Smorgasbord Sundays: My New Glasses

New EyeglassesHere’s lookin’ at you, kid!

If you follow me on Instagram, you saw a photo of me wearing myย New Glassesย with a look on my face that resembled a deer caught in the headlights. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I have extremely bad eyes. I’m near-sighted, so I rely on glasses to see the world. Without them, I’m like a sitting duck.

I’ve tried contact lenses many years ago, but they seemed like they were really high-maintenance. Plus I wasn’t fond of having to clean the lenses and touch my eye so much. And my eyes are really sensitive in general, so contacts were another irritation.

But that’s okay. I’m comfortable wearing glasses, and I’ve been wearing them since around grade 5.

Lately, I decided it was time to invest in a back-up pair of eyeglasses in case anything happened to my primary pair. (My glasses are pretty much ‘my eyeballs’, so it’s important to have a back-up or else I literally wouldn’t be able to leave my house!)

So, these are my new back-up glasses. I really like them a lot, but they’re Size 47 frames instead of my older frames, which are Size 42.

These also came in a blue, which I thought looked nice, but the red seemed to brighten up my complexion. And the entire frame isn’t red. It’s just the top corner accents and the bridge that are metallic red.

In this post, I’ll show you a closer look at the frames.

New Eyeglasses

Depending on how the light hits the frame, you can see more or less of the red accent.

New Glasses 1

New Glasses 2

New Glasses 3

Unfortunately, I have to go back to the eye doctor to re-check my prescription because I wasn’t able to adjust to my new glasses – I got headaches and nausea. The prescription matched the lens, and there wasn’t a big prescription increase, so maybe there needs to be some tweaking.

It’s pretty frustrating, though, because I wanted to just start wearing these new glasses and make my old ones the ‘back up’. (I’ve literally had my old frames for around 8 years, which is a verrrry long time for glasses that I wear every single day. Most people are surprised that they’re still in really good condition. Haha, they should be falling apart!)

I really hope that they’ll be able to rectify the problem because glasses can look esthetically pleasing, but if the vision is off, they’re useless.

Also, lately I’ve been seriously considering getting laser-eye surgery because I miss the little things that people with good eyes take for granted, like being able to see clearly when you wake up in the morning.

My eyes have pretty much stabilized, so I should be a good candidate, but I need to do more research on it.

Also, even though the surgery is expensive – several thousands of dollars, it’s worth it because I believe it would improve my quality of life. And every single time I buy new glasses, I usually get hit with a $500 CAD bill anyway because the prescription for my lenses are so high and because I opt for the highest-quality lenses (since they’re ‘my eyes’).

I’d be really interested in hearing about your experience if any of you have had laser-eye surgery.

Do you wear glasses? Have you had laser-eye surgery? Do you wear contacts? What kind of eyeglass frames do you like the most?


26 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Sundays: My New Glasses

  1. Lizzy

    lol I started wearing glasses for reading back in 4th grade. Then suddenly when we moved to TX my eyes went near-sighted. Seriously all of a sudden while I was walking home from school. -_- I was not near as amused as the optometrist. Awesome glasses. I’ve been diggin’ the rectangle shape for 10 years or so. Love it. ๐Ÿ˜€
    Lizzy recently posted: Sinful Colors: Secret Admirer & Fantasy +My Routine!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lizzy!

      Wow, that’s pretty freaky. My eyes gradually got worse, and I thought that’s how it was for everyone. I can’t imagine how it must’ve felt like to suddenly have your vision change like that!

  2. maria emma

    i think having eye surgery is one of the best things you can do.. i mean, my dad did it almost 20 yrs ago, he was one of the first of getting it done in panama and my husband did it las year..
    both of them are doing great and both agree that having surgery is one of the best decisions they made..!!

    do it, do it, do it.
    maria emma recently posted: Inspired by a blog

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Maria Emma!

      Wow, your dad’s a brave man! I’m only considering it now after so many people have tried it. I makes me more comfortable as to what to expect.

