Canada & US Giveaway: Win the Entire CND Vinylux Open Road Collection

Congratulations, Jessica! You’ve won my CND Vinylux Open Road Collection Giveaway! You have 48 hours to reply to my e-mail to claim your prize.

Thank you to everyone for participating in my giveaway. Stay tuned because I have more awesome giveaways lined up really soon!



I’m having another giveaway to reward my loyal readers. (Just in case you didn’t get the memo, you’re awesome!) 🙂

NailPolishCanada and I teamed up again. (I really admire the hard-working staff there, and they never fail to support me, despite their hectic schedules. It feels good when companies appreciate the ‘little guy’. A big thank you to NailPolishCanada for generously providing the prize for this giveaway!)

If you’re in Canada or the United States, you can enter for your chance to WIN the entire CND Vinylux Open Road Collection!

(Included in this collection are the following shades: Desert Poppy, Clay Canyon, Sun Bleached, Sage Scarf, Powder My Nose and Mint Convertible.)

This giveaway will run now until Friday May 9 at 11:59 pm EDT.

CND Vinylux Open Road Collection Giveaway

Giveaway Details:

    • Starts: Now
  • Ends: Friday May 9, 2014 at 11:59 pm EDT
  • Who Can Enter: Canadian & US residents
  • Prize: The entire 6-piece CND Vinylux Open Road Collection

How to Enter:

    • Fill out the below Rafflecopter form AND leave a comment on this blog post telling me about something positive that happened in your life.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

How to Earn Extra Entries:

    • You can earn extra entries by completing the other options listed in the form.

Selecting the Winner:

    • Sometime on May 10 or 11, I’ll notify the winner (chosen randomly by Rafflecopter) via e-mail. I’ll also announce it on some of my social-media platforms. The winner will have 48 hours to reply to my e-mail to claim the prize. Failure to do so will force me to randomly draw another winner.

What Happens Next?

  • The winner will send me their mailing address, which I’ll forward to NailPolishCanada. They will send you the prize directly.

Important Note:

    • Please add swatchandlearn (at) gmail (dot) com to your Safe list so my e-mail doesn’t accidentally go to the Junk folder.

Good luck, and thanks for being amazing readers!

Social Media You’ll Find Me On:

Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Instagram / Google+ / beautylish / BlogLovin’

RSS Feed & E-mail Subscription


67 thoughts on “Canada & US Giveaway: Win the Entire CND Vinylux Open Road Collection

  1. Annie

    My significant other has really changed my life for the better and I honestly don’t know what I’d do without them.

  2. Kelly Tomlinson

    I just re-started the Insanity Workouts and while I am super sore I know in just a few weeks I will be seeing results in my legs and booty. It’s also jump started my healthy eating habits so I’m already feeling very happy about getting back into it!

  3. Katherine

    I recently moved to a new city and it had been a wonderful change! I love my new home and I’m having fun exploring my new city. I’m much happier than I was before the move.

  4. Melissa Ann

    Love your site you always do an awesome job. Because of your site I have been able to decide on polishes to buy. So thank you for the time you spend on your blog. The positive thing that has happened to me, besides having my daughters, I just started back to cosmology school. I’m really enjoying it and it makes me happy to make people feel good about themselves. Again you do an awesome job with your blog. Have a great weekend. :~) luv
    Melissa Ann recently posted: Canada & US Giveaway: Win the Entire CND Vinylux Open Road Collection

  5. KnitMaster

    My three children are the best thing that ever happened to me! Now I get to add another since my oldest daughter is engaged to a wonderful man!

  6. lawren

    Having the chance to visit Hawaii last year has changed my life significantly and I have never visited a place that has truly made me feel at peace with myself.

  7. Manon Gingras

    It’s a beautiful sunny day and I’m going for a manicure/pedicure today! This is a best way to start the week-end!

  8. Mary

    They happiest moment in my life was giving birth to my son…and on my birthday too!!! Double cake day 🙂

  9. Robbie

    Love your site Mary. You have been supporting me and my love for nail polish for over a year now. It is
    great that you see nothing wrong with men wearing nail polish. I thank you for that. Another positive thing that happened in my life was that I don’t regret leaving a bad marriage that was mentally destroying me. Thank you Mary! <3

  10. Melissa

    Very cool! This is an awesome giveaway and you’re an awesome Blogger (but you already knew that right?).

  11. Jessi N

    4 years ago I met the man of my dreams, today we’re planning for our life together ~ Thank you for the giveaway!

  12. Kimett Kolor

    I’m not kidding when I say: THIS blog by Mary was (and is) a very positive thing in my life. A few years back, I became disabled because of a spine problem. No longer able to work, keep my horses, and be the me I was; somehow I stumbled upon Swatch & Learn (and a couple other nail polish blogs) and now I have a hobby that gives me pleasure and a “purpose”. Now on my good days, I can paint and blog about it. Life is funny. Mary is awesome!! 🙂
    Kimett Kolor recently posted: 31DC2013 – In Review

  13. Mary P

    I have recently been diagnosed as diabetic, while that itself is not something positive. My new healthy eating & exercising is. A blessing in disguise as I now am very mindful of what I eat.

