OPI AmazON…AmazOFF Swatches & Review

OPI AmazON...AmazOFF Swatches & ReviewGuess what? Today is the very first day that the OPI Brazil Collection is officially released!

I knew that today, I was going to have to showcase my favourite shade from the entire collection. It was the one that first caught my eye when I saw all the pretty shades before me. It’s OPI AmazON…AmazOFF! (And it’s AmazING! Hahaha!) 😉

Judging from the reaction it got from my sneak peek on Instagram and Facebook, I could tell that I wasn’t alone in liking this shade so much.

Check out this post for my in-depth review and lots of swatches! Plus I answer your question about if it stains!

OPI AmazON…AmazOFF Pictures

OPI AmazON AmazOFF Swatch OPI Brazil Collection Swatches

Natural Light

AmazON...AmazOFF OPI Swatches


OPI AmazON AmazOFF Swatches OPI Brazil Collection Swatch

Natural Light

OPI AmazON...AmazOFF Pictures


OPI AmazON AmazOFF OPI Brazil Collection


OPI AmazON…AmazOFF Swatches

All swatches have:

Natural Light Photos

OPI AmazON...AmazOFF Swatches & Review

OPI AmazON...AmazOFF Swatches

OPI AmazON...AmazOFF Swatch

OPI AmazON...AmazOFF Swatch & Review

OPI AmazON...AmazOFF OPI Brazil Collection Swatches

Flash Photos

AmazON AmazOFF OPI Swatch

AmazON AmazOFF OPI Swatches

OPI AmazON AmazOFF Swatches & Pictures



  • Deep jungle green (Yes)

Key Notes

OPI AmazON…AmazOFF Review


Described in the original press release as being a jungle green, I think that’s pretty accurate because I’m wild about this colour! 😉 (Sorry, but I just couldn’t resist!)

This type of green is what I would consider to be in my comfort zone because it’s bold, and it really pops on your nails. Although it’s an attention-getting shade, I feel like, if paired with neutrals, it could take on a more sophisticated feel.

In any case, while there are tons of amazing shades in the OPI Brazil Collection, for a green fiend like me, AmazON…AmazOFF by OPI is a must-have!


In person, I was so sure it had a creme finish because I didn’t notice any shimmer or sparkle. But then I took photos with flash, and it appears that there’s some very minute shimmer running throughout the formula that isn’t really visible to the naked eye in natural lighting conditions.

Removal & Staining

When I first posted a sneak peek of this colour, I received a lot of questions regarding if it stained my nails or not. I couldn’t answer right away because I wore this nail polish for several days and didn’t want to remove it after only a day of wear! (Hello – green fiend!) 😉

I’ve removed it since working on this post, and I have some bad news, but some good news, too.

The bad news is that when you remove AmazON…AmazOFF by OPI, all the green will get onto your skin – cuticles, fingers, and even the pads of your fingers perhaps. You’ll end up looking like a green version of Lorde at The Grammys during her performance. 😛

When I first saw that, I thought, oh boy, it’s going to stain my nails for sure! However, I did my usual ‘washing trick’, and I was good to go.

If you need to be somewhere fast, shortly after removing this polish, I don’t recommend it. You’ll need to give yourself adequate time to properly remove this baby, or your fingers will look really gnarly.

My ‘washing trick’ is simply that. After I use nail-polish remover to get as much of the polish off my nails and around the cuticles where the polish spread during the removal process, I get some hand soap and warm water. Then I lather up for quite some time.

When you do this, you’ll notice that the suds get tinted green. This is a good sign because it means that the colour is coming off.

Rinse your hands and repeat. Make sure to wash your hands for longer than usual, and gently massage around your cuticles. Don’t scrub because that’s too harsh, especially in the winter when your hands are probably already drier than usual.

I did the whole wash, lather, and rinse thing 3 times. At the end, I got the majority of the polish from my cuticles, nails, and skin. Then, throughout the day when I washed my hands regularly, more and more came off until I couldn’t even see a trace of the green.

So, while it initially looks like a major stainer, with some regular hand soap, you can easily remove it from the skin.

As for your nails, I think that preparation is key. You may want to double up on your base coat to prevent your actual nails from getting permanently stained.

I used OPI Nail Envy (the regular formula), and it did a fantastic job at preventing any staining.

I’m not sure if other base coats would perform as well because, in general, OPI Nail Envy seems to protect my nails more than any other base coat I’ve worn, and I’ve worn nearly all of the popular ones! (If you don’t want any staining, just be extra safe and double up. I think you’ll be fine then.)

