. I like it because it’s shiny @_@ hehehe

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lawren!

      Glad you think so. πŸ˜€ I had the opportunity to offer the Essie Poppy-razzi collection and a Color Club one, but thought that Nubar was definitely the way to go.

      (When I organize a giveaway, I think of what I’d really want. Haha, thankfully my readers are very similar to me in that respect!)

  34. Nicole

    Awesome giveaway! And I just found the Nubar polka dot collection at Winners for $16.99 – so anyone wanting this – run to your local Winners/Marshalls!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Nicole!

      WHAAAAA? That’s a major score…not only to FIND Nubar in a store, but to get it for such a deal! Great eagle eyes! πŸ˜€

      Haha, I actually did go to Winners the other day, but…sniff sniff…no Nubars. Maybe others will be luckier! I hope so!

  35. Melissa

    Awsome giveaway!! I love nail polish. Right now I’m wearing OPI Do you Lilac it, Planks A Lot, Lucky Lucky Lavender, Woca Woca and Meep-meep-meep. Just bought Zoya’s Wednesday because it looks similer to OPI’s Mermaid tears and loved the color after seeing your swatches. Keep ’em coming. This web site is always the highlight of my day. :~)

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Melissa!

      Aww…thanks for saying that the highlight of your day is this blog. πŸ™‚ That’s incredibly flattering! I’m so honoured to have many wonderful and loyal readers!

  36. Barbara

    I’ve never tried any Nubar polishes. Would love to win the Jellybean set. Last movie I saw was The Avengers with my 13 year old daughter. Not really my kind of movie but it wasn’t too bad!

    1. Terra TF

      And something about me… I have a love/hate relationship with flowers. I LOVE gardening, but oy! Hard on the nails!!! O.o

    2. Mary Post author

      Hey Terra TF!

      Wow, the first nail blog you started reading? That’s a HUGE HONOUR! Thank you so much for sticking with me for a long time. It means a lot to me. Thanks for appreciating the work I put into this. πŸ˜€

  37. Julie H.

    The last movie I saw was The Avengers last weekend. I really liked it, especially because my Thor was in it πŸ˜‰

  38. Robyn

    WOW! This is an awesome give away, Mary! My little nails are nekkid right now but they are eyeing that jellybean collection. I would love to do a skittles manicure with all those juicy colours:-)

    I saw “Dark Shadows” over the weekend. Loved Jonny Depp and the wardrobe & hair/makeup for the female characters was really fun! The plot was king of “meh” but if you want some campy fun then its worth checking out.
    Good luck everyone & happy swatching. Keep on keepin’ on, Mary because your blog rocks!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Robyn!

      Glad you like it! πŸ˜€

      Haven’t seen Dark Shadows yet, but campy can definitely be fun for a few giggles. πŸ™‚ I may go see it. So far, in the past little while I’ve seen The Avengers and Snow White & the Huntsman.

      Thanks for the encouraging words. I really appreciate your support! πŸ™‚

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Melissa G.!

      After I finish Catching Fire and Mockingjay, I need to find some more reading material. πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing!

  39. Gabrielle

    Currently on my nails is Model’s Own Peacock Green, which a friend of mine had sent from the UK and surprised me with. I LOVE black and green and went crazy when I found out this polish existed but was sad because you can’t buy it in the US. Now I’m happy because its on my nails! This color is so awesome!!
    Gabrielle recently posted: Episode Thirty Six – Plying Ball Tutorial

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Gabrielle!

      That was so sweet of her! πŸ™‚ Model’s Own has some really enchanting polishes. Still have yet to own any. One day! In the meantime, I enjoy drooling over photos by others. πŸ˜€

  40. Amym

    I would be torn between the Fortress and the Sparkles collection. Tomorrow will be month 10 of my “No buying nail polish for a year” pact with my husband. Winning would sure help kick my craving πŸ™‚

      1. Amym

        Yes! A WHOLE year! When we moved to our apartment my husband made a remark about how much stuff I have in the bathroom. I have been trying to get him to get rid of clutter so I got rid of mine. I sent all my nail polishes (minus 3 recently purchased ones) and all my unused bath products to a women’s shelter. So I’ve been stuck with the same nail polishes since. August needs to hurry! I have a mile long wish list πŸ™‚

        1. Mary Post author

          Hey Amym!

          WOW! I’m not only impressed that you were able to go nearly a whole year without buying polish, but also I’m impressed by your generosity to give all your polishes to a women’s shelter! That’s true selflessness right there. You’re a great example for us all for how to live. πŸ™‚ Hats off to you.

          1. Amym

            I was taking a bunch of stuff to the women’s shelter and asked if they would like the nail polishes as well. I told them that they were used but the donation person said that people don’t think about donating things like that and there were a few girls that would go crazy over them. I’m glad I got rid of clutter and glad to pass on some great nail polishes to some girls that would appreciate them.

  41. Rhonda

    I love Nubar. They have some of the most fantastic duo-chromes, and I am a complete lunatic for duo-chromes!

  42. Jamie

    Thanks for the giveaway. I am a nail newbie and I love your blog. Right now I am wearing Zoya Yasmeen, but I am going to do a pink mani today – I just picked up the OPI Minnie Mouse collection and am anxious to give it a try (even though they weren’t your favorites). Thank you for your beautiful swatches and reviews – and your nails are SO pretty!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jamie!

      You’re very welcome. Thanks for participating! πŸ™‚

      Zoya Yasmeen – what a lovely choice!

      Hope you like the Minnie Mouse collection more than I did. πŸ™‚ That’s what’s cool about nail-polish lovers – we all like different colours.

      I look forward to reading more comments from you. I just love interacting with my readers! πŸ™‚

        1. Mary Post author

          Ohhh yeah! I have Gem around here somewhere – need to wear it sometime. It’s one of my untried polishes! *Gasp*

  43. Margo

    Amazing giveaway! Love Nubar and Nail Polish Canada!

    Right now I have China Glaze Electrify from the Hunger Games collection on. I love it! I didn’t get Harvest Moon, but looking at your photos I wish I got that as well…hmm, maybe for my next haul πŸ™‚
    Margo recently posted: Divas in the City 3

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Margo!

      Hehe, I love how you’re thinking about your next haul! πŸ˜‰ Us nailphiles need to stick together! WOOOO! Hahahaha!

  44. Jeanette

    This is an awesome giveaway! I love your blog and how frequent you post. I was on vacation in Colorado with little internet service and every chance I got, I was checking your website.

    Crossing my fingers on winning some polish!


    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jeanette!

