Nubar Raspberry Truffle Swatches & Review

Sunlight Raspberry Truffle Nubar Swatch & ReviewAny nailphiles out there who are also chocoholics? Nubar Raspberry Truffle is for you! πŸ˜‰

I like small portions of chocolate. If I eat a lot, I just get tired of the flavour. Maybe that’s odd. I definitely know more people who can really gobble up large amounts of the yummy treat.

One of my ex-boyfriends is a chocolate fiend. You know how dense and rich truffles are? Well, this guy made homemade truffles…the size of hamburgers! It was really gross…haha! (I had to drink an entire glass of water after eating just one mouthful of the intensely chocolatey one he made me.)

Lately, I’ve been feeling golds and browns more. Raspberry Truffle was one that I wanted to try ever since I bought it a year or so ago, but just didn’t get around to it because green polishes were beckoning to me. (I know that hearing voices isn’t normal. πŸ˜‰ But what if they come from nail polish? Isn’t that better?)

Raspberry Truffle is an interesting brown – you have to check it out in different lighting to truly appreciate it.

Nubar Raspberry Truffle Pictures

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Dim Sunlight

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Nubar Raspberry Truffle Swatches

All swatches have:

Sunlight Raspberry Truffle Nubar Swatch & Review

Direct Sunlight

Sunlight Raspberry Truffle Nubar Swatches & Review

Direct Sunlight

Sunlight Raspberry Truffle Review & Swatches

Direct Sunlight

Sunlight Raspberry Truffle by Nubar Swatches & Review

Direct Sunlight

Sunlight Raspberry Truffle by Nubar Swatch & Review

Indirect Sunlight

Sunlight Nubar Swatches Raspberry Truffle Review

Direct Sunlight

Sunlight Nubar Raspberry Truffle Swatches & Review

Direct Sunlight

Sunlight Nubar Raspberry Truffle Swatch & Review

Direct Sunlight

Flash Nubar Rasperry Truffle Swatches & Review


Flash Nubar Chocolate Truffles Collection 2009 Raspberry Truffle Swatch & Review


Flash Nubar Chocolate Truffles Collection Raspberry Truffle Swatch & Review


Flash Nubar Chocolate Truffles Collection Swatches & Review Raspberry Truffle Swatch


Flash Nubar Nail Polish Review & Swatches Raspberry Truffle Pictures


Natural Light Nubar Raspberry Truffle Pictures & Review

Natural Light

Natural Light Nubar Raspberry Truffle Swatch & Pics

Natural Light

Natural Light Raspberry Truffle Nubar Pictures & Swatch

Natural Light

Natural Light Raspberry Truffle Nubar Swatches & Pictures

Natural Light

Natural Light Raspberry Truffle by Nubar Swatches & Review

Natural Light

Sunlight Raspberry Truffle Nubar Review & Photos

Direct Sunlight

Flash Nubar Raspberry Truffle Review & Pics


Natural Light Raspberry Truffle Nubar Swatches & Review

Natural Light


√ Rich brown with deep red shimmer

Key Notes

  • Name: Nubar Raspberry Truffle
  • Collection: Nubar Chocolate Truffle Collection (2009)
  • Colours Available in the Collection: Raspberry Truffle,Β Chocolate Caramel, Milk Chocolate Creme, Chocolate Coffee Bean, Cherry Cordial & Swiss Chocolate
  • Amount: 15 mL (0.5 fl. oz.)
  • What I Paid: $4.25 CAD (on sale – Retails for $8 USD)
  • Where to Buy: Very few select beauty-supply stores

Nubar Raspberry Truffle Review


The colour of Raspberry Truffle by Nubar is really interesting because it seems to change depending on the light. The base colour usually looks like a rich dark-chocolate type of brown.

It’s the small flakies that seem to look very different in various lighting that make this polish intriguing. In certain lighting, they look light brown like caramel. But then in other lighting, I clearly see a raspberry. And sometimes it seems like a pinkish purple. Very subtle like a surprise shimmer that you don’t usually see in brown polish.

What’s also worth noting is that in certain lighting, the brown took on a purplish tinge almost like a deep berry, which I really enjoyed.


At first I thought that the sparkly bits were just micro-shimmer, but when I zoomed into the photograph and took a better look, you actually can see really small flakies. To the naked eye, they mainly just look like shimmer, though.Β They’re more subtle than traditional large flakies like in Nubar 2010 orΒ Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure.

Application & Formula

Raspberry Truffle by Nubar was on the thin and watery side, so it was a bit tricky to avoid flooding my cuticles. If you use thinner coats, it’ll be easier to control. I used my usual medium coats by accident, out of habit.

