Smorgasbord Sundays: I Have a Soft Spot for Cats

Cute Cat PhotosAlthough I think puppies are adorable, none of them can take the soft spot in my heart like furry felines.

When I was in the 1st grade, I got my first kitten (after asking my parents for a few weeks). It was pretty funny because I went to my dad first – he usually caved more than my mom. (Yup, psychology as a child…)

My dad said, “Ask your mom.” So I did. She said, “Ask your dad.” 😛 Haha!

Finally, though, they both said yes under the condition that I agreed to take responsibility of feeding it, changing its water bowl, and cleaning the litterbox for some of the time. Of course I agreed!

For today’s Smorgasbord Sundays post, I decided to ‘out myself’ as a cat lover. Since I don’t have many photos of my own cats on this computer, I chose to share some photos of other cuties that I’ve found so that we can say, “Aww!” together. 😉

P.S. The cat you see on my blog (wearing the top hat and monocle) is my mom’s cat, Pingu. (She didn’t name him that. He was actually my brother and sister-in-law’s cat, but they were going to take him to the shelter after they had him for around 2 years! So, back when I was living at home, we decided to keep Pingu and ‘save’ him.)

Cute Cat Photos

Oops Kitty

(Image Credit)

Cute Cat Photo Yoga Kitty

Yoga Cat

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Cute Cats Photographs

Supermodel Cat - Those eyes are so expressive!

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Cute Kitten Photos

The receptionist fell asleep on the job because it was a slow day.

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Funny Cat Pictures

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Funny Cat Playing Poker

Talk about an OG!

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Cute Cat Photos with Bunny

This cat looks very comfortable!

(Image Credit)

Hope you enjoyed this short little post! Happy Sunday!

What pets have you had or wanted to get? Are you a cat or a dog lover? Ever had ‘freaky’ pets like snakes or tarantulas?


24 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Sundays: I Have a Soft Spot for Cats

  1. Jennifer

    I read a lot of nail blogs and nearly all the ones I read are “cat people”. I just loved those pics you posted. I have a 7 yr old Ragdoll. I ADORE cats. BTW, luv your blog.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jennifer!

      You’re right – I’ve noticed that, too. Hehe, and I like it! CATS > DOGS! Hehe, just kidding. I still think dogs are cute, but cats just look soooooo much cuter to me. And kittens? They look adorable even if they’re just looking at you or playing with a ball of yarn.

      Aww…thanks! 🙂 I’m glad that you’re enjoying Swatch And Learn. I really appreciate you leaving this comment and encouraging me. 🙂

  2. Aylene

    My husband and I have 7 cats. It didn’t start out as seven, but one by one as kittens/cats needed a home…they were taken in. They are the loves of our lives and we enjoy every moment with them. We live in the country in a large house so we have lots of room for them. They don’t go outside unless we accompany them. We wouldn’t want them getting hit by a car or hurt by a wild animal. I love dogs too, but with our busy schedule, cats can look after themselves and they have each other as company.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Aylene!

      WOWWWWW – Seven cats is a lot! I bet there’s non-stop excitement. The way cats get into mischief and do funny/cute things, I’m sure you have lots of interesting cat stories to tell based on your experiences!

  3. Frankenstyna

    I agree with Jennifer, it seems that 99.9% of nail bloggers are “cat people” lol. I myself am more of a dog person. I love cats, but I developed an allergy to them a few years back, so I guess that is why I became more of a “dog person”.
    The only weird pet I have had was a giant snail. His/her name was Snaily (how original, right?). I found him/her in the garden and took care of him/her for about a month or 2 until he/she started to seem sad and not eat his/her lettuce anymore. I returned him/her to the garden. 🙂

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Frankenstyna!

      By the way, cool name! 😀

      Haha, yeah, I wonder why there’s such a strong nail-blogger-cat-person link. 😛

      Oh, strange how you developed that allergy, but at least you really like dogs. It would stink if you were allergic to dogs, too. Then you might have to get a fish. 😛 Hehe, but you just can’t play with a fish in the same way.

      Snails creep me out because they’re slimy, but I can appreciate how they’re patient…hehe! Hey, have you seen this nail YouTube clip? Turn on your speakers when you watch it – it’s hilarious!

  4. Jessica

    I’ve always been a cat lover! I really miss my kitty when I’m away at college. I love horses as well and ride a lot, but horses are significantly more expensive and time-consuming than a cat or even a dog. So, I am happy just taking riding lessons. Oh, and speaking of cats have you ever heard of or seen the musical Cats? It’s based on a book of poetry by T.S. Eliot. I’ve read the book and seen the musical and they are both fantastic if you like cats. 🙂

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jessica!

      That’s cool that you ride horses a lot. When I was in the 7th grade, I went on a retreat to a ranch. I loved riding horses…but not if they were going ridiculously fast. If they did, I got scared…haha! The horse I chose to ride was called Snoopy. Haha, he was old, but he listened to all my steering, so I was pretty happy.

      Oh yes, I’ve seen Cats (the musical) when I was a kid. I saw the movie, not the live Broadway performance. But I think I was too young because I can’t remember any of it now. My dad had the DVD, so the next time I visit my mom, I’ll borrow it from my dad’s collection.

