(CLOSED) Giveaway: Enter to Win Illamasqua Raindrops! (5 Winners)

Edit (February 24): The 5 winners are…Jasmine, Stella, Cara, Lilnol, and Proudmar98! Congratulations! Please check your e-mail shortly. You’ll have 48 hours to claim your prize from the time I send the e-mail. The giveaway is now closed. Thank you to everyone for participating!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Will you be my nailphile Valentine today? 😉

I thought it would be cool to have a special Valentine’s Day giveaway. (If you follow me on Instagram, you were the first to know about this well in advance with specifics! Only yesterday did I post a pre-announcement on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.)

Today’s the perfect occasion to share the love and give back to my loyal readers. (I really appreciate your support and all the thoughtful comments you’ve left on here.)


I reached out to Illamasqua and asked if we could team up for a fun giveaway. They were incredibly generous, and not only did they say yes and offer Illamasqua Raindrops as the prize, but they also said that they’d supply 5 (FIVE!) bottles! Yes, that’s right – there will be 5 winners, and guess what? Anyone in the world can enter – nobody is excluded!

A huge thank you to Illamasqua for making this possible for Swatch And Learn readers!

Please continue reading the rest of this post for the details on how to enter.

Giveaway Details:

  • Starts: Now
  • Ends: Saturday February 23 at noon Eastern
  • Who Can Enter: Anyone! (This is open worldwide.)
  • Prize: One full-size bottle of Illamasqua Raindrops per winner
  • Number of Winners: Five
  • How Many Times You Can Enter: Even if you comment more than once, I will only count it as a single entry.
  • How to Enter: Leave a comment on this blog post about anything. (e.g. Which kinds of posts you enjoy the most on Swatch And Learn, what your favourite Smorgasbord Sundays post was, what you do to celebrate Valentine’s Day, etc.)
  • Please Help Me Spread the Word: I’d appreciate it if you could help me get the word out about this giveaway. Feel free to tweet, blog, etc. about it.
  • Picking the Winner: I’ll be using Random.org to randomly select the winner. I’ll announce the winner sometime on February 23 or 24. The winner will have 48 hours to reply to my e-mail to claim the prize. Failure to do so will force me to randomly draw another winner. After each winner sends me the mailing address, I’ll forward it to Illamasqua PR, and they’ll send you the prize directly! Keep your eyes peeled for the awesome packaging. It really is an experience how much care they put into it! (Please add swatchandlearn@gmail.com to your Safe list so my e-mail doesn’t accidentally go to the Junk folder.)

Please Support Me Along These Social-Media Platforms

No, it’s not mandatory to be entered in this giveaway, but I would appreciate your support.

Good luck in the draw, everyone!

P.S. Click here if you’d like to see my Illamasqua Raindrops Swatches & Review!

Edit: Awesome! 🙂 Illamasqua is helping me spread the word on Twitter about my giveaway!

Illamasqua SwatchAndLearn Giveaway


354 thoughts on “(CLOSED) Giveaway: Enter to Win Illamasqua Raindrops! (5 Winners)

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lola AM!

      Congrats on being the very first person to enter this giveaway. WOW, you submitted your entry just 2 minutes after this post went live – how cooooool! 🙂

  1. Heather V.

    I love your blog! I think the candle reviews are my favorite, though. Maybe because not many people do them, but also yours are really well done! 🙂 I’m a candle addict, and your reviews are very helpful!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Heather V.!

      Thank you for letting me know. I really enjoy reviewing candles.

      Guess what? Thanks to one of my awesome readers, I got hold of the really hard to find Slatkin & Co. Pumpkin Carving candle! That will probably be my next candle review.

  2. Sarah

    I think this blog is SO CUTE and I love reading it! I also love how you don’t only review makeup, but have other things. Smorgasbord Sundays are probably my favorite! (:

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Sarah!

      Oh, if you like Smorgasbord Sundays posts, you should really tune in tomorrow because I have something really special planned. 😉 Hint hint!

  3. Alicia Jarrell

    Thanks for this giveaway! I actually hate Valentine’s Day (even if I am dating someone at the time), so I don’t celebrate it. My parents make a big deal out of it though. I love this color and I don’t own any Illamasqua polishes. 🙂

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Alicia Jarrell!

      I think it’s romantic how your parents still celebrate Valentine’s Day! 🙂 Maybe I’m a sucker for romance, but that really touched me. If I ever get married, I hope to keep the romance and passion alive.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Amanda!

      Glad you like them. I really want to do more. Lately, I’ve been busier than a bumble bee wearing neon plaid! 😉 But I’ll surely have more tutorials. I enjoy challenging myself to do different designs and sharing the steps with readers.

  4. Shirley

    omigosh I would loove to try raindrops it’s not available in hong kong and asos won’t ship it here either! my favourite posts from you are definitely your polish reviews (:

    1. Shirley

      omg I just checked their website they’re doing free international shipping now :O must stock up! but I’d like to be entered anyway thank you Mary!

        1. Shirley

          actually let me rephrase, there was free international shipping all along but previously it was only if you spent 75pound or something like that…which makes the 35pound offer really amazing. I couldn’t quite resist and picked up a few polishes yesterday :p

  5. Leisel

    Comparison posts are my favorite. I love knowing whether or not a new polish is similar enough to another I have that I don’t need it, or if they’re not quite the same, which one is better because of color or formula.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Leisel!

      Thanks for your feedback! 🙂 I’ll have to make a mental note to do some more of those comparison posts since you find them so helpful.

  6. Laura

    Your nail art is some of my favorite. And I love your nail shape; so many bloggers have square nails, but I think yours are just lovely.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Laura!

      Thank you very much! 😀 Hehe, I actually really drool over the squoval nails of other bloggers, but that shape looks ‘off’ on me, sadly. Oval is my natural shape, so I guess in my case, Mother Nature knows best. I can’t budge her – she’s stubborn! 😉

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Angie F.!

      Very subtle and sweet. When you see it in person, it really reminds you of a rainy day when you’re looking out the window and watching the rain.

  7. Melissa

    Thanks for the giveaway, this looks like an awesome color!

