Rimmel Violet Metal Review & Swatches

Image of Rimmel Violet Metal** This post was written by Fiona. She no longer blogs for Swatch And Learn. However, Mary still continues to blog and will be happy to reply to your comment. **

Hi, my name is Fiona, and Iโ€™m addicted to makeup and nail polish.

The other day I waltzed into Shoppers (a Canadian drugstore chain). Why? It was Tuesday. ๐Ÿ˜› Naturally I had to waltz in. My eyes widened when I saw they had a โ€œSpend $50 and get a $10 gift cardโ€ thingy-ma-jig event happening. That translates to a justifiable reason for me to spend $ and get stuff that I donโ€™t really need. ๐Ÿ˜€

Anyway, part of my mini haul was Rimmel Violet Metal. Iโ€™ve wanted to pick this up for a while now โ€“ I mean, itโ€™s a red-purple that shifts to a blue depending on the light. Now I finally have it! I realllllly like it, don’t love it though. I think it’s because of the lighting I’m in – I feel it photographs prettier than the color I get to see when I’m indoors. ๐Ÿ™

Rimmel Violet Metal Swatches & Pictures

*~* 4 Coats with Top Coat in Natural Light *~*

Image of Rimmel Violet Metal

Image of Rimmel Violet Metal

Image of Rimmel Violet Metal

Image of Rimmel Violet Metal

Image of Rimmel Violet Metal

*~* 4 Coats with Top Coat in Flash *~*

Image of Rimmel Violet Metal

Image of Rimmel Violet Metal

Image of Rimmel Violet Metal

Image of Rimmel Violet Metal

Image of Rimmel Violet Metal

*~* 4 Coats with Top Coat in Artificial Light *~*

Image of Rimmel Violet Metal

Image of Rimmel Violet Metal

Image of Rimmel Violet Metal

Image of Rimmel Violet Metal

Image of Rimmel Violet Metal



      Long Lasting


      Creates a smooth & super glossy finish


    Color shines with dimension

Key Notes

  • Name: Rimmel Violet Metal
  • Amount: 0.45fl oz or 13.3ml
  • What I Paid: $5.99 CAD
  • Price Per Unit: $13.31/fl oz or $0.45/ml
  • Other Colors Available: French White Nail Tip Liner, French Ivory, French Lingerie, French Rose, French Cafe, Glossy Pink, Crystal Clear, Bare Naked, Spice Romance, Desert Rose, Hot Cocoa, English Rose, Pink Zinfandel, Gold Silk, Steel Grey, Pure Silver, Crushed Pearl, Pink Bliss, Sunset Orange, Electric Pink, Posh Pink, Marine Blue, Cherry Fashion, Stiletto Red, Red Rock, Burgundy Flirt, Lava Red, Purple Rain, Midnight Blue, Black Satin
  • Where to Buy: Drugstores, big-box stores, supermarkets, drugstore.com

Rimmel Lasting Finish Pro Violet Metal Review


Rimmel Lasting Finish Pro Violet Metal is a reddish gem purple in color. But if the light catches it just right, you see a blue/deep purple overtone. Itโ€™s very pretty when it happens. Unfortunately for me, I donโ€™t see this shift often when I’m indoors. ๐Ÿ™ At home, my artificial lighting isn’t a fluorescent white, so the blue is not visible much. The lighting at work is better and whiter, and I get to see the blue/deep purple shift somewhat more. Kind of makes me want to stay at work – isn’t that sad? LOL. But when I’m outside, this beauty truly shines in strong sunlight!

Itโ€™s a pretty shade of purple nonetheless. I keep moving my fingers around hoping to catch that blue!


I put on 4 coats of Rimmel Violet Metal nail polish to get the opacity you see in the swatches. You might be able to get away with 3, but I saw some sheer spots on my nails. I added a 4th coat for full coverage.


