OPI Teenage Dream Swatches & Review

Sunlight OPI Teenage Dream Swatches & ReviewMany months ago, I had a strong fascination with Katy Perry (aka Katheryn Hudson). Her music and pictures were everywhere! If you didn’t like her, you probably found it akin to hell.

Her music is like candy floss – syrupy sweet and superficial. When I’m in a carefree mood, I do enjoy some of her songs. It seems like she doesn’t take herself too seriously. At least that’s what her image is marketed as.

When the OPI Katy Perry Collection came out, I knew that I had to have all the colours.

While most people went gaga over OPI Teenage Dream, I actually fell more in love with OPI Last Friday Night, the blue holo glitter I previously swatched and reviewed.

In a weird way, Teenage Dream looked very neutral on me even though it was jam-packed with glitter.

This didn’t move me, and I can’t see myself wearing this shade solo again. If I do wear it in the future, I’ll have to stamp on top of it or add a crackle polish to cover it up.

OPI Teenage Dream Pictures

Sunlight OPI Teenage Dream Review & Swatches

Sunlight OPI Teenage Dream Bottle Picture

Direct Sunlight

OPI Teenage Dream Bottle Shot

OPI Teenage Dream Ingredients

OPI Teenage Dream Swatches

All swatches have:

Sunlight OPI Teenage Dream Swatches & Review

Direct Sunlight

Sunlight Katy Perry Collection OPI Teenage Dream Review & Swatch

Direct Sunlight

Sunlight Teenage Dream OPI Katy Perry Swatches & Review

Direct Sunlight

Sunlight Katy Perry Collection OPI Swatch Teenage Dream Review

Direct Sunlight

Sunlight OPI Katy Perry Collection OPI Teenage Dream Swatch & Review

Direct Sunlight

Natural Light OPI Teenage Dream Nail Polish Swatch & Review

Natural Light

Natural Light OPI Katy Perry Teenage Dream Swatch & Review

Natural Light

Natural Light OPI Katy Perry Teenage Dream Swatches & Review

Natural Light

Flash OPI Teenage Dream Review & Swatches


Flash OPI Teenage Dream Review & Swatch


Flash OPI Teenage Dream Swatches & Review


Sunlight OPI Teenage Dream Swatch & Review

Direct Sunlight

Natural Light Teenage Dream OPI Katy Perry Collection Swatches & Review

Natural Light

Flash OPI Teenage Dream Swatch & Review




Dreamy pink glitter

Key Notes

  • Name: OPI Teenage Dream
  • Collection: OPI Katy Perry Collection
  • Colours Available in the OPI Katy Perry Collection: Last Friday Night, Teenage Dream, Not Like the Movies, The One That Got Away & Black Shatter
  • Amount: 15 mL (0.5 fl. oz.)
  • What I Paid: $9.95 CAD
  • Where to Buy: Trade Secrets & select beauty-supply stores

OPI Teenage Dream Review


This is what I would call a princess pink. It’s very pretty in the bottle, but I find that light pinks like this are harder for me to wear. Sometimes they blend right into my fingers or make my hands look dirty. I keep trying them, though, because I’m hoping to find one that works.

Teenage Dream by OPI is more than just a girlie pink, though. It attempts to go over-the-top with 2 kinds of glitter. One is very fine pink glitter and the other is larger and holographic. The base polish the glitter is suspended in has a faint pinkish tint that sometimes makes the pink lean a touch orangey pink on me in certain lighting.

The holographic glitter is really cool because it catches the light and flashes all different colours in the rainbow!

Finish & Grittiness

This is a super glittery polish, but it wasn’t as gritty as I thought it would be. It’s not smooth like a creme polish, but it didn’t feel very rough and scratchy. There is noticeable texture. But when you apply a thick top coat or more than one layer of a thin top coat, it becomes smoother.

Application & Formula

Teenage Dream by OPI had a thick formula, but that’s to be expected since there’s lots of glitter that the base polish needs to coat. This is a polish that you’ll probably have to thin out over time when it starts to get more goopey.

Despite the thickness, I found it relatively easy to use.

It dries fairly quickly, but I suggest waiting long enough in between coats or you may have dragging issues.


  • No Formaldehyde, Toluene, or DBP
  • Very sparkly because of the holo glitter
  • Contains different-sized glitter
  • Dries fairly quickly

  • Takes a lot of work to remove (because of the glitter overload)
  • Can be a little trickier to find in stores now because this isn’t a new collection

Final Verdict: 6.5/10

I still much prefer OPI Last Friday Night to OPI Teenage Dream, but it might just be that I prefer blues to pinks. It’s a nice polish, but I just wish it suited my skin tone better.