    So I don’t normally do Valentines day…like anything. I think it’s kinda a silly ‘holiday’. Since I’ve been doing my nails for all the holidays though I decided to also do pink and hearts. Well. Now I think I love Valentines, at least on my nails!!

    For blog posts. I love nail art and swatches (particularly comparison swatches!)

    Thanks again for the giveaway!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Melissa!

      Hehe, sometimes I’m really into corny romantic things, so Valentine’s Day makes me really happy. Promoting love is always important to me, and I think Valentine’s Day, albeit cheesy, is an excuse for people to remember they should be thankful for the people in their lives.

      And I LOVE Valentine’s Day nail art! 🙂 Of course…hehe! It’s inspiring to see the original looks that people come up with.

  8. Nancy

    Oooh awesome giveaway. I’ve always avoided shimmery flakey polishes (weird, I know. My favourites are cremes and glitter) but this will be a good chance to try out a new type 🙂

  9. Susana B.

    Maybe I’m boring, but my favorite posts are the ones where you just swatch a polish. That being said, I love your swatch posts because no other blogger gives as much detail as you, or posts so many pictures. I buy a lot of NP online, so usually I have to trust bloggers’ reviews before I see what the actual polish looks like, and your blog is a fantastic source of information.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Susana B.!

      Aww…thank you so much! I try to add as much detail as I can. Thorough reviews are definitely what I like to see on other blogs, too. 🙂

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Sam B!

      Well, who knows? Maybe one of the five bottles will be heading to you! We’ll see what the ‘Nail Polish Gods’ have in store at the end of the giveaway. 😉 Good luck!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Amy!

      I’ll need to remember to do more comparisons. Since the latest one, I’ve realized that my readers really like those. Thanks for your feedback!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Rose!

      I’m the same way – love seeing other interests that bloggers have. It gives me a better sense of their individuality, and I’m often inspired.

      Yay – I’m excited, too! 🙂 I love how in this giveaway, nobody is excluded. I wish I could do this all the time!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lilnol!

      Good to know – thanks for your feedback! 🙂 I’ll be sure to continue providing plenty of those type of posts. I enjoy showing off polishes as is, without nail art. 🙂 It really lets them shine.

  10. Bex

    I love Illamasqua, Raindrops would be a perfect addition to my growing collection!
    This Valentines Day, I’m going out for lunch and getting drunk on cocktails with my boyfriend. It’s also his birthday today so the food and drinks are on me, but I don’t mind! We’re also moving in together tomorrow so everything’s changing!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Bex!

      Hope you had fun on Valentine’s Day! It sounds like your plans are nice and casual.

      How cool that your boyfriend’s birthday is Valentine’s Day! Is his name Cupid? Hehehehe! 😉

  11. Jolène

    Part of what I love about your blog is that you’re a big part of the (pleasantly large!) Canadian lacquerhead army. I feel like your experience and knowledge make you a cornerstone of our little empire. And, as many others have said, your comparison posts are wonderful!!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jolene!

      Wow, thank you for the high praise! *Blush* I am proud to be a Canadian blogger and to represent our great country and creative diversity. (I also get really excited when I discover new blogs by fellow Canadians.)

  12. Anna Pershikova

    I love your swatches – they’re really color accurate 🙂
    I’ve bought several shades and they’re exactly what I wanted them to be 🙂

    and I like your stories! I’ve recently read your ‘What’s with the cattitude’ review, and I really want to ask – how’s Pingu now? 🙂

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Anna Pershikova!

      Glad you like my manicure photos! 🙂 Except when I use my camera’s flash, I prefer to use the light provided by Mother Nature. Hehe, I believe she has the best light set-up!

      Thanks for reading that old post! OPI What’s with the Cattitude? is such a great colour!

      Pingu is doing a lot better now, thanks for asking! My mom ended up having to switch his food to something else, and it made him put on more weight. Now, he’s able to eat hard food again. The vet was never able to pinpoint exactly what caused it, which is discerning…but I’m glad that he’s not losing weight anymore and has filled out.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Nicole F!

      You’re most welcome! I was really excited to organize this giveaway, and Illamasqua was soooo generous! 🙂 Best of luck in the draw!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Imogen!

      Yeah, I also really love the subtle effect this glitter provides. Very sweet instead of BAM, which is a nice change of pace.

  13. Joyce

    I’ve been reading your blog for quite some time already, but I felt kind of hesitant to comment… not this time though 🙂

    Thanks for cheering up every morning with a new post about my favourite collectibles.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Joycve!

      Aww, don’t feel hesitant! Please feel free to comment on any of my blog posts (new or old)! I really enjoy reading what readers think. it makes this way more fun to have a conversation and bounce ideas off each other.

      Thanks for visiting and for showing your appreciation! It makes my day to hear these type of encouraging words.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Sophie!

      Thanks for your encouragement! I really needed that. 🙂 I assure you that I’ll try to blog for as long as I can! Thank you!

  14. val

    Oooh! I never enter giveaways but Raindrops has been my lemming ever since I saw a first picture of it. It’s so prettyyy.

    Anyhow, what I most like about your blog is how great your swatching is, it never leaves me second-guessing as to what kind of lighting were used for pictures or will the polish look different from another angle or will the polish look totally different in real life than in swatches. And of course I just love looking at all the pictures, especially those times when you have a nice glitter to show:)

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Val!

      I try very hard to accurately capture the colour of polishes with my camera. I may not have all the fancy professional set-ups and equipment, but with the help of my DSLR and Mother Nature’s natural light, I think it works out well. 🙂

      (One day, I hope to have a professional set-up, but that’ll probably be mannnny years later because I don’t have the money or room for it…haha!)

  15. Nichole

    I have lots of different brands of polish but I don’t have any Illamasqua! Thanks for the chance to win one 🙂 Happy Valentines Day!!!!!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Nichole!

      No Illamasqua? Oh my goodness – when you try their polishes, you’ll be blown away! Good luck in the draw. How exciting that this may be your very first Illamasqua polish!

      Thanks! Hope you also had a wonderful Valentine’s Day!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Alicea!

      I’m really happy to hear that I’ve helped you narrow down your choices. Hope that I’ve helped you save a lot of money. Even though I don’t like “BUST”ing products, it definitely is necessary sometimes so that people won’t waste money on things that clearly don’t work or that are too difficult to use.

