Blog News: New Layout

Hey everyone!

This is a second post for today. As you can see, Swatch And Learn got a facelift!

No scalpels were involved and no blood was shed, but there were some tears. (Don’t worry – the nail polish was left completely unharmed. There wasn’t even the smallest scratch on a single bottle.) πŸ˜‰

New Layout Swatch And Learn

Change is a difficult thing to get used to at first. When you’ve become so familiar with a design and it changes, you feel that sense of loss.

Chucking the old blog layout was something that was necessary – it was akin to amputating an arm infected with a severe case of gangrene. (Okay, so I’m not winning any awards for being a Drama Queen.) Still, though, it was really hard for me to bid farewell to the design I’ve stuck with since July 25th, 2010.

But it had to be done, much like the Macarena at the school dance a long time ago.

The old layout was a pain in the acetone, and making any custom changes felt like painting your toenails while in a straitjacket. (It’s hard. I’ve tried. No success.) πŸ˜‰

I didn’t want to have to sing for my supper for every tiny change. In fact, I was tired of singing for supper, period! Not only did it remind me that I’m no Mariah Carey, but it also left me very, very hungry. (Now I just have to nod my head and food magically appears in front of me. It’s miraculous!)

The new layout isn’t as elaborate as my previous one, but behind the scenes, it functions a billion times better. To me, that’s really important.

I’ll be continually tweaking things here and there to give it some personality that it’s obviously lacking. Plus there are some things that need fixing as soon as I can figure out good solutions.

I ask that you please be patient with me and the changes. I’m not a programmer, so I’m learning from scratch. I want the design to be great, but I’m starting at the bottom of the mountain.

Hope that you’ll continue to visit and leave your wonderful comments on Swatch And Learn during this transition period.


47 thoughts on “Blog News: New Layout

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Nikki Ash!

      Thank you so much!

      I’m trying to whittle away anything unnecessary, so this is like a much cleaner slate than I’m used to working with!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey All Things Shiny!

      Hehe, glad that there’s a fellow green lover! πŸ˜‰

      Thanks for your encouragement – it means a lot, and it’ll help get me over this hurdle.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Emily!

      Yes, it’s VERY scary. The entire time I was implementing the changes, my heart was racing. And part of me wanted to chicken out and just revert back. But this is something that I should’ve done last year. I’m glad that I made the changes. Now it’s just a matter of getting used to it and making it better.

      Hehe, and I’m glad you got a laugh out of my post. πŸ˜‰

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey The KnitMaster!

      (Yes, I’m still calling you that instead of Janet. :P)

      I’m really happy to hear that you see what I was trying to achieve – simplicity. I would love for my content to be what’s showcased, but I’ll definitely work hard on changing up the design to improve it.

      YAY for another green fan! πŸ˜€

        1. Mary Post author

          I was obsessed about purple the way I am about green before. Actually, to this day, I think I still have more purples than greens!

  1. Cristina

    I think it looks great! The green is so awesomely fresh looking – and I LOVE that little cartoon in the banner, SO FREAKING CUTE! πŸ™‚

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Cristina!

      I’m so happy to hear that you like the new design! πŸ™‚ I still have a lot to mess around with, though, if I can figure out how to do it.

      That little cartoon of the girl hugging the bottle of nail polish was done by one of my talented readers, Vivian! πŸ™‚ She surprised me with it one day out of the blue, and while I initially only used it in the About section, I knew that it would land a more-prominent spot as soon as I changed my layout! πŸ™‚

  2. Nicole M

    I like the new layout!! I don’t remember seeing your little swatch and learn icon before… that’s exactly how I feel about my nail polish! Haha. Your post was very punny and funny today! And of course I noticed that that the sides were grrreeeeennnnn!! πŸ˜€ I think new layouts are fun… they feel fresh and new and y’know if you ever change your mind, you can always change it again.
    Nicole M recently posted: Get Polishes (and other stuff) for Half Off Through Jan. 31st

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Nicole M!

      YAY! You know how happy it makes me that my readers are positive about the change? VERY! I’m still trying to get used to it and give it a chance, too. πŸ™‚ It’ll get better, I promise. This is just the first major change. I already have many ideas I want to implement, but it’s a matter of trying to figure out the coding to make that happen.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Maria!

      Glad to hear that while you liked the old one, you’re also giving this new one a chance. πŸ™‚ I’ll do my best to make sure my new changes to this layout improve the user-friendliness. There are still some issues I need to work out, but it’s good that you’re embracing the change. πŸ™‚

      Hehe, I love green so much, too! πŸ˜‰ I knew that with the redesign, I had to stray from my overly pink design and go with my green gut.