  3. Elisa T

    I like the new frames! Sorry your script isn’t working out just yet. I know when I switch from my glasses to my sunglasses there’s usually a little bit of weirdness for a minute or two…I’m assuming due to the huge difference in frame shape (my sun-g’s are aviators). I have contacts also, but don’t wear them much since I have horrible allergies and the antihistamines I have to take cause eye dryness – not ideal for contacts. And you will never see quite as well with contacts as you do glasses. But they are awesome when it’s raining (no drops all over the lenses) and are REALLY easy to take care of these days…there are even a few great solutions that are “rub free” – you just have to rinse each side of the lens a few seconds.

    As for laser surgery… I don’t know what your life plans are, but I’m waiting until after I have kids. Big hormone changes like that can cause changes in your vision (some women even need their rx redone after starting on birth control pills [I’m a pharmacist]) so I’m not investing that kind of cash until afterwards. I have an older friend (his step-daughter is like a sister to me) who has had to have several follow-up adjustments done…not exactly sure what the circumstances are though, such as whether he was good candidate. I know his vision was really bad to start and that at first surgery was a godsend. So I plan to do a lot of research when I get serious about it. Anyway, just some food for thought.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Elisa T!

      Things have been so hectic for me lately, so I haven’t been able to make an appointment with my eye doctor to re-check my eyes. Need to do it soon because I really want to wear my new glasses!

      Yeah, I thought that maybe what was throwing things off was because my new frames are wider, but there’s just sooooo much of a difference and I have excruciating headaches when I wear them that there must be something off. We’ll see what the doctor says.

      Oh, I had no idea about hormone changes affecting vision. This is the first time I heard that. I’ll have to read more about that. WOW…

  4. Tanya

    I wear glasses and contacts and find myself wearing glasses most. I’ve been really curious about laser eye surgery too, but I honestly think I might miss my glasses too much. As for the type of glasses I like, usually blue, black, red or purple rectangle-ish ones.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Tanya!

      I know what you mean. I would miss my glasses just because I’m so used to seeing them as part of my face. But the freedom to wake up in the morning and not have to reach for ‘my eyeballs’ (i.e. glasses) will make up for it. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Alice

    I wear contacts but wear readers to read in them. After work use my glasses.. I’m a bit scared to have laser surgery.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Alice!

      I’m also scared because there’s always a chance that the surgery could go terribly wrong. And…we only have 2 eyes, after all. But it’s a risk I want to take one day. I just hope I don’t become a bad statistic! *Gulp*

  6. Maddy

    I wear glasses too! My sight is terrible and I’ve been wearing glasses since grade 1 or 2. Everyone in my family has or had glasses before.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Maddy!

      Wow, you started wearing glasses really early! Did your prescription change a lot over the years? I remember after I got glasses for the first time, my eyes kept getting worse and worse. Every time I saw the doctor, my prescription jumped so much. Finally, now that I’m older, it’s calming down and stabilizing a lot.

        1. Mary Post author

          I do hope that eventually it will flatline. But, especially when you’re growing and developing, your eyes will go through those changes, too.

          Have you thought of taking supplements to help your eyesight?

  7. Annika

    I wear mine sometimes. Bonus points please if I am correct. Humphrey Bogart said this in Casablanca or Maltese Falcon.

  8. Erica

    Love the glasses Mary!
    I have glasses too and I don’t want to try contacts. I don’t want to stick my finger in my eye 2x a day, and don’t want the maintenance of it. I love my glasses ๐Ÿ™‚ I am OK to drive/leave the house without them, I’m not *that* blind, but I still prefer to wear them over not wearing them.
    My fiancรฉ on the other hand is SUPER blind. He had contacts before I met him and one day he rinsed them in water rather than contact solution and contracted an amoeba virus in his eye. It eventually lead to emergency cornea surgery ๐Ÿ™ He still wears a contact in his good eye, but wears dailies so he doesn’t have to clean them. He also checked with Lasik about laser eye correction and they won’t do it because of his eye history ๐Ÿ™
    Erica recently posted: Julep Alicia

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Erica!

