Smorgasbord Sundays: Coffee, Biscotti & Pumpkin Pie Syrup

President's Choice Candy Cane CoffeeA few Smorgasbord Sundays ago, I blogged about my first Keurig coffee maker. Since then, I’ve used it quite a bit – it’s handy!

While doing my usual grocery shopping, I came across some really interesting coffee and biscotti.

What I found was so different that I felt compelled to blog about it today!

(Note to readers: This post was written by Mary’s stomach…hehe!)

Also, I found a Canadian website that sells tons of K-Cups for the Keurig (as well as pumpkin-pie syrup) that I wasn’t able to find in stores.

I’m really excited to show you this food/beverage ‘haul’…haha!

The first thing I have to show you is the President’s Choice Candy Cane Flavoured Ground Coffee that’s limited-edition.

I tend to browse the coffee aisle at my grocery store just to smell the wonderful aroma. This caught my eye initially because of the red packaging, but then the photo of candy canes intrigued me. I’ve never tried any drink with candy-cane flavouring – yes, I lived a sheltered beverage life. 😛 It was an added bonus that this was on sale for $4.99 CAD!

President's Choice Candy Cane Coffee

I’ve already tried it using the My K-Cup and Keurig machine. It’s strong, and I used a lot in the My K-Cup, so the candy canes really tasted intense…a bit too much for me! When I drink more of it later, I’m going to use less grounds and more water.

The next item made me squeal for joy because I’ve never seen it before in stores. Then, while browsing this website for K-Cups, I found the DaVinci Pumpkin Pie Syrup!

I’m a pumpkin-pie fiend, and now I can add some of this to my coffee and turn it into the autumnal flavouring I can’t get enough of!

DaVinci Pumpkin Pie Syrup

I often like to eat something sweet with my coffee, and while browsing Loblaws one day, I was surprised to see a new treat in the baked-goods aisle.

Bubbie’s Biscotti Belgian Chocolate S’mores! If that doesn’t sound delicious to you, I don’t know what does!

I loved how each was individually wrapped, so I can take it to work with me and not worry about compromised freshness. Also, these will be perfect for including in Christmas presents. 😉

To top it all off, I was pleased to see that not only does this product not contain any peanuts, but no nuts in general. This is very important to me, as I’m allergic to some nuts. This allergy limits my options of baked goods, unfortunately. But this, I can chow down on without worrying about getting hives. YIPPEE!

Bubbie's Biscotti Belgian Chocolate S'mores Biscotti

As if that wasn’t enough, this company makes other flavours, too. (I plan to try them all eventually.)

The other one I picked up at the same time was Bubbie’s Biscotti Gingerbread White Belgian Chocolate!

I gobbled up most of this already, so it’s safe to say that the crumbs on my shirt give it two thumbs up! 😉

Bubbie's Biscotti Gingerbread White Belgian Chocolate Biscotti

Another great thing about the biscotti is that they didn’t seem hard like a lot of biscotti I’ve eaten before. These are crunchy, but not so hard that you have to really work to bite off a piece.

And…here’s one of the K-Cups I purchased from the website I mentioned before. It’s one of my favourites: Coffee People Donut Shop! I’m sure that you’ve heard of it because it’s wildly popular.

Coffee People Donut Shop Coffee

Coffee People Donut Shop Coffee K-Cup

I was able to find the Green Mountain Coffee Pumpkin Spice K-Cups, which are limited-edition! These are absolutely delicious!

Green Mountain Coffee Pumpkin Spice Coffee

Green Mountain Pumpkin Spice Coffee

Excuse me, but my pumpkin love is realllly showing in this post. 😉

I also got the San Francisco Bay Pumpkin Spice K-Cups because I never heard much about them, and I was wondering how they’d compared to the ones above.

San Francisco Bay Pumpkin Spice Coffee

Since I used to love the Starbucks Breakfast Blend from the actual store years ago, I decided to put the K-Cup version in my cart, too.

Starbucks Breakfast Blend Coffee

And…since a lot of people were raving about using the Keurig to make hot chocolate, I decided to try the Grove Square Hot Chocolate. I need to buy some mini marshmallows before I make a cup of this! 🙂

Grove Square Hot Chocolate

With all those K-Cups, I’m set for several months and won’t be buying anything else for the machine until I’m nearly finished everything. 🙂

Hope that you all are having a wonderful Sunday!

Have you tried any of these K-Cups? Do you enjoy biscotti? Do you use syrups to customize your coffee often?


16 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Sundays: Coffee, Biscotti & Pumpkin Pie Syrup

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Icequeen81!

      The coffee tastes alright, but when I first made it, it was realllly strong! i.e. the candy cane taste was too strong for my liking. But, the next time, I used more water and less of the grounds in the My K-Cup, and it was better.

      These are s’mores:'more

      You’ve probably made some when camping, but if not, make some. They’re delicious! 😀

        1. Mary Post author

          Lots of my friends who go on camping trips love making s’mores by the fire. Haha, once I tried making it over a candle in my home with a friend. We set the fire detector off! OOPS! 😛 So…not a good idea to do it indoors unless you buy one of those special s’mores maker.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Brianna!

      One box of biscotti is already finished! 😛 It was just okay. Hahahaha, kidding – it was soooo tasty! They didn’t survive long in this household. 😉

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Sincerely Stephanie!

      No problem! Hope you find some K-Cups you like. They have a great selection. The only thing I don’t like is that they charge your card right away and not only when your order is shipped (like most stores).

  1. beachgal

    Never thought to look on line for pumpkin syrup…I also am a pumpkin fiend. I was so sad when our little ‘good foods chain’ called Trader Joes took their pumpkin butter off their yearly stock and made it seasonal only. It was sold out in 3 weeks when it released in Sept. Next year I need to get about 10 jars of the stuff! That Donut Shop coffee I always hear is the #1 seller. Funny – I am drinking Gr. Mountain Pumpkin Spice coffee right now!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey beachgal!

      Desperate times call for desperate measures. 😉 I was on a major hunt to find it and none of my local stores seemed to have anything even remotely similar. And then I found the syrup online by accident. I was actually looking for K-Cups, but then my heart started racing when I saw the syrup section on their website! 😀

      Oh my! Pumpkin butter sound amazing! I’ve never had it. Do you use it like a jam?

  2. Jessica

    I’m not a coffee fan (shocking for a college student to admit! haha) but those packs of biscotti and that hot chocolate mix both sure do look delicious!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jessica!

      It IS shocking, hehe, but you’re not alone. When I was in university, I never even drank a drop of coffee. It was only after I started working full-time. My first full-time job was full of coffee ADDICTS!

      Haha, I still remember laughing when literally everyone on the floor lined up exactly at 3 pm for coffee. (One of the employees used to work at Starbucks prior to this job and made the best coffee.)

      Then, when people saw me drinking water, they kind of looked at me strangely. 😛 So, out of peer pressure, I tried their coffee. Since then, I’ve never looked back…so they are to blame. 😉

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey zellie!

      How strange that there’s no pumpkin flavouring in that one! I’d be disappointed.

      When I use my K-Cup, I use the highest water setting on my brewer, and I don’t find it too strong, but just enough so the flavour’s retained.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey ahhhdri!

      I wonder if they’ve made perfume that smells like pumpkin pie. (Not even kidding when I say that I’d give it a shot!)


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