  16. Julie Vernie

    Thank you for this giveaway! How incredibly generous on Illamasqua. They have had trouble with international shipments lately, but they have been very helpful and they deserve an applause for that.
    I love your posts in general. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Julie Vernie!

      Yes, Illamasqua was incredibly generous by providing so many prizes for this giveaway! I was soooo happy because now I can have 5 nailphile Valentines! 😉

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Gillian!

      Hehe, I wanted this blog to look like a little polish oasis where nailphiles can come and enjoy the beauty of nail polish. 🙂 Glad you’re enjoying it!

  17. Zara

    What a happy give-away!
    I really like your blog, especially when you do nail art. Can’t get enough of creative ideas, seasonal and not.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Zara!

      Same here! I really get inspired when I see other people’s nail art. I love nail polish, and I love seeing the creative ways that people use it.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Red Frog!

      You know what? I’ve realized that lately I haven’t been doing as much nail art. It’s not because I don’t like it. In fact, the opposite is true! My schedule is soooo tight, but I will try harder to put out some more nail art. (Actually, I wore some simple nail art on February 14, and the post will be going live on here realllly soon.) 😉

  18. Jeanette D.

    Thanks for this stunning givaway!!
    Followiing on Facebook: Jeanette Dorta
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    Thanks for the chance 🙂

  19. Melissa Y.

    I love when you do comparison posts, def my fav! I also enjoy reading anything BBW related as that is an old addiction of mine as well 🙂 I put myself on a pretty strict no buy for BBW as I have waaaay too much 🙂

    I have yet to buy any Illamasqua polishes but have been eyeing them up ever since I started my polish obsession 🙂 Raindrops is gorgeous!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Melissa Y.!

      Oh boy – You know what? I have TONS of Bath & Body Works products that I’ve been wanting to review, but I sometimes get so distracted by nail polish. Wonder why that is? Hehehehhe!

      Good for you for disciplining yourself with Bath & Body Works stuff. I find that because they ALWAYS have killer sales, it’s easy to go berserk. Haha, during the Semi-Annual Sale, I bought so much. And I won’t be buying anymore until I finish most of what I got.

  20. Icequeen81

    This one is very pretty,

    I cant say what i enjoy the most, I actually like your post ,always different topics to comment so I cant deside

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Icequeen81!

      Thank you! 🙂 Glad that you’re enjoying a lot of my posts, and I’ve noticed that you comment fairly regularly, so…THANK YOU!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Stella!

      It’s such a great feeling knowing that I can truly give back to my readers (ALL my readers), no matter where they are in the world! 🙂 And to be able to give them Illamasqua nail polish is the icing on the cake!

      I’m sure you could knit the beanie. I’m a beginner knitter, and the YouTube tutorial and instructions for that pattern REALLY helped me even complete that project. You’d be surprised how much you can do. I encourage you to try it! 🙂

      P.S. Thanks for supporting me!

        1. Mary Post author

          Knitting is easy to pick up, and as long as you just learn two stitches (knit and purl), you can make so many great things. Plus once you become more comfortable, you can graduate to more complicated patterns to challenge yourself. 🙂

  21. lawren

    What a great giveaway!

    Im not a huge fan of Valentine’s Day, even though I have a boyfriend. It seems too deprived and I don’t need to show my love on a certain “day”, I show it every day 🙂

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lawren!

      Yeah, you don’t need to wait for a specific day to show your love. Hehe, I guess I sometimes just like corny romance and a loving holiday that reminds people to appreciate the relationships they have. 🙂

  22. Jennifer D.

    Thank you for the opportunity! Raindropsbis a huge lemming of mine. I have beenlusting after it forever now. 😀

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jennifer D.!

      Hope good luck sides in your favour! 😉 We’ll see when I randomly draw the 5 lucky winners! Cross your fingers and your eyes…hehe!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jill!

      It’s my pleasure! I love giving back to my readers because a blog isn’t rewarding without readers. You make Swatch And Learn what it is today.

  23. Barbara

    I’ve never tried an Illamasqua polish, though I have Creator on my wishlist. Raindrops is so pretty, very spring-like!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Barbara!

      I remember wearing Creator! It’s an amazing nail polish. I’ll need to wear it again – I remember the formula was fantastic!

  24. Erica

    Happy Valentine’s Day Mary! May your “special someone” show you how important you are today, and every day of the year! I love coming here and seeing swatches, though I also love seeing the nail art you come up with 🙂
    Thank you for this giveaway, and thank you to Illamasqua for being SO generous in their prize!! <3
    Erica recently posted: February Nail Art Challenge Day 5

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Erica!

      Hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day! 🙂

      I’m single, so there isn’t a special someone. However, I’m casually dating a few guys. When I think I feel the spark with one, perhaps I’ll enter an exclusive relationship. We’ll see. I’m taking things slowly after having my heart stomped on very badly.

  25. Katherine

    What a fantastic giveaway! I’ve been going to sephora once a week looking for this polish to come in with no luck so far; it’s great that Illamasqua is giving 5 people a chance at one!

  26. Willemijn

    Yay! Great that this giveaway is global!! I’d love to have a chance! I love your blog, and it’s on my daily to-see list: for m also, the swatches are highlights, but I also very much enjoyed your series on blogging itself. Thanks to you and Illamasqua for this!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Willemijn!

      So happy to hear that you’ve enjoyed my “From Mary’s Desk” posts. I have a few more ideas for future topics. It’s now just a matter of finding the time to write the posts. 🙂

  27. Tiffany

    Wow, what a pretty colour! I had this on my (sadly imaginary for the next while) wish list since reading your swatch post of it.

    I really enjoy how you post pictures in different lighting, and angles, in addition to all the info on how the polishes actually apply, etc. I know I’ll be getting a lot of information from your posts! And, maybe this sounds weird, but I like how you’re upfront and chill about imperfections. Maybe it’s because I also don’t always have hours to spend perfectly painting, I’m not going to redo a whole paint job if one cuticle floods or something, and I get sheet marks on some nails too…

    Keep up with the knitting (I crochet)! Isn’t it fun to make something with your hands, particularly when your nails look so nice while doing it? I actually started really getting into nail polish now that I work as an editor; if my hands are in my field of vision all day, they should look nice. 🙂

  28. Ayla

    This is such an awesome giveaway! I am really excited to try Illamasqua nail polishes. I have my eye on a few of them. They look gorgeous and Raindrops is on the top of the list!!