      Thanks – I’ll admit that sometimes it’s very difficult to always get a daily post up by 7 am, but it’s worth the effort. It’s fun and a good personal challenge. Plus it makes my day when my readers appreciate it. πŸ™‚

      That’s such an honour that you visited my site while on vacation. THANK YOU! πŸ˜€

  45. Kathy Waligora

    I am so in love with this blog. I often look at the email on my phone before I even get out of bed in the morning!! Right now I have a magentaish color from China Glaze on my fingers, left over from a salon manicure. There is also a little interior paint from painting my dining room last night–tonight will definitely require a little pampering!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Kathy Waligora!

      Awww…thank you so much for saying that! πŸ™‚ Made my day. Seriously…my readers are the best. Hands down! πŸ˜€

      And thanks for signing up for daily e-mails!

  46. Paula

    I love this blog! Helps with beauty and nail buys:) currently wearing OPI just spotted the lizard with black konad fishnet stamping and a fimo cane butterfly:) I love nubar was excited to see the giveaway:) I got into nails after completing chemo as a way to help with the blackish nails look ( or cracking). It was lots of effort at first but has become rewarding now that my nails grow:)

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Paula!

      That’s great to hear! πŸ˜€ Thank you – I’m so happy to hear that you’ve found my blog helpful!

      Cool how you used fimo. I can picture your manicure – brilliant!

      By the way, chemo is really tough. You’re a fighter! I’m proud of you.

  47. Valerie

    Awesome giveaway! I’m just about to paint my nails with Finger Paints Laugh My Art Off. My first Finger Paints polish. I’d love to get my hands on some Nubar though!!!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey preciouspearl!

      How do you think it compared to the book? The book was already fast-paced, but whoa, the movie was even faster. I was sad how they didn’t go into much depth about the relationship between Katniss and Rue like they did in the book. But I still enjoyed the movie. πŸ™‚

  48. Kari

    Great giveaway!
    My nails are naked today! Ahhhh! I’m going to do them tonight but I still haven’t decided how to, yet. I recently bought the newbie “as seen on tv” stamping set to get my feet wet and I’ve been having a blast. My Memorial Day mani was 3 coats of WnW Spoiled “Shrimp on the Barbie” with stamped fireworks in WnW “Daddy’s Credit Card” and China Glaze “Ruby Pumps”. I used the stamp that looks like fireworks on the plate with the xoxo stamp!

  49. Time On My Nails (Julie)

    I went to see MIB 3 the other night; it was pretty awesome, funny and exciting. I went in 2D because I HATE 3D. I am currently on day 5 of testing out Gelish Tiger Blossom on my nails, and it is holding up PERFECTLY but driving me NUTS that I can’t change it!
    Time On My Nails (Julie) recently posted: Moar Polka Dots!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Julie!

      Actually, I’m with you on 3D movies. I wear glasses, so I don’t like having to wear 3D glasses, too. Plus they’re always too big for my face, and I end up having to hold them, which is uncomfortable during an entire movie. 2D movies are better! πŸ˜€

      1. Time On My Nails (Julie)

        Same here! They put a weird weight on my glasses and just make my nose hurt lol. I once went to a higher-end movie theatre, that had expensive-seeming, reusable 3D glasses that fit comfortably and properly over my regular glasses. It was awesome! I could actually enjoy it, except for the minor headache from the weird movement in 3D that makes my eyes twitch or something…
        Time On My Nails (Julie) recently posted: Just A Small Haul Post

        1. Mary Post author

          Very interesting that you found a place with better-quality glasses. I’ve only been to see two 3D movies, and both times, the theater only gave out the cheap, flimsy kind.

  50. Ashley B.

    What a fantastic giveaway! I adore your site and appreciate your kindness!
    Life has been hectic lately, so alas, my nails, which i try to never leave naked, have been bare for days (aside from a coat of Essie’s grow faster). some new polishes would definitely help reignite my crazy compulsion to always have polish on my nails!
    Thanks again!
    Ashley B.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Ashley B.!

      And I appreciate readers like you who are so generous with your encouragement. It’s really needed! THANKS! πŸ™‚

      Hope that things slow down (just a tad) so that you can still lead an exciting life, but do it with polished tips, too. Hehehe! πŸ˜‰

  51. Olga Slavutsky

    Love your giveaway! Thank you for introducing me to Sally’s Beauty, this is my frequent lunch destination now! It is so now to get info about products that are available in Canada.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Olga Slavutsky!

      You’re very welcome. I’m always glad to talk polish. πŸ˜‰ Hahaha, that store’s dangerous!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Candice!

      I hope that by now you’re feeling much better. And maybe if you win this giveaway, you’ll feel on top of the world. πŸ˜‰ Best of luck in the draw!

  52. Alli

    I am currently loving OPI’s “Elephantastic Pink,” which is what I am wearing! I also tried some Konad on it with my new kit! Exciting!

      1. Alli

        It was m57, I actually used the idea from your Valentine’s nails that I saw on here! It inspired me πŸ™‚

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey MelodyJ!

      Just in case you were wondering, I edited your comment to remove your e-mail address just to ensure your privacy. πŸ™‚ Don’t worry – if you win, I have your e-mail that you put into the form when you left your comment. I just don’t want you to get any spam or weirdness by posting your e-mail. πŸ™‚

  53. Maria Saldana

    Wow it’s been a long time Ive benn here & like to apologies for that a lot of graduation ceremonies/party’s so fun but tiring. But I’m so excited good things are happening for me I’m to college on June 4!!! Awww! My nerves are every where, got a new hair cut, new outfit for my first day. Hopefully a new nail polishes to go with it (wink, wink) I hope everyones summer will be fantastic. (slipping you $10 bucks under the table sshhh) just kidding…or am I? All kidding aside I want to say congrats to a new begining to ALL graduates of all age’s college,high schoolers, etc.

    Flying caps with diplomas to sun hat’s with taning lotion,
    Maria Saldana

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Maria Saldana!

      I appreciate any time you’re able to visit. πŸ™‚ Thank you so much!

      How’s college going for you? πŸ™‚ What courses are you taking? Do you like your professors?

      Hahahahahaha, I like the $10 very much, but you know that if I took it, I’d only end up buying you nail polish. πŸ˜‰

      1. Maria Saldana

        Yeah lame attempt for a joke. I have a graphic design for photography yep I want to be a professional photographer want to be like Andy Warhol shame I didn’t win. But it’s alright I’ll buy them.

        1. Mary Post author

          Hey, it got a laugh out of me! πŸ™‚ It’s all good!

