MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick Swatches & Review

MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick Swatches & ReviewThe majority of my blog posts are about nail polish, but I’m a huge fan of beauty products, too.

You may remember that I was taken over by insanity on many counts and placed an astronomical order because the MAC Archie’s Girls Collection dangled a hook with a ‘worm’, and well, I’m a Pisces, so I fell for the trick. Darn! 😉

If you follow me on Instagram, you already got some sneak peek lip swatches on MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick.

Excuse me, but I am in love with Ronnie Red! And this is coming from someone who hardly wears red lip colour. I wanted to try this one, plus the Veronica Lodge packaging was too good to pass up.

I’m so glad I bought the MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick because it’s literally the perfect wearable red lipstick for me. Since buying it, I’ve worn it so much that I’m considering going to the MAC store and buying a back-up!

P.S. I also want to take this opportunity to say that I’ve read a lot of the comments that you’ve left in my Illamasqua Raindrops Giveaway post, and I’m incredibly touched. I will try my best to reply to comments on the weekend (because right now time is soooo tight).

But I wanted to let you all know that I am just so grateful that I have the BEST blog readers around! You have no idea how much what you’ve said means to me. I work hard on my blog, and the fact that you appreciate it makes me teary eyed!

THANK YOU for your support and for being vocal about it. It really does motivate me to continue blogging for as long as I can.

MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick Pictures

MAC Archies Girls Ronnie Red Lipstick Review & Pictures

Ronnie Red MAC Lipstick Review & Swatch

MAC Ronnie Red Review Lipstick Swatch

MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick Review & Swatch

MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick Review & Swatches

MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick Swatches & Review

MAC Ronnie Red Photos

MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick Ingredients

MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick Ingredients

MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick Swatches

(Okay, I’m more comfortable posting pictures of my nails, but…truth be told, I’m always nervous about posting photos of my lips. It’s not that I’m ashamed of them, but I’m just not comfortable showing the world my lips. It’s weird to me. But, I had to ‘suck it up’ because lip swatches are necessary for a lipstick review. You can show all the arm swatches you want, but the proof is in the lip-swatch pudding!) 😉

I didn’t smile in the photos. My lips are relaxed, and (haha), I think the shape makes me look like I’m not happy. Trust me. When I was wearing Ronnie Red, I was ecstatic! (Still a newbie when it comes to lip-swatch photos.)

Here’s what my bare lips look like for reference:

MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick Swatch & Review

Natural Light Photos

MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick Swatches

MAC Archie's Girls Ronnie Red Lipstick Swatch & Review

MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick Swatch

MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick Swatch Archie's Girls Collection Review & Swatches

Flash Photos

MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick Review & Swatches

MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick Review & Swatch

MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick Swatch Archie's Girls Collection Swatches

Sunlight Photo (No sunlight lip swatches.)

MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick Swatch Archie's Girls Collection Review


√ Bright red

Key Notes

  • Name: MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick
  • Collection: MAC Archie’s Girls Collection 2013
  • Lipstick Colours Available in the MAC Archie’s Girls Collection: Ronnie Red, Daddy’s Little Girl, Betty Bright, Boyfriend Stealer, Girl Next Door & Oh, Oh, Oh
  • Amount: 3 g (0.1 oz.)
  • What I Paid: $20 CAD
  • Where to Buy: MAC stores & MAC counters (It’s sold out on the MAC website.)
  • Limited Edition? Yes!

MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick Review


MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick is the perfect red for those who have a skin tone that’s similar to mine (I think it’s around NC20 or so). It’s noticeably red, but it’s not a straight red. It’s more like a pink-based red.

And you know what? Before this lipstick, I wasn’t in the habit of wearing red lipstick on a daily basis, but now I can’t get enough of it! (Even my co-workers have commented how it really brightens up my entire face, and they say that it really suits me. :D)

I love how this red is dramatic, but at the same time, it’s not a crazy-looking red. I feel extremely comfortable wearing this.


MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick has a matte finish. I was expecting it to be really drying, but surprisingly, it wasn’t! I was shocked!

However, I didn’t wear the lipstick right on my bare lips from the tube. I never wear lipstick straight on my bare lips because it never feels comfortable.

Here’s what I do: I put on a Jack Black lip balm while I’m getting ready in the morning. Then I blot my lips with a tissue paper before I apply the lipstick. Using this technique makes the lipstick feel comfortable all day.

Application & Formula

I was blown away by the pigmentation and longevity of MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick! I’m not exaggerating in the slightest – From when I applied the lipstick in the morning until after I finished a full 8-hour work day, Ronnie Red had pretty much the same saturation and pigmentation! Yeah! I drank water throughout the day and ate lunch, yet it stayed put! Crazy – no other lipstick I have ever worn has lasted this long and felt comfortable, too!

Ronnie Red is a major winner for me! Before, I used to prefer lip glosses, but Ronnie Red has made me way more interested to try more lipsticks in general!


  • Rich red with strong pink
  • Extremely long-lasting formula
  • Fun Veronica Lodge packaging

  • Limited-edition (Sadly, once this is gone, it’ll probably will be gone for good.)
  • More expensive than drugstore lipstick
  • Can be hard to get hold of at MAC stores & counters because the MAC Archie’s Girls Collection is super popular

Final Verdict: 10/10

I am in love and lust with MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick! It delivers the colour and longevity I want, yet it feels good on my lips. I can’t get enough of it!

Did you get anything from the MAC Archie’s Girls Collection? What’s your favourite lipstick? Will you try to track down Ronnie Red?


24 thoughts on “MAC Ronnie Red Lipstick Swatches & Review

  1. Frosso

    Lol I’ve been wanting to do lip swatches too lately since I went from a non lip color wearer to finding a large collection of lipsticks blossomed in my makeup stash! However I’m weirded out by taking lip pictures too!…It’s just so personal lol. You did an amazing job, seriously..your lip swatches rival those of vampy varnish and temptalia, i’m not exaggerating either! I’m still on a hunt for the perfect red lipstick..I feel like a lot of them won’t look right on me, in my mind I’m wanting a deep red wine vampy shade…but who knows! One day I might just allow myself to go into MAC and have them find something for me. I have to mentally prepare myself first because that one lipstick can easily turn into $$$ going in there.
    Frosso recently posted: OPI DS Signature

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Frosso!

      Haha, I hope that lipstick isn’t going to be the next nail polish! 😉 One addiction is already enough for me…and my wallet.

      Okay, good to know that I’m not the only person who feels like taking photos of lips is very personal and awkward.

      Thank you so much for the sweet encouragement about my amateur lip swatches! The fact that you compared mine to those of Vampy Varnish and Temptalia made me extremely happy since those are two beauty bloggers I look up to. Huge compliment! 😀 You made my day!

      Haha, yes! If you go inside a MAC store, be prepared to come out with 5 more items that you didn’t know you needed. 😉 Good luck, and tell your wallet to stop shivering!

  2. Cindi

    Wow, you look good in that color. That’s a pretty red, as it isn’t a RED red like my grandma wore, it looks more like a deep pink/red and sort of sheer on you. I like that it does not look cakey and heavy. I might just have to check this collection out in person.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Cindi!

      Thank you so much! 🙂 It’s definitely a red that suits my personality, and I was surprised by how comfortable it was to wear. I almost felt like it was a neutral…haha, yet it’s a bold colour for me!

      Yes, I found it didn’t feel heavy on my lips, either. When I bought it and saw it had a matte finish, I was concerned that it would be very drying and heavy. MAC did a great job with this colour’s formula!