  29. Sophie

    Thanks so much for doing this giveaway! I’ve wanted Illamasqua Raindrops for ages.

    I’ll be spending Valentine’s Day with my hamster Claude this year – oh well. I hope you’re having a great Valentine’s Day yourself.
    Sophie recently posted: Studded Leather Nails

  30. Lisa C.

    Such a pretty polish! I’ve only just discovered your blog within the past month and am HOOKED! I love your thoughtful reviews. Have a great day!

  31. Jo

    Hi Mary,
    As you know I love your blog! Am also a huge Illamasqua fan, and thanks for making your giveaway international to give us UK ladies a chance! Am currently wearing Nails Inc Special Effects 3D Glitter in Marylebone for Valentine’s Day! 😉

  32. Kayla

    As always, love your blog. You were the first mostly nail polish blog I ever started reading two years ago, and I always come here first to check swatches when I’m interested in a collection to see if you have posted it. 🙂

  33. Rebecca

    Thank you for this giveaway opportunity. I love your blog and what I think I like the most is how you post so many photos of a polish in different lights. It makes it much easier to tell what the color really looks like! Happy Valentines day to you!
    Rebecca recently posted: Valentine’s Day Mani

  34. Cal

    Thanks for having the giveaway and happy Valentine’s day! Always enjoyed your posts related to nail polishes and it was especially interesting to read about your meeting with Suzi last year 🙂

  35. Jessica

    I love your blog, Mary! You always have swatches of polishes I am interested in and your writing style is friendly and approachable. I know it takes a lot of hard work to keep a blog going, and I’m glad you do it!

  36. Mackenzie

    ahhh illamasqua is definitely one of my very favorite polish brands, and i’ve been coveting raindrops for quite sometime so this is very exciting! thanks so much for setting this up, and also for generally providing such quality and detailed swatches and reviews. i love going through your blog when i’m looking for info on a polish or want, or when i’m just bored and want to look at something pretty.

  37. Mary

    woo! This polish is up at the top of my wish list right now. Super excited for the chance to win it! I’m kinda new to the Illamasqua brand…I started with the holiday duo and now i”m addicted

  38. Ashley

    This is a blog that I come back to just about every day. Great pictures, great reviews. I’ve gotten so I hardly buy beauty products at all without first checking beauty blogs, and yours is definitely one of my standbys.

    Raindrops has been a serious lemming of mine for a while, so I’m super excited for this contest!

  39. Sofia

    I love checking out your blog. I love your reviews they are so indepth. I also really like comparisons. I always come here before buying polish. As far as Smorgasbord Sundays posts, I like your knitting. I crochet myself, and know just a little knitting.

  40. Natalia

    Your swatches and comparisons have already helped me in making lots of nail-polish-choices:) Thank you for putting so much heart into your blogging, it’s a pleasure to read it.

  41. Holly Sheridan

    Thank you so much for offering such an awesome giveaway, and with so few hoops to jump through. You are very generous.

  42. Mona Chambers

    Belch! I’m very anti V’Day. It’s too commercialized. Also, I just love to look at pretty polish. I like to see nail art, but do not do it, so I prefer swatches of polish to know whether or not it’s a must have or a by pass.

  43. AminaM

    Wow, great giveaway! I love Illamasqua polishes, wish I had more, but they are a bit spendy, aren’t they? In any case Raindrops is definitely on list list of must-haves.

  44. KMeyers

    Hope you are having a wonderful Valentine’s Day! Thank you for the giveaway…love the blog! (Your swatches are flawless!)

  45. Jenni

    Ooh, I’ve been wishing and hoping that Sephora would carry Raindrops in the US, and it will be great if they do, but winning a bottle would be even nicer! Fingers crossed!

  46. Gareth

    Such a generous giveaway Mary! 🙂 as you know I am a new follower of yours but I have a special appreciation for your nail blogging.

    I look forward to seeing many more reviews and designs that you create … Oh also on your recommendation I am going to buy a Seche Vite top coat 😀

    Good luck to all.

  47. Frosso

    I love how awesome and generous Illamasqua is! I just saw today they are going to release a pink version of raindrops once they hit 100k likes on FB! I wish I could hit like more than once! Thank you for the 5 chances to win this polish I just so happen to be lusting for 🙂

    PS I kinda miss Cheshire Cat 😉

  48. Katy M

    Wow! What an awesome giveaway! Thanks so much! I don’t have any illamasqua polishes, but have totally been drooling over Raindrops.

    I love that you’re a knitter- so am I! It’s a ton of fun, isn’t it?

    Happy Valentine’s Day! I love your posts! You pick colors I really want to see!

    katygmorris at gmail dot com

  49. Debi

    Let’s see, how long have I had you circled on G+?

    I don’t know for sure. Your designs are talked about with my best friend here in Sweden and my daughter in the USA looks at your blog now and then.

    And since I’m not a fan of green, perhaps we could consider a swap – all (except one, since I need one for art) my green for all your blues? Like this one!
    Kidding – congrats on getting a pack of 5 to give away. Fabulous!

  50. monica

    thank you so much for the giveaway and the opportunity! I have never tried an illamasqua polish before (or anything from that brand actually!!) happy valentines day to you too 🙂

  51. Gelic' nail art

    Wow, I’d like to win! So cool of you to organize this and so kind of Illamasqua to help with the polishes. 🙂
    I personally like your swatch posts and nail art post the best, but likes everything. It’s also fun reading your Sunday posts about anything. I really like that you care so much of your readers (that what it’s appear for me at least:)) and always answer comments and such. I think that’s very important, to have a conversation from blog to readers and I always go back to read what you’ve answered me. It’s adorable that you take the time. 🙂

    I’ve made a blog post about this. Link is: http://gelicnailart.blogspot.se/2013/02/giveaway-at-swatchandlearn.html

    and my email can be found in the about section at my blog if you can’t see it by this comment. 🙂
    Gelic’ nail art recently posted: Giveaway at Swatchandlearn

  52. Stefanie

    This is such and amazing giveaway! Thank you so much, I’m dying to own this!