          It’s great to hear that you have good professors. πŸ™‚

          So far, Kelley (the winner) still hasn’t replied to my e-mail to claim her prize, so…if she doesn’t reply by today at 9 pm, I’ll have to randomly select a new winner. So…you never know. You may have another shot if Kelley doesn’t reply.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Ashley!

      Haha, so it’s one of THOSE polishes that you have to be in the mood for, I guess. It looks so sweet and pretty to me whenever I’ve seen photos of it online.

  54. Sandra

    Wow! Great giveaway. I have L’OrΓ©al’s Cockatoo’s Mystery on my nails with China Glaze’s Marry a Millionaire on my ring finger as the accent nail. Fun!

  55. Ter Garney

    Ive been recovering from surgery the past few weeks. So I broke out my Lost dvds. I got through all 6 seasons. Amazed at how much I forgot.

  56. Sarah

    Great Giveaway! I have a question, when I paint my nails, they always start peeling the next day. Like all of the polish on my nail peels off. Is there something I can do to keep it from peeling off right away? I don’t put very thick coats on, I use a base coat, I swipe remover on clean, dry nails right before I polish and I use the sche vite top coat. I don’t know what else I could do! They ONLY time polish doesn’t peel off my nails is if I use the sally hansen nail polish strips!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Sarah!

      What base coat are you using? It’s possible that Seche Vite’s top coat doesn’t agree with the base coat. Also, does the peeling occur no matter what polish you use (i.e. glitter, shimmer, creme, etc.)? I know that more people have this problem with glitter polishes.

      1. Sarah

        I have a variety of base and top coats, all mixtures seem to have the same result. Unless my nails are SUPER short, maybe its just that my nails are very weak/and peel easy when I’m not wearing polish and they are long (like past the tip of my finger) the peeling happens with all polish I have, from cheap WetNWild to OPI and Essie. Like I said, unless its nail polish strips, it peels! Just wondering if you had any ideas since I can’t figure it out.

        1. Mary Post author

          Hmm…I’m stumped! Maybe you should look into nail-strengthening treatments to improve the health of your nails. (I haven’t tried those, so I can’t give my take on any, but I heard from others that OPI Nail Envy works wonders.)

  57. Nicole F

    This is an awesome giveaway! I’m currently wearing Butter London’s The Black Knight. Love it so.

  58. Anna Z

    Awesome giveaway! I’m a bridesmaid in a wedding this weekend, so it’s time for a pedicure…something pink to match our dresses πŸ™‚

  59. d

    my nails are currently a hot coral color called “heat flash,” which seemed appropriate given the hot weather this week.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Brianna!

      That reminds me…I need to wear China Glaze Towel Boy Toy. It’s a blue, and the only polish in the Poolside Collection that I haven’t yet reviewed on here. πŸ™‚

  60. Danielle

    What an awesome giveaway! I dont’ have any Nubar to date, but have my eye on several. I’m currently sporting RBL Curpum, which is lovely, but after 4 days I wanted to spruce it up, so I stamped it with silver. Not great at stamping yet, but it’s fun.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Danielle!

      Oh man…I wanted so many of the new Rescue Beauty Lounge polishes, but I’m trying to save a bit of money. Been pretty good for months, so maybe it’s time to splurge. πŸ˜‰

  61. Jessica

    Oooh, a Nubar giveaway! That’s different. Thanks Mary! I only own one Nubar (Vaso from the Venetian Glass collection), but I love it.

    I’m currently wearing Did You ‘Ear About Van Gogh? from OPI’s recent Holland collection. I did buy it for the name (*guilty*), but I do like it on. It’s a nice, clean neutral (which is what I wanted after I removed my last manicure, a crazy flakie combo). It looks a little like clay or putty to me.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jessica!

      ‘Dare to be different’ is a motto I’ve lived by since I was a kid.

      Glad that you appreciate this giveaway. Thanks for participating!

      Oh yeah, I’m also guilty for sometimes buying polishes for the name. πŸ˜‰

  62. Jackie

    I am wearing St. George by A-England right now but I think I am going to change it to a fun neon tropical konadicure. I don’t have enough hands for everything I want to do!!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jackie!

      Neon? Tropical? Konadicure? That’s a triple threat! AWESOME!

      Hey, you’re welcome to paint my nails…haha!

  63. Nicole

    Awesome! I’ve yet to try any nubar, the sets look fantastic!
    I recently got some stamping supplies so I have a konadicure that I’m in love with on. SH Hard as Nails stamped with KC Neon Sapphire with the konad m71 plate, I have fine china nails πŸ˜€

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Nicole!

      Yay for getting stamping supplies! You’ve just opened up a portal of creativity. Enjoy where it takes you!

  64. Jennifer

    Wow, what a great giveaway!
    I’m wearing OPI Hot & Spicy on my toes and Cult Nails Scandalous on my fingers.

  65. Stefanie

    I have on SpaRitual’s Off the Grid on my nails and my poor toes are nekkid! Tomorrow (friday) I’m going to see Snow White and the Huntsman with my sister, which I’m really looking forward to. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!!!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Stefanie!

      Hahahaha, my toenails are nearly ALWAYS naked! I paint them maybe 2-3 times a YEAR.

      What did you think of the movie? I saw it on Sunday, and thought it was good, but I was a bit letdown. Thought it would give me goosebumps (i.e. make me really excited) like when I watched the trailer.

      1. Stefanie

        I felt the same way! I just couldn’t get into it, which made me sad because, like you, thought I would get chills. It was visually pretty though!

        1. Mary Post author

          Charlize Theron was good, and I really liked the dark forest. However, the fairy forest was laughable. πŸ˜› I couldn’t just ‘go with it’.

  66. triceratops

    Thanks so much for the exciting giveaway!

    I’m actually on vacation in Budapest right now, and so of course today I was in a drugstore browsing European polish brands, and I came across three bottles of fantasy fire! Which I thought was UK-only, but apparently not, since I found it here in Hungary! Needless to say, I bought all three bottles πŸ™‚ in currently wearing it over essence passion for fashion.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey triceratops!

      Cool! Was it your first time in Budapest?

      Interesting…I just saw a woman on the subway yesterday who was reading a Budapest library book.

      THREE bottles of Fantasy Fire? What a major score! Congrats!

  67. Ashley Lyn

    Woo!!!! Awesome giveaway, nubar polishes are awesome!!! I’ve got something sort of unique on my nails right now, first I used two coats of Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear “Lacey Lilac”, and then I topped it with Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear “Charmed”. Charmed is an extremely fine iridescent glitter top coat that has a bit of a frosty quality to it, and adding it over the purple makes my nails look like glittery easter eggs (will have to remember this mani for easter lol!) You should definitely try Charmed if you haven’t yet, and Lacey Lilac too in fact!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Ashley Lyn!