  14. Jessica

    Uhhhh well I’ll say a good thing from today. The bake sale was fun and lots of people were supportive.

  15. Michelle

    I tend to get down on myself at times and I guess a little sad. Especially with this long winter! I am glad you asked for us to think of something positive to help remind me of the good things going on! I have a beautiful and wonderful daughter who fills my life with excitement and joy. I love to watch her grow up. She is definitely something positive in my life 🙂

  16. Amanda

    After a hard road, my husband and I were finally able to get (and stay!) pregnant. I’m now 31 weeks pregnant and we are expecting a little boy in 2 months. We’re so excited!

  17. Terri Carsten

    Found my wonderful husband (now deceased), he gave me the greatest gift imaginable, a beautiful baby boy who has grown up to be a strong, handsome, loving man!

  18. Lisa Cotton

    Thank you for the giveaway! My positive thing is a recent job change. It’s been WONDERFUL and I think it might be a place I could retire from!!

  19. MarciaF

    The best thing that happened to me lately is that my 5 month old granddaughter finally sleeps in her crib so I don’t have to hold her the 2 days a week I take care of her. It wasn’t easy getting her to do this and it’s such a relief now. Plus she wakes up happy and has a big smile for me when she does.
    MarciaF recently posted: Annmarie Sun Love Natural Sun Protection

  20. PW

    Starting to study Mandarin is a really good thing to happen to me, because I can truly appreciate more aspects of Asian culture and feel more connected to my roots!

  21. Salina Aguilar

    We got a dog! He is the sweetest, most curious being I have ever met and I’ve never been more in love 🙂

  22. Jill

    Yesterday was a great day. I got to meet my newest nephew, who makes niece/nephew #13. He’s just beyond adorable and squishy. Plus, I got to do my oldest niece’s hair and nails for her first prom.

    Thanks so much for doing a giveaway!

  23. Julia

    Thanks for the giveaway Mary! Such a nice thing to see after I just finished the first year of my professional program! Three more to go!

  24. Natalie Brown

    Hi! I had a really big positive happen in my life just yesterday. I moved into my own apartment! It’s so exciting. Thank-you!

  25. Melissa Douglass

    I get to finally go see my family in Oregon after a year and a half and my husband finally gets to meet my family!!

  26. Kristine Heilman

    I returned to school after many years to pursue a career change. Last fall I was in a huge financial crunch and didn’t have enough to pay spring semester tuition. I set up a gofundme page and raised more than I needed. I was, and continued to be, amazed and grateful by contributions from people I’d only met a few times and from complete strangers. An added bonus of sorts was the positive push this gave me. It has been tough working full-time plus a part-time job and taking 10 credits all at the same time. The thought that these people believed in me enough to help me out financially gives me extra motivation when things get tough.

    I’m on track to graduate in August =D

    P.s. Since I don’t have extra funds it would be super awesome if I could win some new polish!

  27. Laurel

    Looking forward to summer and completing the 30 in 30 challenge to get outside everyday in May for 30 minutes!

  28. S. Carter

    The best thing that happened most recently was that I was approved for 1 year of payment assistance for a medication I needed that my insurance did not cover. Awesome!

  29. karen

    Something positive…hmmm. Well, I do have 2 wonderful kids (okay, young adults) and one amazing grandson! I get to take care of my parents now, too. It might not sound like a positive, but it really is. 😀

    Oh, and I have a small, but incredibly wonderful, group of girlfriends that I love dearly and wouldn’t trade for the world. After all, every woman should have other women to share secrets with..have fun with…help bury bodies (just kidding on that last one). 😛

  30. Jessica B

    I was nominated for valedictorian of my community college graduating class! I interview for the honor next week.

  31. Laurence

    I met my boyfriend only a few months ago and I’ve been so happy ever since. Thank you so much for this awesome giveaway 🙂

  32. JoElla

    I am lucky enough to see another birthday. I am a cancer survivor, and each day is a blessing.

  33. Kami D

    I have been suffering from debilitating Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for many years. I filed for disability and I didn’t know I didn’t qualify because I had been unable to work for too long so i filed for SSI. I went to court this month after waiting 2 years and it went really well. It takes 3 more months to get the written decision but I see a possible light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  34. Amy

    I’ve been on a strict ‘diet’ for the past two weeks and I’ve already lost 8 pounds! 🙂

  35. Kim

    Thanks for the giveaway! Something positive lately is that my Irises in my yard have bloomed–and they are purple! One of my favorite colors!


  36. Michelle Guzman

    I am a breast cancer survivor who married the best man ever! He proposed to me the day of my double mastectomy! 3 yrs ago. We are now happily married 6 months. Still Newlyweds Best positive thing I could of ever done!


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