Slatkin & Co. Autumn Candle Review & Pictures

Slatkin-Co-Autumn-Candle-Review-Pictures-Bath-Body-WorksIt’s been a very long time since I’ve reviewed a candle on here. And although I know many of you prefer to see nail-polish reviews, I really love candles and need to review this one – Slatkin & Co. Autumn Candle!

I’ve had it stashed away in my closet since last year…sheesh! And now they’ve come out with a new  graphic for the front of the candle.

Although the summer was my favourite season for years, the fall quickly took first place in the past couple of years. I love everything about it – the crisp air, Hallowe’en, and being able to wear sweater dresses with knee-high boots.

Slatkin & Co. Autumn Candle Pictures


Bath & Body Works Slatkin & Co. Autumn Candle Review & Pictures

Slatkin & Co. Autumn Candle Review & Pictures

Bath & Body Works Slatkin & Co. Autumn Candle Pictures & Review

Slatkin & Co. Autumn Candle Pictures & Review


Dark pomegranate, sweet red apple and woodsy fir balsam

Key Notes

  • Name: Slatkin & Co. Autumn Scented Candle
  • Amount: 411 g (14.5 oz.)
  • What I Paid: 2 for $20 USD (on sale – bought during an online sale)
  • Where to Buy: Bath & Body Works stores & Bath & Body Works website

Slatkin & Co. Autumn Candle Review


This candle smells exactly like crisp autumn air with hints of apple. If I really strain my nose, I think I can smell the pomegranate. It’s definitely a scent that’s very fresh and light.

Unlike other fall scents that are laden with lots of heavy spices like cinnamon and nutmeg, this one is free of that. You just get the crispness of apple that’s uplifting.

Scent Throw

The Autumn Candle by Slatkin & Co. has a moderate scent throw. I was quite pleased that after only a few minutes of burning it, the scent dispersed the air very well. I didn’t have to strain my nose to detect the scent.


Here’s where the candle doesn’t score so well. Unfortunately, the wicks drowned after 2 hours of having it lit. I had to wait for the wax to cool again, trim the wicks, and then relight the candle to enjoy it.


I love the clean packaging. It’s elegant and simple. It would look great in any decor – nothing gaudy.

It’s also nice how there’s a lid with a rubberized lining that helps to seal in the fragrance.


Slatkin & Co. candles nearly always go on sale, so I always think it’s a rip-off to purchase them at full price. Just wait for them to go on sale, which is usually 2 for $25/$30 CAD or 2 for $20/$25 USD.

Seasonal Availability

This is a seasonal fragrance, so if you really like it, you’d better stock up on it in the fall. When the winter rolls around, it’ll be harder to get it. And after that, you’ll have to wait until next fall. The good thing is that this is a seasonal scent that they bring back year after year. 🙂


  • Smells crisp & fresh
  • Moderate scent throw
  • Elegant/Simple packaging
  • Tends to go on sale often
  • Recurring seasonal scent

  • Wicks drowned after 2 hours

Final Verdict: 6.5/10

I didn’t ‘Bust’ the Autumn Candle by Slatkin & Co. because it’s so different than a lot of other scented candles I’ve bought. Instead of being purely apple (which can sometimes give me a headache), this one’s a perfect blend that reminds me of a fall day.

What’s your favourite fall scent? Have you bought any Slatkin & Co. scented candles from Bath & Body Works recently? Have you seen that they have a Pumpkin Cupcake candle? (I’m going to get that one – it combines two of my favourite scents!)


6 thoughts on “Slatkin & Co. Autumn Candle Review & Pictures

  1. Emily

    I am with you on the beauty of an autumn day! It’s allllways been my favorite season, and NOT just because it has my birthday in it. 😉

    I don’t know if I could trust a scent manufacturer to encapsulate the many things I love about the air scents and feel in the fall all into one fragrance. Nice to hear that this one comes close, though.
    Emily recently posted: paw prints

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Emily!

      Slatkin & Co. really impresses me. It’s crazy to just smell some scented wax and be instantly transported to walking in the park with tress all around in the fall.

      Have you tried any scented candles that really move you?

  2. Candy

    I love these candles. I have quite a few scents…caramel apple, red delicious apple, tiki beach, sleigh ride, cranberry woods….. I never drowned a wick though, strange… I bought one for my mother for Christmas (a pine tree scented one) and it is her fave candle. They distribute scent so well! Even the little ones! My fave is Tiki Beach. It reminds me of sand and surf. Perfect for curling up with a good book 🙂
    Candy recently posted: A Study in Polish Naming: The Bad.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Candy!

      Lucky that you never drowned a wick. It has happened to me a few times. Normally if I just trim the wicks and relight it a few times, it fixes it, but this one doesn’t seem to be correcting itself. Bath & Body Works has a policy where you can return a candle or exchange it hassle-free, but I don’t know if I’m going to bother heading to the store just for that. I’ll still try to make this candle work.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Marie!

      Leaves is one of my all-time favourite fall candle scents by Slatkin & Co. I also really love their Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin candle. Have you tried that one?


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