      That definitely does sound like a lovely combination. πŸ™‚ I haven’t tried Charmed or Lacey Lilac. I’ll take a look at it if I can find it in the store.

  68. Janet "The KnitMaster"

    The KnitMaster is hypnotizing you — you will pick me — you will pick me — you will pick me —

  69. Samantha

    Yesterday I went down to Portland, OR for the first time in AGES. Because driving around there is a pain in the neck, my friend and I parked at the mall and took public transportation. But we kept getting lost on the way to the places we wanted to go which meant far more walking than we had intended. On the positive side, this meant we ran into lots of shops and other strange things that we would never have seen otherwise! This included a free art gallery showing crazy art from graduating students of one of the nearby universities. There was also a shop we went into for hats but on the other side found something far more beautiful: various insects and amphibians preserved in double-glass. This is like your typical butterfly that is pinned but some of these were just so much more beautiful than anything I’d ever seen. We could have spent forever there looking at all of them but they were closing up. Aside from that, we ate a lot of wonderful food, too. I got to try a cupcake shop that I’d never even seen before, and we had frozen yogurt and bubble tea. All in all, aside from the pain in my feet and legs the next day, it was a super fun day!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Samantha!

      Hehe, sometimes getting lost is actually a good thing. πŸ™‚ I like how you were able to see the silver lining of the situation. That’s a really great attitude to have.

      Mmm…cupcake shop!

      Sounds like you had a fun-filled day! πŸ™‚

  70. Ariel

    Thanks for the giveaway! I’ve got two things I want to write. πŸ™‚
    First one, on my nails I have something like a skittle manicure… but the colors are layered over a white and are only over half of the nail, like a half moon manicure with the half moon more of a three quarter. It’s very spring-y.
    The second is a joke.
    What do you call an alligator in a vest?

    And investigator. πŸ˜€

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Ariel!

      Coooool manicure! I really want to try a half-moon manicure, too! (Haha, I feel like I keep saying that.)

      HAHAHAHA, I like your joke!

  71. Desiree

    Great giveaway! Currently rocking nubar pastel purple with Finger Paints “asylum” on top. Gorgeous!!!!

  72. Lizajane1776

    Gotta admit it: I chose the color for my pedicure for my daughter’s wedding because it was Color Club and I hadn’t used any from that company yet. But because they did such an amazing job-CND as the topcoat? Yessir!-I don’t know if I can judge the polish quality. It took two days before I caught the holo/duochrome, however.

    Thanks for this great giveaway, and particularly for your blog!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lizajane1776!

      You’re very welcome, and thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Hope that you’ll stop by again. I just love interacting with my readers and finding out more about them. It’s fun to build a community and share similar passions with others.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Terry Gettmann!

      Cool combination. I can picture that for Valentine’s Day, too…or even an anti-Valentine’s Day manicure depending on the amount of black used. Very neat!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lindsey P!

      Wow, that’s just perfect timing, now isn’t it? πŸ™‚ I’m so glad that you found Swatch And Learn. Please don’t be shy – leave comments in the future. I reply to each and every single one of them. It may not be on the same day, but I try to reply as soon as I can because the voice of readers is very important to me.

  73. Calli

    Awesome giveaway! It’s my birthday today, maybe I’ll get lucky! I think the fortress set would make a great ombre!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Calli!

      Happy belated birthday to you! πŸ˜€ Hope that you had a lot of fun and celebrated with friends and/or family.

  74. Cristina

    I looove Nubar! I just picked up their Polka Dots set from Winners a couple of weeks ago and I want to layer them over everything! πŸ™‚

    Tomorrow is my birthday and I’m trying to figure out what I want my birthday mani to be! Can’t go wrong with a Lynnderella, right?

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jennifer Keck!

      Wonderwall makes me think of that old Oasis song by the same name. Love that song. Need to spin it again soon.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Frosso!

      You’re most welcome! πŸ™‚ I’m always happy to spread the nail love to my incredible readers.

  75. Stephanie

    Wow! This is seriously an amazing giveaway! Thank you so much Mary!!
    Currently I am wearing Aphrodite Lacquers Rum Runner on my nails, its a pink jelly polish with a multitude of glitter in it! And I’m currently reading Dancing on Broken Glass, such an intriguing read!
    Stephanie recently posted: Armed Forces Vet Striping Tape

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Stephanie!

      You’re welcome! NailPolishCanada is so awesome, aren’t they? Very generous and supportive. It’s been a great pleasure collaborating with them for this.

      Your nail polish sounds cool – pink jelly!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey missy/gnarlygnails!

      You have great taste! πŸ˜‰ Nubar is definitely one of the best on the market. Wish more people knew about them and were able to try them.

      Mint chocolate chip sundae? Sounds delicious…haha…Are you tempting me to nibble your nails? πŸ˜›

  76. Priscila

    Loved your choice of the giveaway! I recently purchased my first Nubar polishes (the jeans collection, from Nail Polish Canada), and loved them!
    Fingers crossed! πŸ˜‰
    Priscila recently posted: Gabriela

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Priscila!

      Glad to hear it! πŸ™‚

      Cool – the Jeans Collection looks really nice. I was thinking about purchasing it, too.

  77. melissa

    I love the Pastel set! Currently I am wearing a selection of heart-shaped stamps from the newest MASH stamp set, stamped over a Hits Mari Moon polish.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey melissa!

      Ahhhhh! Hits polishes! I have yet to own a single one, sadly. But I still enjoy drooling over gorgeous photos of the shades online. Beautiful!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Raina99!

      They certainly are a company that deserves as much love as they can get. πŸ™‚ I love promoting them. Not only are they local, but they’re also very nice to collaborate with.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Amber!

      Thank you so much! πŸ˜€ Haha, the obsession only gets worse as time goes on…err…I mean better, right? πŸ˜‰ Hehe!

  78. Marta

    What an awesome giveaway!!! I am lacking Nubars in my collection πŸ˜‰

    Something… while I play the part of a ‘mature’ momma of three, I like me a good song on the radio that I can bob my head to. You already know about my maybe-not-so-healthy fascination with Pitbull tunes… but I have recently been digging Flo Rida’s “whistle”… it is a raunchy and foul song, but the beat is soo catchy… I can’t help it *blush* πŸ˜€
    Marta recently posted: NEW MASH PLATES- A Review

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Marta!