  3. Angela

    That is a fantastic colour on you! I was impressed by your “bare lips” photo – they are perfect (and I may have to invest in Jack Black, no?). I am in search of a perfect red but if it’s got too much blue in it, it has a tendency to look fuchsia on me. Maybe one day, I’ll find my match too 🙂

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Angela!

      Oh gosh – thank you! *Blushes*

      I highly recommend the Jack Black lip balms – they actually ‘heal’ your lips when they’re chapped instead of just coating them. You’ll fall in love with them. They’re a must-have lip product for me. If I accidentally forget my tube at home, no joke, the entire day, I keep thinking, “I need my Jack Black lip balm!” It’s really that good, and it’s worth every penny.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Leticia!

      YAY – I’m so happy to hear that you were able to snatch this one up and that you’re getting a lot of enjoyment out of it! It’s such an amazing shade – hehe, I’ve never been this excited over a red before, but Ronnie Red is pure perfection in my eyes!

      I’m hoping that a MAC store or counter will have one tube left and that I’ll find it. Wishful thinking? Maybe! Hehe!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Jasmine!

      Good for you for mustering up the courage to do lip swatches. Seriously, it takes a lot of guts! Your readers will really appreciate the effort, and lip swatches really help showcase the colour.

      I just looked at your post on OPI Can’t Find My Czechbook, and I think you have lovely nails. The colour is divine on them! Great photos – you should be very proud of your hard work!

      Aww…maybe you’ll be lucky and find a tube of Ronnie Red in the store. It is a total must-have to me!

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Icequeen81!

      Hmm…I consider this red to be more vibrant than bright. On me, it doesn’t look neon or really loud, which is nice because it’s a classier type of pinkish red.

      1. Icequeen81

        Yeah , indeed skin color and the pigmenentation of the lips counts too. Nice that it looks clasy on you , this can look like a Ronald Mac Donalds shade on some people.

        1. Mary Post author

          That’s really true. I think that if someone had verrrrry pale skin like Nicole Kidman, Ronnie Red may look Ronald McDonald-ish. Although, sometimes I love those kind of looks that have a big contrast.

  4. Lizzy

    Oh my goodness THANK YOU!!! I get so frustrated seeing arm swatches left and right that give no indication of what the make-up would look like on a FACE. Why bother? Super kudos for reaching outside your comfort zone. Ronnie Red looks spectacular on you. It really is a gorgeous red without looking hookerish. And great job getting in-focus pictures! I have the hardest time with that when I try to do close-up make-up swatches.
    Lizzy recently posted: Simple VDay Mani(s) #2

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Lizzy!

      Yes, I agree that lip swatches make a huge difference! But I understand why some bloggers shy away from doing them. Hehe, I had an internal debate for a long time before I posted mine!

      “It really is a gorgeous red without looking hookerish.” Hahahahahaha, that gave me a good laugh! Thank you for that! 😀

  5. Valerie

    As best I can tell (without seeing your whole face), that lipstick looks so nice on you, and you do a great job with application. I wish I wasn’t too lazy to wear red lipstick 🙂

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Valerie!

      Thank you so much! I think it would’ve looked better with a lip liner, but I just wore it solo because that’s how I prefer to wear lipsticks. (I don’t think I’ve ever worn lip liners, so I’m a real newbie at that!)

  6. Seishina

    You’ve got a similar skin tone to me (NC20 – NC25) and I swear by NARS lipstick ‘pencil’ in Cruella – it looks really similar to Ronnie Red! Wanted to mention it so you can find a dupe to this when it runs out.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Seishina!

      Thanks for pointing that out! Very cool! I haven’t tried out any NARS lip products, and the fact that you think Cruella is similar to Ronnie Red makes me want to check it out ASAP. Plus I’m sure my readers will be happy to know this, too, in case they can’t track down Ronnie Red.

    1. Mary Post author

      Hey Dani Starz!

      Yes, in natural light, this red definitely has pink to it. It doesn’t look like a straight red, but it’s still bold and beautiful! Glad that you’re enjoying yours, too! 🙂


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