My previous nail art post featured alien cow nails! Today, I bring you another funky manicure – Octopus Nails!
The quirkier the manicure, the happier I am, apparently. 🙂
Do you stick to classic manicures, or do weird nails like these excite you, too?
Want to know what inspired this manicure? True story: an octopus actually predicted the soccer World Cup champions!
His name’s Paul the Octopus, and if you want to read about this incredible sea creature who should’ve been named Zoltar instead, keep reading. I’ll provide a link at the bottom of this post.
Octopus Nail Art Swatches
All swatches have:
- 1 coat of OPI Natural Nail Base Coat
- 2 coats of OPI What’s with the Cattitude?
- Octopus Body: China Glaze Grape Pop
- Arm Shading: NYX Ink Nail Art in Black
- Tentacles & Pupils: China Glaze Liquid Leather
- Eye Whites: OPI Alpine Snow
- 1 coat of Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat

Natural Light



Natural Light

Natural Light

Natural Light


Natural Light

*~* Nail Art Tutorial: Octopus Nails *~*
What I Used:
- OPI Natural Nail Base Coat
- Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat
- OPI Alpine Snow
- OPI What’s with the Cattitude?
- China Glaze Grape Pop
- China Glaze Liquid Leather
- NYX Ink Nail Art (Black)
- Piece of foil
- Nail art brush
- Dotting tool
Get ready all of your supplies, unscrew all your bottles, and get nice and comfy!
Step 1: Apply Your Base Coat
Step 2: Apply Your Base Color
I chose to use a light-blue polish to mimic a cartoonish sea so the purple octopus would stand out in contrast, but you can use any color you desire!
Click here to see a thorough review and more swatches of OPI What’s with the Cattitude? here!
Step 3: Create the Octopus Body
Using the brush from the nail polish bottle, make some blobs on each nail. I used China Glaze Grape Pop.
Step 4: Add Octopus Arms
Using a nail-art brush, create some squiggly lines for arms. Yes, an octopus is supposed to have 8 arms, but I felt that 5 fit better on each of my small nails. Add as many as you think look good.
Step 5: Add black shadows to each of the arms
I used the NYX Nail Art Striper in Black. It adds a little extra dimension. This step is optional.
Step 6: Add tentacles
Add a few drops of black-creme polish onto the piece of foil. Dip your dotting tool into the polish and add tentacles on top of the arm shadows you created.
Step 7: Add the whites of the eyes
Put some white-creme polish onto the piece of foil. Using your dotting tool, add the whites for the eyes.
Step 8: Add the Mouth
Step 9: Add pupils
Step 10: Add top coat
Wait about 10-15 minutes before you add a top coat or you’ll risk smearing the design.
Step 11: Read about Paul the Octopus
Do you like silly nail art like this? Do octopi kinda gross you out? Do the eyes look weird?
Cute design! I’m a fan of silly nail art. Love the contrast of the blue and purple.
Katie recently posted: Icings Charlie Sheen Nail Polish Collection
Hey Katie!
Thanks – I have some more ideas coming up for silly nail art, so keep your eyes peeled like a banana for them. 😉
Quirky and cute! 🙂
Hey Carmela!
Glad you liked it! do you have any suggestions for other animals or sea creatures you’d like to see?
How cute! So easy too
thenailaholic recently posted: Catrice Dirty Berry + Forget-Me-Not
Hey thenailaholic!
Yes, it’s ridiculously easy to do – not tedious at all! 🙂
What a fantastic idea. You’re a talent, no doubt. I very much enjoy that it’s an octopus …
Kelsy recently posted: jean paul gaultier le male, summer 2011
Hey Kelsy!
That’s really sweet of you to say that! 🙂 I wouldn’t say that I’m good at painting, but I do put in the effort. 🙂 Thank you for appreciating it.
THIS. IS. AWESOME!!!! Love love LOVE this design, Mary!! 😀
Ruthe recently posted: Revlon Gold Coin
Hey Ruthe!
Thank. You. So. Much!!!! 😛 It was really fun to paint – glad you like it, too!