      Lacking in Nubars? Oh no no no…we simply can’t have that! πŸ˜› Fill up that void! Nubar has amazing baby blues that I think you’d reallllly love.

      Hahaha, that song IS really catchy! πŸ˜‰ I don’t blame ya.

  79. Dawn

    This would be my first Nubar…. what a dream πŸ˜€
    Currently sporting Nails Inc, Buckingham Street over a Spoiled neon pink.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Dawn!

      How cool would it be if you won EIGHT Nubars and they’d be your firsts? πŸ˜€ Good luck in this draw!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Heather!

      You won’t be disappointed with Nubar. Check out their awesome duochromes and multichromes – some of the best on the market.

  80. Torie

    I’ve had CG Harvest Moon since the HG collection came out and am just now deciding to wear it…thanks to your recent swatch of it! πŸ™‚ Can’t believe it took me so long to wear

  81. Kymberli

    I just got a set of dotters and I’m loving them. I’ve also gotten a ton of complements on this weeks nails. I would LOVE to win any of those sets!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Megan!

      Every time I hear someone mention Zoya Sookie (which actually is pretty often – seems to be a beloved colour), I always think of Sookie from Gilmore Girls. Hehe, love her!

  82. Jazmin

    Hello I’m loving this give away! Thank you for the opportunity. Today my manicure is China Glaze Papaya Punch, although I plan on layering a top coat of gold glitter tomorrow.

  83. Mackenze

    What an awesome giveaway, I’ve never used any Nubar polish before so this would be such a cool opportunity. Right now I’m wearing OPI Do You Lilac It? but I’m getting kind of bored with it so I’m hoping to change it soon, probably to China Glaze Something Sweet. I almost never wear pastels, but lately I’ve just had the urge!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Mackenze!

      Do You Lilac It? is one of my favourite purples – it always makes manicures look so elegant to me.

  84. Erin

    I have Illamasqua Poke on my toes & I’m listening to Gym Class Heroes/Ryan Tedder “The Fighter”!

  85. Jamie

    Hiya! Love the site and Nubar sparklies in the giveaway. =) I am currently wearing Layla Holo! The coral-y one, though it’s a tannish coral, really.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jamie!

      Great choice! πŸ™‚ I have a few colours from the Sparkles collection, and they’re spectacular. They sparkle like crazy, and they attract a lot of positive attention.

  86. Kaili

    Thanks for the giveaway! I’d love to receive a set of Nubar’s Fortress Collection. My nails are naked as I type this. =P

  87. Jenn

    Oh my gosh this is so amazing, thank you Mary! I’ve never been able to own any Nubar polishes before, I’m screaming at the thought of this, haha. I just painted my nails my first neon colour EVER – Orly Melt Your Popsicle. It’s so bright and I’m so in love, especially since it’s raining here in Toronto for the next 72 hours so it’s a little pop of bright summer-y goodness πŸ˜€

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jenn!

      It makes me grin just knowing how excited you and other readers are about potentially winning Nubar polishes. πŸ™‚ Heck, even I’m excited to announce the winner! I can’t wait to make that person’s day!

  88. Karen Fuhrmeister

    Wow this is an amazing giveaway! I only have one Nubar so far (2010) but would love to get some more! I thought I’d leave you a fun little joke as my comment.

    Q: What did the digital clock say to his mother?

    A: Look ma no hands!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Azar!

      Jellies are so awesome, aren’t they? Some people think they’re too sheer, but the way they look so squishy and have depth is worth the trade-off.

      Which is your favourite jelly polish?

  89. Carmela

    Yay for awesome giveaways! Thanks, Mary! I’ve been itching to get my hands on the Jellybeans collection so I really, really hope I win this time. πŸ˜‰

    I’ve started reading ahead of the Game of Thrones tv show to get a head start on next season’s (and just in case they decide to mash some bits from the start of the 3rd book in the finale) and I’m so heartbroken with what %#@$^$&%*#%! Mr. Martin did with some of my favorite characters halfway through it that I had to put it down again. Sometimes I wonder why I keep reading the blasted series. Oh, right, because it’s awesome anyway. (And no, I’m not a masochist.)
    Carmela recently posted: Nail Art Wednesday: Gold Swirls on Purple

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Carmela!

      Sometimes I think that I’m the last person who hasn’t watched that show or read the books. :S Haha, and I’ve been so busy that I’m still getting through Catching Fire slowly. (Thanks for recommending the Hunger Games series to me!) πŸ™‚

  90. Melissa

    I’m currently rocking a purple shade with silver stamping over it.
    I love Nail Polish Canada they have such a great selection!

  91. Kim

    As always – You ROCK, Mary!!
    While I don’t comment as often as I would like (usually cuz I can’t wait to peek at your posts on my phone – but typing – eh, not so good there). Love the info you share with us all – very helpful and entertaining. You get major kudos in my book for not requiring entrants to jump through hoops to enter your giveaways.
    As much as I LOOOOVE Nubar polishes, I would feel very guilty to win this one, I’m still having fun with the Electropop collection, so please don’t enter me in this one (unless you feel you must twist my arm πŸ™‚ ), but I wanted to say hello anyway.

    I used Night Sparkle in a red/white/blue design over the past Memorial Day holiday. Today, I have Cult Cruisin Nude (my first time with a nude—still deciding if I’m hip enough… πŸ™‚ )

    OK – as the joker would say, “Why so serious” (RIP Heath Ledger)….Fun stuff: Thanks for introducing me to Lana Del Ray – Video Games is playing as I write this. πŸ™‚ Serenity is the last (and most frequent) movie I watched, and now – “I aim to misbehave”. πŸ™‚

    Love ya Mary – Have a great day and fun giveaway. I know you love giving us nail polish addicts joy!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Kim!

      Hellloooo there! πŸ˜€ I’m so glad that you’re loving the ElectroPop Collection you won!

      It’s very gracious and thoughtful of you to back out of this giveaway so as to give other people a chance to win it. πŸ™‚ That says very positive things about the kind of person you are, and I love it.

      Thanks for stopping by again and for making my day with this kind-hearted comment! πŸ˜€ Readers like you make blogging rewarding for me, and it motivates me to continue Swatch And Learn for as long as possible.

      YAY – glad that you’re into Lana Del Rey now! πŸ™‚

  92. Heidi

    Mary, you are AWESOME!

    I have been wearing mostly my own creations on my fingers and toes lately, which is a shame since my untried box is overflowing with newbies! I love frankening and have made almost 100 unique colors over the last few months. I will be launching my collection on Etsy soon (hopefully) when I can get all my supplies pulled together and get my butt in gear.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Heidi!

