Nail Art: Red & Silver Swoop Nails & Tutorial

Image of Red & Silver Swoop Nails ** This post was written by Fiona. She no longer blogs for Swatch And Learn. However, Mary still continues to blog and will be happy to reply to your comment. **

OK. I don’t even know what a swoop looks like. But I’m calling this design that because that’s the first word that came into my head. So… let’s go with it. πŸ˜› I think my head was thinking of the Nike swoosh, but it’s not exactly that, so it came up with swoop. If you can think of a better adjective for the pointy arrow thinga-ma-jig in the middle of the nail, please let me know. LOL

I got elf Red Velvet recently and wanted to test it out, but I was in no mood for an all-red mani. So I decided to throw silver into the mix because I love this awesome neutral color that has some bling to it. Then I thought: “What the heck? Let’s throw some oddly shaped tape on the nail, too, before painting.” Hence, the Red & Silver Swoop Nails. Is it stunning? No. Lol. But it’s a simple look that’s good as a fast and easy mani that’s not boring.

Red & Silver Swoop Nail Art Swatches & Pictures

Image of Red & Silver Swoop Nails

Image of Red & Silver Swoop Nails

Image of Red & Silver Swoop Nails

Image of Red & Silver Swoop Nails

Image of Red & Silver Swoop Nails

Image of Red & Silver Swoop Nails

How to Create Red & Silver Swoop Nail Art Tutorial

Step 1: Get your supplies ready!

Here’s what I used/you need:

  • Red: elf Red Velvet
  • Silver: Nicole by OPI Positive Energy
  • Base & top coats of your choice
  • Nail art brush
  • Tape, tweezers & scissors

Image of Nail Art Supplies

Step 2: Paint your nails with the base coat, then your red or silver.

I chose silver as the background for my ring and thumb fingers, with red as the background for the others. So I painted those fingers with the opposite color first.

Image of Red & Silver Swoop Nails

Step 3: Cut your tape – any odd shape you want. Apply with tweezers. (Make sure base color is completely dry.)

Your thumb has the most space; I would make the shape bigger and fatter so it’s in proportion. Make the shape for your pinky the smallest.

Image of Red & Silver Swoop Nails

Step 4: Apply the background color & remove tape.

For the nails that are now red, apply silver. And for the nails that are now silver, apply red. Make sure to remember which ones you painted!

Image of Red & Silver Swoop Nails

Step 5: Do for the other hand.

Just make sure to flip your tape design for your other hand! As you can see, the swoops on my left hand are fatter than on my right hand. πŸ™ I just have to remember not to put my hands together when I talk to people so they can’t compare!

Image of Red & Silver Swoop Nails

Step 6: Apply a top coat to add shine & protection.

Make sure everything is dry!!!! Very important.

Image of Red & Silver Swoop Nails

Tips on Creating Red & Silver Swoop Nail Art


  • For the first color coat, paint your nails the opposite color of what you want it to be.
  • Make the shape for your thumb the biggest and the smallest for your pinky.
  • Make sure the tape is completely down.
  • Remember to flip the tape design for your other hand.
  • Wait until everything is dry before applying tape or a TC.

It’s not the most creative nail design, but I like it. It’s easy to do, and it adds a bit of interest to a normal mani.

Do you think this design is boring? What would you call the shape in the middle? πŸ˜›



13 thoughts on “Nail Art: Red & Silver Swoop Nails & Tutorial

    1. Fiona Post author

      Hi Lesley!

      Glad you like it. Really encourages me to post my nail designs, even if they don’t turn out perfect. πŸ™‚

    1. Fiona Post author

      Thanksssssssssssssssss! That makes me happy to know that you love the colors – and that I’m not totally outta my mind for calling this a swoop. LOL

    1. Fiona Post author


      I agree: I love tape! I’m still trying to get better at it because my tape manis never turn out perfect. But I’m having fun, and that’s all that counts!

      Hahah. That’s what I do. πŸ˜› I want to be ambidextrous just so I can do both hands properly!

  1. Ruthe

    Love this design, Fiona! Simple, but awesome nevertheless :). It’s definitely better than a simple red manicure! And yes, I think “swoop” is the perfect term for this ;D.
    Ruthe recently posted: Revlon Gold Coin


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