NYX Eyebrow Cake Powder Review & Pictures – Dark Brown/Brown

** This post was written by Fiona. She no longer blogs for Swatch And Learn. However, Mary still continues to blog and will be happy to reply to your comment. **

I don’t fuss over my eyebrows that much, but I have always wanted to perfect them – I mean, they do frame the face for a younger and more-awake look! My eyebrows aren’t bad; they’re just sparse at the end, so I’ve been looking for something that allows me to fill in my eyebrows naturally.

Of course, NYX made a kit. Of course, it was affordable. Of course, it looked promising. And of course, I didn’t pass it up. So today, I’ll be reviewing the NYX Eyebrow Cake Powder in Dark Brown/Brown for you! 🙂

NYX Eyebrow Cake Powder Pictures & Photos


    Defines brows
    Natural coverage

Key Notes

NYX Eyebrow Kit Review

“For those movie star brows” as it says on the lid of the NYX eyebrow kit… Hm. I don’t know what “movie star brows” are exactly (and which movie star are we talking about?), but I can tell you that it does help you enjoy neat, groomed and more-even brows. Everything you need is packed into this tiny little purse-friendly set!

Each palette comes with 2 shades of your chosen color, one slightly darker than the other. This way you can blend the powders together to create the shade that goes with your hair color.

I went with Dark Brown/Brown, even though I have black hair. It’s usually advised that you purchase a color a shade lighter than your hair. But keep in mind that it comes with two powders, so you can blend them together to create a shade that falls somewhere in the middle. The Dark Brown/Brown is slightly too light on me. If I went with the black, I could’ve mixed it with the gray if that was too dark on me.

If you’re not used to applying wax on your eyebrow, you might initially think the wax is a bit thick. But it doesn’t feel sticky on the brows. In fact, it’s so lightweight and feels so natural that I don’t remember I have the wax on. Even if you run your finger across your brow, you won’t feel the wax.

I find the angled brush too stiff. It doesn’t pick up the powder very well; rather, it just scrapes the powder off the pan. If you’re on the go and need something to apply with, it’s good. However, I prefer using an angled brush (like Quo Liner/Brow Brush) instead for better control and product pick-up. The brow wand is good…can’t really go wrong with a brow wand.

The sad thing about the NYX Eyebrow Cake Powder is that it doesn’t last the whole day for me. By the end of my work day, it’s still there, but it’s much more faint. I need to touch up my brows before I leave work. So about 8 hours or so it lasts.


  • Affordable
  • Compact case good for traveling
  • Includes two powders for blending
  • Pigmented powders
  • Easy to use
  • Wax doesn’t feel heavy
  • Looks natural

  • Included angle brush is too stiff
  • Only 6 shades available
  • Doesn’t last as long as I want

Final Verdict: 8.7/10

While the NYX eyebrow kit might not seem wohoooo exciting at first, you’ll definite be more enthusiastic about it after you try it. You’ll see how simply doing your brows can instantly make your eyes stand out more.

So how do you fill in your brows with the powder and wax?

  1. Dip your brush in the wax and apply it on your brows. This will help the powder adhere better. It will also keep your brow hair in place.
  2. Pick up some powder (or powders to blend) with your brush. It’s better to start with a tiny amount since it’s pigmented, or your brows might be too dark. Build up the color if you want stronger brows.
  3. Start in the middle of your brow where it’s usually the darkest and thickest. Then very light-handedly using tiny strokes work outwards following your natural brow.
  4. After you’ve reached the end, take the brush back to where the brow starts near the nose. There’s no need to use more product – brows aren’t naturally thick and dark at the very beginning. Work toward the middle, and you’re done!

Think you’ll give this a go, or do you prefer using an eyebrow pencil?

This product was Fiona’s winner for the 2010 Worst Dressed Award.


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