    I just all around like your blog, there isn’t one “segment” you do that I dislike, so keep up the awesomeness!

  53. Laure

    Hi Mary! Thank you and Illamasqua so much for the lovely giveaway. I would love to enter!

    My favourite posts are your Swatches & Review posts. They’re so clear and detailed. I always know you’re posting reliable and accurate info and pictures and it definitely helps me make up my mind on polishes. 😉
    Laure recently posted: Nail polish remover pads

  54. Magali

    Beautiful color. I’ve never heard of this brand and would love to try it out.
    Your site is very nice and informative. Thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  55. Jennifer

    I just love Illamasqua and this is a very pretty and interesting polish! I’m quite new to the “nail-world” so blogs like your is a great way to find out what polishes to buy and I also like your tutorials. Anyway, happy valentines everyone!

  56. Maddy

    Just saying but Illamasqua Raindrops is such a pretty color and one I don’t have in my always growing stash. I don’t really do anything on Valentine’s Day but my class went skiing today and it was a lot of fun! I really love your pictures, swatches and reviews. I love that at the end of a review you give it a rating out of 10, it helps me decide whether or not I would buy the item. Happy Valentine’s Day!

  57. Anja

    Oh, that is just an incredible giveaway. I have been drooling over that varnish for ages, when it was discontinued. But now it’s back, and I cross my fingers for good luck.

  58. Brianna

    Thanks Mary! For today, I went out to lunch with my best friend and also hung out with one of my guy friends I see every Thursday who didn’t know it was valentines day until I told him! Gotta love boys right? I painted my nails red on the thumbs and then mixed the polish with white to get a ombre effect, and I LOVE it. I did it before but I don’t remember how much I loved it until I did basically the same thing! Happy Valentines Day!
    Brianna recently posted: China Glaze Whirled Away

  59. Alex

    I would love to be your nailphile valentine! 🙂

    Thank you so much for doing this giveaway! It is appropriate for February, which is usually a little gray and happens to be my birthday month. I’ve been lemming Illamasqua Raindrops since my nail polish obsession started about a year or so ago. Thanks again, and happy valentine’s day!

  60. Shelby

    This is a beauty of a polish! That’s pretty awesome of the brand to give you 5 (!) bottles. I’ve never tried their polish because of the proce, but I sure love this color 😉

  61. @messy_manis

    Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to try this polish. It looks so beautiful and I could feel you excitement through the post you wrote about it.

  62. Janet "The KnitMaster"

    The Knitmaster is going to hypnotize you into making me win…….LOL Even if I don’t, I enjoy your blogs! I’m glad I stumbled on to you!

  63. Erin M.

    I pretty much love everything about your blog! Your reviews are so thorough and super helpful, so they’re probably my favorite part. 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  64. Mandy

    I cannot even explain to you how happy it makes me to know you are doing this giveaway. I’ve wanted this polish for sooooooo long! I fell in love with it ever since you made your review about it. Thanks so much to you and Illamasqua!

  65. tammy

    wow thank you so much! i like all your posts! i do like swatches a lot too! usually swatches is what makes me want to actually buy a polish rather than randomly picking it up in a store. 🙂

  66. Katie

    I’ve never been a big valentines celebrator, but I do like the candy and chocolate sales the day after!
    By the way, thanks for the giveaway! I love your blog. 🙂

  67. Megan

    I love swatches of new polish the best! I love seeing collections before I purchase them and it can make or break a polish for me!

  68. Allison

    Wow, this is such a great opportunity! Thank you so much for teaming up and offering such a pretty polish. I’d have to say, I especially like the posts when you give an in depth review of specific polishes from upcoming collections. I often make my purchasing decisions from your swatches and comments because you’re so honest. A lot of other blogs tend to say everything is wonderful, but then I find out they’re ” busted” when I get them home. Not your blog though! You always tell the truth. Thanks again.

  69. Cresencia

    Thank you for having this giveaway! And that it’s worldwide! That’s the cherry on top 🙂

    I love all your nail posts! Cuz I’m a nail addict myself… Heh.
    This was the very first post that I googled and got to know about your blog (http://www.swatchandlearn.com/nail-art-tutorial-rainbow-crackle-konadicure-using-bundle-monster-image-plate-bm-208-konad-special-nail-polishes-opi-alpine-snow/)
    From then on, I’ve been reading your blog and still loving it!
    Keep up the great work lovely!

  70. Amanda G

    I honestly prefer being single on Valentine’s day. I can spread the love to all my friends (especially the single ones who are feeling blue) and there’s no mandatory couple-y nonsense. Not that I don’t love couple-y nonsense, but not when it’s mandatory.

  71. Heather

    What a lovely color! I enjoy when you share your knitting with us. =) I fall in and out of my crafting habits, but I like seeing other people’s projects.

  72. Lizzy

    Oh my goodness I love your blog. It’s beautiful and doesn’t crash my browser. 😉 Yours is the only blog I’ve started following from swatch-searching. I had to! Your pictures are great and you have a lot of the same brands I love so I know what to go out and buy. hehehehe
    Lizzy recently posted: Simple Pure Ice Valentine’s Day Mani

  73. Karen

    Oh! How awomes that they sent you 5 bottles! 😀 I would love to win Rain Drops, for me its one of those lemmings you have thats always stuck on the backburner… Something flashier/brighter/ or more colourful always wanders by and takes my money with it 😛

    What I love most about your blog is your fun & upbeat approach to basicly everything! well that AND the nail polish 😛

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway Mary!!
    Karen recently posted: V-day Mani #4: Happy Valentines Day with Pink Hearts!

  74. MC

    OMG! Illamasqua is my favourite brand of nail polish! And I looove Raindrops!

    The posts I enjoy reading about most are the ones where you do cute, creative free-style designs…like right now I have a bee design as my accent nail! 😉

  75. Alison

    Answered prayers! I’ve had a lemming for this color for ages!!!! You just gave me the best news about the color being resurrected. At this point, that’s good news to equal your generous give-away! Thanks and great idea for a give away! I’m sure there are other folks who have been “jonsing” the color!

