Smorgasbord Sundays: How I Decorate My Erin Condren Life Planner

Erin Condren Life Planner Decorating IdeasRemember back in July, I shared with you how excited I was to purchase my first Erin Condren Life Planner?

Well, I’ve been using the Erin Condren Life Planner ever since it arrived, and although I mainly use it for function, I also like to spruce up the pages by decorating them a bit. I don’t do anything wild or crazy – I keep it really simple, and I try to leave as much space for writing as possible because I literally fill up pretty much every blank section with words. (Hehe, I am passionate about writing, as you may know!)

I usually like to switch up how I use washi tape to cover up the “Morning”, “Day”, and “Night” sections, as well as add a border, but lately, I’ve been really digging this simple and straightforward approach, which you’ll see in the photos.

Also, you’ll notice that I added a vertical line with the washi tape to divide the weekdays from the weekends. It makes it easier for me to organize my week.

In today’s Smorgasbord Sundays post, I’ll show you How I Decorate My Erin Condren Planner! 🙂

The other day, I got my hands on some skinny washi tape in lots of fun colours, and I picked up a few new stickers.

(I was really excited to find some Hallowe’en stickers from Michael’s, and I scooped up a book of them. Hehe, so in this post, you’ll also see some pages for October! Yeah, I don’t normally plan that far, but hey, Hallowe’en is my favourite holiday!) 😉

If you decorate your planner, please tell me about some of your ideas. I love seeing people get creative and show off their personality in fun and colourful ways!

By the way, if you want to see what the standard, undecorated Erin Condren Life Planner weekly spread looks like, click on the above link.

Erin Condren Life Planner Decoration Ideas

Erin Condren Life Planner Decorating Ideas

Decorating Ideas Erin Condren Life Planner

How to Decorate Erin Condren Life PlannerDecorating Ideas for the Erin Condren Life Planner

And now we jump into October! 😉

Erin Condren Life Planner Decorating a Planner

How I Decorate My Erin Condren Life Planner

How to Decorate a Planner

Erin Condren Life Planner Decorating Planner Ideas

I hope that you’re all having a wonderful Sunday! 🙂

Do you use a planner? If so, do you decorate it? How? If you don’t, do you use a smartphone or digital planner to organize your life?

Edit: Thanks for the support, Erin Condren! 🙂

Erin Condren SwatchAndLearn


42 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Sundays: How I Decorate My Erin Condren Life Planner

  1. Joyce

    Your planner looks so much fun!!
    It reminds me of what we used to do to our calendars in high school (but not as nice as your planner).
    At the end of the year, I had to put a wide rubber band around it keep it kind of closed… and I’m not sure if the homework we got in class ever got written down in it 😉
    I should have a few of them around somewhere… might be fun to dig those up!

  2. Kim P

    I never use planners. If I have an appointment, I’ll just pop it into the calendar on my phone. My sister loves planners, so I’m going to have to share this post with her!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Kim!

      I wish I could use electronic planners like on my smartphone, but they don’t motivate me as much. Plus I love writing so much the old-school way (i.e. holding a pen or marker in my hands). I think that’s why paper planners work for me.

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Naked Without Polish!

      There are so many different colour options that you can customize! 🙂 I’m still loving this planner, and thank goodness…haha, because it was quite the investment!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Julia!

      Hehe, I try to be! 🙂 When there’s so much stuff in my life going, I can’t afford to be disorganized, or I wouldn’t have time for the important things in my life. 🙂 It’s just cool that I found a planner that’s so cute. It makes me WANT to be even more organized!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Melissa!

      When I say the rainbow template, I knew it would be the one I’d have to customize. LOVE IT! Puts a smile on my face every time I see it!

  3. Elizabeth

    This is really pretty! I always like to go with a mix of form and function in my notebooks and calendars. I use a digital to-do list spreadsheet that I make myself using Microsoft Excel, but I’m not much a graphic artist, so I usually just do something fun with font colors and leave it at that. However, I use a pen-and-paper journal, and for that I like to take notebooks and kind of scrapbook them to make them fun to write in.

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Elizabeth!

      You’re very resourceful, using Excel to create your to-do lists. Smart, affordable, and practical! 🙂 *Thumbs up*

  4. Susan T.

    I use a paper planner and always have to hunt to find one that is set up perfectly. I’ve never thought about customizing it myself but yours is super cute!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Susan!

      Hehe, I went ‘all out’ with this one. When I invest a lot in a planner, I tend to use it more, so it’s a bit of psychology I’m playing on myself. 🙂 So far, I’m sticking with it, and it’s a tremendous help because I’m juggling a LOT of things on my plate. This makes it easier for me to plan my time and to remember to do certain tasks.

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Marissa!

      So far, so good! Since getting this planner in July, I’ve continued to use it. I think when a planner looks cute, haha, it actually makes you want to bust it out more and use it!

  5. PW

    I’ve been looking at the Erin Condren Life Planner, Flilofax and Kiki K planner set ups on YouTube – do you think you might start doing videos sometime? I’d watch your nail polish swatch videos and planner update videos for sure!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey PW!

      I’ve had some requests to do nail-polish videos, and perhaps one day I’ll start some on YouTube. But, I don’t think it’ll be in the near future, unfortunately. I already have a super-packed schedule with a full-time job, freelance work (haha, AFTER work), blogging, and then trying to squeeze in socializing. I don’t know right now how I could make time for YouTube videos, sadly. It’s something that I’m interested in doing. Time is the major constraint. Thanks for letting me know that you’d be interested! 🙂

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Georgina!

      Life planners are definitely great investments, and when they look this fun, they actually encourage you to use them! 🙂

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Helena!

      Erin Condren also has so many other great templates to choose from that are customizable, so there’s something to suit any style. This rainbow design just spoke to me the most! 🙂

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Zoey!

      No matter what the price, a planner is definitely a great investment because it helps you not only stay organized, but it also reminds you that the future is worth looking forward to. At least, that’s my mentality! 🙂 Planners are positive things!

  6. Madeleine

    This looks really pretty. I’ve always loved the idea of organization and planners but I just can’t stay organized myself. I always try to use my school agenda, for example, but I just can’t stick to it. I love the Washi tape and stickers. I use washi tape to decorate the outside of my notebooks and pencil cases.

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Madeleine!

      I just got into washi tape this year, and it’s so cool! On craft blogs, I’ve seen people come up with the most creative ideas for home decor. Hehe, it makes me want to hoard all the rolls I can find, but I’d better stick to the few I have or it could be a new addiction! 😉

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Lizzy!

      It’s Hello Kitty’s 40th anniversary! Did you see that Sephora is coming out with a special collection to celebrate it? I don’t know if I’ll get anything this time around. Last time, I got the little pocket mirror. This year’s has crystals, but it’s very pricy – $50ish CAD, I think! (Last year or so, I got mine on clearance for around $7 CAD or so!)


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