      It’s such a great thing that you can still see relatively okay without glasses. Being dependent on them like I am is no fun. The other day, I forgot where I placed my glasses, and I nearly hyperventilated because without them, it’s like I’m lost. Thank goodness I found them, though. (Anyway, just another reason to have a back-up pair. But I still have to get the prescription re-adjusted.)

  9. Julia

    Hi Mary!

    Love the glasses, but would love to see them on you! I’ve been wearing glasses for a long time too, and I couldn’t live without mine either…this is a smart idea to get a second pair, but I just usually hope that my last pair will be enough to tide me over!

    I’ve never tried contacts, but I can see them being useful in some situations. My friend who plays sports wears them all the time.

    Actually, my optometrist told me I’m not a good candidate for laser eye surgery, so make sure you see if you are. I do have a family friend who got the procedure done, and I think she may have some trouble with her night vision now. Just make sure you get all the facts!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Julia!

      Check out the Instagram link in this post. You’ll be able to see what the glasses look like on me and my ‘deer in the headlights’ expression! Haha! I literally snapped that photo just for myself, not thinking about uploading it to Instagram. But then I was spontaneous and just did it without thinking.

      Before, I never had the means to buy a second pair of glasses because my prescription makes the lenses so expensive. But, having health insurance via my work definitely helps make it more manageable.

      Oh shoot! Problems with her night vision? But during the day, her vision’s okay, right?

  10. lawren

    I wear both contacts and glasses, but contacts most of the time. I, too had glasses at a very young age and as years progressed, my eyesight has become extremely bad! Like you, I rely on them to see and wouldnt be able to leave my house without them >_<

    I've had contacts since I was 11 years old! I'm going on my 12th year of wearing them so I'm used to them. I've switched to daily contacts so I don't have to worry about cleaning them every day or worrying about not having extra if they ripped. I used to play ice hockey when I was younger and glasses were such a burden when you're sweating and skating, plus the fact that they would fog up were really annoying!

    I actually just recently made a trip to the eye doctor and my prescription has worsened! I'm so sad ๐Ÿ™ I'm a bit weary of trying laser eye surgery because of some horror stories. I actually don't mind having to put on a pair of contacts or glasses. I find that I sleep better when I can't see anything (especially the clock!). I also hear that your vision has to be stable in order to get it, and I know mine hasn't (then again, I think it becomes stable after a certain age?) Either way, I'm sticking with contacts/glasses ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lawren!

      Oh yeah, definitely if you’re playing contact sports and hockey, you can’t wear glasses – that’d be so dangerous!

      Hahaha, yes, it bugs me when my glasses fog up in the winter when I come in from the cold. And it’s hilarious when they de-fog from the middle, first. I look like an owl.

      Yes, it’s true that your prescription needs to stabilize before you can be a laser-eye surgery candidate. Since my last check-up, my eyes have stabilized, so I think this is the time for me to do it. It’s now or never! (Plus you also have to have healthy eyes that are free from complications like cataract, retina detachment, etc.)

  11. Beata

    I wear contacts since 2007 – I’m pretty blind like you ;). I play team sport and work with computer, so the comfort is 100 times better than with glasses. Also I have extreamly sensitive eyes and with glasses I “cried” most of the time, could not bear sunlight (with glasses no sunglasses for me, and photochromatic lenses are bad in daily use) – now I just wear sunglasses, a have a lot of them :). As for the contacts maybe you should try some other brand/type? There was a lot of changes in years. I’m wearing the monthly ones, that you don’t need to take out for sleep, you can wear them constantly for 30 days. My eyes are not irritated and I have full vision spectrum – with smaller glasses, like yours, you have it limited.
    All that in mind – I really recommend contact lenses :).

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Beata!

      Wow, we had the complete opposite experience. With contacts, I felt like I cried a lot, but with glasses, my eyes feel more relaxed.


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