Smorgasbord Sundays: Goldfish Grahams Vanilla Cupcake

Goldfish Vanilla CupcakeWhen I go shopping, I am easily distracted when I walk down the aisle and catch sight of interesting or weird snacks. And I often want to blog about them, but then, well, I devour the whole package and forget to photograph them! (Oops!)

For instance, just last week, when I was browsing a European supermarket, I found Β Snapea Crisps Harvest Snaps, which are baked wasabi-ranch-flavoured green-pea snacks that have the entire peapod intact. (The brand that makes them is called Calbee, which I’ve never seen before.)

Yeah, they might sound gross, but sometimes those kind of snacks intrigue me, and I just have to try them. (Plus on the package, it said that compared to regular potato chips, these have 50% less fat, are a good source of fibre, and are low-sodium. Also, 70% is made from whole peas.) That being said, I wasn’t eating these to be healthy! Haha, that’s like saying you eat potato chips to get your daily intake of vegetables – that’s stretching it like Gumby! (I ate them because the little kid in me was jumping up and down out of curiosity.)

If I ever see them again, I’ll blog about them, to the disgust of some, I’m sure. πŸ˜‰

But for today’s Smorgasbord Sundays post, I have something much tamer, but still verrrrry yummy!

I was at Loblaws, and I walked by the cracker and cookie aisle. I literally stopped dead in my tracks when I saw theΒ Goldfish GrahamsΒ in a new Vanilla Cupcake flavour!

Cupcake? Count me in! (Yup, in addition to enjoying fragrances that make me smell like vanilla cupcakes, I also like eating things that taste like vanilla cupcakes.)

In this post, I’ll show you a few photos of this new product!

Look – even the bag is super cute, isn’t it? πŸ˜‰

Goldfish Vanilla Cupcake

I like how they provide a resealable ‘sticker’, so you can keep the remaining Goldfish fresh. (Of course, it may be too tempting to finish the entire bag. *Hums* Maybe I ate it all in a single sitting. Maybe I didn’t!) πŸ˜‰

Goldfish Grahams Vanilla Cupcake

Like all of the Goldfish, they are bite-sized with little eyes and adorable smiles. (You almost feel guilty for eating something so cute. But then they’re so darn yummy, you get over it pretty quickly!) πŸ˜‰

Goldfish Vanilla Cupcake 1

Goldfish Vanilla Cupcake 2

Goldfish Vanilla Cupcake 3

The Goldfish are made with actual vanilla extract, and yes, my taste buds approve of these delicious snacks!

Goldfish Vanilla Cupcake 4

Some tried to swim away.

Goldfish Vanilla Cupcake 5

Goldfish Vanilla Cupcake 6

But I ended up polishing off the entire school of fish! πŸ˜‰

In case you’re curious about the nutritional information on these cookies, I took a photo.

Goldfish Grahams Vanilla Cupcake Ingredients

The suggested serving is 23 pieces, but I didn’t count. I just ate. *Oink Oink*

What snacks have you enjoyed recently? Are there any strange snacks you’ve seen at your local grocery store? What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?


18 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Sundays: Goldfish Grahams Vanilla Cupcake

  1. Melissa

    I have a feeling that a bag of these and maybe even a bag or two of the other flavors are going to just randomly fall into my buggy the next time I go shopping. LOL

  2. Lisa

    Chips Ahoy! Root Beer Float flavored cookies. It was like eating a yummy, chewy root beer float! They were delicious!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Lisa!

      Hmm, that’s really cool! I have never seen those, but I would buy them in a heartbeat, especially with your description!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Ashly!

      It’s funny that you say that because they also reminded me of Teddy Grahams! πŸ™‚ They’re also really tasty – now I’m craving those, too.

  3. Tanya

    These sound so good. I’m always tempted by limited edition flavor snacks and other weird things too. The last thing I remember trying was Candy Corn Oreos. I missed out on the watermelon ones last summer.

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Tanya!

      I wish I could hand you one to try. They were so yummy, and it’s a pity that they’re limited edition!

      Watermelon ones? Wow, I have never seen those. I would’ve tried them!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Leslie!

      I keep hearing about how awesome the French Toast ones are. Still can’t find them! *WAH* πŸ˜‰ I’ll keep looking.

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Martha!

      Haha, that’s hilarious how your children aren’t interested in them! If this Goldfish flavour was available when I was a kid, I’d be all over it! (And by ‘all over it’, I mean you’d see a crumpled bag and lots of crumbs around my mouth as I say, “No, of course I didn’t eat it all!” *Fingers crossed behind my back* πŸ˜›


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