Smorgasbord Sundays: Lilacs

Pictures of LilacsHope that my fellow Canadians are having an amazing long weekend! 🙂 I’m having a really busy one hanging out with a bunch of friends.

Didn’t have too much time for a post today (sadly), so I’m sharing a few quick photos of some lilacs that one of my friends picked just for me. He remembered how they’re my favourite flowers.

Haha, but most of the ones on the bushes were browning. 😛 That’s okay. At least they still smell really good. I’m going to enjoy them while they last.

If you want to see photos of perfect-looking lilacs, maybe you should check out my previous Smorgasbord Sundays post on them.

But these are the ones I’m currently enjoying in my home! 😀

Pictures of Lilacs

Lilac Pictures

LIlac Photos

What flowers are you currently enjoying? Do you buy fresh-cut flowers often or for special occasions?


6 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Sundays: Lilacs

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Brianna!

      Thanks! 🙂 So far I’m having a lot of fun, and the weather’s been so summery already. Beautiful! 🙂 Hope you’re having a great Sunday so far.

  1. Marta

    You know how I feel about these also! What a great friend you have, though I’m not surprised you are surrounded by wonderful people 😉
    Enjoy your long weekend
    Ps love these in this clear vase. BEAUTIFUL!
    Marta recently posted: Cult Nails Inspired

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Marta!

      He certainly gave me a wonderful surprise. I hadn’t seen him in a few months, and he called me up spontaneously to ask if he could come over and give me some things! 😀 I got these lilacs along with a cool book featuring photos of cats and a crossword-puzzle book (which I’m hoping to attempt and solve at least one. 😛 I’m never able to complete one).

      Hope you’re enjoying your long weekend, too. I’ve been having a great time. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were busy spent with friends. Finally today I have some alone time to do oh-so-fun things like household chores. 😛

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Carmela!

      Yup – nothing beats the smell of lilacs! They’re really the only flower that I could never get sick of smelling.

      Yes, fresh-cut flowers every week would really make us spoiled. We need to savour the special times when we get them. 🙂


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