  3. Marta

    The new look is really nice! And I totally hear what you are saying with “behind the scenes” ease, speed and accessibility. You are a very diligent blogger who I see tinkering with things to perfection and if things are a bother to get done just so, then it takes extra time.
    The readers come to read what you have to say, to hang on every word you write (and I won’t like… I got up and boogied just to see if I remember the moves to the Macarena). That is what you do to your readers… and that is why we love you!
    case closed

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Marta!

      Phew, I’m glad to hear that you like the design. I know that a lot of people will be shocked when they see it for the first time because it’s so different and simplified compared to what I had going on before. But this is more me.

      Thank you also for the kind and encouraging words as always! πŸ™‚ I have the best blog readers who are really thoughtful, so I was pleased to see that they embraced such a dramatic change so quickly. It really speaks volumes as to how wonderful you all are!

      Haha, I laughed thinking about you doing the Macarena. You’ve still got the moves! πŸ˜‰

      THANK YOU! I love my readers, too! SO MUCH!

      *Opens case. Put in an extra polish. Closes case.* πŸ˜‰

  4. Frosso

    I thought I stumbled on the wrong blog for a second!
    I know what it’s like to completely change a layout, I went through countless the fist month or two of blogging, until I finally settled on one (for now) its so hard to get everything the way you want it especially if you are not a programer or know nothing about coding. Good luck with your new layout ventures, I’ll be watching πŸ˜›
    Frosso recently posted: HITS Mari Moon Trendy

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Frosso!

      Haha, I’m glad that you stayed on the page long enough to realize it was still Swatch And Learn!

      Definitely agree with how it’s hard to get everything you want it. Ideally, it would be perfect if I knew coding. Then I could create everything from scratch and make it exactly how I want. But, for now, I have to take baby steps. Hope you have the camera ready…haha! (Mary’s first steps.)

      Thank you for the encouragement! πŸ™‚

  5. Vivian

    wooow. I got a little disorientated when I came across your blog today. I was like, did my browser not load the page properly? Where’s the colorful layout!! haha.

    now that the initial shock has subsided I actually really like this new layout (and it’s not only because you decided to use my little graphic ^^). It feels much cleaner, and this new comment interface is awesome. I just love it! I’m glad that its easier for you to use too. Since you are tootally my favorite blogger, I’d love to help you if you need any graphics. I could make you a top header. Just give me the dimensions, any photos you want to be included, color theme..etc. I really wouldn’t mind and I could always use more portfolio content! Let me know if there’s anything I could do! We could definitely make something awesome!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Vivian!

      I’m glad that you didn’t just leave in shock (or disgust)! Haha! I’m sure that a lot of other loyal readers also were confused…I probably should’ve announced earlier that changes were about to be made, but although this was a long time coming, the decision to finally implement it was pretty spontaneous. I go with my gut a lot on stuff like this, and I was feeling like the blog needed a dramatic change.

      Thank you again for sending me that wonderful graphic way back. Even though I initially only used it on the About page, I knew that whenever I updated my layout, I would use it at the top. πŸ™‚

      Oh my gosh, thank you for the high praise! And, whoa, thank you for offering to lend me your graphic expertise! I really could use a new header. This one is just temporary because I needed something that wasn’t just text (like in my old layout – that bothered me a lot, actually).

      I’ll think about some designs, and I’ll e-mail you a few. If it would be at all possible for you to help me out, I would be really grateful! I can send you payment in polish if you’d like! πŸ™‚

      1. Vivian

        Don’t worry about it! I love to design, and you need a new layout. We both get what we want! and hey if you want to send polish, I’m all for that! haha. Take your time and feel free to email whenever! I can do everything from simple 2d graphics, to a more illustrated look, photoshopping images, vectors…etcetc. you name it! haha. When I was younger (in highschool) I used to design blog/forum layouts for money. I would code it, style it and provide the headers, buttons, smilies!

        1. Mary Post author

          Awesome, Vivian! I will definitely take you up on this offer. Saw your e-mail. I’ll reply soon. πŸ™‚ This weekend has been a little hectic!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Ashesela!

      I started off with a basic design – I didn’t build it up from scratch. But to tweak it, I definitely need to learn basic coding so that I can fully customize all the parts. πŸ™‚ (My old design made every little change a huge obstacle. Now I don’t feel like I’m fighting to make changes, so it’s more fun now!)

  6. Conni

    Oh, I just love the way you handle words, Mary – gives me a big laugh and lot of pictures in my head! πŸ™‚ I’ve also changed the look on my blog short before Christmas, and I feel great about it. Actually, it felt like getting out of the straitjacket! Anyway, I like your new design; I’ve seen other blogs changed with no big success, but this I really like! So you won’t get rid of me yet! πŸ˜‰
    Conni recently posted: En fedtet affære part Three

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Conni!

      Here’s my secret. I sit all the words down in front of me, and then I tell them that there’s a whole new world out there for them to become a part of. Their eyes usually become so wide when I tell them that the lowercase letters can eventually become capitals and lead an entire sentence! πŸ˜‰

      Writing is my biggest passion (even though I’m pretty crazy about nail polish), so I took your words to heart. Thank you for making my day!

