OPI Coca-Cola Red Swatches & Review

OPI Coca-Cola Red Swatches & ReviewOPI Coca-Cola Red from the Coca-Cola Collection is a softer red that exactly matches the can of pop.

I don’t wear reds as often as other colours, but when I do, I dig it. It’s a classic!

Since this is a more muted red, I feel like it’s very versatile and lots of people will be able to wear this. It’s so easy to pull off, compared to bolder reds that may intimidate some.

(Hehe, I’m never intimidated by bold shades, so that doesn’t apply to me, and I’m very fortunate to be working in an office that allows me to wear all different shades and even nail art, if I want.)

OPI Coca-Cola Red Pictures

OPI Coca-Cola Red Coca-Cola Collection

Natural Light

OPI Coca Cola Red Swatches Coca Cola Collection


Coca-Cola Red OPI Coca-Cola Collection

Natural Light

Coca Cola Red OPI Swatches


OPI Coca-Cola Red

Coca-Cola Red by OPI Coca-Cola Collection Swatches

I don’t really drink pop often, but a friend brought this over, so it was the perfect photo opportunity! Hehe!

OPI Coca-Cola Red Swatches

All swatches have:

Natural Light Photos

OPI Coca-Cola Red Swatches & Review

OPI Coca-Cola Red Swatch

OPI Coca-Cola Red Review & Swatch

OPI Coca-Cola Red Swatch & Review

OPI Coca-Cola Red Swatches

Flash Photos

OPI Coca-Cola Swatch Coca-Cola Collection Swatches

Coca-Cola Red OPI Swatches & Photos

OPI Coca-Cola Red Swatch & Pictures

OPI Coca Cola Red Swatch Coca Cola Collection Swatches


  • Red (Yes)

Key Notes

OPI Coca-Cola Red Review


If ever there was a colour that had to be nailed, it’s Coca-Cola Red by OPI because that shade is a true classic. Goof up that colour, even by a tinge, and everybody would notice. Thankfully, they hit the bull’s-eye – right on target!

It’s a softer red, so even if you’re intimidated by a strong red, I think you’ll find this one easy to wear.


In classic fashion, this has a creme finish, so there’s absolutely no shimmer. The simple finish puts all the attention on the colour.

Application & Formula

Like a great creme, this one was no exception. It flowed easily onto the nail with hardly any effort. One coat covered nicely, but you’ll get the best look with two coats. And I don’t think you’d need more than that.


  • Classic, muted red
  • Great coverage


  • Not the craziest colour (But it’s not supposed to be crazy…hehe!)

Final Verdict: 7/10

If you’re looking for a muted red or if you’re a big fan of Coca-Cola, I think you’ll really enjoy OPI Coca-Cola Red. 🙂

What’s your favourite red to sport? How often do you drink Coca-Cola? (I think I drink only 2 cans per year.) Can you taste the difference between Coca-Cola and Pepsi? (Believe it or not, I’ve never had Pepsi.)


6 thoughts on “OPI Coca-Cola Red Swatches & Review

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey KarenD!

      Red is always a great staple shade, and it really packs a punch! 🙂 Plus I think there are so many Coca-Cola fans out there, so it’s a great collectible, too!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey thebubblybrunette!

      I hope that by now, you’ve managed to get your hands on this collection! 🙂 Keep checking! If not, there’s always NailPolishCanada.com, which ships to Canada and the US.


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