L.A. Girl Purge Review & Swatches

Image of L.A. Girl Purge** This post was written by Fiona. She no longer blogs for Swatch And Learn. However, Mary still continues to blog and will be happy to reply to your comment. **

I’m just going to get into it. L.A. Girl Purge rocks! The glitter is in a green that reminds me of Christmas. And for some reason, green always makes me think of aliens. (It might be because of The X-Files.) And since I layered this over black, it’s also reminiscent of The Matrix. So when I look at this, I think Christmas Aliens in The Matrix. (I may have inhaled too much nail polish. I hope there’s no permanent damage.)

Unfortunately, my flash pictures didn’t turn out very well. But you can definitely see how much Purge rocks in the natural and artifical light pictures! You actually get that cool contrasting green-on-black effect whether you’re indoors or out. It’s kind of mesmerizing – these nails actually got me through an hour of cardio at the gym the other day because I was staring at them so much that time just flew by!

L.A. Girl Purge Swatches & Pictures

*~* 2 Coats Layered Over elf Black in Natural Light *~*

Image of L.A. Girl Purge

Image of L.A. Girl Purge

Image of L.A. Girl Purge

Image of L.A. Girl Purge

Image of L.A. Girl Purge

Image of L.A. Girl Purge

Image of L.A. Girl Purge

*~* 2 Coats Layered Over elf Black in Artificial Light *~*

Image of L.A. Girl Purge


Image of L.A. Girl Purge

Image of L.A. Girl Purge

*~* 2 Coats Layered Over elf Black in Flash *~*

Image of L.A. Girl Purge

Image of L.A. Girl Purge

Image of L.A. Girl Purge

Image of L.A. Girl Purge

Image of L.A. Girl Purge


      Fun cutting-edge look

    Dazzling glitter

Key Notes

  • Name: L.A. Girl Purge
  • Amount: 0.47fl oz or 14ml
  • What I Paid: $2.99
  • Price Per Unit: $6.36/fl oz or $0.21/ml
  • Other L.A. Glitter Addict Colors Available: Inspire, Provocative, Euphoria, Eutopia, Explosion, Nostalgic, Aqueous, Jostle, Synergy, Flash, Flamboyant, Animate, Incognito, Celebrate, Uninhibited
  • Where to Buy: Cherry Culture, LA Girl website, nail salons, some Forever 21 stores

LA Girl Glitter Addict Purge Review


Glitter Color

As I said earlier, the green is a holiday green. LA Girl Glitter Addict Purge sort of looks like wrapping paper. If you pair this with a red, it definitely will look like Christmas. I chose to layer this over a black because I wanted the colors to contrast as much as possible.

I get that alien-like green-on-black effect in both natural and artificial light. It’s definitely not a color that you’ll only like if you’re outside!

Glitter Sizes

What’s unique about LA Girl Purge is that the glitter is in two sizes. You see these tiny green glitter particles, and then you randomly get these hexagon-shaped glitter pieces that are bigger. I really like this because it adds such dimension. It’s almost as if the small particles are far away and the bigger ones are floating closer to you.


I’ve tried some glittery top coats that were hard to apply. Mostly the glitter would move and follow your brushstroke. And you basically have to use the brush to position where you want the glitter. But L.A. Girl Glitter Addict Purge had no such problem. I applied this like I did normal nail polish, and the glitter spreads out evenly on its own.

I did apply two coats of this two because the glitter wasn’t dense enough for my liking. What I like is that you really can control how dense the glitter is. With a single application, you get just a little bit of the sparkle. Go over it a second time and you can cover the entire nail but still see your base color. I didn’t go over it a third time because it’d be too much and the black wouldn’t peep through.

I was expecting it to be gritty like cement. But nope. Proven wrong again. Purge by LA Girl doesn’t dry completely smooth, so if you’re picky about that, make sure to wear a layer of top coat. It doesn’t, however, feel like you’re about to slit your skin with the sharp edges of the glitter. The particles actually lay quite flat, so you can get away without a TC if you’re lazy.


  • Company doesn’t test on animals
  • Free of toluene, DBP & formaldehyde
  • Easy to apply (glitter doesn’t move around everywhere)
  • Glitter comes in 2 sizes for dimension
  • Pretty color

  • Doesn’t dry completely smooth

Final Verdict: 9.4/10

So pretty – how can I not love this. And for $2.99? I definitely will get more colors when CC has another sale! Oh, and I love the names of the colors… even though they don’t describe the shades. They’re fun!

What do you think of glittery top coats? Does this remind you of The Matrix, too?


10 thoughts on “L.A. Girl Purge Review & Swatches

  1. Katie

    Thanks for the swatch! I really want to get some of these LA Glitter Addict polishes. I think I’ll have to add this to list! And don’t worry I think I’ve inhaled too much nail polish too! I love when manicures distract me from tedious tasks!

    1. Fiona Post author

      Hi Katie!

      You’re welcome. 🙂 This is the first LA Glitter Addict polish I’ve tried, but now I want moooooooooooooooooooooore. Yikes!

      Isn’t it awesome when your nails look good and make boring tasks less boring? Double wins!

    1. Fiona Post author

      I’m definitely going to try it over purple. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that. Thanks for the idea! 🙂


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