Milani One Coat Glitter Purple Gleam Review & Swatches

** This post was written by Fiona. She no longer blogs for Swatch And Learn. However, Mary still continues to blog and will be happy to reply to your comment. **

Is that a party on your nails, or are you just glad to see me? Milani One Coat Glitter Purple Gleam glitters brighter than a disco ball – an awesome purple disco ball, that is! It shines, it glimmers, and it glitters like mad crazy.

It’s one of those nail colors that’d stop you typing mid word just to look at it. (Oh, look. I just did that.) I previously reviewed Silver Dazzle and loved how it just gleams subtly for some effortless sexiness. Purple Gleam is at the opposite end of the spectrum. It’s pretty party purple that screams at the top of its lungs, “Look at me!”

While I really enjoy the shade, there is one aspect of Milani Purple Gleam that I really dislike. It’s the finish on my nails after the polish dries… but it’s not a deal breaker for me. I still like this hue!

Milani One Coat Glitter Purple Gleam Swatches & Photos

*~* 1 Coat with 3 TCs in Flash *~*

*~* 1 Coat with 3 TC in Natural Light *~*


    Full coverage
    Highly concentrated glitter colors
    Long-lasting chip-resistant formula
    Easy application

Key Notes

  • Name: Milani One Coat Glitter Purple Gleam
  • Amount: 0.45fl oz or 13.2ml
  • What I Paid: $4.99 USD
  • Price Per Unit: $11.09/fl oz or $0.38/ml
  • Other Milani One Coat Glitter Colors Available: Red Sparkle, Blue Flash, Silver Dazzle, Gold Glitz
  • Where to Buy: MilaniCherry Culture

Milani Purple Gleam Review


Sorry, the pictures don’t really show the true shade of Milani Purple Gleam. I tried and tried, but the color won’t reveal its true self on camera! The base purple color is similar, although the sparkles aren’t silver like in the flash photos. The swatches taken in natural light are close, but the sparkles are even more on the reddish-purple side, and they twinkle brilliantly every time you move your hands.

It’s definitely not a hue to wear if you work in a suit-and-tie office. But for hanging out with friends? Going to a club? Even just grocery shopping? This is one shade that’s going to make you wanna party!

Consistency & Application

It has so much glitter that you’d expect Purple Gleam by Milani to have a molasses-like consistency. Nope! The consistency is quite easy to work with.

I did experience a bit of blotchiness if you don’t have enough polish on your brush. That’s because if you don’t get enough polish, you’re basically just pushing the sparkles around. So make sure to really load up the brush with lots of polish, and this wouldn’t be a problem.

It really does only take one application to get the shade you want. True story. All the swatches taken above only had 1 coat.


Even though you get incredible pay off with just 1 coat, your manicure doesn’t end there. Milani Purple Gleam One Coat Glitter Nail Polish dries awfully gritty. Touch your nails, and it really makes it feel like you’re touching the sidewalk. It’s like cement!

I’ve applied 3 uber-thick layers of top coats in order to make my nails somewhat even. It’s very essential that you put on more than 1 layer of top coat. It’s like the glitter soaks up the TC! Plus, adding that glossy TC makes your nails look slick and sparkly – it brings out the glitter even more!

I find it easier to apply TCs than color nail polish, but still. After 1 layer of BC, 1 Purple Gleam and 3 thickety-thick layers of TCs, I feel like I’ve just buried my natural nails.

Drying Time

As with most glittery nail colors, Milani One Coat Glitter Purple Gleam Nail Polish tries incredibly fast. I only waited about 5 minutes before I led my nails on a long top-coat journey.

  • Only need one coat
  • Free of DBP, toluene & formaldehyde
  • Dries fast
  • Pretty purple shade with attention-grabbing sparkles

  • Need at least 3 TCs because of gritty finish
  • Can go on blotchy

Final Verdict: 8.7/10

I usually like my nail polishes more subtle, but when I’m in the mood, this shade definitely hits the spot. It’s super fun and fantastic!

What do you think of this color? What type of colors are you normally into?


4 thoughts on “Milani One Coat Glitter Purple Gleam Review & Swatches

  1. Nicole

    Hi there,
    Did you know they sell Milani at the Great Canadian Superstore? Bought some nail polish when I was in FL in March and was excited to see it here in Canada a couple of weeks ago!

    1. Fiona Post author

      Hi Nicole!

      I have noticed Milani at the Superstore/Loblaws, but the nail polishes that I’ve seen are from their normal collection. I haven’t seen the One Coat Glitter or even the 3D Holographic Collection there, so I didn’t include that in the post. Were you able to find the special collections at the Superstore/Loblaws? If so, how much was it? It’s totally more convenient to just go to the supermarket… and more dangerous! 😀

      Which nail polishes did you get in FL? I’m so jealous! I want to go to the States to shop! Hahaha.

  2. Ruthe

    OMG glitter gorgeousness!! Love this! Again, purple looks great on you! 😀 This reminded me of your LA Girl Metal Millennium post; Purple Gleam and Millennium look similar, but Millenium is cooler and darker, right?
    Ruthe recently posted: We Are ALL Born Superstars

    1. Fiona Post author

      Hi Ruthe! The base color of Purple Gleam is somewhat similar to Millennium, but PG has a lot of reddish-purple sparkles, so the overall look is more red. I regret that the sparkles didn’t show up in the pictures. PG is definitely more the-party-is-on-my-nails type of color – it ~is~ much cooler!

      Wow. I didn’t realize I was that purple obsessed! Hahaha. OK. Next swatch post will not be a purple! 😛


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