  76. Roberta Chan

    Thank you for this giveaway! I really like your previews and swatches. Especially for anything light blue! The best thing is cause you’re in Toronto, I am too so it’s like I can at least know when to expect things since US and Canada have different products and product launches.

  77. Erika (Zanahoria12)

    That is so incredibly generous of Illamasqua to play along times 5! I’ve never had the pleasure of using their products, but I have heard such good things.:) My buddies on Ravelry have been making me want this one in particular, it’s just so pretty!

  78. Nicole G

    This is super awesome of you! I would love to win! I went away for 6 months and when I got home this past week I discovered somebody stole a lot of my belongings while I was gone, and they took half of my polish and what was left was clearly used and left very sloppy. Winning this gorgeous polish would really help to cheer me up.

  79. Julia

    Happy Valentine’s Day to you as well! I think one of my favourite posts of yours was the one about all your crushes through the years! 🙂

  80. Rebecka G

    Wow, amazing giveaway! Raindrops is one of my biggest lemming! 🙂
    I really like your blogg, it is interesting, beautiful and fun to read.

  81. PW

    Thank you so much for the giveaway! I love your website and I think you have met some of the most influential and amazing people in the industry! Can you please do some more nail care tutorials, and also give us insight on your day to day PR activities, meetings with brands and show us some interesting things included in the life of a beauty blogger? THank you!

  82. laura

    Hee, so my favorite posts are your comparison posts! But I also love when you poll your readers (like for the Milani giveaway) I have so much fun reading the replies. =D

  83. Louise

    First, thank you for this nice giveaway!
    I love your tutorials, they’re always gorgeous and funny!
    Thanks for the great blog.

  84. Mihaela

    This is such an amazing giveaway! It’s so generous of them to offer 5 whole bottles of this beauty. Illamasqua is one of my favorite brands and I treasure each and every one that I own.
    We don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day where I live, but I did go out to dinner and a movie with the boyfriend.
    Mihaela recently posted: Valentine’s Glitter

  85. Norma

    Thank you so much for your reviews on (well everything but especially) dupes – you saved me TONS of money. Base coats and Nail Polish Remover – I LOVEY McLove Beauty Secrets Acetone Nail Polish Remover. It’s so easy on my nails! Before I was using a cheap drugstore brand that was making them peel. I was worried I’d have to stop painting my nails for a while *gasp. The horror!* But with Beauty Secrets I don’t have that problem anymore AND it’s amazing at removing polish in a fraction of the time my cheap drugstore remover took.

    THANK YOU!!!

  86. Trish

    Yay, a giveaway! *crosses fingers* I really like to look at swatches of nail polish and yours are great! Nice presentation and lighting to represent the color well 🙂

  87. Paula Faith

    I really love your blog. Having seen the Ronnie Red swatch, I wouldn’t mind seeing more lipstick posts. Keep up the great work!

  88. Cindi

    I love reading all your posts, but my favorites are your reviews on on drug store bought polishes. I love to hear the lastest and greatest on what ‘s new and coming out and what you really think of them good or bad. I will have to say though my favorite single one so far, though was you meeting Suzi of OPI and writing about it. Even to the part of telling us which mani you wore to meet her! Love it. Honestly I would like to win one of those polishes but if not, oh well, I will just buy it. It’s been on my wish list for quite some time now! Thanks for doing this blog, ((((HUGS)))) and take care!

  89. Lizajane

    We don’t usually do anything for V-Day but this year we went out to dinner someplace new-new to me at least. He had been there previously, in fact, he had brought home some of their bake at home Pheasant Jalapeno Poppers. We enjoyed it very much, and being the old, working folk we are, we went straight to sleep when we got home.
    Hope yours was at least as good!

  90. fannylove

    I’m quite addicted to your blog; your posts are always clear and contribute to make nail art accessible to everyone who wants to spend some time on this hobby 😉
    I admit, your blog gives me the envy to create my own one… but I’m afraid that I would not be able to post a subject everyday as you’re doing…
    Congratulations from France and many thanks to share with us your tips and discoveries!
    Hope to meet you one day!

  91. Laura

    I know Illamasqua is “dropping” a pink version of Raindrops once they get to 10,000 fans on FB – but the gray is pretty much a classic now! Thanks for hosting this fabulous giveaway!

  92. Fedoraharp

    This comment is NOT to enter the giveaway (I love Illamasqua but this color isn’t my speed. Don’t waste an entry on me and lessen the chances of someone who is dying to get the polish!). This is to show my appreciation to you for being my favorite nail blogger. I saw this post together with the lip color swatch, so I know that you’re surprised by the positive reaction- you shouldn’t be. I read a whole lot of blogs, and no one engages with their readers as thoroughly and personally as you do. Whenever I leave you a comment, you always give me thoughtful replies- I know you have a lot of readers, but I really feel like you care to know who each of us are, and you take the time to give us good feedback. It’s incredibly gratifying to be part of your audience.

    You absolutely deserve every drop of the love you’re getting, thank you for keeping up quality work!
    Fedoraharp recently posted: NOTD: Dotticure!

  93. Natalie

    I love your posts because you give us all the details we need, along with color accurate swatches in all different kinds of light. Thanks for that!

  94. Jenn H

    Hi Mary! Thanks for the amazing giveaway, I’ve been dreaming of this colour ever since you first raved about it! 😀 I love all of your posts, but my favourites were the From Mary’s Desk posts – they really helped me when I was first starting up my blog.
    Jenn H recently posted: A England St. George

  95. Marine

    Hi there Mary! Once again thank you so much for another great giveaway. I’m currently in a no buy month sooo i’m a little depressed about polish.

    Good luck all!

  96. Jessica S.

    I only added your blog to my RSS feed relatively recently, but I just love your swatches and reviews! I like that you cover a variety of brands… our taste in polish is pretty similar! The deeper I’ve gotten into polish, the more I appreciate detailed descriptions before I buy anything, and I really trust your reviews. It makes me happy that you actually wear your polish, too. It’s so sad when I see bloggers admit they don’t even wear their art! I know those long posts are time-consuming for you, but I sincerely appreciate all the effort you put in. I only have one Illamasqua polish so far, but Raindrops has been at the top of my wishlist. Thank you so much for offering this giveaway!

