St. Ives Apricot Scrub Gentle Review & Pictures

St. Ives Apricot Scrub GentleSometimes it’s not always bad to be the last one to the party.

Everyone and their mother has raved for years about the St. Ives Apricot Scrub as one of the most inexpensive (yet effective) exfoliating facial scrubs around. Although I had been curious to try it, for some reason, I always walked right by its section in the skincare aisle.

Then Shoppers Drug Mart had a sale. The $2.99 CAD price tag got my attention, and it was too good of a deal to miss out on. Plus they had the St. Ives Apricot Scrub Gentle version, which I was more interested in trying because I have sensitive skin.

After giving it a go, I fell in love! Where has this been all my life? Why did I wait so long to take it home with me? The St. Ives gentle apricot scrub will now become part of my skincare routine!

St. Ives Apricot Scrub Gentle Pictures

St. Ives Apricot Scrub Gentle

Gentle St. Ives Apricot Scrub

St. Ives Apricot Scrub Gentle Ingredients

St. Ives Gentle Apricot Scrub

Gentle Apricot Scrub by St. Ives


    Extra-mild scrub for sensitive skin
    Smoothes skin
    Gentle enough for daily use

Key Notes

  • Name: St. Ives Apricot Scrub Gentle
  • Amount: 150 mL
  • What I Paid: $2.99 CAD on sale (retails for $5.99 CAD)
  • Versions Available: Gentle & Original
  • Where to Buy: Drugstores & grocery stores

St. Ives Apricot Scrub Gentle Review

To use the gentle St. Ives Apricot Scrub, you must first wet your face with water (unless you enjoy the feeling of sandpaper on your dry mug). Then you squeeze out about an inch of product onto your fingertips. (It comes in a thick, super gritty toothpaste-like texture.) You gentle rub this all over your face (but avoid the delicate eye area). Rinse off. Pat your face dry with a clean towel.

The last time I used a good exfoliating scrub was in high school. Not sure why I stopped using one. Maybe I ran out of the product and then just forgot to buy a replacement. But I’m back on track! And now I remember why I loved exfoliating!

The St. Ives gentle apricot scrub removes the dead skin cells and reveals smoother, softer skin. While I can’t see the difference, I can definitely feel it. It makes my skin feel clarified.

My biggest concern was if it would be too harsh for my sensitive skin. It’s not! The St. Ives Apricot Scrub (Gentle) has just enough grittiness to remove dead skin cells without feeling like I’m scratching up my face like in a bad horror flick.

I went back to the drugstore to compare the ingredients of the original version versus this gentle one, and the walnut shell is listed significantly further down the list for the gentle formulation. Now, I’ve never tried the original, but just because it’s harsher doesn’t mean it’s bad. I may pick it up and use it for those days when my skin needs some tough love.

I can see how people will want to use the gentle St. Ives Apricot Scrub on a daily basis. It’s not abrasive, so it’s safe. But for those with truly sensitive skin (like myself), don’t push your luck. Enjoy a good thing, and don’t overdo it. I’d stick with using this a few times a week at most.

Now for the packaging – it’s a practical squeeze tube with a clean design. I like the easy flip-open cap. But what boggles my mind is that this is called an apricot scrub. The only ingredient that’s apricot-related [Prunus Armenioca (Apricot) Fruit Extract] is the very last ingredient. The walnut-shell powder and corn-kernel meal are higher up on the list. But I guess calling this the St. Ives Walnut-Shell Powder & Corn-Kernel Meal Scrub doesn’t sound nearly as nice as the St. Ives Apricot Scrub. But this is a minor complaint.

And I can’t call this a thorough review if I didn’t tell you about how it smells. It’s nothing offensive – smells like a generic-scented facial cleanser. Very clean, but there’s a perfume-y smell that reminds me a lot of roses. If you have a zero-tolerance policy for anything that contains fragrance, this isn’t for you. But for me, the smell is pleasant and mild enough for me to feel comfortable using regularly.


  • Provides gentle exfoliation suitable for sensitive skin
  • Gentle enough to use daily if you want
  • Non-irritating
  • Dermatologist-tested
  • Contains 100% natural extracts
  • Inexpensive
  • Easily accessible
  • Pleasant aroma
  • Practical tube packaging
  • Not tested on animals
  • Formulated without parabens & phthalates

  • Although being called an apricot scrub, the only apricot-related ingredient is listed at the very end

Final Verdict: 10/10

The St. Ives Fresh Skin Apricot Scrub Gentle for Sensitive Skin does everything it claims to do. Your skin feels clean, refreshed, and very smooth after just a single use. And considering that this is ridiculously inexpensive and widely accessible, I’m incredibly impressed with its performance!

Have you tried this gentle apricot scrub by St. Ives? If not, better get on it!

For those of you who have, are there any other St. Ives products you love and would suggest I try?


2 thoughts on “St. Ives Apricot Scrub Gentle Review & Pictures

  1. Christine

    I was told by a dermatologist years ago that apricot seed is very harsh, and even damagaing to the skin. This was after I had used this scrub for about 7 yrs. : /
    I highly recommend the Aveeno Skin Brightening DAILY SCRUB. It’s a very, very mild scrub with no real detectable fragrance. Very gentle and you feel like you can use it every day with no problem. Happy exfoliating! 🙂

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Christine!

      Oh great. Hopefully this gentle version of the popular Apricot Scrub from St. Ives is a little better. I used to use it more, but these days, I use it maybe once every two weeks or so. Once I finish my stash of it (I stocked up during a sale around when I wrote that review), I’ll try the one you recommended! 🙂 Thanks for the suggestion!


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