Smorgasbord Sundays: Forever 21 Statement Necklaces

Forever 21 Statement NecklacesI’m a huge fan of statement necklaces, and they don’t have to be expensive to excite me.

Sure, I have some pricier necklaces I adore from Ann Taylor that are of very high quality, but the majority of my statement necklaces are more affordable.

Recently, I purchased several newΒ Forever 21 Statement Necklaces, which I can’t wait to style!

I love large necklaces that have a lot of movement or interesting geometric shapes. And if a statement necklace has lots of intricate detailing or reminds me of a warrior, I fall for it real hard! πŸ˜‰

In today’s Smorgasbord Sundays post, I’ll show you my most recent purchases, and since they’re all still available on the Forever 21 Canadian website, you can get them, if you’re interested.

I’ve linked each photo of the individual necklaces to their corresponding page on the Forever 21 Canadian website to make it easier for you. And, for complete transparency, I want you to know that there are zero affiliate links in this blog post, and I’m not sponsored by Forever 21. Hehe, I wish!

Edit:Β You may remember seeing my old post from 2011 on a DIY Necklace Holder, where, at the very bottom, I showed you some of my necklace collection. πŸ™‚

Here’s a larger photo of them altogether as one happy family:

Forever 21 Statement Necklaces

The beauty of a statement necklace is that it can dress up even a boring, plain t-shirt to give it some edge.

For years, I’ve been drooling over the popular House of Harlow Necklace. Just Google it, and you’ll see that it wasΒ the necklaceΒ and was spotted on tons of celebrities. But, I just couldn’t justify spending so much cash on a necklace that was pretty simple, as far as statement necklaces go. (If I drop that kind of cash, like on an Ann Taylor necklace, it has all the bells and whistles.)

So, imagine how excited I was to see a geometric statement necklace from Forever 21! No, it’s not a dead-on dupe. Not even close. However, the personality it has with the geometric shapes and the look of faux leather is what I was looking for. It has completely crushed my lemming for the House of Harlow Necklace.

Forever 21 Matte Faux Leather Necklace Statement Necklaces

Forever 21 Matte Faux Leather Necklace ($11.80 CAD)

Below is a necklace that is very “me” because I have a thing for any big necklaces that look like daggers, are a bib style, or have interesting or unexpected geometric shapes. This combines all three, and it has white and gold, which will go with so many tops and dresses.

Forever 21 Faux Stone Dagger Bib Necklace Statement Necklaces

Forever 21 Faux Stone Dagger Bib Necklace ($15.80 CAD)

Next is my absolute favourite necklace out of the whole bunch I’ve shown in this post!

It’s heavy on detail, and it’s a short necklace, so it’s perfect for when you have a scoop neckline and need to fill the space. This is a necklace with that Wow Factor! (I knew it the moment I laid eyes on it. And, what a steal to get it for under $16 CAD!)

Some people may reserve statement necklaces for special occasions, but I wear them all the time.Β I’ve become known for wearing necklaces that aren’t your ordinary garden variety. πŸ™‚

I like how there’s some sparkle from the faux crystals, and the shiny and textured gold parts make it visually more unique than if it were all polished or all textured.

Forever 21 Vintage-Inspired Floral Bib Necklace Statement Necklaces

Forever 21 Vintage-Inspired Floral Bib Necklace ($15.80 CAD)

The one below reminds me of something that is Wonder Woman-esque, so I had to have it! It’ll add colour to a Little Black Dress, and I love the shape. Really fun and fierce!

Forever 21 Faux Stone Dagger Bib Necklace Statement Necklaces

Forever 21 Faux Stone Dagger Bib Necklace ($11.80 CAD)

I have a thing for squares. If you come to my home and look in my cupboards, you’ll discover that all of my plates (except for maybe 3) are square. Hehe, square plates are my obsession because I find round plates typical. (Side note: I also have plates and dipping bowls in the shape of fish, which I use to eat vegetarian sushi I make from scratch.)

