Rimmel Fix & Perfect Foundation Primer Review & Pictures

** This post was written by Fiona. She no longer blogs for Swatch And Learn. However, Mary still continues to blog and will be happy to reply to your comment. **

I was browsing my neighborhood drugstore looking for new makeup products to try… when a red sale sign underneath Rimmel Fix & Perfect Foundation Primer caught my eye. Yup. I was already sold. I’m so freakin’ weak!

I didn’t buy this product out of nowhere though. I’ve been searching and hunting for a good primer to help my foundation stay on longer. This sale was like opportunity knockin’ on my door. How could I possibly have the will power to resist?

I’m not ecstatic about this impulse buy, but I’m not kicking myself in the behind over it, either. In love, I am not. It does make applying my makeup easier though, so I will say I’m ‘in like.’

Rimmel Fix & Perfect Foundation Primer Pictures & Photos

Claims: TRUSTED, but Product: Just OK

    Smoothes skin
    Minimizes pores
    Evens out complexion
    X Prolongs the wear of your foundation

Key Notes

  • Name: Rimmel Fix & Perfect Foundation Primer
  • Amount:1fl. oz. or 30ml
  • What I Paid: $7.49 CAD
  • Price Per Unit: $7.49/fl. oz. or $0.25/ml
  • Where to Buy: Rimmel website, ULTA, drugstores & pharmacies

Rimmel Fix and Perfect Foundation Primer Review


Really smooth. Really lightweight. Really easy to spread out. I’ve tried some primers in the past that have been way too liquidy – it felt like I wasn’t priming my face at all. Now, Rimmel Fix and Perfect has a good consistency. It’s silky and liquidy enough for an easy application, and it feels like it’s got enough substance to prep the skin for foundation. It doesn’t feel heavy though!


What I usually do is apply an SPF moisturizer first. Then I put on my eye makeup while the moisturizer dries. After, I smooth this foundation primer by Rimmel on top, curl my eyelashes and apply mascara, then put on foundation. This way, your moisturizer and primer have enough time to dry in between steps!

Product Appearance & Fragrance

Erm. It’s orange… or peach – whatever you wanna call it. I tested it out in the drugstore, and it basically disappears when I blend it out. So this isn’t an issue for me. However, I’ve read that it doesn’t completely blend out for those with fair skin tones. Keep that in mind.

This Rimmel foundation primer is fragranced. Not the kind that punches your nose with a wham-pow fragrance. It’s very lightly scented; it smells kind of like sweet floral water. Very  unnoticeable after you’ve applied it, unless you have a super sensitive nose.

Effects on Skin & Makeup

By the end of my day, I forget that I’m wearing it at all since my face doesn’t feel sticky or greasy. Definitely a good thing. And it does minimize the appearance of pores on my cheeks, which I really like. After applying this, my skin feels a bit softer, but that effect doesn’t last all day.

My foundation seems to love this primer since it adheres to it much easier than on my bare skin. I go over my face with the brush fewer times and with less product! Plus, it looks more natural.

Now onto the not so good. There are spots (mainly on my forehead) that can get oily during the day. And this Rimmel primer for foundation doesn’t prevent my foundation from oiling up in certain areas. It’s not horrible, just not what I expected. My skin’s dry, and it just makes me wonder how it would handle really oily skin.

Does it prolong the wear of makeup? Welllllll. For the last couple of weeks, I’ve worn the Rimmel Perfect & Fix Foundation Primer on only one side of the face, alternating sides every day. And I don’t really see a huge difference. Booooooo.

  • Softens & smoothes out skin
  • Helps makeup go on easier
  • Feels lightweight
  • Easy to apply & smooth out
  • Doesn’t feel greasy
  • Peach color might not blend out completely for lighter skin tones
  • Doesn’t help makeup stay on longer
  • May not prevent foundation from oiling up

Final Verdict: 7.4/10

It’s an above-average product, but I got it for the main purpose of helping my makeup last all day and into the wee hours of the night. Doesn’t really deliver that for me.

Is there a great foundation primer that you’d recommend for me? I’d appreciate any suggestion. I’m getting a little desperate!


6 thoughts on “Rimmel Fix & Perfect Foundation Primer Review & Pictures

  1. Ruthe

    This is such a great review! I’ve debated on whether or not to try this primer out and this really helped. The primer I’m currently using isn’t actually a primer: it’s the Monistat Chafing Relief Powder-Gel. I heard about using it as a primer on other beauty blogs, and it has worked pretty well so far for me. The only thing is that I have dry skin, like you, so sometimes if I apply too much it makes my skin kind of flaky, but other than that it’s pretty great 🙂

    1. Fiona Post author

      Hi Ruthe!

      Thanks so much for the great compliment. Mary and I love hearing that we’re helping fellow makeup addicts out. 🙂

      I’ve never tried Monistat before. Too bad about the flakiness though – I soooooooo hate that. What foundation do you use? Today I used Dream Smooth Mousse (esp. for dry skin) for the first time and was wowed by it because my skin appeared less parched. I’ll have to test it for a few more weeks though before I can vouch for it.

      1. Ruthe

        I just use a powder for foundation, even though I know it’s not great for dry skin. I am currently using Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder in Silky Beige. It has good coverage and controls oil well, so I’m luvin’ it :). I used to use liquid foundation, but I switched to powder to avoid breaking out as much. I’m looking forward to your review on the Dream Smooth Mousse; I’ve been curious about that, and I totally didn’t know it was for dry skin! 🙂

        I am seriously loving your blog! Your and Mary’s posts are always so detailed and info-packed! Plus I love how you guys put a lot of pictures. Keep up the awesome posts!! 😀
        Ruthe recently posted: NYC Wing It Wine

        1. Fiona Post author

          Ooh. I hate how liquid foundations feel, too! That’s why I’ve been using Dream Matte Mousse – it’s not a liquid and it’s not drying like a powder. But Dream Smooth Mousse is even better (so far)!

          Thanks so much for your support, Ruthe. We love hearing great compliments like that – makes us feel like all the hard work is worth it! And if you have any suggestions or feedback, don’t be afraid to let us know. We welcome any constructive criticism! :):):):)


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