OPI Don’t Mess with OPI Swatches & Review

OPI-Don't-Mess-with-OPI-Swatches-ReviewLately I’ve been showing you a lot of new nail polishes, but I’ve been itching to wear an older shade. It’s fun to just ‘shop your stash’ and rediscover cool colours you already own. Saves you money!

Today I have for you a review on a recent manicure I wore –ย OPI Don’t Mess with OPI!

Hehe, this one has attitude, doesn’t it? Okay, I won’t mess with it…but only because it’s a green (and we all know that I have a soft spot for greens, even if they think they’re all that). ๐Ÿ˜‰

Don’t Mess with OPI is from the Texas Collection, which I believe came out in 2011. So it’s not terribly old – you may be able to still find this in sale or clearance bins. But, if you want to order it online, I found a source that carries it still.

OPI Don’t Mess with OPI Pictures

OPI Don't Mess with OPI Swatch

Natural Light

OPI Don't Mess with OPI Review


OPI Don't Mess with OPI

Natural Light

OPI Don't Mess with OPI Photos


OPI Don't Mess with OPI Review

OPI Don’t Mess with OPI Ingredients

OPI Don't Mess with OPI Ingredients

OPI Don’t Mess with OPI Swatches

All swatches have:

Natural Light Photos


OPI Don't Mess with OPI Swatches

OPI Don't Mess with OPI Photos





OPI Don't Mess with OPI Pictures

Flash Photos

OPI Don't Mess with OPI Swatch

Don't Mess with OPI Review & Swatch

Don't Mess with OPI Swatch & Review

Don't Mess with OPI Swatches & Review

OPI Don't Mess with OPI Swatches


โˆšย Grassy forest green

Key Notes

  • Name:ย OPI Don’t Mess with OPI
  • Collection:ย OPI Texas Collection 2011
  • Colours Available in the Collection: Don’t Mess with OPI,ย Too Hot Pink to Hold ’em, Do You Think I’m Tex-y, Houston We Have a Purple, Suzi Loves Cowboys, I Vant to Be A-Lone Star, It’s Totally Fort Worth It, Austin-tatious Turquoise, Y’all Come Back Ya Hear?, Guy Meets Gal-veston, Big Hair…Big Nails & San Tan-tonio
  • Amount:ย 15 mL (0.5 fl. oz.)
  • What I Paid:ย $9.95 CAD
  • Where to Buy:ย Some Trade Secrets that carry older colours, some beauty-supply stores & NailPolishCanada

OPI Don’t Mess with OPI Review


I’ve worn this shade a few times since buying it last year, and each time I have this on my nails, I feel very happy.

It’s the type of green I dig. It has a dustiness to it without making it look faded or too vintage. There’s something soft about this shade. And it’sย not fully saturated like a primary green, yet it still has personality.


This is a wannabe-jelly polish. It has a slight squishy look to it, but it’s not blow-my-mind shiny like a full-on jelly.

It’s shiny when you paint it on, but unlike a jelly, this gives you full opacity after 2 medium coats. (As always, if you use thinner coats, expect to use an additional coat.) It’s just my habit to paint with medium coats most times.

Application & Formula

Don’t Mess with OPI had a lovely formula that’s smooth and not too thin or thick. It self-levelled, which is always nice because that makes painting your nails easier and faster.

I didn’t have any trouble with this one. The only reason why your nails won’t look absolutely perfect is due to human error. And really, if someone’s going to be taking a magnifying glass to your nails to inspect for flaws, that person needs to get a hobby…like knitting! ๐Ÿ˜‰ (Expect to hear me talk about it in future posts, too. My obsession has only started, and I’m having so much fun with it! I’m nearly finished the purple hat, and I’ve already started my third one – it’s greeeeeeeeen!) ๐Ÿ˜‰

(P.S. I’ve tweeted a couple of times about looking for neon-pink yarn because I want to make yet another hat, but in a blinding shade. Think it’ll be fun to wear in the winter when it’s gloomy. Anyway, it was tough to find! Apparently not many people like to knit with neons. *Pfft* Haha! But now I need to make a decision as to where to get it because I found a few places. So happyyyyyyy – can’t wait to knit it!)


  • Dusty green that doesn’t look washed out
  • Terrific formula that applies smoothly
  • Shiny

  • It’s from a 2011 collection, so it could be a little trickier to find

Final Verdict: 8/10

If you already have this in your stash, whip that sucker out and let it see the light of day! ๐Ÿ˜‰ You’ll fall for it all over again.

Did you get any colours from the 2011 OPI Texas Collection? What’s an older shade that you wear time and time again? Do you like shopping your stash, or do you prefer to wear the latest colours whenever possible?


12 thoughts on “OPI Don’t Mess with OPI Swatches & Review

  1. Emma

    I love this colour. Do you have Jade is the New Black? I’d love to see them compared as my memory is telling me these are dupes?
    Emma recently posted: Ill

  2. Marisa

    This is a great green!! Hmmm… An older shade I wear over and over again. That would have to be OPI Fly (I know it’s not that old), but it’s one I’ve reached for several times. And btw, with all these polishes, that doesn’t happen very often.
    Marisa recently posted: Purple Tape Manicure

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Marisa!

      Ah yes! Fly is pretty. Not sure why I didn’t get it when it came out…So many polishes, so little money. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Jenn

    This is so pretty! I love rediscovering old shades that have been passed over because of all the shiny new ones being released ๐Ÿ™‚ I love that this one has hat dustiness to it but still is very shiny and not too washed out!
    Jenn recently posted: Essie Bobbing for Baubles

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jenn!

      It’s definitely easy to push aside old shades when you’re collector and when all the new collections are shoving and pushing for your attention! It’s fun to go back and appreciate what you already have. Plus it gives the wallet a break! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Melissa

    green is my favorite color & when I saw this on Pinterest yesterday I swooned!! Must find this color!!

    Speaking of “shopping your stash” I bought OPI Zom-body to love last year & never used it. Gonna give that bad boy a try this weekend!! LOVE your blog, keep up the great work!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Melissa!

      WOO HOO! *High five* Another green lover!

      Just today, I found a bottle of this at Winners randomly. So it could very well pop up at other similar stores. If not, check out the link in my Where to Buy section, and you can order it online.

      YES – OPI Zom-body to Love is pretty cool, isn’t it? I haven’t tried it yet either, but in the bottle it’s neat! I’ll even admit to admiring it in the dark when it glows (in the bottle). I need to try it on my nails soon.

      Thanks for your encouragement! ๐Ÿ™‚ I appreciate you taking the time to visit and also leave a comment!

  5. Marta

    This is one green that I could totally see myself sporting. I love how rich and creamy it is ๐Ÿ˜€
    I don’t think I got any from that collection… hmmm…
    But I do wear a LOT of shades from the Pirates OPI collection ๐Ÿ˜€ Love to revisit those. I like reaching in for an old/familiar shade… just seems more personal that way ๐Ÿ˜€

    Great post!
    ps. yaaaay for neon yarn ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Marta recently posted: Pink October

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Marta!

      Oh, I can see you sporting pretty much any shade under the sun or moon. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Hmm…the only other shade from the Texas Collection that I got was Houston We Have a Purple because I thought the name was cute and because it’s a jelllllly!

      Haha, I’m glad that you don’t find my gushing over yarn and knitting annoying. ๐Ÿ˜› I sometimes can’t contain my excitement about new-found obsessions.


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