Are you a fan of Katy Perry or do you think she’s obnoxious? Have you tried any of the colours from the OPI Katy Perry Collection? Do you like Last Friday Night better than Teenage Dream, too?


16 thoughts on “OPI Teenage Dream Swatches & Review

  1. Carmela

    When this collection first came out, this was actually what I had my eye on. I didn’t get anything though because I was still sane enough not to want every single collection way back then. 😛

    Now that I see your swatches, I have to agree with you though. By itself, it doesn’t really have as much oomph as you’d expect from a glitter. Sure, it’s shiny and sparkly but the base color really doesn’t do it any favors. If it was a hot pink or just a darker Barbie-esque pink maybe it would be a stand out.
    Carmela recently posted: Nail Art Wednesday: Gradation Nails

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Carmela!

      I’ve seen swatches of it on other people, and it looks amazing! I think there isn’t enough contrast between my skin tone and the polish for it to really pop. Layering this over other colours will definitely help.

  2. Rae

    Noo! Send it to me! I actually love teenage dream, it is the perfect blingy glitter for my skin tone. I have that blending in issue with essies lady like. It literally vanished when it was on, totally blending into my skin. On everyone else it is gorgeous.
    Rae recently posted: The Daily Nail: Bad Hearts

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Rae!

      You’re so lucky that it works for you!

      I got Essie Lady Like because it looked like a good neutral for me. I’m trying to go outside my comfort zone and wear neutrals sometimes. Plus I don’t have any other colour that’s quite like Lady Like. Oh well…even if it doesn’t work out, maybe I can stamp over it or something.

  3. Jessica

    Thank you so much for reviewing this!! I recently bought Last Friday Night, Not Like the Movies, and The One That Got Away from the Katy Perry collection and I was wondering if I should have bought this one as well. I am a fan of pink polish and this one is gorgeous, but it does look like it would blend too much with my skin tone. I do love The One That Got Away from this collection, though–it is a beautiful sparkly deep berry that does stand out well against my fair skin.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jessica!

      You’re welcome! 🙂 I’ve been meaning to review this one for the longest time. I wore it a couple of times since I first bought it on my toenails to test-drive it before putting it on my fingertips. I actually like it better on my toes, but for some strange reason, any polish chips on my toenails within days. Yet the same polish (and combination of base coat and top coat) can last a very long time on my fingernails. My fingernails must be drier and hold the polish more.

      Oh, I still need to try The One That Got Away. Yeah, I’ll bet it looks fantastic on fair skin!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey thenailaholic!

      Have you tried layering? I loved the way OPI Last Friday Night looked over China Glaze Frostbite. I was able to achieve the bottle colour with this combination. 🙂

  4. lulu

    Ohhh I just bought this last week! (Last Friday Night actually… HAHAHA) I was soo disappointed after all the good reviews I read. I don’t know if it’s just me but the finish looks… glue-ey to me? Like I put elmers glue on my fingers , rolled it in glitter, and accidentally fell onto a giant cottonball before it dried. I don’t know but it really bothers me! Though I probably just need more top coat next time.
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    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lulu!

      Yeah, I think that’s the way the finish is supposed to be – kind of jelly-like. I guess it has to be that way to cover all the glitter and make it slightly smoother. Definitely looks and feels better with a top coat. Still, I’m not totally sold on Teenage Dream on my nails.

  5. Vivian

    I’m usually all for glitters but this color combination is really just ‘mehh’ to me. I always think sparkly sheer pinks like this should be worn by younger girls. I gave my bottle to my ex’s little sister and it looks so cute on her.

    I’ve never tried Last friday night. From swatches it looked really close to China Glaze snowglobe so I opted out from buying. I might grab a bottle after looking at your review for it. It seems to have a lot more tiny glitter than snowglobe.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Vivian!

      I agree with you – it’s definitely a colour that I think looks better for little girls. If I had this polish when I was little, I would’ve swooned! Hehe, back then my favourite colour was pink and almost all my clothes were pink.

      Last Friday Night looks better layered over a dark blue. By itself, it just offers a tiny hint of tint. Ooohhh, Snowglobe looks awesome – that will be so pretty for layering, too!

  6. Vanna

    I actually don’t like Katy Perry but I do like this nail polish, it’s really cute! Last Friday Night is really pretty as well.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Vanna!

      I actually prefer Last Friday Night a lot more on me, and I like how it’s sheer so that you can layer it over other polishes. 🙂 Teenage Dream didn’t give me as much contrast between my skin colour and the nail colour, but I’ve seen it on others and it looks way better.


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