I used 3 coats of this to deepen the colour, but also because I wanted to avoid polish shrinkage. You see, a lot of times when I use Nubar (which tends to have a thin consistency), when I apply Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat, I sometimes get shrinkage…mainly because I’m impatient and slap on the top coat. πŸ˜› But when I apply 3 coats before the top coat, I usually don’t get shrinkage problems. (If you wait longer before applying your top coat, you may not get shrinkage.)


For those of you who are concerned, you’ll be pleased to know that Nubar is a vegan and cruelty-free brand. πŸ™‚

Is This a Dupe for OPI Tease-y Does It?

I don’t own OPI Tease-y Does It from the Burlesque Collection, but word has spread quickly on the internet that it’s very similar to Nubar Raspberry Truffle. So if you have one, you don’t necessarily need the other.


  • Vegan & Cruelty-free brand
  • Interesting brown-caramel-burgundy colour combination
  • Contains really small flakies

  • Watery formula prone to cuticle flooding
  • Difficult to track down, especially if you don’t live in the States

Final Verdict: 7/10

I don’t wear too many browns, but this one’s interesting. The tiny irregular-shaped flakes that seem to look caramel or burgundy are what set this polish apart from other chocolate-coloured nail polishes.

Do you like brown polishes, or do you think they’re blah? Is there a chocolate dessert you’ve been craving lately? Do you also love Nubar nail polishes and wish that they were more easily accessible to everyone?


32 thoughts on “Nubar Raspberry Truffle Swatches & Review

  1. maddy

    I love the pictures with the flash because the red shimmer really stands out! Do they sel Nubar in Canada because this is one of the few brands I haven’t seen here. Great review.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey maddy!

      Nubar is hard to find physically in stores anywhere in the world, not just in Canada. But, a couple of years ago, I found out that this beauty-supply store called Fernanda’s sells Nubar polishes and for much less than the retail price. Otherwise, if you’re in Canada, the only real option is eBay where the prices are reasonable, but obviously not as good as Fernanda’s.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Brittany!

      Oh good – I thought I was going to get stoned with Ferrero Rocher for saying how I wasn’t crazy about chocolate like a lot of people are. πŸ™‚

      Actually, I think Raspberry Truffle would look WAAAAAAY better on you than it does on me!

  2. Charlotte

    I love these polishes that look very different in different lights, I’m currently wearing Nubar Sandstone which has a bit of pink-ish shimmer in it, but demands some light to be visible at all. I’m way too fascinated by it.
    It took a couple of coats for me to get opacity with this one, but I’m pretty impressed that I (think I) can’t see the brushstrokes at all – is that usual for Nubar?

    For European nail-o-holics it can be bought on, which is British πŸ™‚

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Charlotte!

      First of all – thank you so much for mentioning a Nubar resource for Europeans! I’m sure that they’ve found that very helpful. I wouldn’t have stumbled by that site otherwise. πŸ™‚

      Sandstone is a Nubar polish that I don’t own, but it sounds sweet and delicate. πŸ™‚ Nubar really does have some of the best polishes (especially duochromes!), and they wear very well.

      As for brushstrokes, a lot of my Nubars don’t show brushstrokes, but it depends more on the finish. If yours is metallic or pearly and still doesn’t show brushstrokes, that is REALLY impressive! πŸ˜€

      1. Charlotte

        No problem, just sharing the “love” – it is christmas after all πŸ˜‰

        I really need to rant a little bit about Sandstone, it’s grown on me a lot while I’ve been wearing it. I’m so, so surprised by how different it looks in different lightings! In natural light it looks pretty discrete and sand-y, but in bright light you see the pink-ish shimmer. In the light they have at my fitnesscenter it looks a little purple and it can also be greyish at times. I haven’t seen it in sunlight (thank you, my lovely, cold, cloudy country), but I’ll have to sport it next summer to find out how it looks in that kind of light. /endrant.
        Charlotte recently posted: Golden Monday

            1. Mary Post author

              Hey Charlotte!

              It’s very smooth, but it was watery, so it had a tendency to flood my cuticles. That could be partially because I like to use medium coats. If you use thin coats, you won’t have as much of a problem. πŸ™‚

              P.S. I like crazy people.

              P.P.S. I’m not crazy. But I hope to get there one day. πŸ˜‰

  3. Melissa

    This color is gorgeous, but from the comparisons I’ve seen it, it’s pretty close to Tease-y Does It. I already have it, so I don’t necessarily need this one, but if I ever did, it’d be like owning a back up bottle. I really like this color and before I got into nail polish, this was probably a color I wouldn’t have given a chance but now I love it. The brown and the red shimmer in it is a really great combination. Great review and swatches!
    Melissa recently posted: China Glaze Midtown Magic

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Melissa!