Application & Formula

AmazON…AmazOFF by OPI has a smooth, perfect formula that’s a joy to paint with because it’s so easy and breezy! It glides on nicely and has amazing coverage at one coat. But I applied two coats out of habit. At that point, I didn’t feel like it was necessary to apply a third.


  • Rich, pigmentation green
  • Smooth formula & easy application


  • Removal is messy because the green gets all over your skin (but after washing your hands a few times with soap & water, you can remove the vast majority of it)

Final Verdict: 9/10

Despite the extra time I had to spend to remove AmazON…AmazonOFF by OPI, I gave this polish a high score because the colour was my cup of iced tea, and the temporary ‘staining’ comes right off with some hand washing. The extra work is totally work a shade like this!

Are you going to buy any OPI Brazil Collection shades today since it’s the first day of the official release? Do you mind putting in the extra effort for shades like this? Do you double up on your base coat whenever you’re concerned a polish may stain your nails?


16 thoughts on “OPI AmazON…AmazOFF Swatches & Review

  1. Ms. Heathen

    I keep a very cheap soft bristled tooth brush for scrubbing stains off of my nails and skin and use a mild bar soap. And if I can’t get the stains off of my nails, I slap a coat of black polish on until I feel like dealing with it again.

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Ms. Heathen!

      Good to hear that you have a solution that works well for you! I tend to just wash my hands several times, and most of the time, everything comes off the skin and cuticles. Only MAJOR stainers will remain, but thankfully I haven’t run into too many of those types of polishes.

  2. karen

    Rats…you did it again, Mary.

    My seller got the collection in yesterday and allowed me to reserve the colors that I wanted. This was not one of my choices because it looked like a really warm tone in the bottle and warm colors tend to look muddy against my skin, but now…wow. See? This is why I love your blog. Your images really show everything so well and it actually comes out of the bottle very differently than it appears. Oh well, guess I’ll be getting this one, too. 😛

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Karen!

      I think it’s so cool how you get to reserve colours. You’re definitely a nail-polish VIP! How cool is that? First pickings!

      Thank you again for leaving me a comment and for making me feel so happy! 🙂 I haven’t been in the best mood, so it meant a lot that you took the time to encourage me. Blogging is a lot of work, but it’s moments like this that remind me it’s all worth it and more! 🙂 Thank you!

  3. Michaela

    I don’t even care about the staining I am in LOVE with this color!! I might have to take a trip to Ulta today!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Michaela!

      I’m with you on that – the colour is worth all the extra clean-up effort! 🙂 Hope you love it as much as I do when you wear it!

  4. Fedoraharp

    And here it is… my next lemming. Me and anything on the green-to-blue spectrum is like you with greens. The overwhelming majority of my polishes are in this range. And this one, being especially gorgeous, would of course mean that I HAVE to buy it 😀

    (which I suppose means that OPI is getting their money’s worth from sending you stuff for review which in turn means they’ll keep sending you more stuff so EVERYBODY WINS :D)
    Fedoraharp recently posted: Jewelry Wednesday: Simple earrings

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Fedoraharp!

      Do you have an absolute favourite from all of your green/blue polishes? I’m curious if there’s any single shade that tops your list!

      Haha, yes, I’m very fortunate that OPI’s PR sends me polishes to review and share with my amazing readers like you! I’ll never take it for granted.

      1. FedoraHarp

        Ooh um. You might actually have me stumped on that- it kind of changes every week, but the first two polishes that came to mind when you asked were either Inglot 203 or a polish called Peacock made by a brand called Chic that they only sell in Israel. I know I took a million photos of 203 (I’m even one of the early Google Search results!) but I’m fairly sure the only swatches of Peacock are like two years old on my blog. Back when I barely knew my way around either polish *or* a camera. Maybe I’ll revisit those swatches some time soon 🙂
        FedoraHarp recently posted: Swatched: Ga-de Bold Blues collection (Part 1)

        1. Mary S. Post author

          Thanks for answering my tough question! I’ll need to hunt down Inglot 203. It looks so beautiful! Haha, as for that Israel brand, Chic, I don’t think I’ll be able to track that rare gem down, but I’ll admire it from afar!

    1. Mary S. Post author

      Hey Melissa!

      It’s my favourite from the collection, although there are plenty of other shades I really fell for. The OPI Brazil Collection is really shaping up to be one of my all-time favourite collections! There’s so much variety, and the formulas are spectacular!


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