  5. karen

    I had nothing but cats until a friend of mine gifted me with a dog. Honestly, I love Mijo and wouldn’t trade him for the world, but I’m forever threatening to exchange him for a kitty when he acts out.

    I miss having kitties, especially the gray tabbies. If anything happens to Mijo, I will probably get another cat. Call me nuts, but I think cats have personalities and my own personality seems to mesh better with a gray tabby than any other although I did have an exceptional Snowshoe cat named Pepper that someone found abandoned as a kitten. He turned out to be an amazing (if somewhat demanding) companion. He used to get my attention by waiting until I was passing by to snag me with one of his claws.

    Exotic pets are nice, but I’ll tell you what I told my kids when they asked for a snake…’If it has more than 4 legs or less than 2, it doesn’t qualify as a pet in this house’.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey karen!

      Mijo is a cute name, and not all too common, which is what makes me like it even more. 🙂 What kind of dog is Mijo? My favourite dogs are Golden Retrievers and Golden Labradors – they’re always so friendly and I feel safer with a large dog around.

      That’s interesting you noticed a personality difference between gray tabbies and other varieties. What are the differences? I’ve had two brownish/orange tabbies and one Calico cat. (The Calico one was insane. She was verrrrrrrrrry hyper! Haha!)

      Hahaha, I like your ‘leg rule’! Wow, your kids wanted a snake? I’d be so scared at night. Imagine…you go to the kitchen for a midnight snack one night. Then you see the lid for the snake tank is open. Then you become the midnight snack. Hahaha, sorry, my imagination gets the better of me when it comes to snakes! *Bawk bawk bawk*

  6. CupK8

    I love animals in general, and most especially cats. I love that they fit so nicely on your lap, that they purr, that they don’t need to be walked.. unfortunately, my boyfriend never wants to own cats. I’m working on him, though.. he wants a dog. I have no objections, I love dogs, but I miss having kitties in my life. <3

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey CupK8!

      Yes, keep working on him. Maybe he’ll come around. Has he ever had a cat before? Sometimes I find that people who’ve never had a cat have a lot of preconceived notions about how cats are ‘cold’ and unfriendly. But it’s really not the case at all! Also, every single one of my cats used to greet me at the door when I came home. Just like a dog! 🙂 And I didn’t even train any to do that. They’re just affectionate.

      1. CupK8

        I will! I think I’ve managed to convince him.. his experiences with cats are with more difficult cats who have litterbox problems. He hates the smell, he says.. but I keep telling him that A) dogs are smelly too and B) there are ways around smelly litterboxes. Mainly cleaning them.

        1. Mary Post author

          Oh no! That’s terrible. Now I understand why he wasn’t too keen on cats. (Thankfully I’ve never run into any litterbox issues. All the cats I’ve ever had just took right to it.)

          Haha, yes, you do have a very good point about cleaning litterboxes. 😉 Hahahaha!

  7. ahhhdri

    Proud cat lady here! I do love dogs as well but my landlady doesn’t allow them. I’ve turned my parents into cat people as well, my dad has 3 cats and my mom has 1. I’m happy to say that all my babies are rescues, my cat actually followed me home from the train station (we’re talking 5 NYC blocks). How could I say no?
    ahhhdri recently posted: What I just got to review: Matryoshka from Rianne S.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey ahhhdri!

      I’m really happy to hear that you’ve saved cats by adopting them. Although the ones in the pet stores are cute, I can’t help but think about the ones in shelters who need a home or they’ll be put to sleep. That’s a really nice thing you’ve done. 🙂

      Hehe, sounds like your cat adopted you, actually! 🙂 Five blocks? Wow!

  8. Frosso

    Awwww, you’re making me want a kitty again. My current cat is living at home with my parents, she’s more their cat now. Thats fine by me cause we have a love hate relationship, she’s a lil crazy haha. I’ve been itching my whole life to have a dog since I’ve only had cats. I still want to have a cat and a dog in the future, I can’t imagine my life without a kitty in it.
    Frosso recently posted: Dollish Polish I’m a Material Girl

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Frosso!

      Even I am making MYSELF want a cat again! Mine is at my mom’s place, and, well, he became her cat. Hmm…but I won’t be getting one anytime soon because I can’t afford the expenses. Plus my current place is a bit too small, and I’d feel guilty if the cat can’t run around and play.

  9. another Cristina

    I really love cats, as well. I’m not sure if cat lovers are born or made, because I only had cats growing up. My dad didn’t want a dog but he tolerated a cat. As an adult, I think dogs are really cute and fun but just think cats are a bit cuter. I really love seeing pictures of cats and especially seeing bloggers’ cats! (Have you checked out Ivana Thinks Pink? She got a cat in the last few months and posts pics occasionally.) You chose some funny ones for this post, thanks for brigntening my day with them. 🙂
    another Cristina recently posted: China Glaze Luxe and Lush over Zoya Jem

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey another Cristina!

      Yes, I’ve checked out Ivana Thinks Pink! She is incredibly talented, and she always comes up with so many unique nail designs. Lover her blog! 🙂


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