Slatkin & Co. Pumpkin Caramel Latte Candle Review & Pictures

Slatkin & Co. Pumpkin Caramel Latte Candle Review & PicturesDo you like drinking coffee? Or are you like me? I don’t like drinking coffee unless it’s super sweet and has lots of caramel in it. But I love the way it smells! And in the fall when pumpkin flavours come out, all bets are off!

Even though it’s summer (and I love summer), I’m craving the fall. That’s when the best beauty products and fashion make their grand entrance. It’s also when the yummiest pumpkin products hit the supermarket, too. Like that old song by Nu Shooz says, “I can’t wait!”

When I went into the Bath & Body Works store recently, I had to grab the Slatkin & Co. Pumpkin Caramel Latte Candle because it sounded (and smelled) divine. It was also nice how there was a 2 for $30 CAD sale going on.

I really like this super-sweet caramel fragrance – makes my sweet tooth go buck wild!

Slatkin & Co. Pumpkin Caramel Latte Candle Pictures

Slatkin & Co. Pumpkin Caramel Latte Candle Review & Pictures

Slatkin & Co. Pumpkin Caramel Latte Candle Review

Bath & Body Works Pumpkin Caramel Latte Candle Review & Pictures

Slatkin & Co. Candle Reviews Pumpkin Caramel Latte Review & Pictures

Slatkin and Co. Pumpkin Caramel Latte Candle Review & Pictures


    Smells of a pumpkin caramel latte
    Highly fragranced
    Approximately 40-65 hours of burn time

Key Notes

  • Name: Slatkin & Co. Pumpkin Caramel Latte Scented Candle
  • Amount: 411 g (14.5 oz.)
  • What I Paid: $15 CAD (Got on sale – 2 for $30 CAD)
  • Where to Buy: Bath & Body Works store & coming soon to the Bath & Body Works website

Slatkin & Co. Pumpkin Caramel Latte Candle Review


Unlike the Slatkin & Co. Marshmallow Fireside Candle that I previously reviewed and said I was disappointed with, the Pumpkin Caramel Latte Candle is worth getting!

Caramel is definitely the most noticeable note. I smell a lot of coffee, too. As for the pumpkin, I really don’t notice it much because the caramel overpowers it by a long shot. Since I’m a huge fan of caramel, I don’t mind this. This may be a negative for you, though.

If sweet or gourmand scents make your nose turn up in disgust, this isn’t the candle for you. It’s sweeeeet! I’m sure that kids (and big kids like me) will adore it.

How Does It Smells Compared to the Slatkin & Co. Salty Caramel Candle?

The Slatkin & Co. Salty Caramel Candle is also super yummmmmy (and I highly recommend it). It’s also really sweet and the caramel stands out a lot. But it smells exactly like caramel popcorn – sweet, but with that slight touch of saltiness.

The Pumpkin Caramel Latte Candle by Slatkin & Co., on the other hand, has none of that saltiness. It’s all sweet, sweet, and more sweet! I find that it’s also creamier.

If you handcuff me (please don’t!) and force me to choose only one, my vote goes to Pumpkin Caramel Latte. Really tough decision!

Scent Throw

The moderate scent fills up a room very well. It’s not suffocatingly strong. It doesn’t make you run for a paper bag to hyperventilate into. It’s a very soothing, full-bodied caramel scent that’s warm and homely. You won’t have to sniff the air like a maniac to get a whiff of this delectable fragrance.


Woo hoo for a perfect-burning candle! I had absolutely no wick or wax problems. It burned evenly, and the flames didn’t die out. No complaints here – all praises!

And just like with all the Slatkin & Co. candles that I own, the wax takes many hours to go down even a little, so I know this candle will last a long time. 🙂


Again, like all Slatkin & Co. candles, it features a simple and elegant design. Nothing over-the-top. The picture features a latte with swirling foam and caramel goodness. (Makes me crave a fall drink from Starbucks.) Even though it looks nice, if you want to remove the label, that’s totally do-able.

The candle itself is a light buttery tan hue that definitely reminds me of caramel. Mmm…the more I look at this freakin’ candle, the more I’m getting hungry!

Seasonal Availability

This is a new fall 2011 candle scent, so if you’re interested in it, I suggest you pick it up ASAP before it sells out. I’m not sure if they’ll bring this back next year. Sometimes if a scent is super popular, they’ll bring it back, but why take the chance when it’s as yummy as this? 😛

  • Smells mainly like yummy, smooth caramel
  • Good value especially when on sale
  • Great scent throw
  • Burns evenly
  • Seasonal scent (not sure if it’ll be available next year)

Final Verdict: 10/10

If you’re a fan of caramel, gourmand, and/or sweet fragrances, the Pumpkin Caramel Latte Candle will satisfy your sweet tooth for sure!

What’s your all-time favourite candle that you’ve ever tried? Can you recommend any other great caramel scents? Do you know of any good caramel-based perfumes (other than Bath & Body Works’ Vanilla Bean Noel, which I love)?


4 thoughts on “Slatkin & Co. Pumpkin Caramel Latte Candle Review & Pictures

  1. Katie

    The picture on the front sure looks enticing! Sounds like another great candle! I don’t like coffee unless it’s super sweet too. But it has a great smell indeed! I’m more of a hot chocolate kind of girl.
    Katie recently posted: Nail Art Spam Part Two

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Katie!

      Yes, this one is divine! The coffee and caramel blend together perfectly for a smooth, sweet scent.

      Oh…if you like hot chocolate, I saw that they have a new Slatkin & Co. candle scent out that’s actually called Hot Chocolate! I haven’t smelled it, but you should! 😛 And tell me what you think of it, please. 🙂

  2. Christine

    This one IS a winner, but I can only burn it for about 2 hrs in the morning. It’s THAT strong! Really caramelly [if that’s a word] and super creamy. Just like you said it’s got a great burn on it, no drowning wicks like some of the BBW candles. You smell this candle 5 mins after you light it and it remains in the air for at least a few hrs after you burn it out. Like you’ve just stepped into a Starbucks where they’ve just made a HUGE order of caramel lattes.
    I’ve also used the Hot Chocolate and feel the same way, I burn it for a few hrs in the morning. It smells exactly like it’s name. It smells like someone just made a fresh pot of home made hot chocolate on your stove. I’m not big on chocolate smells at all but this one is very creamy, you smell the milk and a slight touch of marshmallow in it. I only it in the mornings though, don’t really care to have my house smell of chocolate the whole day. But creamy chocolate it definitely does smell like. Excellent burn on these ones also. I’ve learned with the BBW candles that if they start to burn badly I scoop out a little of the liquid wax and toss it. The candle will burn better and have a better throw.
    I really like burning Hot Chocolate and Homemade Cookies together, delicious without a minute of baking. ; )

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Christine!

      I know what you mean. Every time I burn this candle, it makes me crave a caramel latte from Starbucks! Slatkin & Co. should totally team up with Starbucks. Can you imagine how delicious it would be if all their bestselling drinks had a corresponding candle? Divine!

      Thanks for the tip about scooping out some of the liquid wax to help a bad-burning candle along. I’ll try to remember this if I come across one with a bad burn.


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