      Aww…thank you! πŸ˜€ Thanks for participating in this giveaway, too.

      Wowwwww, almost 100 frankens? That’s amazing! Good luck with your Etsy store! πŸ™‚ Please tell me the link when it’s up. I’d love to see what you’ve created.

  93. Lisa

    Wow, what a fun giveaway! That will be a tough decision! Right now I’m wearing Avon Nude & Infused on my nails, which is a pink shimmery nude that is totally not my usual style, but i felt like i needed a break from crazy colors after my last polish, a really neon green.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lisa!

      Glad you think so! It’s like we’re all having a polish party together. πŸ˜‰

      Ooohhh…neon greeeeeeen? *Drools*

  94. maddy

    Hey Mary!!

    It’s been so long since I last commented. I just want to let you know that I am always reading your blog, I’m just so busy and there’s not much time to comment. Great Giveaway. Well, the song I’ve been blasting is Summer Paradise by Simple Plan.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey maddy!

      YES! It has been far too long. I’ve missed reading your lovely comments. They always brightened my day. But I understand that life gets really hectic all of a sudden. πŸ™‚ Thanks for touching base!

  95. β™‘ Jay β™‘ (@JaylieG)

    wow great giveaway! I just love all the colors!
    My nails are bare, doing a hardening treatment since i just had to cut them all super short πŸ™ Cant wait to add some color!!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lauren W!

      YAY for neons! Can’t get enough of ’em. They must put some addictive substance in the bottles. πŸ˜›

  96. Rachel

    What an awesome giveaway! I love reading your reviews, keep up the great work. I am wearing Butter London Trout Pout and just bought the Lippy, don`t know if it will be too much if my lips much if my lips match my nails.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Rachel!

      Thank you so much for your support and encouragement. I do have a blast writing reviews, taking photos, and throwing around opinions with my dear readers. πŸ™‚

      Nah, I think it’s okay to match your lips to your nails. Plus Trout Pout is GORGEOUS! πŸ™‚

  97. Sherry B.

    Love the shades in the Jelly Beans Collection! My nails are bare right now because I’m not sure what shade I want to paint them.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Sherry B.!

      It’s been a few days now. What did you go with? Polish-obsessed minds need to know. πŸ˜‰

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Kristin!

      You know…I have a few Julep polishes and haven’t worn any of them since buying them pretty much when the company first launched. Yikes!

  98. Kelley

    Last movie I watched? “Another Cinderella Story” with Selena Gomez. Clearly, my inner child is a Disney-loving tween.

  99. Kim

    I think Nubar is my favorite bottle shape. It’s bigger at the bottom than the top (unlike most polish bottles) so it’s really hard to tip over (I’m a little clumsy), and the brush is really grippable and fits well in my hand. Love your blog!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey karine boudreault!

      Hehehe, I like how you NEEEEED to get more polishes! πŸ˜‰ Welcome to the Nail Addicts Club, hun! Hehehehe!

  100. jess

    Hi. I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog for the last year or so and have learned so much about nail polish from you! I’m wearing my favorite combo ever right now on my toes: Zoya Tru with Nfu-Oh 50 on top. So pretty, and I probably would have never discovered any of these great brands and colors without you. Thank you! πŸ™‚

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey jess!

      Wow! πŸ˜€ Do you know how happy that makes me feel? VERY HAPPY! *Screams* I’m always very excited when I find out that readers find my blog helpful. It reinforces my desire to do something positive with Swatch And Learn.

      Thank YOU for visiting, leaving a comment, and being so supportive. πŸ™‚

  101. amanda

    I’m about to paint my nails with Essie’s Lights, which came in my May Luxe Box (which I signed up to receive after reading about them here!) πŸ™‚

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey amanda!

      WOOOWWWW! You’re so lucky you got Lights! I would’ve squealed like a lunatic. Enjoy the polish! πŸ™‚

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Amy!

      You’re very welcome. πŸ™‚ Best of luck in the draw. (After I finish replying to all the comments left on this post, I’m going to randomly choose the winner! SO EXCITED!)

  102. Angela Qcrazy

    Thank you so much for the giveaway!! I am wearing china glaze electric pineapple and sally hansen brisk blue.. alternating every other finger and with V’s of the other color on each.

  103. KatRDH

    Awesome giveaway! I have been wearing Sally HansenSalon Manicure in Purple Posy for a few days and just put a coat of Nicole by Opi Opal Texture on my ring fingers. I saw the Opi Texture polishes at my local CVS and I’m glad I snagged this one before they sold out!

  104. Loviegirl

    Well, I’m new to your blog but it looks fantastic! I’m currently reading Tangle of Need by Nalini Singh and on my nails I am wearing Nubar Prevail with Klean Color Holo Chrome #94 on the tips like a pseudo French mani. I really love the contrast between the matte base and the super sparkly tips!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Loviegirl!

      Welcome! πŸ˜€ Glad to have you here. Hope that you’ll stop by again soon and interact with us all. I, for one, would love to hear all about any cool polishes you come across. πŸ™‚

  105. Sophie

    The last movie I’ve watched that I haven’t sen before is …… The Notebook. I Know suprising, I’ve heard about this movie a lot but never actually got around to watching it although I have it here at home. I’m a hopeless romantic so of course this movie is one of my all time favorite now. I cannot believe it took me this long to watch it but it is a movie that I will watch over and over again.
    Thanks for the great giveaway.
    All the best,


    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Sophie!

      Yes, that IS surprising! Haha, I remember for a few months, somehow, when I flipped through the channels, it seemed like The Notebook was on TV so often.

      Actually, I’ve never seen the whole thing – just 3/4 of it.

      It’s one of my sister-in-law’s favourite movies of all time.

      1. SOPHIE

        Hi Mary,

        U must see the entire thing. Hopefully u saw the end. I think this is one of my new favs as well.

  106. Lanier

    I’m going to tell you about my day. It was absolutly fun, my family and I got in the pool for the entire day. It was a blast, the neighbors, my nana, cousins, brother, aunt everyone. We always spend family time but in a while it hasn’t been everyone so this was a great start to my summer.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lanier!

      So cool that you hit the pool! (Geez, I’m like Dr. Seuss now with the rhyming. :P) Seriously, I LOVE swimming! I’m going to be doing more of that this summer.

  107. Melanie B.

    I tried Catrice’s brand of polishes for the first time yesterday and decided to show off the colors with a simple Scotch-tape mani. I started with a base coat in “I’m a Star,” a gorgeous bronze-y olive green polish, and painted a thin coat of my accent color, “After Eight,” no doubt inspired by the packaging of those chocolate-and-mint treats we all love. Yum! Two beautiful and oddly versatile colors that look amazing together.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Melanie B.!