  97. Caroline

    I love looking through all the swatches and comparisons on your blog! It keeps me inspired and I also love the way you write! Your texts are full of interesting facts, and descriptions, aswell as that little pinch of humour that makes me smile.

  98. Kelsey

    Super cool – thanks! As far as something random.. let’s be sappy shall we? I actually love when I forget to check your blog daily because I get all excited about having multiple entries to read at once. There’s my lame confession haha

  99. Amanda

    That’s an amazing giveaway! I love your swatch posts, I love how much detail you put in and the pros and cons of each! xx

  100. Charlotte

    Hey Mary.
    This is another incredible give-away. I love how you actually care for your readers and want to give back. Props!
    I remember your review on this. At least I remember thinking that it looked really pretty, and you said some positive things about it, and them being a little sad at the price 😉

    I “celebrated” Valentine’s with a girlfriend by pure coincidence. But since neither of us has a boyfriend it was just fun 🙂

    (Oh, and if I’m crazy lucky enough to win, can you please just drop me a little comment on instagram? That’s the only thing I actually check every day right now. I’m so addicted it’s stupid ;))
    Charlotte recently posted: SinfulColors Gorgeous

  101. Seishina

    Crossing my fingers for this, since this colour isnt being sold at Sephora’s in Canada it’s pretty hard to get. LOL

    I discovered your blog from the great review you did on the OPI Bond collection, and its now in my regular list of beauty blogs I check regularly. You’re comprehensive, funny, and the a fellow Canuck! Nothing bad here at all. 🙂

  102. D. W.

    Really like your swatches and reviews. Your page is at the top of the nail sites that I check out, meaning that it is the one most often checked for updates and also the first one checked too! Keep up the good work.

  103. Polish Lurker

    I particularly like your swatches, and your nail art tutorials. And think you’re so generous for hosting this!

  104. Joyce

    I love your swatch & review posts. It helps a lot in my decision making process, especially when I’m struggling and afraid the colour I like might not fit my skin tone, but I can always find a good answer right here. 🙂

  105. Jean

    I love your descriptions and reviews of different polishes – I know I can count on you for an unbiased review and I love that!

  106. Snjezana

    Thank you for this wonderful giveaway! I love illamasqua polishes, I own a few, but not this one.
    Your swatches and reviews are what I like about your blog. Thanks for the time you spend taking so many pictures and going into details when you describe polishes. Also, whenever a new opi collection is coming out, I know I’ll find the first swatches on your blog 🙂

  107. Kayla

    I really enjoy your nail art posts that is how I originally found your blog. I believe it was the Loch Ness Monster one!! YAY!!
    As for valentines day, we usually just keep it simple and just have a nice dinner out! But this year we got ENGAGED!!! So it was a super exciting valentines for me!!
    Thanks so much for this awesome giveaway!

  108. jessica

    I’m in the comparison post lover category. I find almost any comparison post very helpful, but obviously I love all lacquer-centered posts as well! Keep it up! ^^

  109. Kelly

    That’s so cool of you and Illamasqua to hold this giveaway!! I’ve never tried there polishes but would love to!! I’ve always loved your blog since I found it, my favorite are your nail art posts. Your so talented and it helps me with my own nail art. Oh and of course your swatches of new collections 🙂

    Kelly recently posted: Rimmel Scandal Eyes Show Off Mascara; Review

  110. Carolina S

    Thank you so much for making it international!! Your blog is soooo exhaustive, really helpful! Keep up the good work!

  111. Rosemary ford

    I just love your blog I really love how you do
    a mix up of differrent things to review I learn
    so much. This color is so pretty

  112. Beth

    Ooh that’s a really pretty color! I just tried Illamasqua polish for the first time a couple of weeks ago and I was really impressed at how long it lasted without chipping. 🙂

  113. soralia

    Awesome giveaway! How generous of Illamasqua! Their polishes are truly the best and I’m happy Raindrops is back. Good luck everyone (including me 😉 )!

  114. Thea

    I love pretty much all your Smorgasbord posts! Cheshire is going to disappear one of these days because he is ADORABLE! I also think it’s awesome that there’s almost always a tutorial with your art!

  115. Natalie

    I’m new to the nail polish blogging world but I follow your blog for the best reviews and swatches on the new nail products out there. Thanks for holding such an awesome giveaway!

  116. rethinica

    great blog! the swatches are great …i do enjoy your descriptions 😛 definitely great news that illamasqua brought back raidrops <3 I just wonder if it will be the same case as the old RD. Let's hope we dont experience the same as we did with OPI MPJ

  117. Kendall

    holy moly, I’m in love with illamasqua raindrops and was so bummed when they brought it back a few days after I made an order from their site. Sigh, if only their shipping wasn’t so expensive/took so long to Canada.

  118. Fröken Frodig

    Raindrops looks absolutely lovely! I’ve never tried Illamasqua laquers, but hoping that will change now I’m entering your great giveaway!

  119. Petra Sch.

    I enjoy your blog!
    I don’t know illamasqua yet, but i LOVE this colour!! your swatches are so beautiful, I hope I will be one of the lucky winners 🙂
    LG Petra Sch. (I follow you via GFC, Bloglovin and FB 🙂

  120. Denise F

    I have never tried illamasqua although they always look captivating! And I love comparison post! You can never tell the difference until you see them together. Thank you!

    1. Denise F

      Oh and I follow
      FB: Petiteandsweet Denise
      Twitter: Nisefo62
      Bloglovin: Denise F
      Pinterest: Denise F
      Google+: Denise F

  121. Erica P.

    Thank you for this amazing giveaway! I hope you had a lovely Valentines Day! I spent it with my family. My daughter and her dad baked for me and I got some pretty amazing things.

  122. Marina

    Thank you for the giveaway! It’s very sweet from you! I love all your swatches, especially nailpolishes. I have wanted to try Illamasqua like forever but I haven’t yet.

