Quick Look: Essie Weingarten

Usually my Quick Look posts are of bottle shots and nail polishes, but I wanted to share this photo, and it was the most appropriate category.

I’m always interested in learning more about the people behind brands because as much as nail polishes make my pulse race, it’s the creative geniuses behind a company who make all the magic happen. They inspire me, and it makes me love a brand even more when there’s a human element.

This evening, I’d like to take a moment to putย Essie Weingartenย in the spotlight on Swatch And Learn!

Essie Weingarten is the Founder and Global Creative Director of Essie! So if you love any Essie nail polishes, you have her and her amazing team to thank.

Here’s a photo of Essie Weingarten. Doesn’t she look totally glam?

I believe strongly that beauty is ageless, and Essie Weingarten is proof of that!

Essie Weingarten

In the future, I’m thinking about using Quick Look posts to also focus on snapshots of people and other things instead of only swatches and bottle shots. Let me know if this is something you’d be interested in. ๐Ÿ™‚


6 thoughts on “Quick Look: Essie Weingarten

  1. Jessica

    “Beauty is ageless”–so true! I think it’s possible to look beautiful no matter what age you are, and Essie Weingarten is definitely proof of that.

    I think it would be a great idea to focus some of your future “Quick Look” posts on people–I’m also interested in the personalities behind beauty brands.

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Jessica!

      Glad that you’re on board with my idea of using this Quick Look series to also focus on people. Some interesting stuff is coming really soon! ๐Ÿ˜‰ HINT HINT!


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