      Cool combo!

      Bronze-y olive green polish? Sounds wonderful! But, you know me and greens, right? Fatal attraction…haha!

  108. Miriam

    My favorite picture of me and my aunt was taken when I was about 3 and we were both sitting at the kitchen table polishing our nails. Currently I am wearing Nails Inc Trafalger Square….but I messed up the magnet pattern on my left hand. Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Miriam!

      Great memories! πŸ™‚ I don’t have a single photo of me painting my nails.

      Aww…that’s okay. You’ll get the hang of it with more practice. πŸ™‚ It doesn’t have to be perfect.

  109. Mary

    ooooh, so excited about the possibility of winning. Never tried Nubar but I’ve been wanting to πŸ™‚

    hmmm, my current mani is Essie’s Off The Shoulder, stamped with a flower design. I’m loving their new summer collection.
    I always read your blog via my google reader…but I just followed you on pinterest too πŸ™‚

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Mary!

      Thanks for following me on Pinterest! πŸ™‚ Oh man…it’s so addictive, isn’t it? I could literally spend hours on it, but I have to pull myself away.

      Glad that you’ve been enjoying Swatch And Learn! πŸ™‚

  110. Lynn

    Hi! Thanks for doing this giveaway… My favorite nail color at the moment is by Wet n’ Wild… I Need a Refreshmint!

  111. Laura Z

    I love the giveaway!

    The last movie I saw was Avengers…. and now I’m really feelin the whole “superhero” thing. Maybe a superhero mani…

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Laura Z!

      Superhero manicure! Now THAT’S a great idea. Hope you try a design and share it with me. I’d love to see!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey again Laura Z!

      Zuza is already pretty, and then you just took it to the next level! Nice!

      (I counted you once in the giveaway.)

  112. Kelly

    On the subject of movies, you should totally watch The Woman In Black. It was awesome πŸ™‚ And on the subject of nails, I am loving summer colors right now!!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Kelly!

      I’ve seen the trailer for it, and it looks creepy. Haha, I have such a strong imagination that I can literally scare myself over something so stupid.

  113. Jamie

    Hi i love your blog! I have gotten so many polishes because of your swatches!! I currently have Sally Hansen salon effects sweet marble floret on my nails and my pedicure is Deborah Lippmann Mermaid’s Dream with a layer of Milani Teal gem jewel over it, a match made in heaven!!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jamie!

      Aww, thanks! πŸ™‚ Glad you’re enjoying Swatch And Learn!

      Haha, sure, go and blame me for buying polishes! πŸ˜‰ That’s okay, I’m more than happy to take responsibility. Us nailphiles gotta stick together, right? And it’s fun to be a ‘bad influence’. πŸ˜›

  114. Tammy Winters

    It’s been raining here for days and days. I am making my own sunshine by wearing China Glaze celtic sun polish! This is a very generous contest:)

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Tammy Winters!

      We got some rain over here, too. But then we also got quite a bit of sunshine, so it balanced out well. πŸ™‚

      And good for you for not letting the weather bring you down! πŸ™‚ A neon yellow sure does the trick.

  115. Malinda

    I don’t own any Nubar and I LOVE seeing them on your site! Right now I have green, pink orange and purple (un-named) color club neons on my fingers. All of them are top coated with Sticks and stones and I LOVE it! Just wish that Color Club would label polishes!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Malinda!

      I have many more bottles of Nubar – need to bust them out more to share with everyone on here. Thanks for the reminder! πŸ™‚

      Your Color Club polishes don’t have the label on the bottom of the bottle? Strange!

  116. Dawn

    I don’t own any Nubar, but I would love to have some. The sparkle collection looks awesome. I have the new China Glaze Love’s a Beach neon pink!

  117. Jessica Anderson

    I love Nubar polishes! I just ordered my first nubars from amazon a month or so ago and they are great!

  118. Kelly

    I’m new to doing anything fancy with my nails. Until about a month ago I only thought I could do one color at a time. Then I found some water marbling tutorials on YouTube and overnight…I became…COMPLETELY OBSESSED. Hehehe. Tonight I did my first successful gradient sponging. I’m waiting for them to dry so I can stamp. I know I should be in bed getting all rested up for work tomorrow, but I can’t! I’m determined to finish this! πŸ˜€

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Kelly!

      Hehe, yup! All it takes is one tutorial to make you ponder the possibilities. That’s the cool thing about nail art – creativity is contagious!

      Oh, I know the feeling all too well. πŸ™‚ I’m a nocturnal nail painter, and there have been many nights when I stayed up until the wee hours because I wanted to paint my nails. Totally worth it!

  119. Michelle I (Midnite Echo - Midi Nightwind)

    I’m Naked! (Well, my nails are anyway). How embarrassing! But I’ve been sick, and although that usually doesn’t stop me, this sickness has been a doozy. But I have some new magnetics to try once I feel better. I love those Orly polishes! Especially the glitters. So shiny! I love shiny things. πŸ˜›

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Michelle I!

      Hope you feel better soon! I know that there’s something going around. One of my friends just got the stomach flu. That’s the worst! πŸ™

  120. Claire((:

    Hello Mary!
    Thanks for being so generous with this giveaway! I would love to have the Nubar Sparkles! I love your blog((:

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Claire!

      Strange how your post accidentally ended up in the spam folder. Thanks for e-mailing me so that I could fish it out. πŸ™‚

      Best of luck in this giveaway!

  121. Maureen Hawlik

    I’ve been very uninspired in regards to nail art lately. I have had a hard time picking a color and and then a design that goes with it. Maybe tis time for new polishes!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Maureen Hawlik!

      Yes, new polishes are in order. πŸ˜‰ Good idea. Why didn’t I think of that logical solution?

  122. MariJo

    Mary you are so awesome for doing this giveaway! Hmmm.. I’ll share two things. First, I’m wearing OPI Russian Navy with Girly Bits Cosmic Ocean layered over it right now. So gorgeous!!! My camera won’t take proper pics though :(. Sigh!
    Second, oh shoot, I forgot the name of the book I’m reading. It’s really good though! Well, I guess my horrible memory will give you a laugh. So you now have a joke as well, lol!!
    MariJo recently posted: Orly – Au Champagne

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey MariJo!

      And you’re so awesome. Period! πŸ˜‰ Love your nails and your spirit.

      Hahaha, your sense of humour makes me smile so much. That’s one of the qualities I really appreciate in people I choose to surround myself with.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Natalie!