  123. Celeste

    I love your nail polish swatches and very thorough reviews. I also love your nail polish battles where you compare similar polishes!
    Thank you so much for hosting this awesome giveaway!

  124. Lynette

    I LOVE your swatches, really fantastic ! My favourite Smorgasm Sunday posts are your knitting posts, got me to actaully start up and learn new patterns to knit !Feel really inspired by those posts. And posts about your life (being sick being one of them too (not the fact that you were sick, but fact that you could still see a funny side in that to post about. ) I spend Valentines Day single (for the first time in forever, but did spoil my little boy (he’s three ) with some yummy chocolates and his favourite dvd the evening . ♥

    I also retweeted about the giveaway on my twitter accounts ♥
    Lynette recently posted: China Glaze : Aquadelic

  125. Irene

    Thanks to you and illamasqua for offering this giveaway, because the prize is so beautiful! <3
    I enjoy your nail polish swatches the most because you give thorough reviews and upload 239048234 pictures to show the polish's true color in different lightings LOL. However, I've been the most grateful for your post about meeting Suzi from OPI because you said that the Skyfall collection was already out of stock back at OPI and to buy it off the shelves before it was gone! The very next day I went to get all the polishes I was eyeing, and I'm so thankful because less than a week after, the collection sold out at my local Ulta LOL.
    My favorite Smorgasbord Sunday post was the one about your past nail biting experiences. Biting my nails isn't too much of a bad habit for me, but it is a habit that occasionally pops up every once in a while, and the tips you gave has helped me improve since~!

  126. Tove

    Great giveaway! I’ve been aching to get my paws on this one for a while now!
    I love all of your photos in the swatches, makes me more confident in my buying (or not buying) decisions.

  127. Anasofia

    Thank you for your amazing blog! Your reviews are so helpful: I just went through the basecoats reviews, and learned a lot of useful information. Your swatches are beautiful and very truthful.

  128. Baboune

    Thanks for this giveaway, I just dreamed of a Illamasqua nail laquer !
    For me, Valentine’s day is a friend’s day, 14th february is the birthday of one of my oldest and best friend and that’s even more than a kind of commercial celebration 🙂
    I send you my best regards of Paris

  129. Marianne Foderetti

    I stumbled on your website and I AM IN LOVE! Your reviews on some polishes helped me make up my mind as to whether or not to buy them. I also find your posts comical…you are a captivating writer. I am now a faithful follower!

  130. Manda

    this color is lovely, never tried illamasqua

    I’ve only discovered your site in the last week, I love the tutorials, gives some great ideas..which i found your site before the superbowl!!!

  131. Becca

    Awesome giveaway!

    I was supposed to go out to dinner with my husband on Valentine’s day, but my brother was in town, so he came too!

  132. Jess R.

    So glad illamasqua is bringing this color back since it was such a hit but sold out so quick! Would love to add this to my ever growing collection.

  133. Crystal wing

    Thanks for the giveaway! I love your reviews on polishes. You go in depth to really get us a feel for the polish before we buy it. Thank you:)

  134. Keri

    What a generous offer! I’ve just recently become obsessed with nail polish, and a giveaway would be a great way to try a premium brand for the first time. The color (and name) remind me of the 5 years I spent in Belgium while I was growing up. It seemed to always be raining, but I learned to love it. Even today, my happiest moods are on overcast, partly rainy days. This color might give me a chance to put that mood on my fingertips, where I can see it all the time. Thanks for having such a great informative blog – your tips and swatches are already saving me lots of money (while of course inspiring purchases!)

  135. FY

    Your blog is one of the few nail blogs I regularly check out ;3 I love your reviews. They’re VERRY detailed and I like how you photograph the swatch over different lights!

  136. Kat Hooked On Polish

    Eep exciting! Raindrops has long been a lemming for many of us and it’s so awesome that Illamasqua brought it back :D.

    I honestly just enjoy reading your blog. I can tell time and thought went into the reviews and more importantly, they’re honest. I especially like that you actually wear what you post! Where’s the fun in loving nail polish if you can’t enjoy it and show it off (even if its just to ourselves lol).
    Kat Hooked On Polish recently posted: ABC Challenge ‘G’ – Pop Beauty Grass (and Glitter!)

    1. Kristine

      Opps, forgot to say that I have approximately 564 different nailpolishes and not a single Illamasqua in the bunch. I’d love to win Raindrops 🙂

  137. MissMidnightBlue

    Hi! 🙂 I just wanted to tell you I love your blog. I always have. 😉 gonna be having dinner here… Eggplant Parm. 😀
    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! hungry? 😀 lol

    Thank you for this. 🙂 <3

  138. Meg

    Hi! I’m so excited that Illamasqua is bringing this polish back! Thanks so much for the giveaway and your beautiful blog!

  139. britani

    i love reviews that seem honest, i feel like i can trust recommendations from someone who actually has negative things to say on occasion.

  140. Jodi

    this is such a beautiful color, My friends always rave about Illamasqua, and I have still yet to own even one. it is not available in stores here in my area in Canada, and they always order online, If I get a change to try this, I will surely get to see how the quality is.

    PS. I love your nail art stamp posts, I can never do it right, the pictures doesn’t show up clearly on my nail, is there a specific nail polish I should use?

  141. Rose Ambrai

    I personally LOVE your MANicures. I’ve tried to convince my husband, but he’s just not as good of a sport as your friends :). Maybe I’ll just do it in his sleep……

  142. Melissa

    Hiii 🙂 thank you for having this giveaway! this color looks so pretty and ive always wanted to try an illamasqua nail polish

  143. Arelis

    Thanks for the giveaway!! I have been hunting raindrops down at Sephora since you reviewed it! Sadly, I have yet to find it. When I saw this post I was soooooo excited! I am pinning it on Pinterest now! Thanks again!

  144. Marisa

    Mary you are awesome for doing this giveaway!!! Hmmm… I love your swatches and I’d love to see you wear more pinks. I think they look great on you ;0)

  145. Neff

    I just stumbled upon your blog and found some really interesting reads. You review a lot of items that I would or have purchased. I take many reviews with a grain of salt, as I like to formulate my own opinions on the products or items that I purchase. I will however, continue to visit your site because I love contests and giveaway!


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