NCLA Tennis Anyone? Swatches & Review

NCLA Tennis Anyone Swatches & ReviewIf SpongeBob SquarePants felt like he was going to faint, I think NCLA Tennis Anyone? from the Life’s A Beach Collection would be his colour.

While there’s something really soft about NCLA Tennis Anyone?, it still is a memorable colour that’s delicate yet far from boring.

NailPolishCanada was kind enough to let me try this shade, and it’s my very first NCLA nail polish! (They’ve started carrying this brand. If you want to see all the available colours from multiple collections on their site, click here.)

NCLA Tennis Anyone? Pictures

NCLA Tennis Anyone Review & Photos

Natural Light

NCLA Tennis Anyone


NCLA Tennis Anyone

Natural Light

NCLA Tennis Anyone Review


NCLA Tennis Anyone? Ingredients

NCLA Tennis Anyone Ingredients

NCLA Tennis Anyone? Swatches

All swatches have:

Natural Light Photos

NCLA Tennis Anyone Swatches & Review

NCLA Tennis Anyone Swatch

NCLA Tennis Anyone Review & Swatch

NCLA Tennis Anyone Review & Swatches

NCLA Tennis Anyone Swatch & Review

NCLA Tennis Anyone Swatches

Flash Photos

Tennis Anyone NCLA Swatches

NCLA Tennis Anyone Swatch & Review

NCLA Tennis Anyone Swatch, Review & Pictures

Tennis Anyone NCLA Swatch

NCLA Tennis Anyone Swatches & Review


√ Light yellow pastel

Key Notes

  • Name: NCLA Tennis Anyone?
  • Collection: NCLA Life’s a Beach Collection
  • Colours Available in the Collection: Tennis Anyone?, Don’t Call Me Peachy!, As If! & AM: Beauty Sleep, PM: Shopping Spree
  • Amount: 15 mL (0.5 fl. oz.)
  • What I Paid: Nothing! (This was provided by Retails for $16 CAD/USD.)
  • Where to Buy: NCLA website & NailPolishCanada

NCLA Tennis Anyone? Review


I only have a few yellows in my collection, so I was really excited to give Tennis Anyone? by NCLA a go. And it turns out that I really like the softness of this yellow. It’s almost like a marshmallow type of yellow.

I really enjoyed how it wasn’t as bright as a neon, yet it still packed a punch. And it wasn’t too light to be boring. This is a yellow that I think is easier to wear than the typical bold variety, so if you have never worn a yellow before, consider trying this one!


Tennis Anyone? by NCLA has a creme finish that’s simple and easy-to-wear.

Application & Formula

As with most yellows, this one was a tad streaky. Everything seemed to even itself very well, though, and you can achieve full opacity with 3 medium coats. And after slicking on a top coat, it seemed to even things out even more.


NCLA nail polish is not tested on animals, so those who are trying to make conscious cruelty-free shopping choices will be pleased to hear this!


  • Soft, pretty yellow
  • Not tested on animals

  • Requires 3 coats to even out (plus a top coat evens things out more)

Final Verdict: 8/10

Tennis Anyone? by NCLA was a fun polish to wear, and I found it easier to sport than a lot of other yellows. It’s soft and pretty – perfect for Easter or the spring, especially!

Do you have a favourite yellow nail polish to wear? Have you tried any NCLA nail polishes? What’s the most recent soft shade you wore?

Edit: Yay, NCLA retweeted my blog post! (NailPolishCanada also retweeted it, but for some reason, Twitter didn’t send me an e-mail about it, so I can’t pull a screenshot.)

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12 thoughts on “NCLA Tennis Anyone? Swatches & Review

  1. lawren

    Gorgeous colour!! I’ve been looking for a nice pastel yellow. However my skin is very pale and I wonder if it’ll look bad on me or not haha

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Cal!

      Yellow can be really tricky to wear. I find that I can wear neon yellows easily, but it’s tough to get the right pastel or egg-yolk type of yellows to complement your skin tone.

      Hmm…I don’t have Lemon Fizz, but from what I’ve seen, Lemon Fizz may be a touch paler than Tennis Anyone.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lizzy!

      Have you tried shades like this? It might surprise you. I wasn’t sure if this would look good on me until I gave it a go.

      Haha, glad that you also think it’s pre-faint SpongeBob! 😉

      Awesome that you did stripes on top of Budding Romance! (I’m obsessed with striped nail art.) I took a look at your photos, and it turned out really cool. It has a retro vibe!


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