Blog News: My Funky French Nail Art Tutorial on

Funky French Nail Art Tutorial SwatchAndLearn PromCanadaIt’s amazing how powerful nail polish is!

Even if you spent a long, crappy day dealing with lazy individuals who seem to make slugs stuck in molasses look as fast as Usain Bolt,Β the physical act of painting your nails is relaxing.

And even if the nail design is simple or there are imperfections, the wonderful thing is that you feel happy instantly. It’s like colour therapy plus beauty, all rolled into a convenient package!

Give yourself some “me” time, as you relax and paint your nails. You may be surprised at how therapeutic it can be.

I’m very honoured to have had the opportunity to once again showcase a nail-art tutorial on

This time, I painted a very simple look featuring just two contrasting colours, Nicole by OPI Oh That’s Just Grape! and Nicole by OPI Teal Me Something New.

It’s ideal for those who don’t want to spend a lot of time doing their nails, but still want something fun and easily customizable.

Go to Prom Canada’s website to see the original article, or keep reading the rest of this post to see my step-by-step tutorial with photos and written instructions.

P.S.Β In case you haven’t already, enter my worldwide giveaway for your chance to win the OPI Don’t Speak 18K Gold Top Coat! (Ends Friday October 24, 2014 at 11:59 pm EDT.)

Funky French Nail Art Swatches

All swatches have:

  • Nicole by OPI 3-in-1 Base, Top Coat & Strengthener
  • Nicole by OPI Oh That’s Just Grape! (Purple)
  • Nicole by OPI Teal Me Something New (Teal)
  • Nicole by OPI Quick Dry Top Coat

Note:Β All of the above nail polishes were generously provided by Nicole by OPI’s PR.

Flash Photos

Funky French Nail Art Tutorial SwatchAndLearn PromCanada

SwatchAndLearn Funky French Manicure Nail Art Tutorial Step 3

*~* Funky French Nail Art Tutorial *~*

Step 1: Apply a Base Coat

Step 2: Paint Your Nails with the Base Colours

SwatchAndLearn Funky French Manicure Nail Art Tutorial Step 1

I decided to paint my middle and ring fingers the same colour and then my index and pinkie fingers another colour.

You could paint all your nails the same, or play up your ring finger for an accent nail. The choice is up to you. Remember, nail art is about having fun, so there are no strict rules. Paint whatever makes you happy!

Step 3: Line the Tips of Your Nails

SwatchAndLearn Funky French Manicure Nail Art Tutorial Step 2

After waiting a few minutes, use the contrasting colour to carefully line the tips of your nails to create the funky French manicure.

Step 4: Apply a Top Coat

SwatchAndLearn Funky French Manicure Nail Art Tutorial Step 3

Allow your manicure to dry for at least 15 minutes before applying a top coat.

(Note: I decided to use a dotting tool to add a few dots above the tips before applying my top coat, but that’s an optional step.)

I hope that you enjoyed this quick and simple nail-art tutorial! πŸ™‚

Stay tuned because I’ll be sharing a new nail-art tutorial on in December.

P.S.Β Even if you get a little wrinkling of the nail polish like I did, don’t worry! Perfection isn’t the aim of nail art – your happiness is! Had fun painting your nails? Enjoy the colours? Those are what matter more! Don’t let imperfections steal your happiness.

I always advocate putting in effort because that accounts for a lot, not just for manicures, but also in life. If you try, you may win. Don’t try, you’ll always fail. The statistics are pretty clear – you have more of a chance at winning when you try. πŸ™‚


8 thoughts on “Blog News: My Funky French Nail Art Tutorial on

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Rachel!

      Glad you like it, even if it’s not the most complicated design. I like creating nail looks that other people can try without feeling intimidated because I feel like nail art should be enjoyed by all!

  1. Melissa

    So simple and so pretty. I love it and will definitely be trying this one out as soon as Halloween is over. Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Joyce

    Oh, isn’t that the truth! I love to just sit down, pick some beautiful colors to play with and think of nothing but painting my nails after an exhausting day… and the best part is I can recall that relaxed feeling the next day by just looking at my nails πŸ™‚

    PS. Congratulations on another showcase!

    PPS. Why do I keep envisioning some of my co-workers with houses on their back and dragging themselves through molasses after reading your intro? πŸ˜€
    Joyce recently posted: Bling-y autumn manicure

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Joyce!

      You know what? I think the reason why painting our nails is so relaxing and therapeutic is because we make our own rules. There are zero restrictions, unless we want there to be hard and fast rules. That philosophy in itself is wildly liberating!

      Aww, thank you! Without awesome readers like you, I wouldn’t have these kind of wonderful opportunities! πŸ™‚

      Haha, those co-workers must be mighty strong after that workout. πŸ˜‰


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