      Yes, definitely it’s really close to OPI Tease-y Does It. I wonder how the OPI formula compares to this Nubar one. It’s great that there are options out there for anyone who’s into this colour.

  4. Jacqui

    This has been on my Nubar wishlist forever, but I have never gotten around to making a Nubar order yet. I wish Nubar was more accessible, I have never seen it in person so it kind of deters me from ordering. Still a very pretty polish and will remain on my wishlist until I actually make an order!
    Jacqui recently posted: Kleancolor Metallic Red & Red Velvet

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jacqui!

      I’ve only seen it in person at one store. Other than that, just online. I think that if they sold it at Trade Secrets or other beauty-supply stores, they’d be a real hit with consumers! And then finally people could get hold of awesome duochromes.

  5. Carmela

    I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! It makes me think of chocolate and you know how much I LOOOOOVE chocolate! Plus the pretty flakies! Epic win on this one. πŸ˜€ I’ve been wanting to get this FOREVER but again, Fernanda’s said they can only sell it in a set and not individually. Phooey. I’m not sure if I want to get the entire collection as I only wanted this and Coffee Bean. But what kind of chocoholic would I be if I didn’t own the Chocolate Truffles collection..? *sigh* I’m still mulling it over.

    As for availability, I do wish Nubar was more easily accessible. I did find out that Nail Polish Canada also sells some Nubar now, too but at $10.25, it’s kinda pricey compared to Fernanda’s $4.25-4.50. I also did a Nubar polish post today so anyone who’s interested about international distributors can take a look there. πŸ™‚

    Also, since it is nearing Christmas and I am feeling generous, if anyone (from Canada only, sorry, not THAT generous) would like to get Nubar polish, I can do a run for you either sometime mid-December or in February. Just email me at πŸ˜€ Merry Christmas! πŸ˜€
    Carmela recently posted: Nubar Prize is a win to any sparkle fiend

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Carmela!

      Hehe, I knew that you’d like it. πŸ˜‰

      Are you sure? A couple of years ago, I pooled my order with a bunch of my co-workers, and we were able to purchase individual Nubar polishes for $4.25 CAD each as long as the total order was at least $100. And, yes, we easily hit that mark. πŸ˜‰ And they have even more colours available for sale than are on the shelves in their store. I was amazed.

      That’s nice of you to do a run for Canadians who are craving Nubar. πŸ™‚ ENABLER! Hahaha!

      1. Carmela

        I did get it for $4.25 or 4.50 (I honestly can’t remember exactly how much and I seem to have misplaced my receipt). Nail Polish Canada is selling it for $10.25. Big jump, huh?

        Hahaha! It’s called, SHARING the polish love. πŸ˜‰ Okay, fine, maybe enabling, too. And only if there are any takers to begin with. πŸ™‚
        Carmela recently posted: Nubar Prize is a win to any sparkle fiend

        1. Mary Post author

          Yeah, I can’t ever justify buying a Nubar polish for $10.25 when Fernanda’s has it for $4.25!

          Hehe, sharing = enabling. Nothing wrong with that. πŸ˜‰

        1. Mary Post author

          Good point. Although when I ordered a bunch of stuff from them before, they let me pick colours off a list. They had way more colours on the list than they had in the store.

          Yes, even being able to FIND Nubar polishes in person is great! πŸ™‚ Very lucky, indeed!

  6. karen

    It’s okay if you aren’t a huge chocolate fan…there shall be no pelting with truffles. It just leaves more for those of us to whom chocolate is a food group unto itself. Personally, I believe that there is a minimum daily requirement–just ask my rather sizable keister.

    Anyway, this color….quite beautiful, actually. Haven’t tried any Nubar polishes, but thinking perhaps it’s time I added to my ‘small’ collection.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey again, karen!

      Haha, that’s a relief! πŸ˜‰ And, yes, it leaves more yummy treats for others, so it all works out for the best. Hehe, you’re so cute – “I believe that there is a minimum daily requirement”! πŸ˜€

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey AngelicMariposa!

      Even though it’s quite dark, it’s neat how the brown is still very visible. But, yes, with the flakie shimmer, it becomes a polish with depth.

      Nubar is so tough to find in person. Hope you have good luck finding it on Amazon. Their official website sells this colour for the regular retail price – they ship to the States.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey another Cristina!

      I agree – if it didn’t have the berry undertone, I probably would’ve passed on it just because I don’t like wearing brown creme polishes. But I can see how other people would enjoy it – like having your nails dipped in chocolate…hehe!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Marta!

      DON’T DRINK THE POLISH…hehe, even if the polishes are ‘to die for’. πŸ˜›

      Haha, I wish chocolate were my thing. Caramel’s what realllly does it for me because it’s super sweet! YUM…I’m starting to crave it now.


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