Strange how I didn’t have any necklaces featuring squares, considering how much I like the shape. So when I found this one, and it was black and gold (very versatile), I snatched it up!

Forever 21 Box Chain Bib Necklace Statement Necklaces

Forever 21 Box Chain Bib Necklace ($13.80 CAD)

Remember how I said I have a thing for necklaces that remind me of warriors? Well, the one below fits the bill exactly!

I love how it’s strong and fierce, there’s lots of detailing, there are many pieces that move, and overall, it’s really interesting to look at. This is probably my second favourite from all the ones I’ve shown.

Forever 21 Tribal-Inspired Chain Necklace

Forever 21 Tribal-Inspired Chain Necklace ($11.80 CAD)

Finally, the one below has a lot of movement. I really adore how necklaces aren’t stiff and they move as you do throughout the day. Plus when the pieces move, they also reflect the light in different ways, which I think adds more depth to any outfit.

Forever 21 Layered Leaf Necklace

Forever 21 Layered Leaf Necklace ($13.80 CAD)

Hehe, it’s safe to say that I’m obsessed with necklaces, considering that I bought so many at once. And, if you remember way back in 2011, in this blog post about a DIY Necklace Holder I made, at the bottom, I showed you part of my necklace collection. (Yup, there’s more!) πŸ˜‰ So, you see, nail polish isn’t my only weakness!

Which is your favourite statement necklace from the ones I’ve shown in this post? Do you wear statement necklaces any time or for special occasions only?Β What is your most-worn necklace?


22 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Sundays: Forever 21 Statement Necklaces

  1. Melissa

    All very pretty. I can’t pull off that look, but on you it’s so cute! Thank you for sharing with us! πŸ™‚

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Melissa!

      Aww, I bet you could totally pull off statement necklaces! πŸ™‚ You just have to find the right type that matches your style. Hehe, for me, I love warrior-princess ones the most, especially if they have little pieces that move a lot!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Floria!

      Glad that you enjoyed this fashion post! πŸ™‚

      Whenever I find affordable statement necklaces, it always excites me because they can quickly transform an outfit. Instead of buying new clothes, a new necklace (which can sometimes be more practical) is all you need to update a look!

  2. Neff815

    I love your statement necklaces. I can’t really accessorize well. πŸ™ I usually just ware my same old gold jewelry. But you’ve given me some ideas.

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Neff815!

      Aww, I bet you’re better than you give yourself credit for! πŸ™‚ Gold jewelry is very classy, and sometimes, it’s not always about huge statement necklaces. Even dainty necklaces can make a huge impact. (I just happen to have a soft spot for statement necklaces.)

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Alondra!

      Glad you like them! They are so fun to wear, and they easily add personality to an outfit. I think that’s why I love statement necklaces so much. You could wear just a plain t-shirt, but with the statement necklace, it makes it unique instantly.

  3. Gezina

    I wish I had the style to pull it off. My dream style is plain scoop neck tees and beautiful necklaces and a light pair of jeans. To me that screams “put together” *sigh* maybe one day!!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Gezina!

      You should give yourself more credit! πŸ™‚ Everyone has their own style, and you can pull off whatever makes you happy and whatever you’re comfortable wearing. Your confidence will always shine through when you’re wearing something you like, regardless of what others think. πŸ™‚

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Denise!

      Thank you so much! πŸ™‚ I love bold necklaces – they’re just so very “me” and a fun way to spruce up any outfit instantly!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Sierra!

      Necklaces are totally my thing – haha, whenever possible, I try to wear one. Sometimes, I’ll ever layer necklaces (not statement necklaces, of course), but smaller ones that ‘go together’. πŸ™‚ It’s really fun! Sometimes I’ll even plan an outfit around a necklace.

  4. Suzanne G

    What a great selection of necklaces you have showcased from Forever 21. My favourite would be the Layered Leaf Necklace. I wear statement necklaces only for special occasions and my favourite would be one that was handed down to me from my aunt that she had bought in Italy .


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