Nail Art: Neon Skull Nails

Neon Skull Nails Nail ArtLately I’ve been really loving neon nail polish, and I wanted to wear the neon ombre manicure I did before, but with a twist.

I combined the neon ombre manicure with skull nail art that I did before. This is a great way to not only rock super-bright neons, but also to give them a little edge.

Hehe, I really wanted to wear skulls again because I’m longing for Hallowe’en. Strange…considering that the weather is so balmy, but I think my new favourite season is the fall – that’s when the best fashion and makeup comes out. Plus I don’t have to worry about the humidity giving me Poodle Hair in the fall! 😉

What do you think of this manicure? Too obnoxious, or just obnoxious enough? 😉 Hehe!

P.S. Haha, one of the skulls has a snaggletooth!

Neon Skull Nail Art Swatches

All swatches have:

P.S. In case you’re curious, you can see the neon ombre manicure I did (without the skulls) here.

P.P.S. If you’d like a step-by-step tutorial with photos and written instructions for creating my skull nail art, you can find it here.

Sunlight Photos

Neon Skull Nails Nail Art

Neon Skull Nail Art Nails Photos
Neon Skull Nail Art Pictures
Flash Photos
Natural Light Photos

Neon Skull Nails Nail Art

Neon Skull Manicure

Neon Skull Nail Art

Neon Skull Nails

Neon Skull Nail Art Nails

This look combined two of my favourite manicures, so I’m a happy camper! For me, this is just the right amount of obnoxious that I need in my life. 😉

And now I’m curious to see if I can combine 2 other nail-art designs for a twist. It’s kind of fun to see how you can come up with something fresh from what you’ve done before. Any suggestions?

What’s the latest neon nail polish you wore? Would you rock skull nails in the summer? Is it Hallowe’en yet?


20 thoughts on “Nail Art: Neon Skull Nails

  1. maria emma

    I loved these skulls, they looked so simple to do, that I think i will try to do them tonight!!

    I love neons, Panama is a very hot country, so it’s OK to wear neon all year long.. I started using them like 3-4 months ago and people were almost disgusted by my nails, now everyone is using neons!!
    Last time I wore neons was like a month ago, but last friday I did a friend’s nail at work, and she chose neon colors with a spiderweb plates on it..!
    maria emma recently posted: L.A. Colors – My first time \ Mi primera vez

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey maria emma!

      They’re VERY easy to do and so fast. Plus you don’t have to paint any intricate design, but the finished look is very recognizable. (I need to think up more ideas like this that don’t use too many colours and that can be easily customized.)

      Hehe, even here in Canada, I like to wear neons in the winter. I really don’t mind if it’s not ‘season-appropriate’. 😉 I just love how blinding neons look against the white snow! 😀

      How lucky that you could paint your friend’s nails during work! And neons with a spiderweb design sounds like the perfect mix of Hallowe’en and summer. Right up my alley!

  2. Melissa

    Hi Mary,
    Love the skulls, you did an awesome job, as always. :~) I think the neons are brought out by the skulls and the skulls seem to bring out the neon’s too. Awesome blog, keep up the great job and have a great day. :~)

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Melissa!

      Thank you for saying that! 🙂 I really just wanted an excuse to wear the neon skittle manicure again. 😉

      Hope that you had a wonderful day, too!

  3. Samatha

    I love this mani super cute.. I know I’m so ready for Halloween it’s my favorite holiday:) i have to try this mani.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Samatha!

      Haha, so I’m not the only person who’s longing for Hallowe’en already. Can’t wait to see the Hallow’en polishes – they’re usually fun.

      Yes, you MUST try this design. And then please show me how yours turned out. I’d love to see. Feel free to post it on my Facebook wall so everyone can be inspired.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Claire!

      Oh, I’ve seen the Stormtroppers nail art that cutepolish did a while back. I wanted to try that, even though I’m not exactly a big Star Wars fan. The finished look was just realllllly cool!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Stephanie!

      Thanks! After trying this out with different colours underneath, I’m thinking about sporting skulls for Christmas and just use red and green as the base shades. Hehe, now THAT would be a fun holiday manicure to wear that you don’t see everywhere.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Citygirl907!

      Glad you liked it. You should try it sometime – it’s fun to have ‘faces’ looking back at you all day long.

      Hope you have a wonderful weekend, too. Thanks for leaving a comment!

  4. Charlotte

    I love this nail art!!! I’m dying to try it, but how do you make both hands look good. I’m right-handed and I just attempted nailart for the first time, my right-hand is a train-wreck, dude!
    (I felt like adding dude here. I’m watching Friends, that might have influenced me…)
    I did these smiley-faces and they are soo weird on my right hand, hahaha. It’s half ugly and half funny.

    (Sorry for spamming you so much, I think I have a little too much time and procrastination on my hands ;))
    Charlotte recently posted: Arrr. The Introduction.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Charlotte!

      I’m also right-handed, and my hands are shakkkkkkky, so I understand how you feel. I find that I can replicate designs on both of my hands very well when I rest the palm of my painting hand onto a flat, stable surface like a table. This really calms the shakiness for when I’m painting with my left hand.

      To get the lines for the skull teeth straight, try using a long and thing striper brush. (If you use a short brush, your hands have to be verrrry steady or the lines will be crooked.) Also, I suggest using the striper brush on the side instead of trying to paint with the tip. These are two of the techniques that really help me. Hope that these tricks will also work for you! 🙂

      I don’t consider your lovely comments spam at all! 🙂 Feel free to leave comments whenever you want. I love interacting with readers. It’s fun to get feedback and to toss ideas back and forth.

      1. Charlotte

        I’ll try the steadying-thing. I sometimes have the hand that I’m painting on at the table, but sometimes it gives me a slightly awkward angle, so I lift it up. But I think I usually steady it a bit one way or another… These smiley-faces are rather mutated, haha.

        So… Using the striperbrush on the long, “flat” side – is that the one you mean? (In my head a striperbrush currently looks like a normal, small paintbrush – the flat ones, not the round ones.)

        Good thing, I didn’t really think you thought that, but I feel like I’ve written a lot in here lately 😉
        I think it’s really great that you answer everyone – def. pluspoints for style 😉
        Charlotte recently posted: Arrr. The Introduction.

        1. Mary Post author

          Mutated smiley faces sounds interesting. They actually sound really cool for Hallowe’en – it’d give them an eerie effect!

          Of course I have to reply to everyone. How else will they know that their voice is important? 🙂 Plus when I visit other blogs, I like the blogger to reply, too. Reassures me that they read the comment and that they care.

          1. Charlotte

            Haha, you’re right. Eerie smiley-faces would be nice 😀

            That’s exactly what I think. I think it’s a little frustrating when I see someone ask advice, and then don’t answer. Seems like they didn’t even noticed, and I kind of feel like they might be wasting the other person’s time – and that irritates me.
            Then again. When people do check back and are really happy it’s worth it 🙂
            Charlotte recently posted: Nails: Little Hearts

            1. Mary Post author

              I understand that some bloggers are really busy (or reallllly popular, so it’s just not feasible to reply to every single one). But since I receive a modest number of comments, I’m able to respond all the time, and I’m glad! Interacting with readers is one of the most enjoyable parts of my blogging experience!


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