Rescue Beauty Lounge Recycle Swatches & Review

Rescue Beauty Lounge Recycle Swatches & ReviewRescue Beauty Lounge Recycle has been in my stash for years, yet I was a bad polish parent because I neglected it.

One day while rummaging through my Helmer to decide what to wear, I found it crying in the corner.

That’s when my heart sank. How could I let this happen? I knew just what to do.

I cradled it in my arms, and told it that everything would be okay.

A faint squeal of delight could be heard coming from my nails the second Recycle touched them. (Well, okay, maybe not, but I have a pretty vivid imagination, so let’s just roll with it. More like it was me squealing!)

Rescue Beauty Lounge Recycle Pictures

Rescue Beauty Lounge Recycle Review & Pictures

Natural Light



Rescue Beauty Lounge Recycle Photos

Natural Light



Rescue Beauty Lounge Recycle

Rescue Beauty Lounge Recycle Nail Polish

All Rescue Beauty Lounge polishes come in a box.

Rescue Beauty Lounge Recycle Ingredients

Rescue Beauty Lounge Recycle Ingredients

Rescue Beauty Lounge Recycle Swatches

All swatches have:

Natural Light Photos

Rescue Beauty Lounge Recycle Swatches & Review

Rescue Beauty Lounge Recycle Swatch

Rescue Beauty Lounge Recycle Swatch & Pictures

Rescue Beauty Lounge Recycle Swatch & Review

Rescue Beauty Lounge Recycle Swatch, Review & Pics


Rescue Beauty Lounge Recycle Swatches

Flash Photos







√ Green

Key Notes

  • Name: Rescue Beauty Lounge Recycle
  • Amount: 12 mL (0.4 oz.)
  • What I Paid: $18 USD
  • Where to Buy: Looks like it’s no longer sold on the Rescue Beauty Lounge website, so eBay would be your option (Edit: Hehe, it’s good timing, but I just found out that Rescue Beauty Lounge is bringing back Recycle due to popular demand! So if you want it, check out their website. It’s supposed to be available for sale again at the end of November.)

Rescue Beauty Lounge Recycle Review


Recycle by Rescue Beauty Lounge is the exact shade of green that I was hoping NARS Zulu would be.

While I dig dark shades, I have a hard time differentiating between black and a near-black shade, so that’s why I prefer my polishes to be slightly lighter. This way, the colour is more noticeable, and it doesn’t just look like black unless I hold it next to something black.

Recycle is clearly a green and not a blackened green. In dim lighting, it still looks green, and I absolutely love it.

It’s an evergreen type of green, which I consider to be a ‘true’ green. There doesn’t seem to be any teal leanings.

This green is robust, yet there’s a simplicity about it that I appreciate. With lots of insane glitters and duochromes (which I love) everywhere you turn, sometimes it can be nice to wear a shade like this. Sure, it’s simple, but it’s far from boring. And if you’re a green lover like I am, hehe, it’s actually exciting! 😉

It’s chic when worn solo, but I can see it being fantastic as a base colour for nail art.


Recycle is a creme polish, so instead of any shimmer or glitter, you can focus entirely on the gorgeous shade of green.

Application & Formula

The formula on Recycle is amazing! 🙂 With a single coat, you get close to the coverage of a one coater! But you’ll need 2 coats to even everything out. You shouldn’t need more than that.

It applies very easily, and the brush is designed well to help you carefully control where the polish goes.


Rescue Beauty Lounge polishes aren’t the cheapest ones on the market, but from the ones I have, most of them have easy-to-work-with formulas. And I love how luxurious and elegant the bottle looks.


Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like the company is selling Recycle. I don’t even see it listed under the RIP section on their website.

But Rescue Beauty Lounge sometimes brings back discontinued shades due to popular demand, so who knows? Maybe this will be one of them in the future!

(Edit: YAY – Due to popular demand, Rescue Beauty Lounge is bringing this polish back! It’ll go back on sale on their website at the end of November! :D)


  • Beautiful deep green
  • Almost a one coater
  • Dark, but not one of those near-black greens

  • Pricey
  • Discontinued

Final Verdict: 9/10

Can’t believe that I didn’t wear Rescue Beauty Lounge Recycle sooner! But…I’m glad that I eventually got around to it. I wore it for a few days, and I loved how edgy and chic it looked.