Love the finish of this. Itโ€™s so shiny and smooth and glossy and wonderful. Even without a top coat, Violet Metal by Rimmel dries glossy on its own. So shiny that I almost forgot to add a TC at the end and thought I already did.

Consistency & Application

The formula of Rimmel Violet Metal Lasting Finish Pro is awesome. It goes on so easily that you donโ€™t have to worry much. It self-levels out on the nail making application a cinch.

The brush of this is flatter and wider than normal brushes Iโ€™m used to. Itโ€™s a good brush that applies the polish evenly.


Seeing as this is called Lasting Finish Pro, I’d expect it to, well, last. In terms of chipping, it does a good job. But I was disappointed at the tip wear that I got on the 3rd day.


So… I looked for a list of ingredients printed on the bottle, and nothing. I checked for a Peel Back label that reveals the ingredients, and nothing. I looked online for the ingredients on their website, and nothing. So I don’t know if Violet Metal Nail Polish by Rimmel is Big-3 or Big-4 free. If you have concerns, please email Rimmel and ask directly. :S Or if you know about their ingredients, please leave a comment!


  • Easy to apply
  • Evens itself out on the nail
  • Pretty reddish purple
  • Glossy finish
  • Chip resistant

  • Requires 4 coats
  • You don’t see the flash of blue/deep purple often
  • Saw tip wear on the 3rd day

Final Verdict: 8/10

The thing that wins me over with Rimmel Violet Metal is definitely the finish and the change in color. I think it’s well done on Rimmel’s part. I just wished the blue/deep purple is more apparent in incandescent lighting. I guess I’ll just have to change all the lighting at home… or stay at work more. *frightened face*

If you know about their ingredient list, I and our readers would definitely appreciated it if you left a comment. This is vital info!

Do you love purple nail polishes like I do? Have you tried other Rimmel Lasting Finish Pro colors? What do you think of a company that doesn’t provide the ingredients in their beauty products?



8 thoughts on “Rimmel Violet Metal Review & Swatches

    1. Fiona Post author

      :O $1.09? Wow! What a steal! ๐Ÿ˜› I wish I could find polish for that cheap! And yes, purple rocks! ๐Ÿ˜›

  1. Ruthe

    I absolutely love Rimmel polishes! I think the formula and the brush are fantastic, though like you said, the “long-lastingness” isn’t that great. That aside, this is a super unique purple! That sucks that you can’t see the blue flash often indoors, though. And wow, four coats?? ๐Ÿ™
    Ruthe recently posted: Sephora by OPI Caribbean Cocktail

    1. Fiona Post author

      Hi Ruthe! It is a very unique purple, and even those who don’t love purples (looks at you) find it intriguing, right?! ๐Ÿ˜›

  2. Nicole

    Yep, have and love this one. I don’t have as much trouble seeing the shift indoors, but I could see that. Since I change my polish so often (once a day!) I don’t much test out wear time, but I’m not really surprised that it doesn’t last too long.
    Nicole recently posted: Pink Wednesday: OPI Pink Me I’m Good

    1. Fiona Post author

      Hi Nicole! I think it’s just my lighting. ๐Ÿ™ Is it sad that I go around my office and home looking for the perfect lighting for this color? Hahah.

    1. Fiona Post author

      Hi Kelsy!

      Thanks thanks thanks for letting me and everyone know. It’s funny. I just went on the Rimmel site to find the pdf, and it’s right there in front of me – I didn’t have to browse for it at all. But when I wrote this post, I was literally scouring the entire site to see if they mentioned the ingredients list anywhere and I couldn’t find it. Thanks! Here’s the link to the pdf for anyone who wants to read it: http://www.rimmellondon.com/sites/all/themes/rimmel/images/us/en/NEW_RIMMEL_INCI_BOOK.pdf.

      Awesome to hear that you were clearing out non Big 3-free polishes and even better to know you only had one. Way to go! I don’t think I have any in my collection, but I’m going to double check. ๐Ÿ™‚


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