OPI Do You Take Lei Away? Swatches & Review

OPI Do You Take Lei Away Swatches & Review OPI Do You Take Lei Away? is from the Hawaii Collection that came out earlier this month.

This nail polish took me by surprise. Colours like this are hit or miss for me because I still haven’t figured out how to choose the most flattering ones. (Many times, these kind of shades look like Band-Aids on me.)

OPI Do You Take Lei Away? is very different – I found it complementary on my skin tone! It doesn’t make my fingers look washed out like a corpse bride. And the lovely shine keeps it from looking flat and blah.

If you usually shy away from neutrals like this and your skin tone is around the same as mine, I urge you to give this one a shot. It might just pleasantly surprise you, too!

OPI Do You Take Lei Away? Pictures

OPI Do You Take Lei Away Hawaii Collection

Natural Light

Do You Take Lei Away OPI Hawaii Swatches


OPI Do You Take Lei Away Hawaii

Natural Light

OPI Do You Take Lei Away Swatch & Pictures


OPI Do You Take Lei Away

OPI Do You Take Lei Away? Swatches

All swatches have:

Natural Light Photos

OPI Do You Take Lei Away Swatches & Review

OPI Do You Take Lei Away Swatches

OPI Do You Take Lei Away Review & Swatches

OPI Do You Take Lei Away Swatch & Review

OPI Do You Take Lei Away Swatch

Flash Photos

Do You Take Lei Away OPI Hawaii Swatches & Review

Do You Take Lei Away OPI Hawaii Swatch Swatches

OPI Do You Take Lei Away Swatch OPI Hawaii Swatches

Do You Take Lei Away by OPI Hawaii Collection Swatches


  • Creamy nude (Yes)

Key Notes

OPI Do You Take Lei Away? Review


Do You Take Lei Away? by OPI is a beige that I think looks more flattering on skin tones similar to mine that has a yellow undertone. (If you have any pink to your skin, I think that it could clash pretty badly.)

That’s the thing about these nude nail polishes. It’s like finding the right foundation shade, except for your fingers. (Actually, the funny thing is that I never seem to have any trouble finding my exact foundation shade, but I’m pretty stumped when it comes to finding a nude lacquer.)


Smooth and creamy, Do You Take Lei Away? by OPI has a great, shiny finish that looks glass-like! I really loved how the finish adds life to a colour that can easily appear dead.

Application & Formula

When I sat down to paint my nails, I was expecting to use three or more coats, but I only needed two coats to achieve the opacity you see in the photos above. It covered nicely, and I didn’t see any visible nail line. Wonderful formula that’s easy and smooth to paint with! This is definitely one of OPI’s better formulas.


  • Beige that doesn’t fall flat
  • Beautiful glossy finish
  • Smooth application & formula


  • Could potentially really clash with your skin tone (I’m really reaching for a Con here.)

Final Verdict: 8.5/10

This is probably the highest score that I’ve ever given a beige/nude nail polish! It really impressed me, and while a lot of people will find this polish tame or yawn-worthy, I found it exciting because I rarely get to see my nails decked out in this subdued colour. I like it a lot…hehe, but no, not more than greens, blues, purples, etc. 😉

What is your ‘trick’ to finding flattering nude nail polish? Do you find it easier to match your foundation than to find a flattering nude nail polish? Which are your favourites from the OPI Hawaii Collection?


10 thoughts on “OPI Do You Take Lei Away? Swatches & Review

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Joyce!

      Smart decision! Hehehe, yes, and very mature of you! (Sometimes, though, going to the store means bringing back oodles and oodles of new polishes! Also a smart decision! Hehehehe!)

  1. Lacqueerisa

    Hehe! Its kinda the opposite for me. I find it easier to find flattering nude polish (or neutral shades) that I liked but foundation wise very hard! My hands are a tad darker than my face. But my face has a more warm toned than light toned foundations. I doubt there’s any trick other than trials and errors! — both with nail polish and face foundation. Hahaha! Oh and yeaps! I’m pretty sure OPI Do You Take Lei Away will be a shade I love as well ^_^

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Lacqueerisa!

      Hehe, funny how that works! Trial and error can be a lot of fun, too. That’s often how I discover new shades that I didn’t know would ‘work’! 🙂

  2. Jessica

    I agree with your verdict–I think this particular neutral looks very good on you (and the name is pretty awesome too!). Finding a good neutral polish is like finding a good foundation…it’s all about the undertones.

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Jessica!

      I have yellow undertones, and foundations with those undertones are so easy for me to find. That, coupled with the fact that I usually match the second or third lightest shade makes it simple. However, with nude nail polishes, hehe, there isn’t a standard spectrum of shades, so maybe that’s why I get confused when trying to find a nude that complements my skin tone.

  3. Melisa

    It’s nothing “earth shattering”, but it’s a pretty color. A great neutral, there’s so much that could be done with it. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Gelic’ nail art!

      Welcome back! I missed you, and yes, I remembered how you used to leave me so many thoughtful comments. Thanks for coming back to visit me and for taking the time to leave me a comment! 😀


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