Yellow Nail-Polish Comparison Swatches & Photos

Yellow Nail Polish Comparison SwatchesAs spring inches closer, I’m sure I’ll be reaching more for yellow nail polishes. They never fail to boost my spirits because they’re so sunny!

I thought it would be interesting to do a Yellow Nail-Polish Comparison featuring Orly Spark, NCLA Tennis Anyone?, and Nicole by OPI Hit the Lights.

This might be helpful to those who have never worn yellow nail polish and are looking to buy one. Although I love yellow polish, I know that a lot of people will be satisfied with just one. 😉

I want to collect as many yellows as possible just because there aren’t too many in my stash in comparison to greens, purples, and blues.

Click on any of the below links to see my separate posts with in-depth reviews and photos.

  1. Orly Spark
  2. NCLA Tennis Anyone? (Provided by PR)
  3. Nicole by OPI Hit the Lights (Provided by PR)

Natural Light Photo

Yellow Nail Polish Comparison Swatches

Left-Right (Order is the same in this entire post): Orly Spark, NCLA Tennis Anyone?, and Nicole by OPI Hit the Lights

Flash Photo

Yellow Nailpolish Comparison

Yellow Nail-Polish Comparison Swatches

All swatches have 2 coats of each colour and no top coat.

The colour order is the same in this entire post.

Left-Right: Orly Spark, NCLA Tennis Anyone?, and Nicole by OPI Hit the Lights

Natural Light Photo

Yellow Nail Polish Comparison Orly Spark, NCLA Tennis Anyone & Nicole by OPI Hit the Lights

Flash Photo

Yellow Nail Polish Comparison Swatches Orly Spark, NCLA Tennis Anyone & Nicole by OPI Hit the Lights

My Observations

None of these are dupes, but going into this, I never thought they would be. However, all of them have a creme finish.

Also important to mention is that I got full coverage from Orly Spark with 2 coats, but the other yellows required 3 coats.

In these swatches, I used 2 coats. Two coats shows the colour on the nail wheel well, but on your nails, you need 3 coats to cover the nail line, unless you’re using Orly Spark.

Nicole by OPI Hit the Lights is the boldest yellow in the bunch, and it reminds me of an egg yolk. If you want something that really pops, get this one because it provides the most contrast.

Orly Spark is the monkey in the middle. It’s not loud like Hit the Lights, but it also doesn’t want to faint like Tennis Anyone? does. There’s something Eastery about this yellow. I can picture doing fun little chick nail art on top of this.

NCLA Tennis Anyone? is the palest yellow. This is probably the trickiest one to pull off because it can make some skin tones look zombie-like. On my skin tone, I think it was flattering. But for those who have pale complexions, it could look even more anaemic. (I actually like the pale-on-pale look, but I know a lot of people don’t, so I have to mention it.)

Since I’ve actually worn all of these yellow nail polishes as full manicures over the years, I can say that they all have a similar formula. As with many yellows, the first coat is streaky, but as you apply additional coats, you can build up the opacity. And then when you use a top coat, it evens everything out further.

Yellow is also notorious for staining nails. I remember having really bad staining from Orly Spark, but it may have been a base coat that let me down. And, when I wore the other two polishes, I can’t say if they stained even a little because my nails are slightly stained to begin with. I wear so many different colours, and I rarely double up on my base coat. But the base coats I use now do a great job at preventing major staining.

I hope you found this post helpful! And for those who haven’t worn yellow nail polish before, I encourage you to try it. It’s fun, and it’s like emotional therapy in a bottle! 😉

Which of these yellows is your favourite? Is there a comparison post you’d like me to do with other colours?


16 thoughts on “Yellow Nail-Polish Comparison Swatches & Photos

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Karrie!

      Haha, you crack me up! I like how you went from liking one, to two, to all three. True nailphile – I’m proud of ya! 😉 *Hands you a special pin*

  1. Alice

    Mmm probably my least favorite is the NOPI. Too egg-y for me. The other 2 are really nice :-). Been looking for a nice yellow!!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Alice!

      Mmm…eggs! Hehe, I haven’t had scrambled eggs in quite some time. Now I’m thinking about bacon. HUNGRY! 😉

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Cal!

      It might be just the base coat I used. Then again, my nails are on the dry side (but very strong, naturally). Maybe my dry nails tend to absorb pigment from yellows more…Hmm!

      Thank you! Yes, my back pain is lessening. Thank goodness!

  2. Icequeen81

    from the 3 I liked ncla but still is not a shade I wnat to wear as nail polish, but for sure by clothing or eyeshadow if its is well done

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Icequeen81!

      Oh yes, the type of yellow is really fun to wear in the spring and summer, especially. I have a few yellow tops that I love wearing. They always make me think of warm weather and happy memories.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lizzy!

      Haha, I fear that if I start looking for yellow nail polishes, they’re going to be sneaky and jump into my cart when I’m not looking. 😉 Nail polishes are like that, y’know?

      Yes, neon yellow is funnnn! I just love all neons, actually, and I wear them any time of year!

  3. Tam

    I think its common to have just a few yellows in ones stash because they really just come in 4 creme shades….pastel, normal bright and neon lol. And that mustardy color so i guess 5. I love sparkly yellows though, like China glaze lighthouse and color club daisy does it! Thanks for your comparison post, helpful as always!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Tam!

      Glad that you found it helpful! 🙂

      I can’t wait for a company to expand the limits of yellow nail polish with a new finish. That would really be exciting and different!

  4. laura

    Ooh, thanks for the comparison. I have a few yellows, but I don’t wear any of them because of bad formulas. 🙁 Still looking for a nice yellow jelly, though.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Laura!

      Ohh, a good yellow jelly is verrrry hard to find. I don’t have any, but I saw one by Nubar. Don’t know the name right now, but maybe you can try Googling. Or have you already tried that yellow jelly?

  5. Bathelen

    Ooh I’m wearing yellow nails right this minute! I bought Barry M’s textured effect nail polish in Atlantic Road yesterday and tried it – am so in love. It’s like a lemony yellow (I don’t know if you get Barry M over with you, I assume you do … it’s a favourite for UK girls on a budget!)

    I’m loving this colour because it’s different AND yellow. Who wouldn’t love that? And we’re still getting snow so it’s my little bit of summer. x
    Bathelen recently posted: China Glaze Frostbite nail art (disaster!)

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Bathelen!

      Ohh, I’ve seen a photo of that polish you’re wearing online – FUN!

      You know what? I’ve never looked into getting my hands on Barry M, but I’ve seen some Canadian bloggers who have reviewed that brand, so maybe it’s accessible. (Hmm…or maybe they just have a connection to someone in the UK.) I’ve always wondered about the formula, and I like a lot of their colours that I’ve seen online.


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