      It’s my pleasure! I love making my readers as happy as they make me.

      How clever of you to use heart-shaped spots. Cute!

  123. Marisa

    Thank you for this awesome giveaway! I definitely appreciate the thought that went into this giveaway… It’s so hard hard to find Nubar anywhere (not including online) in Canada, so I hardly have any of them.

    Right now I’m reading “At Home” by Bill Bryson (which is a pretty awesome book in my opinion), and I’m wearing Cult Nails’ Enticing in anticipation of my upcoming job interview on Thursday. Eek!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Marisa!

      Glad to hear it. πŸ™‚ Haha, and I’m glad that I made the right choice. PHEW! Haha!

      Sooooo…it’s Thursday. How did your job interview go? Did you get a good vibe about the company and the interviewer? I hope you get the position if it’s something you want and think it’ll add to your career.

  124. Celia R

    Thanks for the giveaway πŸ™‚ The last movie I watched is Underworld Awakening. Eeck it’s been awhile lol. My friends and I made plans to see Snow White & the Huntsman though. Yay girl time!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Celia R!

      You’re most welcome! πŸ™‚ Glad I could spread the polish love.

      Have a lovely girls’ night out!

  125. Mara

    OMG I almost missed your giveaway! You know I always read your posts, but sometimes I leave a comment in the moment…. And I love Nubar!
    Right now… I’m not wearing polish!! I got such a bad cold and felt so sick yesterday, that even painting my nails was impossible. I have the new Vintage Minnie Mouse collection and two OPI Ulta exclusive waiting for me!
    Mara recently posted: Mini H&M haul: Lady Luck, No Mambo Jambo and Bella’s Choice

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Mara!

      Thank goodness you didn’t miss it! πŸ™‚ YAY! Good luck!

      Aww…are you feeling any better today?

      Which is your favourite from the OPI Vintage Minnie Mouse Collection?

  126. Ayla

    What an awesome giveaway!
    Currently I am wearing Essie Cute as a Button. I always like nail polish before but in the last 6 months or so started on this whole nail polish obsession kick. Site like Swatch and Learn are seriously feeding my addiction lol

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Ayla!

      Haha, that’s what I’m here for. FEED THE BEAST that is nail-polish addiction! Hehe, just kidding. Well…not really. πŸ˜‰

  127. Sonja Kremer

    I’m just beginning my obsession with nail color, nail art and the many, many choices. Loving the twitter feeds, blogs, etc. i would love to be the lucky winner and be able to expand my new collection! πŸ™‚

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Sonja Kremer!

      Enjoy your long, crazy journey of nail-polish obsession. πŸ˜‰ It’s fun to experiment and express yourself with colours and designs.

  128. Lilli Burrow

    I love your blog. It is so helpful. I am currently wearing Nails Inc. Elizabeth Street for my own little tribute to the Diamond Queen.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lilli Burrow!

      Thank you so much for letting me know how you feel. πŸ™‚ Makes my day to hear that I’m helping readers!

  129. Ashley

    I’ve been too busy to paint my nails and it’s killing me! I’m going to a conference tomorrow and I’m not sure if I should paint my nails because I can’t stand chipped nails and I can’t bring emergency nail polish remover on the plane.

    Can’t wait to get back to school and have lots of time for COLOUR!

  130. Stacy R

    Tell you anything eh.. WELL, it’s pouring here in Toronto and im loving it. Also, i’ve got Essie’s ‘Beach Bum Blu’ on my toes and currently prepping my fingers to test out these Konad plate thingies that i’ve got my hands on. oh oh, it’s recycling day tomorrow. I know, utter nonsense, but you did say anything.

    loving your site since Clumps of Mascara sent me in your direction!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Stacy R!

      Clumps of Mascara is so awesome. πŸ™‚ Love how she referred you to me, and I’m glad that you stopped by. Hope you’ll drop by again soon and leave another lovely comment!

      Hehe, Beach Bum Blu is such a fun name for a polish!

      Why do you love the rain? Is it because of the soothing sound?

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Erin S.!

      You know what? Nail polish may be the new shoes. You can never have too many nail polishes – agreed! πŸ˜‰

  131. April

    Thanks for another great giveaway! I don’t own any Nubar polishes yet so this is very exciting.

    I am currently wearing a pink polish for the first time in ages after being inspired by your pink polish post from a few days ago. I am a fellow green and purple lover, so pink was actually a refreshing change!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey April!

      It’s my pleasure! πŸ™‚

      Wow, I’m flattered that you were inspired to sport a pink because of me. Thanks for letting me know!

  132. Lulu

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
    I have OPI too hot pink to hold em from the Texas collection (love!) on my fingers atm. I just realized I’ve never tried a Nubar polish, but I really should because they have great colours & such an interesting bottle shape.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Rebecca D.!

      I always hear about that classic red, but I don’t own it. Now I feel like I need it for my collection.

  133. Karen

    Last min entry! For my mani today I have a chippy China Glaze flip Flop Fantasy with a peeling Revlon Royal as an accent… They are currently a hurtin’ unit πŸ™
    Karen recently posted: Jubilee Nails

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Karen!

      You squeaked it in just in time! πŸ˜€ YAY!

      Haha, even when chipped, Flip Flop Fantasy is still amazing. πŸ˜‰

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey MissMidnightBlue!

      Wear what you love as many times as you want! πŸ™‚ Just make sure that you buy a back-up bottle if you think you’ll actually finish it. πŸ˜‰

  134. Brittney (Precious Polish)

    Thank you for such a great giveaway, Mary! The last movie I watched was ‘One Day’ with Jim Sturgess and Anne Hathaway. I only watched it for Jim though. He has a special place in my heart ever since I saw him in Across the Universe πŸ˜› <3
    Brittney (Precious Polish) recently posted: Sunset Zebra

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Brittney!

      You’re welcome. Ooohh…so excited! Once I finish replying to all of the comments, I’m going to do the draw and make someone’s day incredible. Can’t wait!

  135. MissMidnightBlue

    Yeahh I forgot to tell you I follow through FB, Twitter and I’m not too sure but I think bloglovin’ too. don’t quote me on that one too though, I just don’t know to show you that I do. haha

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey again MissMidnightBlue!

      Aww…thanks for all the love! πŸ™‚ Following me isn’t mandatory to be entered in this draw, but I DEFINITELY appreciate it.

      (P.S. Heheheheh, of course I know you follow me on Twitter! Your tweets make me hungry…haha!)

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Winnie!

      Which Designer Series shades are on your top 3 must-have list?

      I really recommend OPI DS Extravagance. It’s incredible all around!


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