Pier 1 Imports Creamy Caramel Pumpkin Candle Review & Pictures

Pier 1 Imports Creamy Caramel Pumpkin Scented Candle Review & PicturesIs the mere mention of pumpkin pie enough to make you salivate? Do you like sweet fragrances like caramel?

If so, you’ll probably like the Pier 1 Imports Creamy Caramel Pumpkin Candle as much as I do!

It’s so delicious-smelling that if you didn’t know it was a candle, you might think something scrumptious was baking in the oven. Seriously! Remind yourself not to eat the wax…

Had it not been for my sweet friend, Carmela, I may have never experienced this yummy fragrance! Big thank you! πŸ™‚

Pier 1 Imports Creamy Caramel Pumpkin Candle Pictures

Pier 1 Imports Creamy Caramel Pumpkin Scented Candle Review & Pictures

Pier 1 Imports Creamy Caramel Pumpkin Candle Review & Photos

Pier 1 Imports Creamy Caramel Pumpkin Candle Review & Photos

Pier 1 Imports Creamy Caramel Pumpkin Richly Scented Candle Review & Pictures

Pier One Imports Creamy Caramel Pumpkin Candle Review & Pictures

Creamy Caramel Pumpkin Pier 1 Imports Candle Review & Pictures

Pier 1 Imports Candle Review Creamy Caramel Pumpkin Pictures


    √ Richly scented
    √ Creamy caramel pumpkin

Key Notes

  • Name: Pier 1 Imports Creamy Caramel Pumpkin Richly Scented Candle
  • Amount: 134.7 g (4.75 oz.)
  • What I Paid: Nothing! (My friend, Carmela, from Polished Indulgence gave this to me as a gift! It was so thoughtful! πŸ˜€ She knows that I’m a pumpkin addict.)
  • Where to Buy: Pier 1 Imports store (Although, it may no longer be available.)

Pier 1 Imports Creamy Caramel Pumpkin Candle Review


The Creamy Caramel Pumpkin Candle by Pier 1 Imports is like a dessert fragrance because it’s really sweet and rich. If you’re not a fan of heavy scents, forget about this one! But I enjoy the cozy quality of these kind of aromas – really warms up your home and makes it smell like you’ve been baking.

I actually think that this candle should be named “Pumpkin Pie Harvest Affair” or something like that because it’s more accurate. What I pick up immediately is ‘pumpkin pie’. As for the affair, well, I firmly believe in committed relationships, however, the scent of this candle’s so good, it feels like you’re somehow cheating. πŸ˜‰

It’s kind of crazy how they captured even the pie crust. You know that smell you get after you’ve just baked a pie? The crust has that slight sweetness that’s different than the sweetness from the pumpkin. That’s what I can detect. It’s exactly the smell you get when you open the oven and take out your pie.

I also can smell a blend of caramel and apple mixed in with the pumpkin, and I think that’s what makes the pumpkin smell fresh instead of stale.

Scent Throw

This is the first Pier 1 Imports scented candle that I have ever tried, and I’m quite pleased with its scent throw. When they say it’s a “richly scented candle”, they weren’t exaggerating. It fills a small room about 30-40 minutes after it’s lit.


Everything got the A+ up to this part of the report card. According to the instructions, you’re not supposed to burn it for longer than 3 hours at a time. I burned it for 2 hours.

With my Slatkin & Co. candles, that’s long enough for the flame to provide enough heat so the wax burns evenly and doesn’t tunnel. Unfortunately, the Pier 1 Imports Creamy Caramel Pumpkin scented candle tunnelled – i.e. the wax melted downwards from the middle, and the edges didn’t melt much.

I like the scent of this candle a lot, so it’s a shame that any wax would be wasted. I’m thinking that once I get down near the bottom, maybe I can use a knife to scrape the wax from the edge toward the middle. Would that work? I’m spoiled, so I’ve never used a candle that tunnelled.Β Some people probably would use a warmer, but I don’t own one.


It comes in an autumnal tin with a slide-on lid. I like the picture – it screams fall to me!

Also worth noting is that after burning it for 2 hours, I did pick up the candle with my bare hands (to see if the metal got hot). It wasn’t really hot, and I was able to handle it without gloves or a towel.

Seasonal Availability

Obviously this is a fall scent, and it’s probably only available in the fall. However, I’m not sure if it’s still available because I don’t shop at Pier 1 Imports much. If you can find it, I think it’s worth bringing home because it’s a delicious scent.


  • Smells yummy like a freshly baked pumpkin pie
  • Autumnal packaging adds something festive to your decor
  • Tin doesn’t get hot after burning the candle for 2 hours

  • Wax doesn’t burn evenly, so there’s the potential for wasted wax

Final Verdict: 8/10

I wanted to give this candle a 9.5/10 because of the fragrance, but due to the tunnelling, I had to dock points. I really hope that I can scrape the wax and use every bit of it. If not, it’s such a shame!

A huge thank you again to Carmela! πŸ˜€ This is an awesome candle, and it’s different than all the other ones I’ve tried, too. (If you haven’t checked out her site, you know you want to. :P)

Have you ever bought any candles from Pier 1 Imports? Are you ready to enter the holiday season, or are you hanging onto the fall? Do you burn candles or prefer warmers?


8 thoughts on “Pier 1 Imports Creamy Caramel Pumpkin Candle Review & Pictures

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey PinkGlitter!

      Yes, it is a shame. When a scent is so good, you want to use every last bit of it. When it’s a fragrance you don’t care for, you end up using it as a paperweight. Haha! πŸ˜›

  1. Vivian

    I love pumpkin scents too! actually, I love anything pumpkin. My latest obsession was DQ’s pumpkin pie blizzard. I really enjoy slatkin’s pumpkin scents, and will remind myself to check this out if I ever visit a pier 1 imports store. It really is a shame that it didn’t burn evenly πŸ™

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Vivian!

      I wish that companies would put out pumpkin scents all year long and not just in the fall! Soooo goood!

      Oh, I never tried that pumpkin pie Blizzard! CRAZY!

  2. Carmela

    It was my pleasure, Mary. I’m so thrilled you liked it! πŸ˜€ It did smell so good I was tempted to get myself a tin, too! (It was all Mr. J could do to keep me from getting one since we’re not much for candles and prefer diffusers although I’ve been curious about candles since I’ve been reading your reviews.) Thanks for you kind words, too. *blushes*

    Btw, it is a seasonal scent and to my knowledge, unless they still have stock, I doubt it would be available anymore. I do know that it’s one of the regular seasonal scents so for anyone who is interested, I’m pretty sure it’ll make a comeback next year. πŸ™‚
    Carmela recently posted: Butter London No More Waity Katie fuses girly glitter with a moody purple

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Carmela!

      Maybe you’ll pick one up next year if they come out with it again, but reformulated! πŸ™‚ It’s awesome…hehe, and so are you!


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