      As for the blog layout, I’m relieved to hear that you really like the changes. As much as I want the blog to reflect who I am more, I also want to create something that my readers will enjoy, too. It’s a big work in progress, and thanks for sticking around for the bumpy ride!

  7. Fingers

    Did you switch over to WordPress from blogger? I always thought about doing that but now that GFC won’t work after march with WordPress Im not sure I want to do it. I have actually liked some of e WordPress blogs I’ve seen. Seems like a better system overall. Could you email me and let me know where you went to make the change?
    Fingers recently posted: Another Subtle Mani-but with Holo Goodness!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Fingers!

      Nope, I was always with WordPress, and I’ve never used Blogger for Swatch And Learn (except to make a profile that allows me to comment on some other blogs).

      Hmm…that’s really strange how Google Friend Connect stopped working for you. Have you tried pulling a fresh version of your code? Hmm…I haven’t had any problems yet with it on WordPress, but I have seen lots of Blogger sites where the Google Friend Connection widget doesn’t even show up. Have you tried looking up forums on the subject? I’m sure that other people have had similar issues. Maybe they’ve found solutions.

      Please check your e-mail. I’ve sent you a little message. πŸ™‚

    2. Mary Post author

      Oops, thanks for the e-mail. You’re totally right. I misunderstood what you meant.

      I didn’t know that Google Friend Connect would no longer work on WordPress this March! πŸ™ Guess I’ll have to rely on the other social-media avenues…Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

  8. karen

    The new layout is great! Loads fast and is easy to read. Now, if I can just quit staring at the new polishes that I adopted today, I’ll have even more time to surf around.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey karen!

      Thank you so much! πŸ™‚ I’m glad you’re liking it so far. I need to work on it more, though, because it needs some more user-friendly features.

      Hehehe, ooohhh….how kind of you to adopt some new polishes! I’m sure they’ll be so happy being in a loving family like yours. πŸ˜‰

  9. CupK8

    I adore the new layout, Mary!! Love the cute graphic in the header, having some of your fantastic nail designs up there… yesh indeed. πŸ™‚

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey CupK8!

      YAYYY – so glad you like it! πŸ™‚ And that awesome graphic of the girl hugging the polish was done by a talented Swatch And Learn reader, Vivian! πŸ™‚ She’s even offered to create a brand new header for me. I couldn’t believe it! πŸ˜€ My readers truly are THE BEST!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Marisa!

      Same here! When Vivian created it for me way back, I fell in love with it, too. It totally captures a love for polish! And if there was a bottle of polish that big, you can bet that I’d try to hug it, despite the weird looks from others.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Marie!

      Glad you’re enjoying it! πŸ™‚

      Have you tried using plug-ins? Widgets make it really easy to switch some of your layout without having to know a lot of coding. But, if you’re interested in getting some paid coding help, I could refer you to someone. Just let me know!

  10. Sophie


    Firstly I would like to say that I’m a huge fan of your blog. I check in here every few days on my iPhone, to see if you’ve got any latest swatch or nail art designs to share with the world – by the way, they are really awesome! I’ve tried a couple and they always get praises from my family and friends! Hence, a BIG thank-you to you for sharing all your wonderful nail art experience with us!

    My next point is the crux of this comment. I do love your new blog template, especially the rainbow and unicorn!!! (I guess that’s why we are girls, we go crazy over such things that guys will never be able to understand!) However you might have to tweak your template a little as reading is very difficult for iPhone users. Your blog looks very unorganised and oddly skewed. I guess the new template hasn’t been tuned to fit mobile reading as well. I hope you can do something about it as it brings great discomfort to my eyes. Nonetheless, it wouldn’t stop me from patronising your blog still as it is too good to resist!

    Please continue being so fabulous as it has truly been a joy to read your blog entries! (:

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Sophie!

      Thank you for bringing this up – I’ve been trying to look for a suitable solution to this, since I realize that there are quite a few people who enjoy viewing the blog on their cell phone. I’ll see what I can do, and hopefully I’ll be able to rectify this soon! The last thing I want is for this blog to be an eye sore!

      I really appreciate your kind words and constructive criticism. πŸ™‚

  11. Candy

    Hey Mary!

    Just wanted to let you know that I really dig the new layout and that it really screams “Mary!” with all the green . However, like Sophie, I often read this blog on my Android and a good chunk of the left side is cut off. I do adore your blog though, and I guess I’ll just have to read it on my laptop from now on.

    Much love,

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Candy!

      I’m really sorry that this new layout isn’t working out for you on your cell. I’ll try to rectify that because you’re not alone. There are lots of other followers who also rely on their mobile devices to visit.

      Thank you so much for your feedback! It’s constructive criticism like this that helps me make my blog the best that it can be.


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