Do you think an $18 USD nail polish is too expensive? What’s the least expensive nail polish you’ve ever purchased?

Edit: YAY! Rescue Beauty Lounge retweeted this blog post and reached out to me. I love it when companies appreciate their customers.

Rescue Beauty Lounge Recycle Twitter SwatchAndLearn

Rescue Beauty Lounge Recycle SwatchAndLearn Twitter


12 thoughts on “Rescue Beauty Lounge Recycle Swatches & Review

  1. Candice

    Rescue Beauty Lounge just had a Bring It Back pre-sale, and Recycle was one of the colours! I’m assuming that the BiB will be available to the regular public sometime soon. So, good timing on your post. 🙂

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Candice!

      You know what? I’m signed up for those e-mails and surely got it, but hmm…guess I forgot about it since I already had Recycle. :S Hehe, but sometimes I’ll just delete sale e-mails like that during times when I’m trying to save some cash. WHOOPS!

      I’ve edited this post to reflect the new information so that no readers will think finding Recycle is difficult. So happy that they’re bringing it back! More people need to enjoy this polish.

      (Hehe, yes, this was good timing!) 😉

  2. Erin M.

    I was just coming to say what Candice said. Unfortunately, RBL polishes don’t last long on me. I don’t know if it’s my body chemistry or if I just haven’t hit on the right combination of base/top coats to use with them. It’s hard to justify $18-20 for a polish that chips within a day though.
    Erin M. recently posted: NYX Girls Enchanted Forest over Zoya Raven

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Erin M.!

      Wow, I’ve never had a Rescue Beauty Lounge polish chip on me so quickly! Hmm…since you already have RBL polishes, I suggest that you don’t give up on trying new base/top coat combinations. There’s gotta be one that works. You’ve invested a lot in the polish, so it’s a shame if it doesn’t last long.

      Have you tried the RBL base and/or top coat? (I haven’t. Still have tons of base coats to work through first.)

      Also, which RBL polish(es) did you try? I’ve only tried their cremes and shimmers, not their glitter.

  3. Lizzy

    LMAO! I’m the same way. With the polishes talking to me. More the poor neglected lovlies in the clearance bin than ones I actually own…. Hrm. Anyway, Recycle is absolutely gorgeous!! Thanks so much to you and Candice for purchasing info. Definitely keeping my eyes open for this one.
    Lizzy recently posted: Julep: Hailee & Amber

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lizzy!

      Maybe it’s not us. Maybe it’s them. 😉 Maybe they DO talk! Hahah!

      And it’s a bit dangerous that the clearance-bin polishes talk to you. It’s really tempting to take them home with you, right? 😉

      I’ve edited this blog post to share the good news about Recycle being brought back! 😀

  4. Icequeen81

    This is a really pretty green, love this shade of green, I’m looking for those shades but no luck, I want a shimmer one ( and I don’t like shimmer but only with those shades, ) and also a cream one
    this is absolutely a perfect shade, not tooo kermit the frog and not too black 🙂

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Icequeen81!

      Hahaha, when it comes to green, I’ll welcome them all, no matter what their finish. Greeeen fieeend here! 😉

      But there do seem to be more green shimmers and glitters than cremes…at least that’s what I’ve noticed in my own collection.

  5. Catherine (@bcrueltyfree)

    What a gorgeous deep green! It reminds me of winter holidays and evergreens and wreaths with ribbons. I have (well actually, my sister has) an Inglot shade that’s a bit similar but with more grey/teal tones and it’s one of those colors that people constantly ask about. I feel like there are SO many shimmery sparkly greens, it’s kind of refreshing to see just a classic cream finish
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    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Catherine!

      Yes, it’s a great festive colour! Oh my gosh – how cute would Christmas-wreath nail art be? I should try it. Think it’d be easy and fun to paint!

      INGLOT! I’ve never tried anything from that brand, but always hear amazing things about them. One day I do want to try their polish!

      For sure – there seem to be fewer green cremes. I wonder why that is. Maybe companies think that the average consumer will find green easier to wear when there’s a fun finish. Haha, but for nailphiles, we’ll wear nearly anything and everything! 😉

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Nageldraken!

      Kudos to you for staying true to yourself and wearing a non-traditional bridal manicure! 🙂 I think it’s awesome. If I ever get married, I also want to rock something that’s totally my style. I might even do freehand nail art.


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