I’m not crazy about jewelry like some women are. Yes, it’s pretty to look at, but I’ve never really been interested much in diamond rings or gemstone earrings (probably because my ears aren’t pierced!).
I prefer to dress down in just a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, so expensive jewelry doesn’t really suit my wardrobe. And even when I dress up, I don’t like to look too blingy – maybe I’ll wear just a nice necklace, but that’s it.
Costume jewelry gets me way more excited, and I love how I don’t have to spend a lot of money on it yet it still makes me so happy. Plus I can wear it with any of my casual outfits.
Let me show you more photos of this robot necklace I bought perhaps a year ago. It was less than $12 CAD. What’s really neat about it is that it not only features a working clock (well, until the battery dies), but also a compass!
I’d like to introduce you all to Rob the Robot! 😀

Rob flashing a gang sign.

Rob was uncomfortable with me taking this photo. He's been battling his insecurity about his flat behind for several years. I think he looks great!

Rob got tired during the photoshoot. I apparently am the slowest photographer he's ever worked with.

I swear I turned my back for one minute and then I saw him chatting up China Glaze Millennium! And he used the cheesiest pick-up line on her: "Millennium, when people said that the future's bright, I think they were talkin' 'bout you!"
Well, I hope you enjoyed this Smorgasbord Sundays post even though I just posted photos of my necklace. I swear, I don’t always talk to inanimate objects. 😛 (But sometimes it is fun!)
Do you wear jewelry? Are you a fan of costume necklaces, too? What are your favourite accessories to wear?
Ahhh!!! I love this little robot. It’s so cute!
Hey Alexis!
He’s a fun little guy to wear for sure. And it’s a great conversation piece. People always ask me about it when I wear it. And I like how this is one guy who truly doesn’t have to ask for directions…because he has his own compass! 😛 Hahaha!
Adorable! I love robot necklaces too! I almost bought this one. I really like jewelry but often I forget to put it on. I would much rather have costume jewelry than expensive stuff.
Katie recently posted: Nails Inc Franklins Row
Hey Katie!
Cool that we thing along the same wavelength! And the way I see it is that you can also buy more fun costume jewelery compared to expensive stuff (that you’ll probably only wear every once and a while).
Haha your photo captions were so funny! I like costume jewelry for everyday as well, especially unique pieces like this one that are fun and stand by themselves.
Hey Jessica!
I’m so glad you read them and thought they were amusing! 😀
What’s the most bizarre costume jewelry you own and love? The stranger, the better…hehe.
Hahaha, Mary I love you…you crack me up! Rob is an awesome catch, flat behind and all 🙂 I love jewelry and I have a pretty balanced mix of “real” stuff and costume. Costume jewelry is always my fav! I think my accessory of choice would be rings- I have TONS. I think they are my favorite because I can stare at them whereas if I am wearing a cute pair of earrings, I can’t see them (unless I gaze upon myself excessively in a mirror). I usually go for something oversized and obnoxious, but keep everything else pretty simple.
Maribeth recently posted: Revlon Starry Pink Nail Polish Pictures and Review
Hey Maribeth!
Glad that you share the same sense of wacky humour! 😉 Hehe, yes, Rob IS a catch…and also a cheap date at under $12. 😛
too funny!
imfeelingnail-venturous recently posted: Comparison: Zoya Charla, Essence Choose Me, Orly Halley’s Comet, & Wet n Wild Teal of Fortune
Hey imfeelingnail-venturous!
Glad it tickled your funny bone. 🙂
Hahaha! Mary, ever thought of doing a part-time stint as a comedy writer if not the actual comedienne? Those captions are priceless! 😀
I love that robot necklace! Very cool that it comes with a working compass. I have a thing for owls. It started with this costume necklace I bought for maybe $7 (it was on sale!) and I’ve been adding to the collection, slowly (nail polish is still top of the collection hierarchy :P). Hope you’re having a great long weekend!! 😀
Hey Carmela!
Believe it or not, I actually considered it because writing and humour are two things I really love. Some of my close friends have even told me that they could see me as a stand-up comic. Not sure if I’d have the guts to do the latter. But a comedic writer would be really fun (and of course a lot of hard work). Who knows? Maybe I’ll actually pursue it one day. Thanks for saying this, though. It’s a HUUUUUUUUGE compliment! 😀
Hehe, I just wore an owl necklace yesterday. Love owl necklaces…especially the ones that move because the different pieces are linked together by rings.
Hope you’re having a wonderful long weekend, too! 🙂
Haha a pair of spiderweb earrings with dangly sparkly spiders on them that I wear on Halloween 🙂
Hey Jessica!
Cool – that sounds like so much fun to wear! I also like to wear a lot of spider jewelry on Hallowe’en.